Hello little ones, I am Bartholomew. We have not met before this time, but I am one of those coming closer to Earth to be of service and assistance to Humanity in the lead up to 2012.
Many unsettling things will happen over the next few years, but try always to remain in calmness and not allow the emotional body to take flight, to suffer the highs and lows of the emotional see-saw that occurs frequently when you are worried or concerned about issues in your life.
Your emotional body is the factor that lets you down the most because many of you have not learned or know about detachment, and therefore are at the whims of your emotional body, causing massive highs and lows placing you in a totally unbalanced state in that particular part of your being. Because you worry and stress over so many issues in your life, you lose your point of equilibrium.
When something happens that causes you to worry, become frantic or concerns you greatly, try not to let your emotions over-rule your mind and way of thinking. Nothing is gained from worrying about traumatic events in your own life or the lives of others. The best thing you can do to counteract this is to pray for the outcome of the situation, whatever it may be, remembering that prayer contains Divine Intelligence that is always heard and acted upon.
Some people of Earth are not happy unless they have something to worry about, whether it is to do with their own life or is on the outskirts of their life. This places them in a state of anxiety which then creates problems with their physical body. Their blood pressure may elevate, their heart may beat out of rhythm, etc. etc. and is mostly totally unfounded.
Those who exist under this mindset need to realise that they are causing huge problems for their body to overcome. Also know, that adding a negative energy i.e worry, to an already negative situation, makes the problem twice as bad, so by being worried, negative and expecting the worst to happen makes these situations escalate in both size and energy, making a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak.
The very best thing you can do in these circumstances is to send love and light and prayer to raise the consciousness and energy of these situations so they may be sorted out with solutions found in a positive way with positive outcomes.
Most of you will know very little about me. I am a Master of the White Lodge and work under the banner of the Gold/White Ray of Christ Consciousness. I am now adding my energy to others both of Earth and outside of Earth who are working with the Christ trying to instill in human behaviour and thought pattern, ideals of Christ Consciousness.
These relate to love, unconditional love, non violence, non judgementalism, acceptance and all qualities of Divine Goddess energy which brings in softness and gentleness, everything that is in total opposition to patriarchal influencing.
It is time for the Divine Feminine to take it’s place in the world of Man to overcome and over-rule the patriarchal codes of war, manipulation, domination and control that have existed for a long, long time on the Earth plane.
This is not to say that the feminine is more acceptable or better that the masculine, because neither energy that is out of balance is the model that you would want to live by. Both masculine and feminine energies need to be balanced for the world to move into the Christ Consciousness Zone.
The biggest problem regarding this situation is the fact that there are not enough people out there who are willing to put themselves on the line and show by their thoughts, words and deeds that they are walking in the Light of Christ.
There are far too many people who are afraid to let their true colours show, who remain fence sitters for fear of presenting a front to others that may be ridiculed or maligned; where being an ungodly person in an ungodly world is somehow easier to live with because most others are the same. So many of you don’t want to rock the boat or call attention to yourselves because you are different, because you are godly rather than ungodly.
This is where you need to step out in faith and courage and present a front to the outside world that shows you in your true light, the Light of Christ. It doesn’t mean that you need to forgo any of the beauties and pleasures of Earth. It only means that you live your life parallel to the ways of godliness with the expectation that if you should suddenly meet your Creator, you could face HIM/HER knowing you had done your very best through life, and not shrink away in embarrassment or fear at the sight of this Being.
Living in simplicity and innocence in the modern world is something that is ridiculed by many people, but the qualities of simplicity, innocence and love are all Ideals of the Christ, for did He not say during His Time on Earth, “Those who are as little children will enter the Kingdom of God.”
I am Master Bartholomew
My love is with you.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
Email: suzananzara@yahoo.com.au
P.S Over the next few weeks, look for information on the Retreat Centre of Lord
Melchizadek posted on my blog.
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009