Hello all, I am Lady Nada.
It is some time since we have spoken in this way but I wish to take the opportunity to bring in further knowledge relating to the energies and frequencies of Planet Earth.
What some of you are undertaking on your spiritual journey in the way of raising energies and frequencies is more important than you realise. It is not a small thing, it is huge.
The Earth is very patchy as far as energy goes. In some places She has high energy fields because people are working to elevate those fields, while in other areas, She has extremely low energies and frequencies, so it is important that these lower energies are raised to pulsate at the same resonance as the higher levels.
What I would like you to realise is how much the Earth is out of balance. We need you to be aware of this, and wherever you go in your day to day travels, your weekend or holiday travels, know that the energies of these areas will most likely need accelerating, so be prepared to send healing energy into these places. It is not difficult, it is just a matter of remembering to do what is necessary.
At the moment, this particular task is falling to far too few Light workers. There are not enough people willing to take the time and make the effort to carry out this particular kind of healing.
You are all at different levels of spiritual development with different energies, vibrations and resonances and sometimes, some one who is pulsating a lower frequency is not able to take on the role or situation that needs a boost of energy.
If it is a situation you think you cannot manage, or are unsure what to do, just ask or pray that the person with the knowledge and ability will be drawn to that particular area. We can send people to carry out specific tasks if others are unable to complete theirs.
You see, we cannot do the work for you unless you ask for our help. We simply cannot march around Earth doing all that needs to be done unless we know that this is what you want and that you care enough to bring the Earth back to the state that She enjoyed before masculine domination overtook Her.
Some of you know me as working within the justice system in my last incarnation on Earth. I am still active in the justice system. I have a strong sense of justice concerning Earth and Her inhabitants and I wish to see the scales balanced.
Back in history, at the time of the French Revolution, the Earth went into a tailspin because it was the culmination of negative actions and energies that had plagued Her for many centuries, and from that time, Mother Earth has been out of balance, trying to find Her point of equilibrium.
It was almost like the last straw when Madame Guillotine reigned supreme. It filled Mother Earth’s cup to overflowing, so to speak, and did not leave Her any leeway to move forward and improve Herself. Rather, from that time, She began to decline.
You may liken this to a Human situation where a person abuses their body constantly in many different ways until it reaches breaking point. The organs deteriorate, the heart breaks, the lungs can’t function properly because of the poisons that have been absorbed continually over many years.
It was this way with Mother Earth. She reached Her breaking point. You may not have heard this before, but it is an aspect I want to bring forward at this time, to show you the importance of healing the Earth and bringing Her back to the more pristine condition She once enjoyed.
Humanity in large part is responsible for this decline, and Humanity is also responsible for reversing this decline. You may think that what I am saying to you is tough, but it is truth. Humanity is responsible for looking after the Earth. For caring for and nurturing the Earth, just as they are responsible for caring for and nurturing themselves. If you don’t care about and have respect for yourselves, then no one else will.
So it is with Mother Earth. She is your Mother, She is your home and has been time after time over many lifetimes. She has allowed you to live upon Her, to be part of Her Being. She has given of Herself in many different ways.
She has given Her wealth, Her shelter, Her shade, She has fed and nurtured you and now it is time to repay your debt. You can do this by becoming more aware of the pollutant elements that are daily in your life, including your own negativity. By becoming aware of the ways in which you are causing Her to destruct, of becoming aware of the fact that if you destroy the Earth, what then. Where will you go.
So you see, the scales need to balance in Her favour for Her to be able to continue supporting you as She has done for such a long time without thanks, with very few giving anything back.
You do not own Her. She is a separate living entity who allowed Herself to be used as a home for Humanity but you do not respect this aspect of Her.
I hope my words give you food for thought and helps you see the imbalance and injustice that has occurred for the Earth because of Man’s selfishness and greed. I hope you will turn the tables and try to make things better in every way possible to repay Her for what She has done for you.
With the new energies coming in to Earth, it is time to change the old ways and lift your own frequencies to resonate with Hers on a higher level. You came out of the Dark Ages long ago, but some of you behave as if you are still in that space.
It is time to move onward and upward. Change the old mind sets and behaviours. Allow the new energies in. Stand up and look at the Sun and feel his rays lifting you to new heights.
I am Ascended Master Lady Nada who speaks with you this day. Until we meet again, think about my words and their meaning and about what you can do individually to make the Earth a better place.
My love is with you.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
Email: suzananzara@yahoo.com.au
Blog: suzananzara.blogspot.com
P.S This is a limited version of the Lady Nada experience – Lady Nada’s most know incarnation was as a High Priestess in the Temples of Atlantis where She worked in the justice system of the time. Previous to then, She has links to the Lemurian civilisation. Lady Nada is symbolised by a pink rose which relates, in part, to the three-fold flame of the heart that Her followers learn to use to help infuse and distribute unconditional love within themselves and to those around them.
P.S This is part of the Newsletter transmission from Master Hilarion, “An Ecological Update”, that I purposely omitted because I was afraid it would offend too many people. I have now found the courage to publish this paragraph, because it is something we all need to know and I apologise to Master Hilarion for not doing so in the first place.
“When it is time for the soul to shrug off the human body, when it has completed its Earth contracts, at the present moment in your physical evolution, the human remains that are interred are totally toxic. This presents a further problem for Mother Earth to negate this toxicity the best way She can.”
P.S A few simple ways to help raise Earth’s frequencies:
1. Make it known to your guides and angels that you are willing to be a healing channel for Mother Earth.
2. Pray – Prayer contains Divine Intelligence that is heard and acted upon.
3. Ask, or allow your intuition to tell you, which colour is needed and send that particular colour ray into the area you wish to help. Each colour ray has its own unique geometrical encoding, so it is the colour as well as the encoding that is significant.
4. Healing symbols can also be used.
5. Before travelling distances, a more specific healing can be done where the geometrical encoding for the regions to be visited, can be downloaded into the auric field, then downloaded into the area in need. This is a specialist healing.
6. Some areas need specialist healing. e.g where dark energies are being used. In this case, ask or pray that the person with the ability to deal with this situation be sent to the area in question.
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009