October 6th – Siberia
To my surprise, I found Siberia already emanating the love vibration. There was beautiful energy pervading the whole country with the tundra covered in bright yellow buttercups. Because the energies and frequencies were already updated and emitting a high frequency which we Lightworkers greatly enhanced, for the first time, a 5th dimensional portal was able to be established. It is so enormous, it is difficult for me to contain within my consciousness.
This portal is energetically linked to the 5th dimensional portal recently established in Griffith N.S.W
October 20th – Kathmandu
When I interdimensionally visited Kathmandu, I found the whole country lit up like a neon sign with the main colours being gold, pink, lilac/violet with a touch of blue. Don’t forget that each colour has it’s own significant energetic imprint so that both the colour and energy is important.
Once again, because of the added updating of energies carried out by Lightworkers, another portal was established here. There were myriads of both Earth and Cosmic Angels in attendance along with the scientific team that actually erects the portals.
This portal is energetically linked to the 5th dimensional portal above and surrounding Uluru. A new stronger healing encoding has been given to me to restabilise portals in the event of them weakening. Also, the portals are not yet open to anyone who may be wondering, and will only be opened at the appropriate time.
Nov 3rd – Afghanistan revisit
On this return visit, the brilliant white cloud containing golden seeds of Light spilled from the Chalice and spiralled in an unending flow until every inch of this country’s tortured, bombed Earth space was covered. The whole land mass is now covered with Divine Energy.
Beams of Light also crisscross the country with a huge golden sun beaming out rays of Light placed in an integral position above. Seven huge symbols of repatriation have been placed across the land from N-S.
Because this is our second visit, Afghanistan has now been bombarded with Divine intelligence, sacred symbols and encoding along with frequencies of Light and Love energetically linking to the Father God.
We cannot do any more than this, and it is up to the people of this country to now repatriate themselves.
P.S According to a friend John S, three days after our first visit to Afghanistan, a news broadcast stated that after nine years, some Warlords of that country came together to begin peace talks. We can only hope this will continue.
The next locations are:
Nov 17th – Uzbekistan
Dec 1st – Pakistan
Dec 15th – Russia
Dec 29th – Bangladesh
Jan 12th -Burma
P.S Peace talks are currently under way in Iraq.