*This is the last newsletter in the 2009 series.
Hello little ones, my name is El-Speth.
I come from Beyond, a place far outside the boundaries of Earth, where we live according to the laws of what you know as Christ Consciousness, where an entity or being is judged not by material wealth or possessions or by educational degrees or doctorates. We live our lives with the qualities of love, compassion and understanding at the top of the list.
This is where we hope Mankind will soon evolve to. This place of the HEART. However, the changes need to occur now for these qualities to take their place in human experience. I have lived several lifetimes on the Earth plane and am familiar with the ways and thinking of Earth people. I remember the negative and violent mindsets of past and present times, but I say to you children of Earth, those times are over. There is no need to carry these negative qualities any further.
You are by now aware of the changes coming into focus from 2012. Please realise that the negative and violent mindsets that some people still carry will not be acceptable in the new age or time that you are about to enter. Begin to develop the qualities of Christ Consciousness. Begin to come from the Heart.
Begin to see and experience the Christ in your daily lives and your dealings with other people. Forgive and forget any slights against you. I have close association with the One you know as the Christ, Jesus, as well as the Ascended Master Realms and the Angelic Kingdom. I am part of the team you see, that has taken on the particular task that is now before us. We have waited
a long time and are ready and willing to be of service to humanity to make this a successful changeover.
I am also closely associated with the Devic Kingdom and the one you have been introduced to as Lady Angelica. We are twin souls, but at the present moment are separated by the need we both have to help humanity move to that place of the Heart. Because there is such a short period of time left before Mankind steps into this new consciousness, many of us have given up our lives to be part of a team of Specialist Beings who are able to help Mankind embrace this new consciousness with ease and without fear.
Regardless of all the fearful and frightening things you will hear in your media, your TV shows and movies about 2012 being the end of the world, take it all with a grain of salt. 2012 will bring an ending of past, dark, negative times allowing Super Consciousness, Super Light and Ascension into the equation.
Know for certain that the Creator God will not allow Planet Earth and her inhabitants as well as the whole Cosmos outside of Earth to be destroyed leaving nothing behind. Trust in your Creator and go forward with faith and belief knowing that this Radiant Being holds the whole world securely in His Hands.
You have all made the choice to be here at this time to be able to embrace the qualities of Christ Consciousness, to be able to embrace the Ascension process. This you have done through your own free will and soul choice. People who leave Planet Earth over the next few years due to accident, illness or Earth cataclysms have also make the soul choice to leave at this time.
All who receive this transmission, know that you have our blessing and love and that we hold you in the highest esteem, for we are your family in future time, you are part of our heart, part of our breath, and it is our dearest wish that you are able to successfully achieve this next gigantic step in your evolution.
I am El-Speth. I come from Beyond Time, I am ethereal and radiate a silvery light containing violet and other rainbow hues. Blessings be upon you.
P.S In previous lifetimes El-Speth was closely associated with the Knights of the Round Table. She was also on Earth at the time of Christ and was one of the team who helped prepare the way.
P.S On behalf of myself and the Spiritual Teachers so far involved, I would like to thank Kerri C and Lynn Berry for their loyal support and effort throughout the year in bringing you these newsletters and blog updates.
I also sincerely thank the Spiritual Teachers themselves who have unfailingly given of their time and knowledge to help us grow and evolve further. Many, many thanks.
I wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas with a New Year that brings you contentment and joy and ever evolving knowledge as you continue to walk your path of enlightenment.
Until next year,
Cosmic Blessings
Email: suzananzara@yahoo.com.au
Copyright 2009 Suzan Anzara