Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Teaching from Jeshua ben Joseph

Jeshua ben Joseph is also known as The Christ, Jesus

Hello little ones of Earth, I am Jeshua.

It is time now for me to deliver into Earth further information that all can use and learn from. All, or mostly all, are updating energies, frequencies and knowledge and this is extremely pleasing to me, but there is always more to learn and absorb, more to be gained and experienced by those desiring to move into higher consciousness.

My message today is concerning self observation, by taking a close look at yourself in a mirror to see who is gazing back at you. Look into your eyes which are the windows of your soul and notice what is reflected there. Is it something that makes you feel happy and at peace with yourself or is it troubling to you because you can see much within that needs to be changed.

What you see as you look into your mirror reflects to those around you, so if what you observe causes feelings of unease or uncertainty, make an effort to get to the bottom of those feelings and do all that is necessary to bring you back into balance and instead of reflecting unease and uncertainty, change that vibration to one of peace and love.

I am Jeshua ben Joseph whom you know as The Christ, Jesus. Perhaps my names are confusing because I am also known in the Cosmic Realms as Lord Sananda, but I am one and the same Being.

Some find it hard to use the name Jesus Christ because that particular title is used in a blasphemous way by many of Earth’s people, so the name Jeshua seems to be the more non-threatening version of my name which many prefer to use.

The name Jeshua, or Yeshua as it is sometimes pronounced, carries within it encoding from the highest realms reaching way back to the Throne of the Ancient of Days.

Each letter carries a significant energetic imprint and frequency of Light and Love, and when repeated with reverence as in mantra form for instance, can lead one into a state of blessed peace and bliss that provides food for the soul.

The name Jesus Christ resonates at a similar octave and carries a similar energetic imprint different only in the sense that the name Jesus Christ came about when I began my Earth ministry in those few years prior to my death.

When I was put to death on the cross, Mother Earth went into cataclysms of emotion. She shuddered and quaked, the sun fell from the sky and darkness came for a time upon the land.

So this particular title also carries the energetic imprint of suffering and death as well as resurrection and ascension. Contained within the name Jesus Christ or The Christ, Jesus, is a vast expanse of frequencies running the gamut of positive, negative and positive. It is a powerful energy field and resonates with the full range or spectrum of energies of the Heavens and the Earth.

Those who use my name as a prayer or mantra, draw into and upon themselves the positive energies of the Heavens and Earth, as well as Mother and Father God and Myself.

Those who use my name in a blasphemous way, draw down upon themselves the negative energy of the Universe, the Heavens and the Earth, because all of these energies are held within my name. The energetic imprint is such that can either rise up or destroy.

Now you have this knowledge, it is your own choice as to which way you will absorb these frequencies, be it positive or negative. However you decide to use my name, be prepared for either huge outpourings of blessed energy or huge outpourings of negative energy depending on the choice you have made.

The power of my name has never been discussed in such a manner before. Humanity does not realise the power of letters, of words, of names, so please think about the energy field that is flowing from your mouths that can be detrimental and harmful to yourself and others. Take particular care from this time on and think before you speak.

As you are becoming Light and Lighter, every aspect of your thoughts, words and deeds need to be considered to enable you to enter that state of higher consciousness such as the 5th dimensional frequency, bringing with it the responsibility and necessity of dropping all density attached to thought, word and deed to help reduce the imprint of negativity on your blossoming Light body.

If you were to visit the highest dignitaries in your land, such as the Q of E or others of her station, you would make sure that you brushed up very well. You would be clean and shiny and new for that occasion and not have one speck of dust or dirt on your person and be totally regaled with creating the best possible impression upon this dignitary.

So consider for a moment, moving into super consciousness and the 5th dimension where you will meet aspects of Mother and Father God, the Highest Dignitaries of the heavens and extremely highly evolved Beings of Light from other dimensions and galaxies.

Do you not think that meeting these Heavenly Dignitaries would require from you the same effort of brushing yourself up, being bright and shiny and regaling yourself in your very best attire with not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere to be seen.

Of course I am not referring to your physical body, but your soul and spirit which needs to be as Light and pure as it is possible for you to make it.

Think about my words. I am Jeshua ben Joseph known as The Christ, Jesus, known as Lord Sananda. I am He who came to earth to give my life for the betterment of all mankind, to allow them the opportunity to progress, to evolve and move into the Ascended State at the appropriate time which will soon be upon you.

Mother and Father God send enormous blessings and love to you and upon you to which I add my own. I am available to all at any time. You only need ask and I am there with you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

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