Sunday, February 21, 2010

A message from “Simon” regarding DNA regeneration

I am Simon. I am known as the Master Builder and deal with the building blocks of creation. I am involved with humanity increasing their DNA and all matters relating to cosmic regeneration.

I am not of Earth. I come from a far distant place and am moving closer to Earth to assist with DNA strengthening. I am affiliated with Lords Melchizadek, Michael and Maitreya. The name “Simon” is a simple version of my true name which you would find too difficult to pronounce.

I have not spoken through this channel before, but have been asked to by members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. My teachings may be beyond you, but nevertheless, the DNA of humanity is set to change, eclipse, regenerate, and ascend.

The symbol for DNA regeneration which has been given to this healer and others is working with each person who receives it in building up and increasing the volume and velocity of the DNA system. Those of you who are in the process of extending your chakra system, now allow your light quotient and DNA strands to increase and multiply.

DNA regeneration will work with the extended chakra system to help humanity achieve super consciousness, super light and ascension. These situations cannot occur at the present moment because mankind has not yet evolved sufficiently. You still need the next 2-3 years of evolvement to reach the point where you can easily and readily enter that state of being. When you do, it will allow you to experience metaphysicality on a huge scale. DNA regeneration and chakra extension are both needed to reach that state of super consciousness.

The atrophied chakras are slowly coming back but there are few who have developed those chakras to the same extent as the major seven. More work needs to be done. As well as this, clearing on past life issues and traumas that are clouding cellular memory banks should be carried out.

Not enough people take the time to be in their own space to allow their spirit teachers to help them overcome these obstacles. Your best teacher is yourself and what is within you, so try to be still and listen so you are able to achieve the best results you are capable of.

A lot of information coming into Earth at present is being mis-interpreted. You need to develop your powers of discernment, intuition and inner knowing to be assured that what you are being taught is absolutely correct. Sometimes there are subliminal messages in tapes and books so be aware and wary that what you are reading and learning is TRUTH.

2012 will bring a time of super consciousness, light and ascension. This is where you are heading. Try to remain calm and peaceful and ignore all the scaremongering you will hear in your media. Some people will choose not to go into super consciousness and this will be entirely their own decision. If they choose not to, they will lose their physical body and be transported or transferred to another 3D planet similar to 3D Earth.

Those who have been working on developing their spiritual or light body will simply step into a new frequency. It will be like walking through a doorway into another dimension. You have heard and read about different frequencies and dimensions. There are frequencies all around your pulsing and moving that you are not aware of because you haven’t yet developed enough to see or feel them. There will be a major transformation, a major shift in consciousness en masse, we hope, moving into their new frequency, the 5th dimension, and the Earth, as she now is, will rest and replenish herself.

Cosmic blessings
Suzan Anzara (c) 2010

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