Monday, December 13, 2010

A Letter from Father God

I am your Father God.

My Blessings and love be upon thy hearts and souls and minds, for there is much to be learned to be experienced and felt in the space of time left to humanity before the Ascension process begins in earnest.

Mother God stated in Her letter that updated information and knowledge had begun to flow from the highest realms, to touch those with open minds and hearts and the capability of utilising that knowledge to help the majority.

Not only will this information and knowledge contain medical advances, scientific breakthroughs and artistic endeavours, but also spiritual teachings and classifications which will help you to open further and progress toward the 5th, dimension at a more rapid pace.

There are many who still haven’t begun their journey. This is on My part, a last attempt to enable these people to be illumined by the energies I am sending in order to prepare them for this coming advancement.

After the opening and closing of the 5th dimensional portals, this opportunity will not reoccur for approximately another 25,000 year period of time, so those who do not take advantage of this current window of opportunity will have to wait a long time and undergo further trials and testing before they can hope for continued evolvement.

These Blessings I am sending are to help you absorb those energies and frequencies of updated knowledge and advancement which allows you, if you wish, to respond to those energies and frequencies and uplift your hearts, souls, minds and consciousness to the level necessary to continue on into the 5th Dimension and beyond.

There are still souls who are happy to live separated from the Divine Source, it is their choice to do so and they have permission to do so, but I hope the majority will take advantage of My gifts and raise their consciousness further to allow them more direct and open communication with Me.

As you probably realise, I am not known to transmit often into modern Earth’s resonance, but I gave this choice to Mentara some weeks ago, and although she
was nervous about the prospect of channelling Myself, she accepted in all humility to receive My words and make them accessible to as many as possible.

I need to remind you once again, that I am not so far away from you that I am totally out of your reach. I am as close to you as you allow Me to be. I try to
communicate with your hearts, souls and minds, but find that many are not listening. The majority carry a sense of lack which makes them, in their own eyes, unworthy to converse with their Creator.

This feeling of unworthiness is a lack that you have encircled yourself with and is of your own doing. I see you all as being worthy of My love, My compassion, My understanding, and I sincerely hope on the reading of My words, that you discard this sense of lack and realise you are most worthy in Mine Eyes.

Just as you love your children with all their strengths and weaknesses, so also
do I love thee. Do not doubt this, for it is such a strong force within My Being,
that the chambers of My Heart fill with this love that I have for each and every
one, and causes Me to experience cataclysms of emotion on a grand scale.

Allow your hearts and souls and minds to be open to your Heavenly Parents, Your Mother and Father God, for We are both accessible to you at all times.

This coming 12 months or so will bring enormous change into your lives affecting every aspect of your being. Be aware and ready for this, and if you feel unable to cope with the changes, hold tight to your Mother and Father God.

It is always darkest before the dawn, but the dawn brings Light, the rays of the sun, and the promise of a new and better day.

Cosmic Blessings

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Copyright Suzan Anzara 2010

Regarding Portals Update 08/12/10

17th November 2010 – Uzbekistan

When I visited this country, I found the energies of strife and stress to be prevalent. There also seemed to be a corridor linking UZBEKISTAN to KYRGYZSTAN which is used by the people of both countries and causes friction between them.

Lord Sananda and Master El Morya were there as well as Archangel Beniza, the resident Archangel and his band of Angelic helpers. Whilst I was there, I felt the love vibration begin to flow and slowly permeate the whole country.

This was brought about by the healing energies sent by Lightworkers along with the powerful force delivered by Lord Sananda and El Morya.

At some point, Master Marko who is leader of the team that erects Portals/Doorways, proceeded to establish a portal here. It now seems He will begin to erect Portals in most countries that we visit as long as existing energies are not totally negative and there is a degree of Light.

1st Dec 2010 -Pakistan

There did not seem to be a lot happening here. Perhaps it is because of the active presence of the Taliban in this area. I will look into this further and ask advice from the Spiritual Hierarchy involved.

The next locations are:
Dec 15th 2010 – Russia
Dec 29th 2010 – Bangladesh
Jan 12th 2011 – Burma
Jan 26th 2011 – New Zealand
Feb 9th – Pakistan revisit

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Body Portals/doorways

There are portals/doorways not only in and around the Earth, but also within the human body. For instance, there is a major portal in the solar plexus area which links up with Ancient Earth. The heart is an entry point inton Ancient Lemuria connecting underneath the Pyramids of Giza where records of Ancient Lemuria are held in vibrational form.

There are portals/doorways in other parts of the human body also. As one develops their Light Body further, these portals/doorways decome clearer and less dense allowing more Light and energy to filter through.

This is where Light body symptoms may occur. If the area in the body that is opening up is blocked in any way, such as by stagnant energy, then pain or discomfort may result. It is not permanent, but can be distressing at the time.

As these individual portals slowly clear and develop, the time comes when the physical body becomes a total portal allowing huge amounts of Light and energy to filter through at times of increased Light and energy activity in the Universe, especially at times of Equinox and Solstice.

This comming summer Solstice, December 21st, is a major Light and energy happening. This Light field began to flow in November and will continue well into the New Year. It will bring some discomfort along with increased fatigue.

For further information, click on "Symptoms created by the LIGHT body transformation process." If you become concerned about ongoing symptoms, please see your health practitioner to make sure all is well.

The upside of this distress will be that your Light body is more firmly in situ. You have become more open to the ebb and flow of Universal energies and may also find that your psychic capabilities have increased. This, of course, is entirely individual and dependent on your spiritual development thus far.

Suzan Anzara

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Teaching from Jeshua ben Joseph

Jeshua ben Joseph is also known as The Christ, Jesus

Hello little ones of Earth, I am Jeshua.

It is time now for me to deliver into Earth further information that all can use and learn from. All, or mostly all, are updating energies, frequencies and knowledge and this is extremely pleasing to me, but there is always more to learn and absorb, more to be gained and experienced by those desiring to move into higher consciousness.

My message today is concerning self observation, by taking a close look at yourself in a mirror to see who is gazing back at you. Look into your eyes which are the windows of your soul and notice what is reflected there. Is it something that makes you feel happy and at peace with yourself or is it troubling to you because you can see much within that needs to be changed.

What you see as you look into your mirror reflects to those around you, so if what you observe causes feelings of unease or uncertainty, make an effort to get to the bottom of those feelings and do all that is necessary to bring you back into balance and instead of reflecting unease and uncertainty, change that vibration to one of peace and love.

I am Jeshua ben Joseph whom you know as The Christ, Jesus. Perhaps my names are confusing because I am also known in the Cosmic Realms as Lord Sananda, but I am one and the same Being.

Some find it hard to use the name Jesus Christ because that particular title is used in a blasphemous way by many of Earth’s people, so the name Jeshua seems to be the more non-threatening version of my name which many prefer to use.

The name Jeshua, or Yeshua as it is sometimes pronounced, carries within it encoding from the highest realms reaching way back to the Throne of the Ancient of Days.

Each letter carries a significant energetic imprint and frequency of Light and Love, and when repeated with reverence as in mantra form for instance, can lead one into a state of blessed peace and bliss that provides food for the soul.

The name Jesus Christ resonates at a similar octave and carries a similar energetic imprint different only in the sense that the name Jesus Christ came about when I began my Earth ministry in those few years prior to my death.

When I was put to death on the cross, Mother Earth went into cataclysms of emotion. She shuddered and quaked, the sun fell from the sky and darkness came for a time upon the land.

So this particular title also carries the energetic imprint of suffering and death as well as resurrection and ascension. Contained within the name Jesus Christ or The Christ, Jesus, is a vast expanse of frequencies running the gamut of positive, negative and positive. It is a powerful energy field and resonates with the full range or spectrum of energies of the Heavens and the Earth.

Those who use my name as a prayer or mantra, draw into and upon themselves the positive energies of the Heavens and Earth, as well as Mother and Father God and Myself.

Those who use my name in a blasphemous way, draw down upon themselves the negative energy of the Universe, the Heavens and the Earth, because all of these energies are held within my name. The energetic imprint is such that can either rise up or destroy.

Now you have this knowledge, it is your own choice as to which way you will absorb these frequencies, be it positive or negative. However you decide to use my name, be prepared for either huge outpourings of blessed energy or huge outpourings of negative energy depending on the choice you have made.

The power of my name has never been discussed in such a manner before. Humanity does not realise the power of letters, of words, of names, so please think about the energy field that is flowing from your mouths that can be detrimental and harmful to yourself and others. Take particular care from this time on and think before you speak.

As you are becoming Light and Lighter, every aspect of your thoughts, words and deeds need to be considered to enable you to enter that state of higher consciousness such as the 5th dimensional frequency, bringing with it the responsibility and necessity of dropping all density attached to thought, word and deed to help reduce the imprint of negativity on your blossoming Light body.

If you were to visit the highest dignitaries in your land, such as the Q of E or others of her station, you would make sure that you brushed up very well. You would be clean and shiny and new for that occasion and not have one speck of dust or dirt on your person and be totally regaled with creating the best possible impression upon this dignitary.

So consider for a moment, moving into super consciousness and the 5th dimension where you will meet aspects of Mother and Father God, the Highest Dignitaries of the heavens and extremely highly evolved Beings of Light from other dimensions and galaxies.

Do you not think that meeting these Heavenly Dignitaries would require from you the same effort of brushing yourself up, being bright and shiny and regaling yourself in your very best attire with not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere to be seen.

Of course I am not referring to your physical body, but your soul and spirit which needs to be as Light and pure as it is possible for you to make it.

Think about my words. I am Jeshua ben Joseph known as The Christ, Jesus, known as Lord Sananda. I am He who came to earth to give my life for the betterment of all mankind, to allow them the opportunity to progress, to evolve and move into the Ascended State at the appropriate time which will soon be upon you.

Mother and Father God send enormous blessings and love to you and upon you to which I add my own. I am available to all at any time. You only need ask and I am there with you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

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Copyright Suzan Anzara 2010

Regarding Portals Update 10/11/10

October 6th – Siberia

To my surprise, I found Siberia already emanating the love vibration. There was beautiful energy pervading the whole country with the tundra covered in bright yellow buttercups. Because the energies and frequencies were already updated and emitting a high frequency which we Lightworkers greatly enhanced, for the first time, a 5th dimensional portal was able to be established. It is so enormous, it is difficult for me to contain within my consciousness.

This portal is energetically linked to the 5th dimensional portal recently established in Griffith N.S.W

October 20th – Kathmandu

When I interdimensionally visited Kathmandu, I found the whole country lit up like a neon sign with the main colours being gold, pink, lilac/violet with a touch of blue. Don’t forget that each colour has it’s own significant energetic imprint so that both the colour and energy is important.

Once again, because of the added updating of energies carried out by Lightworkers, another portal was established here. There were myriads of both Earth and Cosmic Angels in attendance along with the scientific team that actually erects the portals.

This portal is energetically linked to the 5th dimensional portal above and surrounding Uluru. A new stronger healing encoding has been given to me to restabilise portals in the event of them weakening. Also, the portals are not yet open to anyone who may be wondering, and will only be opened at the appropriate time.

Nov 3rd – Afghanistan revisit

On this return visit, the brilliant white cloud containing golden seeds of Light spilled from the Chalice and spiralled in an unending flow until every inch of this country’s tortured, bombed Earth space was covered. The whole land mass is now covered with Divine Energy.

Beams of Light also crisscross the country with a huge golden sun beaming out rays of Light placed in an integral position above. Seven huge symbols of repatriation have been placed across the land from N-S.

Because this is our second visit, Afghanistan has now been bombarded with Divine intelligence, sacred symbols and encoding along with frequencies of Light and Love energetically linking to the Father God.

We cannot do any more than this, and it is up to the people of this country to now repatriate themselves.

P.S According to a friend John S, three days after our first visit to Afghanistan, a news broadcast stated that after nine years, some Warlords of that country came together to begin peace talks. We can only hope this will continue.

The next locations are:
Nov 17th – Uzbekistan
Dec 1st – Pakistan
Dec 15th – Russia
Dec 29th – Bangladesh
Jan 12th -Burma

P.S Peace talks are currently under way in Iraq.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Letter from MOTHER GOD

Channelled by Suzan Anzara

Blessings my darling children of Earth. I am MOTHER GOD.

My heart is full of love for each of my children and I have come this day with the blessing of the Father to download into Earth and her people through this channelling, higher frequencies of Love and Light radiating from My Point of Being through the Cosmos into Earth.

What this means, is that a huge force field of high frequency energy has begun to flow from the place where He and I reside, through all levels and aspects of the Cosmos between here and Earth.

A huge outpouring of sacred energy has begun to move carrying with it further updated knowledge and information which will settle into open minds and hearts, allowing the information contained within that sacred energy field, to be activated by those receiving the higher frequency data.

The information and knowledge contained within that sacred encoding will manifest itself in the form of music and art. It will allow breakthroughs in the scientific world as well as releasing medical data which has the answers to many puzzling questions.

In other words, cures will be found. Breakthroughs will be made. The new music and art will carry inspirational messages and this will all come about from the high frequency energy flowing from the Highest Realms.

As for myself, Earth’s people mostly do not recognise my existence because your religions are so patriarchal they do not consider there to be such a Being as the Divine Feminine. The records have to be set straight, and now is an opportune moment.

Copious amounts of Light will flood Earth coming into the Age of Aquarius, causing all darkness to surface, to be transmuted and cleared by this Light, with patriarchal societies, religious and otherwise coming to the end of their reign.

Since their time in power, Earth’s people have gone into major decline because of power struggles, manipulation and control that was established over thousands of years to become a stagnant force in the evolvement of Earth and her people.

It has remained this way for such a long time, even with the advent of Jeshua ben Joseph who became known as the Christ, Jesus, coming into Earth’s resonance with the qualities of Christ Consciousness, such as, unconditional love, forgiveness, tolerance, non-judgementalism, empathy and caring as well as the softness of the love vibration.

These qualities that He reanchored back into Earth’s frequencies, to try and change people’s direction, after a period of time were totally forgotten, then redirected and misinterpreted to becoming and remaining a patriarchal way of thinking and behaving which caused untold grief and despair in Earth’s people, because of strict controls that were brought into place by this patriarchy, which did not allow at any time for the feminine aspect of themselves and others to be recognised as a force for good or of God.

I am not implying that matriarchy is the answer to all problems, rather, I would have you consider the aspect of combining forces, of becoming equal and united, of recognising the strengths and weaknesses in each other, then using those strengths and weaknesses to become more balanced and harmonious in the living of your lives.

This knowledge I am about to grant you may disturb many people, but the Father God and I are two separate Beings who work in constant harmony. I am not less that He, He is not less than I. We are co-equal. We are co-creators. We are co-workers sharing in every way. We are as one Being even though we are two separate entities.

It is similar to what you sometimes hear people in your world say about two people who have lived together for many years, that they become so alike, they even begin to look alike.

This is the message I would like you to hear, how He and I work together in harmony. Knowing this must help you realise how it should be, how it can be in your world if you begin to think for yourselves, make your own decisions and not be guided by an outdated, unbalanced matriarchy or patriarchy which sees one as being more and the other less. This is a totally false way of thinking.

The Divine Feminine needs to take her legitimate place beside the Divine Masculine. After thousands of years of male domination, wars, atrocities, hatreds and antagonisms this old, stagnant energy does not need to be continually regenerated. It is time to move on and embrace a new way, a light and loving way, the feminine way.

It does not mean that the male will reduce his masculinity in any way. It means that a key will turn in his mind and heart to unlock the true teachings of The Christ, Jesus, which He brought to Earth at the request of the Father God.

So you see, the Divine Masculine actually instigated the role that Jesus would play in re-introducing the Divine Feminine back into Earth. The One so many of you consider to be the Patriarchal Figure, the Father God, was behind the whole concept of reanchoring the Divine Feminine into Earth’s resonance through the Christ, Jesus.

Patriarchal manipulation changed those original codes of Light brought here by that group of Beings, Jeshua ben Joseph, Mother Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist, as well as Joseph of Arimathea and others who were part of a key support group who played a pivotal role, who undertook the mission to try and place humanity in a much happier, loving space, more in tune with each other, nature, the elements and Mother and Father God.

I have experienced such grief within My own Being at what has happened to the feminine of Earth. The agonies, atrocities and pain that has been inflicted repeatedly in order to stamp out the essence of the Divine Feminine. I have felt this so many times that I cannot remember
the number.

Just as some people say that Jesus Christ has been crucified over and over again, so also have I, by the ungodly behaviour or Earth’s patriarchy who seem to think they have this right. They do not have this right.

In your major religions of Earth and lesser ones also, from the highest ranking to the lowest, none of these men have the right to downgrade and subjugate the feminine of the species in any way.

I am not suggesting that all males on Earth follow patriarchal society codes, but the majority are that way inclined and women have become so familiar with this concept that they bow to those patriarchal energies. They are partly responsible because they have allowed this to happen by
giving away their power a long time ago without realising the ongoing trauma and trouble it would cause.

Women need to look at themselves, in the sense of how they can improve to better portray the Divine Feminine. It is necessary to take into account for example, the way you live your lives, the way you relate to the masculine, the examples you give to others and the energy field that
surrounds you.

There is room for improvement in both sexes but particularly in the masculine way of being which has not improved the status of Earth and her people at all, but rather, has caused massive loss of life through ongoing wars and controlling behaviours, with ethnic clearing which is an abomination, and the trafficking of children for male gratification which is the most vile abomination of all.

This has all come about under patriarchal rule. It has flourished under patriarchal dominance and it is now time for these patriarchal codes to be removed to allow the return of the Divine Feminine energies which will bring balance and harmony to your world.

The harmonic resonance of the Earth plane has been totally shattered and at the present moment is non existent. We need to return this harmonic back into balance and never allow it to be manipulated to the point of extinction as it has been under patriarchal law.

Perhaps my words are confronting, but I hope you hear what I am saying, readjust your own frequencies and Light force to help Planet Earth and her people back to the level of balance required for further evolvement into the Light.

I am Mother God. I am part of your heart. I am part of your breath. You are part of My Heart, part of My breath, all sharing aspects of Divinity which makes us part of each other.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

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Copyright 2010 Suzan Anzara

Regarding Portals Update 29/09/10

In Eritrea, I met the beautiful lady who had been communicating with me interdimensionally that I had spoken about in Portal update 10/08/10. She showed me three mass graves with most of those poor murdered people still there because they were too terrified to move on.

We needed to set up a soul rescue situation to help them to the Light, then transmute the energy of fear and terror that still hovered there, before updating the energies and frequencies of the country.

The golden chalice sacred geometry was used to accomplish this and the colours most noticeable were pink and lilac/violet, pink being the love vibration and violet carrying the transmuting codes. There were other colour rays used by different Light workers, but the pink and lilac were prevalent around the area of the mass graves.

In Portal update 01/09/10, In Mexico, I mentioned that I experienced the Earth moving and emitting a strange moaning noise. I also felt that at some point, cleansing and purification would occur to reduce the power drug lords have over the population.

Two weeks after our second visit to Mexico, “El Grande” the primary drug lord was arrested by the police; also a hurricane that linked up with hurricane Igor made landfall in Mexico causing heavy rain and mudslides. At the time of this updating, Mexico is expecting further destructive weather. Part of a cleansing and purification perhaps?

In Afghanistan, the resident Earth Archangel and Angels directed all sacred energies coming from Light workers to the areas in dire distress. Gold grids were also formed and situated where they were most needed. There is such trauma in Afghanistan that we will revisit there.

The next locations are:
Oct 6th – Siberia
Oct 20th – Kathmandu
Nov 3rd – Afghanistan
Nov 17th – Uzbekistan

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Regarding Portals

Hello everyone.

In February 2010, I was approached by members of the Spiritual Hierarchy to be the Earth connection to a team of Master Scientists and Technicians to begin erecting 5th dimensional doorway/portals in NSW. These doorways will allow easy access from 3rd dimensional Earth into the 5th dimensional frequency. The doorways erected so far have been placed in areas where previous energy and frequency updating has taken place.

In May 2010, I was again approached by the same Hierarchy to enlist as many people as possible to participate in an ongoing plan to both update energies and frequencies in other countries, then erect portals when this was completed. The following entry gives the necessary information to help carry out this assignment

5th dimensional portals/doorways are unable to be directly opened without first updating the energy frequencies of the areas in question. We are able to do this in one of three ways; by entering a meditative state and projecting sacred geometrical encoding; by using the chalice of the Creator God, or by prayer support.

Lord Sananda will be our Patron along with other members of the Intergalactic Space Command who will add their energies to ours.

1. The encoding to be used is a series of tiny silver geometrical shapes such as stars, moons, half moons, triangles, pyramids, circles, spirals etc.etc. vibrating together within a silver light beam or ray. If you are unable to envisage this total encoding, try choosing one specific shape such as a star, then allow the star to multiply until there are dozens flowing through the silver light beam and direct the light beam into the designated area.

2. The chalice came in a vision from the Creator God which we also can use. I was shown a golden chalice with a very long stem, about 2 metres. The cup was wide and deep in proportion to the length of the stem. Within the cup was what resembled a brilliant ‘white cloud” moving around and spilling over the edge.

This cloud is actually Creator God Energy containing golden seeds of Light that He allows to fall into receptive hearts. Underneath and around the Chalice, the energy coming from the golden seeds turns everything into beauty.

The size of the chalice is to scale so I am more able to comprehend what I am seeing. In actual fact, everything about the Creator God is totally unlimited, so if you can imagine the chalice at least one million times larger spilling out golden seeds of Light, then you have a more likely scenario.

In reference to updating frequencies, what we can do, is visualise the extended chalice and place it into the heart of the country in question, with the specific intention of allowing the golden seeds of Light to update the energies and frequencies of Mother Earth and her inhabitants.

3. If you are unable to comfortably assist in either of these ways, use the power of prayer of your own choosing, chanting or mudras, remembering that prayer contains Divine intelligence which is heard and acted upon, with the intention of helping to align the encoding and seeds of Light that others will be sending. For this process to be the most effective we all need to participate at the same time.

We will begin as a group on Wednesday 14th July between 8-9pm. Followed every alternate Wednesday evening between 8-9pm.

July 14th – Mexico plus Gulf of Mexico
July 28th – Australia – All States
Aug 11th – Iraq

I will send an update at the end of each month.

P.S It may help to have a world map on hand to show you the location, size and shape of each country to make it easier for you to successfully project the energies. Other than that, visualise the name of the country in large letters, then send the encoding, chalice and seeds of Light or prayer support to intermingle with the letters in the name, with the intention of updating the frequencies of that country.

It may be of interest to keep a record of what you see and experience each time that perhaps we can compare further down the track. Only do so if you feel that way inclined. It is not a necessity.

P.S If you know anyone else who would be interested in being part of our team, please let me know and I will send them the information.

As I am writing this, Archangel Michael appears and blesses everyone whose name is on my list. If on Saturday 19th June you had an unusual experience or felt particularly loved, and nurtured, it was coming from this amazing Being who has placed his own radiance around each and every one.

Many, many more blessing
Suzan Anzara

Copyright 2010 Suzan Anzara

Monday, May 24, 2010

3rd book update

I'm currently working on a new book that I'm channelling from Melchizedek relating 2012 events. Hopefully this will be available from the end of July this year in e-book format. This will be available from my new website which will be launched at around the same time. Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A message from “Simon” regarding DNA regeneration

I am Simon. I am known as the Master Builder and deal with the building blocks of creation. I am involved with humanity increasing their DNA and all matters relating to cosmic regeneration.

I am not of Earth. I come from a far distant place and am moving closer to Earth to assist with DNA strengthening. I am affiliated with Lords Melchizadek, Michael and Maitreya. The name “Simon” is a simple version of my true name which you would find too difficult to pronounce.

I have not spoken through this channel before, but have been asked to by members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. My teachings may be beyond you, but nevertheless, the DNA of humanity is set to change, eclipse, regenerate, and ascend.

The symbol for DNA regeneration which has been given to this healer and others is working with each person who receives it in building up and increasing the volume and velocity of the DNA system. Those of you who are in the process of extending your chakra system, now allow your light quotient and DNA strands to increase and multiply.

DNA regeneration will work with the extended chakra system to help humanity achieve super consciousness, super light and ascension. These situations cannot occur at the present moment because mankind has not yet evolved sufficiently. You still need the next 2-3 years of evolvement to reach the point where you can easily and readily enter that state of being. When you do, it will allow you to experience metaphysicality on a huge scale. DNA regeneration and chakra extension are both needed to reach that state of super consciousness.

The atrophied chakras are slowly coming back but there are few who have developed those chakras to the same extent as the major seven. More work needs to be done. As well as this, clearing on past life issues and traumas that are clouding cellular memory banks should be carried out.

Not enough people take the time to be in their own space to allow their spirit teachers to help them overcome these obstacles. Your best teacher is yourself and what is within you, so try to be still and listen so you are able to achieve the best results you are capable of.

A lot of information coming into Earth at present is being mis-interpreted. You need to develop your powers of discernment, intuition and inner knowing to be assured that what you are being taught is absolutely correct. Sometimes there are subliminal messages in tapes and books so be aware and wary that what you are reading and learning is TRUTH.

2012 will bring a time of super consciousness, light and ascension. This is where you are heading. Try to remain calm and peaceful and ignore all the scaremongering you will hear in your media. Some people will choose not to go into super consciousness and this will be entirely their own decision. If they choose not to, they will lose their physical body and be transported or transferred to another 3D planet similar to 3D Earth.

Those who have been working on developing their spiritual or light body will simply step into a new frequency. It will be like walking through a doorway into another dimension. You have heard and read about different frequencies and dimensions. There are frequencies all around your pulsing and moving that you are not aware of because you haven’t yet developed enough to see or feel them. There will be a major transformation, a major shift in consciousness en masse, we hope, moving into their new frequency, the 5th dimension, and the Earth, as she now is, will rest and replenish herself.

Cosmic blessings
Suzan Anzara (c) 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Cosmic Ripple Effect (Jan 2009 Newsletter)

Downloaded in December 2008

We have just passed through another blessed Nativity Season and are on the brink of a New Year which will bring new life, new growth, new energy and new hope: but consider for a moment a metaphysical aspect of the original Nativity shown to me by the Masters present, including Joseph and Mary, the Magi and others.

At the time of His Birth, the frequencies of Earth were forever changed. A vast wave of energy formed at that point which was to flow in ever increasing spirals to span the next 2000 years.

It was as if a huge wind assailed the Earth blowing away the old, and allowing the energy of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to be reanchored into Planet Earth.

This encoding was to bring into our planet a higher frequency resonance than had been previously experienced, which was to assist Earth and her inhabitants to accelerate their individual light quotients and help them reach their Ascension potential at the time of Aquarius rising.

This ripple effect of light and energy began to flow from that Nativity moment in never ending spirals and has continued from them to current times. The final most far reaching spiral will encompass Earth around 2012 which is approximately the time the Ascension process will begin to take effect.

The part we of Earth are to play in this amazing event is to remain in positivity and not allow ourselves to become caught up in fear or negativity of any kind.

Many of us have reincarnated over the past 2000 years simply to hold that light and be as beacons, to prevent the light from being extinguished. Just as the Olympic flame is handed from one to another the light of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS over the centuries has passed to incoming souls whose job it was to keep that light burning.

To those who are expecting another war to eventuate or any other frightening event, I say to you, don’t envisage these happenings. If the fear of a third world war or cataclysmic earth changes finds it’s ways into mass consciousness then these events will become a probability rather than a possibility causing us to take a backward step in our evolutions.

Instead, visualise CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS reigning supreme. This sacred energy the Master Jesus reanchored into earth at the time of His birth has never once faltered, regardless of what trauma mankind has perpertrated upon each other, His light and energy continued to flow. He has never once withdrawn from us His love and Support.

It has nothing to do with narrow religious perceptions, but is totally about non-judgementalism, unconditional love, caring and sharing with those around us and having non- patriarchal attitudes.

This is the energy He reanchored into earth at the time of His Birth. This is the energy He gave His life for. Do not allow His coming to have been in vain.

*Ascension Process – Spiralling into a higher level of consciousness and awareness

Something to think about:

When Blinky Bill and
Thumper the jumper
Met upon the hill

They looked at each other
From head to toe
And said

What does it matter if you are brown
And I am grey

We are God’s creatures
Both of us
Each in a special way

We are individual
And important
No matter how different we are

Something that should be
Always treasured
And never ignored.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Copyright 2009 By Suzan Anzara

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Message from Beyond (Nov '09)

*This is the last newsletter in the 2009 series.

Hello little ones, my name is El-Speth.
I come from Beyond, a place far outside the boundaries of Earth, where we live according to the laws of what you know as Christ Consciousness, where an entity or being is judged not by material wealth or possessions or by educational degrees or doctorates. We live our lives with the qualities of love, compassion and understanding at the top of the list.

This is where we hope Mankind will soon evolve to. This place of the HEART. However, the changes need to occur now for these qualities to take their place in human experience. I have lived several lifetimes on the Earth plane and am familiar with the ways and thinking of Earth people. I remember the negative and violent mindsets of past and present times, but I say to you children of Earth, those times are over. There is no need to carry these negative qualities any further.

You are by now aware of the changes coming into focus from 2012. Please realise that the negative and violent mindsets that some people still carry will not be acceptable in the new age or time that you are about to enter. Begin to develop the qualities of Christ Consciousness. Begin to come from the Heart.

Begin to see and experience the Christ in your daily lives and your dealings with other people. Forgive and forget any slights against you. I have close association with the One you know as the Christ, Jesus, as well as the Ascended Master Realms and the Angelic Kingdom. I am part of the team you see, that has taken on the particular task that is now before us. We have waited
a long time and are ready and willing to be of service to humanity to make this a successful changeover.

I am also closely associated with the Devic Kingdom and the one you have been introduced to as Lady Angelica. We are twin souls, but at the present moment are separated by the need we both have to help humanity move to that place of the Heart. Because there is such a short period of time left before Mankind steps into this new consciousness, many of us have given up our lives to be part of a team of Specialist Beings who are able to help Mankind embrace this new consciousness with ease and without fear.

Regardless of all the fearful and frightening things you will hear in your media, your TV shows and movies about 2012 being the end of the world, take it all with a grain of salt. 2012 will bring an ending of past, dark, negative times allowing Super Consciousness, Super Light and Ascension into the equation.

Know for certain that the Creator God will not allow Planet Earth and her inhabitants as well as the whole Cosmos outside of Earth to be destroyed leaving nothing behind. Trust in your Creator and go forward with faith and belief knowing that this Radiant Being holds the whole world securely in His Hands.

You have all made the choice to be here at this time to be able to embrace the qualities of Christ Consciousness, to be able to embrace the Ascension process. This you have done through your own free will and soul choice. People who leave Planet Earth over the next few years due to accident, illness or Earth cataclysms have also make the soul choice to leave at this time.

All who receive this transmission, know that you have our blessing and love and that we hold you in the highest esteem, for we are your family in future time, you are part of our heart, part of our breath, and it is our dearest wish that you are able to successfully achieve this next gigantic step in your evolution.

I am El-Speth. I come from Beyond Time, I am ethereal and radiate a silvery light containing violet and other rainbow hues. Blessings be upon you.

P.S In previous lifetimes El-Speth was closely associated with the Knights of the Round Table. She was also on Earth at the time of Christ and was one of the team who helped prepare the way.

P.S On behalf of myself and the Spiritual Teachers so far involved, I would like to thank Kerri C and Lynn Berry for their loyal support and effort throughout the year in bringing you these newsletters and blog updates.

I also sincerely thank the Spiritual Teachers themselves who have unfailingly given of their time and knowledge to help us grow and evolve further. Many, many thanks.

I wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas with a New Year that brings you contentment and joy and ever evolving knowledge as you continue to walk your path of enlightenment.

Until next year,
Cosmic Blessings


Copyright 2009 Suzan Anzara

Ideals of Christ Consciousness by Ascended Master Bartholomew (Oct '09)

Hello little ones, I am Bartholomew. We have not met before this time, but I am one of those coming closer to Earth to be of service and assistance to Humanity in the lead up to 2012.

Many unsettling things will happen over the next few years, but try always to remain in calmness and not allow the emotional body to take flight, to suffer the highs and lows of the emotional see-saw that occurs frequently when you are worried or concerned about issues in your life.

Your emotional body is the factor that lets you down the most because many of you have not learned or know about detachment, and therefore are at the whims of your emotional body, causing massive highs and lows placing you in a totally unbalanced state in that particular part of your being. Because you worry and stress over so many issues in your life, you lose your point of equilibrium.

When something happens that causes you to worry, become frantic or concerns you greatly, try not to let your emotions over-rule your mind and way of thinking. Nothing is gained from worrying about traumatic events in your own life or the lives of others. The best thing you can do to counteract this is to pray for the outcome of the situation, whatever it may be, remembering that prayer contains Divine Intelligence that is always heard and acted upon.

Some people of Earth are not happy unless they have something to worry about, whether it is to do with their own life or is on the outskirts of their life. This places them in a state of anxiety which then creates problems with their physical body. Their blood pressure may elevate, their heart may beat out of rhythm, etc. etc. and is mostly totally unfounded.

Those who exist under this mindset need to realise that they are causing huge problems for their body to overcome. Also know, that adding a negative energy i.e worry, to an already negative situation, makes the problem twice as bad, so by being worried, negative and expecting the worst to happen makes these situations escalate in both size and energy, making a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak.

The very best thing you can do in these circumstances is to send love and light and prayer to raise the consciousness and energy of these situations so they may be sorted out with solutions found in a positive way with positive outcomes.

Most of you will know very little about me. I am a Master of the White Lodge and work under the banner of the Gold/White Ray of Christ Consciousness. I am now adding my energy to others both of Earth and outside of Earth who are working with the Christ trying to instill in human behaviour and thought pattern, ideals of Christ Consciousness.

These relate to love, unconditional love, non violence, non judgementalism, acceptance and all qualities of Divine Goddess energy which brings in softness and gentleness, everything that is in total opposition to patriarchal influencing.

It is time for the Divine Feminine to take it’s place in the world of Man to overcome and over-rule the patriarchal codes of war, manipulation, domination and control that have existed for a long, long time on the Earth plane.

This is not to say that the feminine is more acceptable or better that the masculine, because neither energy that is out of balance is the model that you would want to live by. Both masculine and feminine energies need to be balanced for the world to move into the Christ Consciousness Zone.

The biggest problem regarding this situation is the fact that there are not enough people out there who are willing to put themselves on the line and show by their thoughts, words and deeds that they are walking in the Light of Christ.

There are far too many people who are afraid to let their true colours show, who remain fence sitters for fear of presenting a front to others that may be ridiculed or maligned; where being an ungodly person in an ungodly world is somehow easier to live with because most others are the same. So many of you don’t want to rock the boat or call attention to yourselves because you are different, because you are godly rather than ungodly.

This is where you need to step out in faith and courage and present a front to the outside world that shows you in your true light, the Light of Christ. It doesn’t mean that you need to forgo any of the beauties and pleasures of Earth. It only means that you live your life parallel to the ways of godliness with the expectation that if you should suddenly meet your Creator, you could face HIM/HER knowing you had done your very best through life, and not shrink away in embarrassment or fear at the sight of this Being.

Living in simplicity and innocence in the modern world is something that is ridiculed by many people, but the qualities of simplicity, innocence and love are all Ideals of the Christ, for did He not say during His Time on Earth, “Those who are as little children will enter the Kingdom of God.”

I am Master Bartholomew
My love is with you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara


P.S Over the next few weeks, look for information on the Retreat Centre of Lord
Melchizadek posted on my blog.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009

The Importance of Earth Healing by Lady Nada (Sep '09)

Hello all, I am Lady Nada.

It is some time since we have spoken in this way but I wish to take the opportunity to bring in further knowledge relating to the energies and frequencies of Planet Earth.

What some of you are undertaking on your spiritual journey in the way of raising energies and frequencies is more important than you realise. It is not a small thing, it is huge.

The Earth is very patchy as far as energy goes. In some places She has high energy fields because people are working to elevate those fields, while in other areas, She has extremely low energies and frequencies, so it is important that these lower energies are raised to pulsate at the same resonance as the higher levels.

What I would like you to realise is how much the Earth is out of balance. We need you to be aware of this, and wherever you go in your day to day travels, your weekend or holiday travels, know that the energies of these areas will most likely need accelerating, so be prepared to send healing energy into these places. It is not difficult, it is just a matter of remembering to do what is necessary.

At the moment, this particular task is falling to far too few Light workers. There are not enough people willing to take the time and make the effort to carry out this particular kind of healing.

You are all at different levels of spiritual development with different energies, vibrations and resonances and sometimes, some one who is pulsating a lower frequency is not able to take on the role or situation that needs a boost of energy.

If it is a situation you think you cannot manage, or are unsure what to do, just ask or pray that the person with the knowledge and ability will be drawn to that particular area. We can send people to carry out specific tasks if others are unable to complete theirs.

You see, we cannot do the work for you unless you ask for our help. We simply cannot march around Earth doing all that needs to be done unless we know that this is what you want and that you care enough to bring the Earth back to the state that She enjoyed before masculine domination overtook Her.

Some of you know me as working within the justice system in my last incarnation on Earth. I am still active in the justice system. I have a strong sense of justice concerning Earth and Her inhabitants and I wish to see the scales balanced.

Back in history, at the time of the French Revolution, the Earth went into a tailspin because it was the culmination of negative actions and energies that had plagued Her for many centuries, and from that time, Mother Earth has been out of balance, trying to find Her point of equilibrium.

It was almost like the last straw when Madame Guillotine reigned supreme. It filled Mother Earth’s cup to overflowing, so to speak, and did not leave Her any leeway to move forward and improve Herself. Rather, from that time, She began to decline.

You may liken this to a Human situation where a person abuses their body constantly in many different ways until it reaches breaking point. The organs deteriorate, the heart breaks, the lungs can’t function properly because of the poisons that have been absorbed continually over many years.

It was this way with Mother Earth. She reached Her breaking point. You may not have heard this before, but it is an aspect I want to bring forward at this time, to show you the importance of healing the Earth and bringing Her back to the more pristine condition She once enjoyed.

Humanity in large part is responsible for this decline, and Humanity is also responsible for reversing this decline. You may think that what I am saying to you is tough, but it is truth. Humanity is responsible for looking after the Earth. For caring for and nurturing the Earth, just as they are responsible for caring for and nurturing themselves. If you don’t care about and have respect for yourselves, then no one else will.

So it is with Mother Earth. She is your Mother, She is your home and has been time after time over many lifetimes. She has allowed you to live upon Her, to be part of Her Being. She has given of Herself in many different ways.

She has given Her wealth, Her shelter, Her shade, She has fed and nurtured you and now it is time to repay your debt. You can do this by becoming more aware of the pollutant elements that are daily in your life, including your own negativity. By becoming aware of the ways in which you are causing Her to destruct, of becoming aware of the fact that if you destroy the Earth, what then. Where will you go.

So you see, the scales need to balance in Her favour for Her to be able to continue supporting you as She has done for such a long time without thanks, with very few giving anything back.

You do not own Her. She is a separate living entity who allowed Herself to be used as a home for Humanity but you do not respect this aspect of Her.

I hope my words give you food for thought and helps you see the imbalance and injustice that has occurred for the Earth because of Man’s selfishness and greed. I hope you will turn the tables and try to make things better in every way possible to repay Her for what She has done for you.

With the new energies coming in to Earth, it is time to change the old ways and lift your own frequencies to resonate with Hers on a higher level. You came out of the Dark Ages long ago, but some of you behave as if you are still in that space.

It is time to move onward and upward. Change the old mind sets and behaviours. Allow the new energies in. Stand up and look at the Sun and feel his rays lifting you to new heights.

I am Ascended Master Lady Nada who speaks with you this day. Until we meet again, think about my words and their meaning and about what you can do individually to make the Earth a better place.

My love is with you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara



P.S This is a limited version of the Lady Nada experience – Lady Nada’s most know incarnation was as a High Priestess in the Temples of Atlantis where She worked in the justice system of the time. Previous to then, She has links to the Lemurian civilisation. Lady Nada is symbolised by a pink rose which relates, in part, to the three-fold flame of the heart that Her followers learn to use to help infuse and distribute unconditional love within themselves and to those around them.


P.S This is part of the Newsletter transmission from Master Hilarion, “An Ecological Update”, that I purposely omitted because I was afraid it would offend too many people. I have now found the courage to publish this paragraph, because it is something we all need to know and I apologise to Master Hilarion for not doing so in the first place.

“When it is time for the soul to shrug off the human body, when it has completed its Earth contracts, at the present moment in your physical evolution, the human remains that are interred are totally toxic. This presents a further problem for Mother Earth to negate this toxicity the best way She can.”


P.S A few simple ways to help raise Earth’s frequencies:
1. Make it known to your guides and angels that you are willing to be a healing channel for Mother Earth.
2. Pray – Prayer contains Divine Intelligence that is heard and acted upon.
3. Ask, or allow your intuition to tell you, which colour is needed and send that particular colour ray into the area you wish to help. Each colour ray has its own unique geometrical encoding, so it is the colour as well as the encoding that is significant.
4. Healing symbols can also be used.
5. Before travelling distances, a more specific healing can be done where the geometrical encoding for the regions to be visited, can be downloaded into the auric field, then downloaded into the area in need. This is a specialist healing.
6. Some areas need specialist healing. e.g where dark energies are being used. In this case, ask or pray that the person with the ability to deal with this situation be sent to the area in question.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009

Positive Reminders from Master El Morya (Aug '09)

At the time of this channelling, many are immersed in a sea of fear and hopelessness, and even though people are trying and have made decisions about moving further into the Light, at times it just becomes too hard and they stop making the effort to reach that place.

I hope now to be able to give people some insight to help them continue walking their spiritual path and not be sidetracked by all the negativity around them. Fears, Worries, Anguish. It is important to put these emotions aside and not let them interfere with your soul journey.

We have already brought in the message about being positive and allowing positive events and occurrences to come into your life; but many people still aren’t in that space. They continue to expect the worst rather than the best.

This is a mindset that needs to be changed to expecting the best at all times. What can we do to help you? Must we ensure that you win one million dollars in the lottery. Must we ensure everything that glitters is gold. Must we ensure you of these material things before you will lift your minds and hearts to embrace the clarity of Light you need to experience.

Even if we did ensure you of a million dollar win, if all that glitters is gold, it would never be enough. You would then begin to worry about what to do when the money ran out, what to do when the glitter faded. So you see, the material way does not always bring you the fulfilment that you desire.

Walking the Light path and embracing the Light way is more important to your spiritual and physical well being than anything else you may attempt. Having the belief in self, the belief in positivity, the belief that your needs will always be met, and expecting that to happen, is a far better way to approach life.

We and the Angels with us work with diligence to make sure you have what you need at any given moment. Not what you might need next week or the week after; what you need in the NOW, in the present moment.

For the majority of people times have always been hard whether there has been a recession or not. So really, not much has changed. Those who have always had ample for their needs, still have ample for their needs. Those who have always had less, still have less.

What you need to have is the knowledge that you will always be provided for. It may not come in the way you would like, i.e. one million dollars, but if you have the correct mindset, a positive mindset, then what you need will come to you without hesitation.

We simply cannot give you everything you may want, but we can meet you halfway if you show your willingness to be positive, to not be down in the doldrums, to not always be expecting the worst.

In your last channelling from Archangel Raphael, He stated that mass consciousness had expressed the wish to evolve further into the Light and this is so; but we need you to remain in that particular frame of mind, because if a large percentage of that mass consciousness then goes back into themselves, back into negativity, it will reduce the number greatly of people embracing the Ascension process. You need to stay in that mind space of moving into the Light for it to become a reality.

Many of you have not put into practice what you have learned about your personal spiritual development. There is no point in attending courses and classes then not utilising what you have been taught. You are ultimately responsible for your own journey.

For instance, there are so many of you who don’t take the time to be meditative or still to allow your soul to communicate with your God. It is easy to say, “I can’t meditate because I can’t keep my mind still.” That is just an excuse. All Humans have trouble keeping their minds still. Their minds fly constantly sorting out stuff that really and truly is not important in the scheme of things.

It is far more important for all of you to spend some of that time in reflection and contemplation thinking about where you are heading with your Light Body, what it means to you and perhaps how it will come about. How you will survive in your Light body when you do not have the memory of it happening before.

If you take the time to be still and quiet and ask these questions, the answers will come to you. Many of you have gone into fear over this issue. Instead of facing your fears, you are hiding from them, making them seem much larger than they should be.

There are so many of Us just waiting to be asked, for people to take the time to get the answers they need to have; but we cannot communicate if you are travelling at speed with your mind ticking over at the same rate. We can only reach you when you are still and quiet.

I realise it is busy for those who need to work, who have families to look after. It is constantly go, go, go. But if you continue to go, go, go, where will it lead you? You will either become ill or cause yourself to have an accident.

It will be no-one’s fault but your own if these things happen because you are refusing to take time out, not even five minutes in a 24hr period. You have domestic rage, you have student rage, you have road rage. Why do you think this is happening?

It is because everything is moving too quickly for you. You are caught on a treadmill and can’t get off. The resolution is there within you. Stop and smell the roses. Listen to your Higher Self, your intuition. Listen to your body telling you to slow down, to regain your equilibrium, your health. Regain inner peace and harmony which is so necessary at this time in your life.

If you don’t regain your inner peace and physical well-being, you open yourself to all the viruses that are becoming a plague on Earth. If you stay well, and use the appropriate sacred oils and essences instead of cloaking yourself in the chemicals of cigarette smoke and others that are common place in your day, you won’t contract them.

It is time now to take a major step back and appraise your life and every thing happening within your life. There are channelled sacred oils coming into Earth’s resonance now which are directly suitable and necessary for prevention against infection and disease, such as swine flu and other viruses that are coming, whether they have been deliberately allowed into Man’s breathing
space or not.

These products are available from a spiritual source. It is your choice to research this or not. The oils can be used in a burner to cleanse your home or work place, or used on your skin or clothing. The human body has become more sophisticated because it is developing it’s Light body. It is losing density and is not the same as it has always been, so the manner of treating the body has changed somewhat.

On a lighter note, do you remember when Lady Angelica told you about joy and laughter and happiness. Have you allowed these experiences into your life yet. Have you been happy and joyful. Have you gone into peals of laughter since that time.

There is nothing as therapeutic as a good belly laugh to bring things back into perspective. Enjoy every second of every day. Make sure you laugh every day, experience joy every day, have fun every day, keep your spirits high.

The next message I bring will be more concerned with future happenings, but for now I send you my love and blessings. I wish you peace and joy and laughter along with the knowledge that we are with you helping and supporting you when you allow us.

Until next time,
I am Ascended Master El Morya

Cosmic blessings
Suzan Anzara

Email –
Blog –

P.S For those who are unfamiliar with Master El Moyra, here are
two of His past incarnations you may recognise.
1. King Solomon in the Bible. Circa 900 BC
2. Sir Thomas a Becket – Archbishop of Canterbury. circa
1100 AD
P.S If you are interested in knowing more about the sacred oils
mentioned, please let me know.
P.S Visit my blog for information about the Rose Quartz
Temple/Museum built on the etheric level on the outskirts of
Lucknow N.S.W

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009

A Light Body Teaching From Archangel Raphael (Jul '09)

Greetings little ones. I am Raphael. I come at the request of the Creator God to bring further knowledge to mankind.

What I have to tell you today fills me with great joy, the knowing of which I hope to pass on to you. In coming times, not so far away now, Humanity will move in a specific way to complete a cycle of evolution not ever undertaken before.

The science of this move is not easy to explain in layman’s terms, but I will endeavour to in as simple a way as possible.

Most of you will recognise me as Raphael, Healer and counterpart of Mary, but I am more than this, more than people categorise me. I oversee vast domains of the Heavens and Earth as well as the hugeness of Space. I render planetary assistance whenever it is required.

All Archangels work consistently to do the bidding of the Creator God and we do so to the best of our capacity. We work singly but also as a team depending on the task to be undertaken.

The next major undertaking for Earth and other Planets and their inhabitants is the Ascension process which has already begun and will come more fully into being from 2012 when time will actually stand still for one second.

This is not anything to be worried or concerned about. The Light body has already begun to make an appearance and will continue to materialise further over the next so many Equinoxes. At the time of Equinox, new energy floods into Earth which amps up the frequencies already existing which then helps the physical body to acquire a lighter state.

Even those of you who are not specifically working to increase your light quotient are affected by those Equinox light bursts as they come along, and the choice is then yours as to whether you take advantage of this light process or not. It is entirely your own decision.

Fortunately, mass consciousness has expressed the wish to evolve further into the Light. This is where my joy stems from. We are absolutely delighted by this. The Light workers who have been struggling for years to be as beacons of Light, who have held the Light and anchored the Light and helped to increase the Light have played an enormous role in bringing mass consciousness to this point. We are thrilled at the effect these few Light workers have had on raising the energies and frequencies of Earth and her inhabitants.

It has not been without stress or pain for these people because at this current time, there are still only one half of one percent on Earth who are actively Light working. There are others who have not taken up the baton who are still sitting on the fence or simply not awakened yet, so it has been left to a few to accomplish on a grand scale.

For us now, it is all systems go with the greater majority ready to embrace the Ascension process.

What merging with your Light body will bring you is a loss of density of the physical body, of moving into your etheric body with all chakras operating including those that were atrophied a long time ago by Atlantean manipulation and abomination, plus a completed DNA system.

I realise that what I have just said is not news to some of you, but it is to others. We need to generalise information coming in to cover all levels of student understanding, not only advanced.

So this time of convergence when time will stand still for one second, will bring into place a whole new way of existence. Some will be fully etheric, some semi-etheric, some less than semi; but even the less than semi-etheric will have change to their physical body and the way they view life and integrate with those around them.

With all chakras in place and operating, particularly the brain centres that are opening up, there will need to be a new set of rules in place regarding etiquette, because psychic perceptions will be so advanced with this new Light body that you will be able to experience what those around you are doing and thinking.

You will be totally tuned in to their energies and vibrations, so you need to learn how not to invade their space and privacy. On Earth at the moment, invasion of personal privacy is totally out of control. It is also happening within the metaphysical and paranormal environments, where people are abusing their power to “read” and “stalk” others from a psychic perspective.

We do not look upon this lightly and those who knowingly continue to invade other people in any way without knowledge or permission will suffer karmic consequences. You have been warned.

Every soul upon the Earth houses aspects of the Divine and therefore should be treated at all times with respect and dignity and not suffer loss of rights, of personal space and privacy simply because others can’t mind their own business and wish to cause people distress.

I realise in many instances it is easy for the lines to blur, for the correct way to become unsure; but always place yourself in that same situation to see how you would feel if the “shoe” were on the other foot so to speak, how you would like having your own personal space and privacy invaded by someone else without your permission.

With the new Light energy will come teachers to show you how to use this energy in ways necessary for continuing and ongoing survival. There will be many teachers from the other side of the veil, scientists, mathematicians, medical people and others, bringing all kinds of knowledge to assist those in their light bodies to continue to function without confusion or panic.

Those who have an idea of the Light body state will fare much better than those who have none. There will not be the need to consume heavy density foods anymore. There will not be the need for animals to use each other as a food source. Everything you now know and understand will change to be something entirely different.

Rest assured that you won’t be left to sort all of this out on you own. There are many waiting to step forward to assist you. They are unable to come into Earth’s frequency at the moment because it is still far too dense. Until this Light actually manifests itself further we need to wait
before we can materialise safely.

There will be until that time, traumatic weather conditions that will affect both Earth and her inhabitants. There are many who will transfer singly or in groups because it is their destiny to do so. They have already made their decision to not be part of the Ascension process. This is totally their own decision and is between them and their God.

We will be waiting to assist these souls to make the transition and will need the help of Earth rescue people particularly when there are large numbers involved.

Many will be shocked when they realise they are out of body and will try to re-enter. This is where confusion will come in with the need for rescue work and healing to make things less traumatic for them.

There has been difficulty with this channelling today because of weather interference, so I need to end this transmission sooner than expected.

There are many Beings waiting and wanting to speak to you through this channel so there will be much more information coming to you, but the frequencies have to be on our side for us to be able to transmit successfully.

Once again, do not feel any of you, that you are alone or will be left to your own devices, because the Angelic Kingdom is with you along with many Masters and Beings from other galaxies waiting to step forward and be of service to you.

“I am Archangel Raphael”

Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
“Glory to God in the Highest”

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Email –

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009

A Channelling From Archangel Jophiel (Jun '09)

Greetings little ones.We have not spoken in this manner before, but there is a sense of urgency about this message so it was decided that I be the next speaker.

As you already know, the Angelic Kingdom, those you are totally familiar with as well as those you aren’t, constantly carry out the wishes of the Creator God in delivering information and knowledge to current humanity.

Sometimes the messages are generalisations of certain situations that can be fairly easily remedied; however, the content of this channelling today is significant in the sense that it needs a particular kind of resolution.

What I have to say to you is this. The symptoms that mankind is displaying on a more permanent basis of unhappiness, joylessness, sadness, desperation and loneliness relates to the fact that the majority of humanity either does not know how to, or refuses to take responsibility for themselves.

A large percentage of people today are too afraid to step forward and follow their path, any path, without someone else leading the way.

All of you on Earth at present have lived many lifetimes where you have taken on board huge amounts of knowledge relating to what you need in this particular lifetime to help you walk the path of enlightenment, which ultimately will lead you to move into your light body at that specific moment when the Ascension process becomes a reality.

You all have within yourselves, within your own heart and soul and cellular memory, the knowledge that you require to achieve this aim.

There is no need for anyone to be led, to be a follower, to be unable to think for themselves or be unable to access their own particular memory bank which will give them the information they need for each situation as it comes along.

I am talking about SELF MASTERY. About taking control of your own destiny, your own thoughts, your own belief systems, your own life without allowing other people to choose for you.

Most of you have evolved way past this point and are able to do what is necessary to walk the light/path and ascend into higher levels of consciousness at the appropriate moment.

What is necessary is to look into your own heart and soul which means taking the time to stop and be still, to be meditative or contemplative, so that you can more easily tune into your cellular memories to remember who you really are.

It is all there within you. It just needs for you to access this knowledge which will help you to move forward with grace and confidence. Know also that your Creator God is there for you, watching over you, waiting for you to walk that path which ultimately will lead you closer to Him.

You can communicate with your Creator any time you desire. He is part of your heart, part of your breath. You are part of His Heart, part of His Breath. You have a unique link with Him which makes access to Him possible at any given time. You just need to have the courage and confidence within yourself to know this is possible.

If you take the time to go into the quiet and listen, simply listen, you may be pleasantly surprised at what you hear from this Magnificent Being. He is not some huge ogre waiting to pounce if you do something that you consider to be inappropriate or “sinful.” He treats you with respect and dignity even if you can’t treat yourself in the same manner.

If you have a problem you can approach Him for guidance and direction. He has great love for His children on Earth and is saddened by the fact that so many think themselves unworthy of His blessing, His love and companionship, because what you have experienced in your past lives should have taught you that this Amazing Being, your Creator, is walking with you every step of the way.

That particular statement will bring up all kinds of questions. I can hear them ticking over already.

Many of you, who in past lives may have lost your life violently or in a horrific way, as well as those of you in this current lifetime who have endured greatly, will be asking yourselves, “how can the Creator God have such love for me if it has been necessary for me to suffer so over these past times.”

This is where the laws of karma come into play. If in one of your lifetimes you knowingly and specifically caused another pain, or caused someone’s death, then your soul would have chosen to suffer the same situation in reverse with you being the victim rather that the perpetrator; to experience those same feelings of pain and horror that you inflicted on someone else with you rage, anger, hostility or ungodliness, or whatever other aspect made you behave in such a manner toward another of God’s children in the first place.

The problem with this is, that sometimes the mistakes are repeated time after time because you have forgotten the lessons learned and re offended again, which caused that cycle to continue for far too long!

There are too many issues with karmic implications to list, but here are just a few to think about:

*Those of you who may be “green warriors” in this lifetime are largely people who have destroyed the environment in past lives, either knowingly or unknowingly.
*Those of you who are passionate about caring for animals have in the past been guilty of blatantly murdering them either for play, or sport or just downright cruelty, and now wish to make amends.

The same reasoning applies right across the board. People who are active in the Police Force and some Peace Keeping organizations have often lived lifetimes where they have been anarchists and law breakers rather than law protectors.

So you see there is a karmic thread running through all situations currently occurring on Earth. It also applies to the atrocities still happening with wars, violence and terrorism. There is not only personal karma to consider; each country has it’s own karmic debt to clear along with major Religions that have existed for thousands of years.

Those of you who stand back from these situations do so because you have already learned the lessons. Unfortunately, there are many who haven’t or refuse to, and are happy to continue playing with those dark energies.

We have come closer to the time when a much stronger light field will bring about enormous change both for the Earth and those who inhabit her, all species of life, not only humans.

It is so important for all of you now not to be afraid. Not to feel or show fear and have the courage of you own convictions. Do not be led back into the old fire and brimstone ethic which belongs in the Piscean Age.

Keep moving forward. Continue to increase your individual light quotient so that you are easily able to merge into your light body when it is time to do so.

I am Archangel Jophiel. I am not as well known as other Archangels such as Michael and Gabriel, but we work together, all of us carrying out the wishes of the Most High God in working with Planet Earth and her inhabitants along with Lady Gaia, to bring about harmony and balance. It is a very fragile balance and can so quickly and easily change from harmony to disharmony, balance to imbalance.

We monitor this situation at all times because it is such a crucial period in the evolution of Mankind. We need this communication window so that we can advise you if you are veering away too far from your point of balance. If you are stepping backward rather than forward.

This is not a condemnation. It is very easy sometimes for the lines to become blurred so that you can’t quite see clearly which path to take. Those of you who have no desire to be on the Light path are able to follow your own directives.

Hopefully my message today will make things a little clearer for you. You may need to read it more than once to fully understand the meaning. Know that we are always there for you and wish to help in any way we can. If channelling is what makes this possible, then this will be our instrument.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
“Glory to God in the Highest”

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Email –

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009

Channelling from Lady Angelica Of the Devic Kingdom (May '09)

Hello little ones, I am Lady Angelica.

I bring greetings from the Fairy Kingdom and wish to talk a little about different frequencies as well as current thinking about coming times.

We of the Fairy Kingdom who exist outside of Earth’s frequencies, but parallel, are aware always of the energy fluctuations and changes that Mother Earth experiences.

When Earth is calm and stable, we sense her feeling of well being. When she is in a state of flux with massive upheavals occurring, we are similarly affected, but to a lesser degree.

My reason for explaining this is to help you understand that whatever affects the Earth changing her frequencies, reacts on those around her at the same time.

Even though we are light and etheric, we feel Mother Earth’s upsets and this makes it impossible for us not to acknowledge the human species and be aware of them at all times.

Many of Earth’s people do not believe there is a Fairy Kingdom, but I am here to tell you that we have existed from the very beginning.

Our purpose was to bring into focus the magical aspect of the Creator God. It was His wish that coming humanity be able to enjoy mystery and magic and our task to show you how.

Fairy folk lore has been placed on the back burner of human evolution causing many people, excluding children, to lose the idea of fun and laughter and become totally immersed in worry and negativity instead of experiencing the light energies, creativity, beauty and harmony that the Fairy Kingdom brings.

We are only too willing to give our time to help people achieve these lighter states of being. Unfortunately, because so many reject our existence, our job is made almost impossible, for if people do not believe in magic, in a sense of fun and play, we cannot fulfil our role.

The strange thing is that many on Earth today have lived past lifetimes in the Fairy Kingdom and been part of that magical energy, but have pushed the memory so far away, they cannot now access the frequency.

We do everything we can to prompt you, or remind you, but your minds are so full of Earthly concerns that you are unable to hear our laughter or chatter.

My purpose in speaking today is to help you remember. The current knowledge that you have about crystals, plants, flowers and perfumery has originated from our kingdom.
Every flower or perfume that you come across will have a fairy essence at it’s base; every crystal that you are drawn to hold or wear, will contain devic energies.

This information has been brought into Earth, or in some cases channelled, by people who chose to reincarnate and bring the knowledge with them.

Those of you who believe fairies and associated beings do not exist, I say to you, look again, listen further. Follow that train of thought or that sense of something not quite tangible that hovers around the edges of your consciousness. That is us. We are there trying to attract your attention, to bring you joy, to make you laugh.

Unicorns are part of our frequency but have also been rejected because people have lost their sense of magic and do not realise how powerful that sense is. They are magical evolved beings that radiate white light, with a beam of light in the shape of a horn, shining from their 3rd eye. So we ask you to wake up; allow the light to permeate your soul and let these beautiful gifts from the Creator God into your consciousness.

Fairy lore exists to help you from remaining earth bound, to encourage you to spread your wings and fly, so to speak, and show you that fun and laughter is a necessary part of your existence.

You are not only intellectual, or religious, or scientific, or studious. You can be all of these and more and still have magical moments in your life. There is no need to close down that part of your brain, that part of your mind and heart which allows you to be joyful, magical and light-hearted.

Because a number of you are now developing your light or etheric body, you are coming closer to our frequency, our zone of being. You are welcome to visit our Kingdom during your sleep or meditative state and experience a wealth of knowledge at the same time.

I, Lady Angelica, am a member of the Ascended Master Realms, but at this moment in time have chosen the Fairy Kingdom as my point of reference. I have also lived lifetimes in many other kingdoms and frequencies.

Over those lifetimes, I have acquired amazing insights into space activity, interplanetary communications, and relationships, travel and sciences, but from all this, I chose the Fairy Kingdom because the qualities that exist within this frequency are what mankind is most in need of.

I have been asked by the Spiritual Hierarchy to issue a challenge, for you to uplift our minds and hearts and not be so entrenched in worry and negativity prevalent in your world today. If you stay down in depression and worry choosing only that experience, you will never learn the opposite. Never know love, joy, happiness,
laughter, magic, fulfilment, abundance, etc.

If mass consciousness takes on the negative and remains in that space, then the positive energies cannot surface. Do you understand this?

If you choose to stay in the doldrums, you will never leave that place. You need to make a conscious effort, and if there are ongoing negative influences in your life, including people, then move away from those situations.

Try not to let other people’s burdens drag you down to the point that you cannot anymore see or feel the “SUN”. I send beams of light and magic from my Kingdom to yours and ask you to be quiet and still for a moment to allow this energy to filter into your consciousness, for it is another gift from the Creator God to help you on
your journey.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009

An Ecological Update

Channelled from Master Hilarion on Good Friday 2009

I am Master Hilarion of the Green Ray of Creation. I come at the request of the Creator God to bring further knowledge and instruction to mankind. This will be a short message but I hope interesting none the less.

I am a scientist and work exclusively at the present moment in the area of Global Ecology. I would like to increase your understanding of these issues in relation to Mother Earth and her feelings about such matters.

Mother Earth is groaning under the weight of toxic energies that are prevalent around and within her. This is relating to many different sources, not only the known ecological factors but also pollution in the form of negativity coming from the human species itself.

These issues that exist right across the board go way back in history to times of war, persecution, trafficking of human cargo, cruelty and murder, etc. At the time of the French Revolution for example, the fear that was felt by those people whose lives were taken by Madam Guillotine, still permeates that place.

Terror resulting from the time of the Spanish Inquisition with the murder of so–called witches and heretics, still resonates there. Other atrocities and horrors that have happened throughout history have left a residue of fear and terror behind which is palpable and still hovers around these areas.

Not enough has been done in the way of cleansing and clearing to transmute this negative energy, and so it sits around becoming a larger and larger mass which attracts further like energy and becomes toxic matter which Mother Earth is unable to integrate or safely dissipate.

In Italy where the last earthquake occurred, it has allowed a clearing away of negative energies brought about by cruelty and torment perpetuated upon people by bullies and despots. The past and present reign of terror caused by the "brotherhood” of that region which has spread into almost every country in the world, has not even been broached yet.

If all of this dark energy is not cleared away then Mother Earth has only one option open to her and that is to create floods, quakes, volcanic eruptions, fire and wild storms to purge these areas.

In any place, in any country where atrocities and ungodly acts have been committed, people of Earth can expect there to be retribution in the form of Mother Earth having a series of nervous breakdowns.

She is totally in overload with the energies of the inhumanity of Man which dates back thousands of years. Expect more to come, but see this as a positive rather than a negative. It will be a positive act to reverse the negativity that needs to be cleared away or transmuted.

Those of you who are light workers, light keepers or light hearers, continue to shine your light brightly. Continue to live in positivity because the light you are emanating is the one thing that will help to keep the Earth in balance. Even though she needs to clear herself of all existing negative energies, she requires your light and positivity to remain stable. You may need to think about this.

I am a scientist from the other side of the veil and I am looking at Earth from a totally different perspective to those who live upon her. What I see is Mother Earth desperately trying to remain in balance and keep all who live upon her, all species of life not only humans, as safe as possible. This is where light workers need to take a stand, where prayer needs to be heard so that there can be a positive outcome to this dilemma.

It is not my intention to put a down spin on this situation. I am just asking you to look at this in the same way that we need to, and to make an effort to do what you can, so that we know enough people care about the resolution of this ecological quandary.

I would ask you to take particular notice of everything you are using in your homes and vehicles. What is pouring down your drains, what is going into your bodies, what you are putting on your skin. Look at how many shampoos, hair dyes, deodorants, skin care products there are that contain toxins, chemicals and poisons.

Most of you on a regular basis rub these poisons into your skin and your children’s skin. From the time they are babies they have toxic substances going into their little bodies and then so many of you wonder why your children become ill. Why indeed.

Take another look at what you are buying. Check labels and make sure that what is going into your bodies from the foods you eat or cosmetics you use, do not contain lethal substances. It is time to boycott these products manufactured by certain groups of people whose only motivation is greed.

They don’t care if their products are toxic. They are only interested in making money. In Australia there are substances being used that have been banned in other countries. You need to research this and not buy or use these products.

I, Hilarion, and my colleagues from the Ascended Master Realms and Beyond, thank all those beings of Earth who are doing their very best to be positive in every way, in thought, word and deed; who try to walk lightly upon the earth and leave no resounding toxic footprints.

We thank all of you, but we need you to continue to reaffirm the light way, the positive way, the non-pollutant way. We need you to hold your lamp high so that it can be seen by many others, not only from our dimension, but from yours.

I will return to further update when the opportunity arises. My love is with you.

POST SCRIPT -If you are unfamiliar with Master Hilarion of the Ascended Master Realms, you may recognise him as St. Paul on the road to Damascus, which is one of his incarnations and is referred to in the Bible. He is also known as St Hilarion from his last earthly incarnation in early 1800, where he lived as a Monk in Crete with many miraculous healings to his name.

POST SCRIPT -In the coming weeks look for “Timely words from the Lord Jesus Christ” posted on my Blog.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara


Something to think about.

This is an unusual “vision” that I saw recently which seems to link in with the “Ecological Update”, so I have decided to share it with you.

I experienced myself in a small space within the human body resembling the womb. I could feel and hear blood circulating through the body. I could feel and see the lungs acting like bellows, inhaling and exhaling air. I could feel and see the rhythm of the heartbeat. I could feel my body in sync with the Earth as she too was breathing and pulsing, both of us as one being.

I then saw what happened when toxic energies were ingested into the body from cigarettes, air pollution, chemicals in food, drugs, alcohol excess etc. The cells in the body went into shock. They clumped together in small groups as if gaining strength from each other to ward off the destruction that was coming form those invaders. I could see and feel them trembling and shaking with the effort it took to overcome those poisons. I could feel and see the Earth reacting in a similar way.

I saw the shape of the Creator God grow to gigantic proportions. I saw His Heart beating in rhythm with the heart of every creature on the Planet. His Breath was like a strong wind gusting through every life form, including Mother Earth.

I saw that we are all one. What one experiences, all experience. We are in sync with Mother Earth, breathing as she breathes, relating to her in every way. In sync with the Creator God. Part of His Hearth, part of His Breath. All connected. All linked.

Suzan Anzara
Copyright Suzan Anzara

Channelling from Archangel Michael (Mar '09)

Archangels Michael, Charity and Uriel came into my space with a flurry of wings and light beams emanating a radiant energy that filled my space with love and light. Archangel Gabriel followed soon after. These are Michael’s words:

Greetings, I am Archangel Michael in the presence of Archangels Charity, Uriel and Gabriel. We have been sent here with knowledge to help humanity keep moving forward.

To some of you, this information will be basic, for others it will be advanced with another whole realm of understanding between the two. Our channel has no idea of what is coming until we actually begin the instruction, so let me precede as I am to be the Spokes – Angel.

All of us from the Angelic Realms and that includes all choirs or levels of Angels are banding together at this moment in time to allow our energies and strengths to flow into and around the Earth to touch people with love and compassion, for we understand the feelings and emotions of the human heart.

We know about the sadnesses, the worries, the concerns about economic problems and continuing violence; of Mother Nature hitting you again and again with enormous energy backlashes and we understand the effect these issues are having on you.

What Mother Earth is mostly achieving with her burning, her quaking and flooding, is a clearing away of past negative energy that has flourished upon her. For instance, the fires that have consumed Victoria are to do with removing negative energies relating back to the times of the Victorian gold rush where the negative ego of both men and women totally overtook and destroyed the beauty and harmony that was once there.

This may shock some of you, but the fires have acted as a purge to remove all negative energies associated with that time. The energies of greed, of violence and murder, of obscenity, of total loss of innocence have been burnt away. This has made way for new growth, new understanding and an updating of energy.

In the coming future there will be more purging because Mother Earth is trying to regain a state of harmony that she experienced before negative influences came into being. Remember that negative energies produced by thought, word or deed stay around the area of perpetration unless someone has the foresight to clear them away. Unfortunately, this is not well known and very little is done to remedy these situations.

The Earth, as well as man, will enter into an etheric body, an etheric way of being. Because of this, she is updating her energies and frequencies back to as original a state as she can. We can liken this to people of Earth who are working on developing their own light or etheric body.

You are doing this in various ways, one of which is by clearing past and present life cellular memory trauma from your beings. These energies are holding you back and stagnating your growth. So you are both, Earth and her inhabitants, working toward the same aim.

There are those that will say this information is absolute nonsense and not something they are willing to contemplate at all, but it will be their loss, because they are not taking the opportunity to open themselves to new ways, new energies, new vibrations and new knowledge.

For those who believe in the existence of the Angelic Kingdom, know that our combined love surrounds you. The only time we will step back is if you began to behave in a negative manner. We are able to tell where a person is emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually by the auric colours and light that issues from that person.

When the auric field becomes diffused with colours of negativity or darkness we step away, and hope that the person going into negativity quickly finds the way back on to the positive path.

This is neither a condemnation nor a judgement, for we do not judge. Everyone has free will and choice, and are allowed to do whatever they want, but if it falls into the realms of purposely and knowingly acting negatively or causing harm to others either by thought, word or deed, we are more likely to protect the one being harmed.

Most of you know about myself, Archangel Michael and my sword Excalibar. Many of you have called upon me in times of worry or danger and I have always answered your call. I will continue to do so. The Archangels here with me offer you that same protection and guidance.

We work together, particularly at this time in the history of Planet Earth. We share all problems that arise and work out between us the best way to solve these problems. We have the Blessing of the Creator in doing so, because He does everything in His Power to make your journey as easy as possible.

There has existed up until now, karmic situations that have needed to be dealt with and worked through, but this has happened at your own request. It has not been forced upon you by anyone, least of all your Creator.

Your own soul has undertaken it’s karmic journey to try and resolve situations that have continued from lifetime to lifetime. These karmic lessons are not punishment at all, rather they are part of the healing process that needs to occur to enable you to move ever forward.

You move forward by leaving behind as much STUFF as possible. There is no need to carry baggage from lifetime to lifetime. Once you let it go, it is totally removed from your consciousness. It is wiped from your cellular memory and gives you the freedom to continue evolving.

We now wish to speak a little about prayer, and for some, a new approach to the whole concept of prayer. Most people do not realise that prayer, positivity, visualisation, manifestation and universal energy all work together and are directly linked to the Creator God.

If you beseech the heavens repeatedly about some aspect of your life that is not in harmony, the universe becomes confused about what you are actually wanting because you are stating over and over what is wrong in your life.

For example, if you keep worrying about the fact that you do not have sufficient money, the universe hears that as an extremely negative train of thought and does not then know how to respond, because everything about universal flow is positive energy. So if you continue to worry about lack of money, lack of money, lack of money, then that situation won't ever change because you are constantly affirming your lack.

If you can be positive and visualise more funds coming in, then thank the universe and continue to thank the universe for all the positive aspects in your life, you will draw further abundance to you. You may need to think about this.

If you continue to focus on what you don’t have, you won’t ever manifest what you want unless you state it clearly, remain positive and visualise what you want, without limitation, coming to you. Then thank the universe or God for providing for you in every way,

I have tried to explain this as simply as possible because I know that some of you will be thinking “this is not the way I was taught to pray.” These are new times, new energies, new ways of dealing with situations, problems, worries etc. and it is about being positive, making affirmations of gratitude to the Creator and the universe.

If you can change your mindset to positive, then positive manifestation will always come to you. You need to put this into practice, but because some of you still have those outdated mindsets, it may be difficult at first to make the connection.

I urge you to try, because it will benefit you and all those around you such as family and friends. They will pick up on your positivity and become more that way themselves.

The same thing applies in reverse. If you are negative, then your negativity affects those around you, so think about this. You can have the sun or you can have darkness. Negativity is darkness, positivity is the sun. Make a choice.

Whenever you feel that you are slipping back into a negative mindset, cancel those thoughts immediately and replace them with the opposing positive view.

I am Michael. I come at the bequest of the Creator God to pass along this knowledge. It is our way of helping to update energy fields and mindsets.

It is time again to move further forward and upward, and we will assist in any way that we can. We cannot do it for you, but we are doing it with you. Just have trust and faith and know that you are not alone. Not only do you have your own individual Guardian Angel with you, you have the whole spectrum of Angelic force around you.

Whenever you are drawn to glance skyward, look for us in the clouds. Another way we can assure you of our presence is for you to see white feathers around or in front of you as you are walking along. The more you ask for confirmation of our presence, the more we will grant it to you. Don’t have any doubts about our availability to all of you.

Because we are all moving toward the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, we are here to help you reach that place. Those of you not wanting to move forward will have no pressure placed upon you to do so. You have free will and are able to make your own decisions and choices.

Those that want to move forward will have the presence of Ascended Masters, Buddhas, the Fairy Kingdom, Intergalactic Space Command, the Angelic Kingdom and others from Beyond whom you are not aware of at this time, all moving closer to Earth helping you to make the transition.

When this information has been integrated and fully understood, we will return to further update. Until then, feel our love and protection at all times.

(Glory to God in the Highest)

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara


Copyright by Suzan Anzara