Thursday, September 30, 2010

Regarding Portals Update 29/09/10

In Eritrea, I met the beautiful lady who had been communicating with me interdimensionally that I had spoken about in Portal update 10/08/10. She showed me three mass graves with most of those poor murdered people still there because they were too terrified to move on.

We needed to set up a soul rescue situation to help them to the Light, then transmute the energy of fear and terror that still hovered there, before updating the energies and frequencies of the country.

The golden chalice sacred geometry was used to accomplish this and the colours most noticeable were pink and lilac/violet, pink being the love vibration and violet carrying the transmuting codes. There were other colour rays used by different Light workers, but the pink and lilac were prevalent around the area of the mass graves.

In Portal update 01/09/10, In Mexico, I mentioned that I experienced the Earth moving and emitting a strange moaning noise. I also felt that at some point, cleansing and purification would occur to reduce the power drug lords have over the population.

Two weeks after our second visit to Mexico, “El Grande” the primary drug lord was arrested by the police; also a hurricane that linked up with hurricane Igor made landfall in Mexico causing heavy rain and mudslides. At the time of this updating, Mexico is expecting further destructive weather. Part of a cleansing and purification perhaps?

In Afghanistan, the resident Earth Archangel and Angels directed all sacred energies coming from Light workers to the areas in dire distress. Gold grids were also formed and situated where they were most needed. There is such trauma in Afghanistan that we will revisit there.

The next locations are:
Oct 6th – Siberia
Oct 20th – Kathmandu
Nov 3rd – Afghanistan
Nov 17th – Uzbekistan