Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Channelling From Archangel Jophiel (Jun '09)

Greetings little ones.We have not spoken in this manner before, but there is a sense of urgency about this message so it was decided that I be the next speaker.

As you already know, the Angelic Kingdom, those you are totally familiar with as well as those you aren’t, constantly carry out the wishes of the Creator God in delivering information and knowledge to current humanity.

Sometimes the messages are generalisations of certain situations that can be fairly easily remedied; however, the content of this channelling today is significant in the sense that it needs a particular kind of resolution.

What I have to say to you is this. The symptoms that mankind is displaying on a more permanent basis of unhappiness, joylessness, sadness, desperation and loneliness relates to the fact that the majority of humanity either does not know how to, or refuses to take responsibility for themselves.

A large percentage of people today are too afraid to step forward and follow their path, any path, without someone else leading the way.

All of you on Earth at present have lived many lifetimes where you have taken on board huge amounts of knowledge relating to what you need in this particular lifetime to help you walk the path of enlightenment, which ultimately will lead you to move into your light body at that specific moment when the Ascension process becomes a reality.

You all have within yourselves, within your own heart and soul and cellular memory, the knowledge that you require to achieve this aim.

There is no need for anyone to be led, to be a follower, to be unable to think for themselves or be unable to access their own particular memory bank which will give them the information they need for each situation as it comes along.

I am talking about SELF MASTERY. About taking control of your own destiny, your own thoughts, your own belief systems, your own life without allowing other people to choose for you.

Most of you have evolved way past this point and are able to do what is necessary to walk the light/path and ascend into higher levels of consciousness at the appropriate moment.

What is necessary is to look into your own heart and soul which means taking the time to stop and be still, to be meditative or contemplative, so that you can more easily tune into your cellular memories to remember who you really are.

It is all there within you. It just needs for you to access this knowledge which will help you to move forward with grace and confidence. Know also that your Creator God is there for you, watching over you, waiting for you to walk that path which ultimately will lead you closer to Him.

You can communicate with your Creator any time you desire. He is part of your heart, part of your breath. You are part of His Heart, part of His Breath. You have a unique link with Him which makes access to Him possible at any given time. You just need to have the courage and confidence within yourself to know this is possible.

If you take the time to go into the quiet and listen, simply listen, you may be pleasantly surprised at what you hear from this Magnificent Being. He is not some huge ogre waiting to pounce if you do something that you consider to be inappropriate or “sinful.” He treats you with respect and dignity even if you can’t treat yourself in the same manner.

If you have a problem you can approach Him for guidance and direction. He has great love for His children on Earth and is saddened by the fact that so many think themselves unworthy of His blessing, His love and companionship, because what you have experienced in your past lives should have taught you that this Amazing Being, your Creator, is walking with you every step of the way.

That particular statement will bring up all kinds of questions. I can hear them ticking over already.

Many of you, who in past lives may have lost your life violently or in a horrific way, as well as those of you in this current lifetime who have endured greatly, will be asking yourselves, “how can the Creator God have such love for me if it has been necessary for me to suffer so over these past times.”

This is where the laws of karma come into play. If in one of your lifetimes you knowingly and specifically caused another pain, or caused someone’s death, then your soul would have chosen to suffer the same situation in reverse with you being the victim rather that the perpetrator; to experience those same feelings of pain and horror that you inflicted on someone else with you rage, anger, hostility or ungodliness, or whatever other aspect made you behave in such a manner toward another of God’s children in the first place.

The problem with this is, that sometimes the mistakes are repeated time after time because you have forgotten the lessons learned and re offended again, which caused that cycle to continue for far too long!

There are too many issues with karmic implications to list, but here are just a few to think about:

*Those of you who may be “green warriors” in this lifetime are largely people who have destroyed the environment in past lives, either knowingly or unknowingly.
*Those of you who are passionate about caring for animals have in the past been guilty of blatantly murdering them either for play, or sport or just downright cruelty, and now wish to make amends.

The same reasoning applies right across the board. People who are active in the Police Force and some Peace Keeping organizations have often lived lifetimes where they have been anarchists and law breakers rather than law protectors.

So you see there is a karmic thread running through all situations currently occurring on Earth. It also applies to the atrocities still happening with wars, violence and terrorism. There is not only personal karma to consider; each country has it’s own karmic debt to clear along with major Religions that have existed for thousands of years.

Those of you who stand back from these situations do so because you have already learned the lessons. Unfortunately, there are many who haven’t or refuse to, and are happy to continue playing with those dark energies.

We have come closer to the time when a much stronger light field will bring about enormous change both for the Earth and those who inhabit her, all species of life, not only humans.

It is so important for all of you now not to be afraid. Not to feel or show fear and have the courage of you own convictions. Do not be led back into the old fire and brimstone ethic which belongs in the Piscean Age.

Keep moving forward. Continue to increase your individual light quotient so that you are easily able to merge into your light body when it is time to do so.

I am Archangel Jophiel. I am not as well known as other Archangels such as Michael and Gabriel, but we work together, all of us carrying out the wishes of the Most High God in working with Planet Earth and her inhabitants along with Lady Gaia, to bring about harmony and balance. It is a very fragile balance and can so quickly and easily change from harmony to disharmony, balance to imbalance.

We monitor this situation at all times because it is such a crucial period in the evolution of Mankind. We need this communication window so that we can advise you if you are veering away too far from your point of balance. If you are stepping backward rather than forward.

This is not a condemnation. It is very easy sometimes for the lines to become blurred so that you can’t quite see clearly which path to take. Those of you who have no desire to be on the Light path are able to follow your own directives.

Hopefully my message today will make things a little clearer for you. You may need to read it more than once to fully understand the meaning. Know that we are always there for you and wish to help in any way we can. If channelling is what makes this possible, then this will be our instrument.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
“Glory to God in the Highest”

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

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Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009