There are portals/doorways not only in and around the Earth, but also within the human body. For instance, there is a major portal in the solar plexus area which links up with Ancient Earth. The heart is an entry point inton Ancient Lemuria connecting underneath the Pyramids of Giza where records of Ancient Lemuria are held in vibrational form.
There are portals/doorways in other parts of the human body also. As one develops their Light Body further, these portals/doorways decome clearer and less dense allowing more Light and energy to filter through.
This is where Light body symptoms may occur. If the area in the body that is opening up is blocked in any way, such as by stagnant energy, then pain or discomfort may result. It is not permanent, but can be distressing at the time.
As these individual portals slowly clear and develop, the time comes when the physical body becomes a total portal allowing huge amounts of Light and energy to filter through at times of increased Light and energy activity in the Universe, especially at times of Equinox and Solstice.
This comming summer Solstice, December 21st, is a major Light and energy happening. This Light field began to flow in November and will continue well into the New Year. It will bring some discomfort along with increased fatigue.
For further information, click on "Symptoms created by the LIGHT body transformation process." If you become concerned about ongoing symptoms, please see your health practitioner to make sure all is well.
The upside of this distress will be that your Light body is more firmly in situ. You have become more open to the ebb and flow of Universal energies and may also find that your psychic capabilities have increased. This, of course, is entirely individual and dependent on your spiritual development thus far.
Suzan Anzara