Archangels Michael, Charity and Uriel came into my space with a flurry of wings and light beams emanating a radiant energy that filled my space with love and light. Archangel Gabriel followed soon after. These are Michael’s words:
Greetings, I am Archangel Michael in the presence of Archangels Charity, Uriel and Gabriel. We have been sent here with knowledge to help humanity keep moving forward.
To some of you, this information will be basic, for others it will be advanced with another whole realm of understanding between the two. Our channel has no idea of what is coming until we actually begin the instruction, so let me precede as I am to be the Spokes – Angel.
All of us from the Angelic Realms and that includes all choirs or levels of Angels are banding together at this moment in time to allow our energies and strengths to flow into and around the Earth to touch people with love and compassion, for we understand the feelings and emotions of the human heart.
We know about the sadnesses, the worries, the concerns about economic problems and continuing violence; of Mother Nature hitting you again and again with enormous energy backlashes and we understand the effect these issues are having on you.
What Mother Earth is mostly achieving with her burning, her quaking and flooding, is a clearing away of past negative energy that has flourished upon her. For instance, the fires that have consumed Victoria are to do with removing negative energies relating back to the times of the Victorian gold rush where the negative ego of both men and women totally overtook and destroyed the beauty and harmony that was once there.
This may shock some of you, but the fires have acted as a purge to remove all negative energies associated with that time. The energies of greed, of violence and murder, of obscenity, of total loss of innocence have been burnt away. This has made way for new growth, new understanding and an updating of energy.
In the coming future there will be more purging because Mother Earth is trying to regain a state of harmony that she experienced before negative influences came into being. Remember that negative energies produced by thought, word or deed stay around the area of perpetration unless someone has the foresight to clear them away. Unfortunately, this is not well known and very little is done to remedy these situations.
The Earth, as well as man, will enter into an etheric body, an etheric way of being. Because of this, she is updating her energies and frequencies back to as original a state as she can. We can liken this to people of Earth who are working on developing their own light or etheric body.
You are doing this in various ways, one of which is by clearing past and present life cellular memory trauma from your beings. These energies are holding you back and stagnating your growth. So you are both, Earth and her inhabitants, working toward the same aim.
There are those that will say this information is absolute nonsense and not something they are willing to contemplate at all, but it will be their loss, because they are not taking the opportunity to open themselves to new ways, new energies, new vibrations and new knowledge.
For those who believe in the existence of the Angelic Kingdom, know that our combined love surrounds you. The only time we will step back is if you began to behave in a negative manner. We are able to tell where a person is emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually by the auric colours and light that issues from that person.
When the auric field becomes diffused with colours of negativity or darkness we step away, and hope that the person going into negativity quickly finds the way back on to the positive path.
This is neither a condemnation nor a judgement, for we do not judge. Everyone has free will and choice, and are allowed to do whatever they want, but if it falls into the realms of purposely and knowingly acting negatively or causing harm to others either by thought, word or deed, we are more likely to protect the one being harmed.
Most of you know about myself, Archangel Michael and my sword Excalibar. Many of you have called upon me in times of worry or danger and I have always answered your call. I will continue to do so. The Archangels here with me offer you that same protection and guidance.
We work together, particularly at this time in the history of Planet Earth. We share all problems that arise and work out between us the best way to solve these problems. We have the Blessing of the Creator in doing so, because He does everything in His Power to make your journey as easy as possible.
There has existed up until now, karmic situations that have needed to be dealt with and worked through, but this has happened at your own request. It has not been forced upon you by anyone, least of all your Creator.
Your own soul has undertaken it’s karmic journey to try and resolve situations that have continued from lifetime to lifetime. These karmic lessons are not punishment at all, rather they are part of the healing process that needs to occur to enable you to move ever forward.
You move forward by leaving behind as much STUFF as possible. There is no need to carry baggage from lifetime to lifetime. Once you let it go, it is totally removed from your consciousness. It is wiped from your cellular memory and gives you the freedom to continue evolving.
We now wish to speak a little about prayer, and for some, a new approach to the whole concept of prayer. Most people do not realise that prayer, positivity, visualisation, manifestation and universal energy all work together and are directly linked to the Creator God.
If you beseech the heavens repeatedly about some aspect of your life that is not in harmony, the universe becomes confused about what you are actually wanting because you are stating over and over what is wrong in your life.
For example, if you keep worrying about the fact that you do not have sufficient money, the universe hears that as an extremely negative train of thought and does not then know how to respond, because everything about universal flow is positive energy. So if you continue to worry about lack of money, lack of money, lack of money, then that situation won't ever change because you are constantly affirming your lack.
If you can be positive and visualise more funds coming in, then thank the universe and continue to thank the universe for all the positive aspects in your life, you will draw further abundance to you. You may need to think about this.
If you continue to focus on what you don’t have, you won’t ever manifest what you want unless you state it clearly, remain positive and visualise what you want, without limitation, coming to you. Then thank the universe or God for providing for you in every way,
I have tried to explain this as simply as possible because I know that some of you will be thinking “this is not the way I was taught to pray.” These are new times, new energies, new ways of dealing with situations, problems, worries etc. and it is about being positive, making affirmations of gratitude to the Creator and the universe.
If you can change your mindset to positive, then positive manifestation will always come to you. You need to put this into practice, but because some of you still have those outdated mindsets, it may be difficult at first to make the connection.
I urge you to try, because it will benefit you and all those around you such as family and friends. They will pick up on your positivity and become more that way themselves.
The same thing applies in reverse. If you are negative, then your negativity affects those around you, so think about this. You can have the sun or you can have darkness. Negativity is darkness, positivity is the sun. Make a choice.
Whenever you feel that you are slipping back into a negative mindset, cancel those thoughts immediately and replace them with the opposing positive view.
I am Michael. I come at the bequest of the Creator God to pass along this knowledge. It is our way of helping to update energy fields and mindsets.
It is time again to move further forward and upward, and we will assist in any way that we can. We cannot do it for you, but we are doing it with you. Just have trust and faith and know that you are not alone. Not only do you have your own individual Guardian Angel with you, you have the whole spectrum of Angelic force around you.
Whenever you are drawn to glance skyward, look for us in the clouds. Another way we can assure you of our presence is for you to see white feathers around or in front of you as you are walking along. The more you ask for confirmation of our presence, the more we will grant it to you. Don’t have any doubts about our availability to all of you.
Because we are all moving toward the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, we are here to help you reach that place. Those of you not wanting to move forward will have no pressure placed upon you to do so. You have free will and are able to make your own decisions and choices.
Those that want to move forward will have the presence of Ascended Masters, Buddhas, the Fairy Kingdom, Intergalactic Space Command, the Angelic Kingdom and others from Beyond whom you are not aware of at this time, all moving closer to Earth helping you to make the transition.
When this information has been integrated and fully understood, we will return to further update. Until then, feel our love and protection at all times.
(Glory to God in the Highest)
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
Copyright by Suzan Anzara