At the time of this channelling, many are immersed in a sea of fear and hopelessness, and even though people are trying and have made decisions about moving further into the Light, at times it just becomes too hard and they stop making the effort to reach that place.
I hope now to be able to give people some insight to help them continue walking their spiritual path and not be sidetracked by all the negativity around them. Fears, Worries, Anguish. It is important to put these emotions aside and not let them interfere with your soul journey.
We have already brought in the message about being positive and allowing positive events and occurrences to come into your life; but many people still aren’t in that space. They continue to expect the worst rather than the best.
This is a mindset that needs to be changed to expecting the best at all times. What can we do to help you? Must we ensure that you win one million dollars in the lottery. Must we ensure everything that glitters is gold. Must we ensure you of these material things before you will lift your minds and hearts to embrace the clarity of Light you need to experience.
Even if we did ensure you of a million dollar win, if all that glitters is gold, it would never be enough. You would then begin to worry about what to do when the money ran out, what to do when the glitter faded. So you see, the material way does not always bring you the fulfilment that you desire.
Walking the Light path and embracing the Light way is more important to your spiritual and physical well being than anything else you may attempt. Having the belief in self, the belief in positivity, the belief that your needs will always be met, and expecting that to happen, is a far better way to approach life.
We and the Angels with us work with diligence to make sure you have what you need at any given moment. Not what you might need next week or the week after; what you need in the NOW, in the present moment.
For the majority of people times have always been hard whether there has been a recession or not. So really, not much has changed. Those who have always had ample for their needs, still have ample for their needs. Those who have always had less, still have less.
What you need to have is the knowledge that you will always be provided for. It may not come in the way you would like, i.e. one million dollars, but if you have the correct mindset, a positive mindset, then what you need will come to you without hesitation.
We simply cannot give you everything you may want, but we can meet you halfway if you show your willingness to be positive, to not be down in the doldrums, to not always be expecting the worst.
In your last channelling from Archangel Raphael, He stated that mass consciousness had expressed the wish to evolve further into the Light and this is so; but we need you to remain in that particular frame of mind, because if a large percentage of that mass consciousness then goes back into themselves, back into negativity, it will reduce the number greatly of people embracing the Ascension process. You need to stay in that mind space of moving into the Light for it to become a reality.
Many of you have not put into practice what you have learned about your personal spiritual development. There is no point in attending courses and classes then not utilising what you have been taught. You are ultimately responsible for your own journey.
For instance, there are so many of you who don’t take the time to be meditative or still to allow your soul to communicate with your God. It is easy to say, “I can’t meditate because I can’t keep my mind still.” That is just an excuse. All Humans have trouble keeping their minds still. Their minds fly constantly sorting out stuff that really and truly is not important in the scheme of things.
It is far more important for all of you to spend some of that time in reflection and contemplation thinking about where you are heading with your Light Body, what it means to you and perhaps how it will come about. How you will survive in your Light body when you do not have the memory of it happening before.
If you take the time to be still and quiet and ask these questions, the answers will come to you. Many of you have gone into fear over this issue. Instead of facing your fears, you are hiding from them, making them seem much larger than they should be.
There are so many of Us just waiting to be asked, for people to take the time to get the answers they need to have; but we cannot communicate if you are travelling at speed with your mind ticking over at the same rate. We can only reach you when you are still and quiet.
I realise it is busy for those who need to work, who have families to look after. It is constantly go, go, go. But if you continue to go, go, go, where will it lead you? You will either become ill or cause yourself to have an accident.
It will be no-one’s fault but your own if these things happen because you are refusing to take time out, not even five minutes in a 24hr period. You have domestic rage, you have student rage, you have road rage. Why do you think this is happening?
It is because everything is moving too quickly for you. You are caught on a treadmill and can’t get off. The resolution is there within you. Stop and smell the roses. Listen to your Higher Self, your intuition. Listen to your body telling you to slow down, to regain your equilibrium, your health. Regain inner peace and harmony which is so necessary at this time in your life.
If you don’t regain your inner peace and physical well-being, you open yourself to all the viruses that are becoming a plague on Earth. If you stay well, and use the appropriate sacred oils and essences instead of cloaking yourself in the chemicals of cigarette smoke and others that are common place in your day, you won’t contract them.
It is time now to take a major step back and appraise your life and every thing happening within your life. There are channelled sacred oils coming into Earth’s resonance now which are directly suitable and necessary for prevention against infection and disease, such as swine flu and other viruses that are coming, whether they have been deliberately allowed into Man’s breathing
space or not.
These products are available from a spiritual source. It is your choice to research this or not. The oils can be used in a burner to cleanse your home or work place, or used on your skin or clothing. The human body has become more sophisticated because it is developing it’s Light body. It is losing density and is not the same as it has always been, so the manner of treating the body has changed somewhat.
On a lighter note, do you remember when Lady Angelica told you about joy and laughter and happiness. Have you allowed these experiences into your life yet. Have you been happy and joyful. Have you gone into peals of laughter since that time.
There is nothing as therapeutic as a good belly laugh to bring things back into perspective. Enjoy every second of every day. Make sure you laugh every day, experience joy every day, have fun every day, keep your spirits high.
The next message I bring will be more concerned with future happenings, but for now I send you my love and blessings. I wish you peace and joy and laughter along with the knowledge that we are with you helping and supporting you when you allow us.
Until next time,
I am Ascended Master El Morya
Cosmic blessings
Suzan Anzara
Email –
Blog –
P.S For those who are unfamiliar with Master El Moyra, here are
two of His past incarnations you may recognise.
1. King Solomon in the Bible. Circa 900 BC
2. Sir Thomas a Becket – Archbishop of Canterbury. circa
1100 AD
P.S If you are interested in knowing more about the sacred oils
mentioned, please let me know.
P.S Visit my blog for information about the Rose Quartz
Temple/Museum built on the etheric level on the outskirts of
Lucknow N.S.W
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009