Greetings little ones. I am Raphael. I come at the request of the Creator God to bring further knowledge to mankind.
What I have to tell you today fills me with great joy, the knowing of which I hope to pass on to you. In coming times, not so far away now, Humanity will move in a specific way to complete a cycle of evolution not ever undertaken before.
The science of this move is not easy to explain in layman’s terms, but I will endeavour to in as simple a way as possible.
Most of you will recognise me as Raphael, Healer and counterpart of Mary, but I am more than this, more than people categorise me. I oversee vast domains of the Heavens and Earth as well as the hugeness of Space. I render planetary assistance whenever it is required.
All Archangels work consistently to do the bidding of the Creator God and we do so to the best of our capacity. We work singly but also as a team depending on the task to be undertaken.
The next major undertaking for Earth and other Planets and their inhabitants is the Ascension process which has already begun and will come more fully into being from 2012 when time will actually stand still for one second.
This is not anything to be worried or concerned about. The Light body has already begun to make an appearance and will continue to materialise further over the next so many Equinoxes. At the time of Equinox, new energy floods into Earth which amps up the frequencies already existing which then helps the physical body to acquire a lighter state.
Even those of you who are not specifically working to increase your light quotient are affected by those Equinox light bursts as they come along, and the choice is then yours as to whether you take advantage of this light process or not. It is entirely your own decision.
Fortunately, mass consciousness has expressed the wish to evolve further into the Light. This is where my joy stems from. We are absolutely delighted by this. The Light workers who have been struggling for years to be as beacons of Light, who have held the Light and anchored the Light and helped to increase the Light have played an enormous role in bringing mass consciousness to this point. We are thrilled at the effect these few Light workers have had on raising the energies and frequencies of Earth and her inhabitants.
It has not been without stress or pain for these people because at this current time, there are still only one half of one percent on Earth who are actively Light working. There are others who have not taken up the baton who are still sitting on the fence or simply not awakened yet, so it has been left to a few to accomplish on a grand scale.
For us now, it is all systems go with the greater majority ready to embrace the Ascension process.
What merging with your Light body will bring you is a loss of density of the physical body, of moving into your etheric body with all chakras operating including those that were atrophied a long time ago by Atlantean manipulation and abomination, plus a completed DNA system.
I realise that what I have just said is not news to some of you, but it is to others. We need to generalise information coming in to cover all levels of student understanding, not only advanced.
So this time of convergence when time will stand still for one second, will bring into place a whole new way of existence. Some will be fully etheric, some semi-etheric, some less than semi; but even the less than semi-etheric will have change to their physical body and the way they view life and integrate with those around them.
With all chakras in place and operating, particularly the brain centres that are opening up, there will need to be a new set of rules in place regarding etiquette, because psychic perceptions will be so advanced with this new Light body that you will be able to experience what those around you are doing and thinking.
You will be totally tuned in to their energies and vibrations, so you need to learn how not to invade their space and privacy. On Earth at the moment, invasion of personal privacy is totally out of control. It is also happening within the metaphysical and paranormal environments, where people are abusing their power to “read” and “stalk” others from a psychic perspective.
We do not look upon this lightly and those who knowingly continue to invade other people in any way without knowledge or permission will suffer karmic consequences. You have been warned.
Every soul upon the Earth houses aspects of the Divine and therefore should be treated at all times with respect and dignity and not suffer loss of rights, of personal space and privacy simply because others can’t mind their own business and wish to cause people distress.
I realise in many instances it is easy for the lines to blur, for the correct way to become unsure; but always place yourself in that same situation to see how you would feel if the “shoe” were on the other foot so to speak, how you would like having your own personal space and privacy invaded by someone else without your permission.
With the new Light energy will come teachers to show you how to use this energy in ways necessary for continuing and ongoing survival. There will be many teachers from the other side of the veil, scientists, mathematicians, medical people and others, bringing all kinds of knowledge to assist those in their light bodies to continue to function without confusion or panic.
Those who have an idea of the Light body state will fare much better than those who have none. There will not be the need to consume heavy density foods anymore. There will not be the need for animals to use each other as a food source. Everything you now know and understand will change to be something entirely different.
Rest assured that you won’t be left to sort all of this out on you own. There are many waiting to step forward to assist you. They are unable to come into Earth’s frequency at the moment because it is still far too dense. Until this Light actually manifests itself further we need to wait
before we can materialise safely.
There will be until that time, traumatic weather conditions that will affect both Earth and her inhabitants. There are many who will transfer singly or in groups because it is their destiny to do so. They have already made their decision to not be part of the Ascension process. This is totally their own decision and is between them and their God.
We will be waiting to assist these souls to make the transition and will need the help of Earth rescue people particularly when there are large numbers involved.
Many will be shocked when they realise they are out of body and will try to re-enter. This is where confusion will come in with the need for rescue work and healing to make things less traumatic for them.
There has been difficulty with this channelling today because of weather interference, so I need to end this transmission sooner than expected.
There are many Beings waiting and wanting to speak to you through this channel so there will be much more information coming to you, but the frequencies have to be on our side for us to be able to transmit successfully.
Once again, do not feel any of you, that you are alone or will be left to your own devices, because the Angelic Kingdom is with you along with many Masters and Beings from other galaxies waiting to step forward and be of service to you.
“I am Archangel Raphael”
Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
“Glory to God in the Highest”
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
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Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009