Hello everyone.
In February 2010, I was approached by members of the Spiritual Hierarchy to be the Earth connection to a team of Master Scientists and Technicians to begin erecting 5th dimensional doorway/portals in NSW. These doorways will allow easy access from 3rd dimensional Earth into the 5th dimensional frequency. The doorways erected so far have been placed in areas where previous energy and frequency updating has taken place.
In May 2010, I was again approached by the same Hierarchy to enlist as many people as possible to participate in an ongoing plan to both update energies and frequencies in other countries, then erect portals when this was completed. The following entry gives the necessary information to help carry out this assignment
5th dimensional portals/doorways are unable to be directly opened without first updating the energy frequencies of the areas in question. We are able to do this in one of three ways; by entering a meditative state and projecting sacred geometrical encoding; by using the chalice of the Creator God, or by prayer support.
Lord Sananda will be our Patron along with other members of the Intergalactic Space Command who will add their energies to ours.
1. The encoding to be used is a series of tiny silver geometrical shapes such as stars, moons, half moons, triangles, pyramids, circles, spirals etc.etc. vibrating together within a silver light beam or ray. If you are unable to envisage this total encoding, try choosing one specific shape such as a star, then allow the star to multiply until there are dozens flowing through the silver light beam and direct the light beam into the designated area.
2. The chalice came in a vision from the Creator God which we also can use. I was shown a golden chalice with a very long stem, about 2 metres. The cup was wide and deep in proportion to the length of the stem. Within the cup was what resembled a brilliant ‘white cloud” moving around and spilling over the edge.
This cloud is actually Creator God Energy containing golden seeds of Light that He allows to fall into receptive hearts. Underneath and around the Chalice, the energy coming from the golden seeds turns everything into beauty.
The size of the chalice is to scale so I am more able to comprehend what I am seeing. In actual fact, everything about the Creator God is totally unlimited, so if you can imagine the chalice at least one million times larger spilling out golden seeds of Light, then you have a more likely scenario.
In reference to updating frequencies, what we can do, is visualise the extended chalice and place it into the heart of the country in question, with the specific intention of allowing the golden seeds of Light to update the energies and frequencies of Mother Earth and her inhabitants.
3. If you are unable to comfortably assist in either of these ways, use the power of prayer of your own choosing, chanting or mudras, remembering that prayer contains Divine intelligence which is heard and acted upon, with the intention of helping to align the encoding and seeds of Light that others will be sending. For this process to be the most effective we all need to participate at the same time.
We will begin as a group on Wednesday 14th July between 8-9pm. Followed every alternate Wednesday evening between 8-9pm.
July 14th – Mexico plus Gulf of Mexico
July 28th – Australia – All States
Aug 11th – Iraq
I will send an update at the end of each month.
P.S It may help to have a world map on hand to show you the location, size and shape of each country to make it easier for you to successfully project the energies. Other than that, visualise the name of the country in large letters, then send the encoding, chalice and seeds of Light or prayer support to intermingle with the letters in the name, with the intention of updating the frequencies of that country.
It may be of interest to keep a record of what you see and experience each time that perhaps we can compare further down the track. Only do so if you feel that way inclined. It is not a necessity.
P.S If you know anyone else who would be interested in being part of our team, please let me know and I will send them the information.
As I am writing this, Archangel Michael appears and blesses everyone whose name is on my list. If on Saturday 19th June you had an unusual experience or felt particularly loved, and nurtured, it was coming from this amazing Being who has placed his own radiance around each and every one.
Many, many more blessing
Suzan Anzara
Copyright 2010 Suzan Anzara