Channelled from Master Hilarion on Good Friday 2009
I am Master Hilarion of the Green Ray of Creation. I come at the request of the Creator God to bring further knowledge and instruction to mankind. This will be a short message but I hope interesting none the less.
I am a scientist and work exclusively at the present moment in the area of Global Ecology. I would like to increase your understanding of these issues in relation to Mother Earth and her feelings about such matters.
Mother Earth is groaning under the weight of toxic energies that are prevalent around and within her. This is relating to many different sources, not only the known ecological factors but also pollution in the form of negativity coming from the human species itself.
These issues that exist right across the board go way back in history to times of war, persecution, trafficking of human cargo, cruelty and murder, etc. At the time of the French Revolution for example, the fear that was felt by those people whose lives were taken by Madam Guillotine, still permeates that place.
Terror resulting from the time of the Spanish Inquisition with the murder of so–called witches and heretics, still resonates there. Other atrocities and horrors that have happened throughout history have left a residue of fear and terror behind which is palpable and still hovers around these areas.
Not enough has been done in the way of cleansing and clearing to transmute this negative energy, and so it sits around becoming a larger and larger mass which attracts further like energy and becomes toxic matter which Mother Earth is unable to integrate or safely dissipate.
In Italy where the last earthquake occurred, it has allowed a clearing away of negative energies brought about by cruelty and torment perpetuated upon people by bullies and despots. The past and present reign of terror caused by the "brotherhood” of that region which has spread into almost every country in the world, has not even been broached yet.
If all of this dark energy is not cleared away then Mother Earth has only one option open to her and that is to create floods, quakes, volcanic eruptions, fire and wild storms to purge these areas.
In any place, in any country where atrocities and ungodly acts have been committed, people of Earth can expect there to be retribution in the form of Mother Earth having a series of nervous breakdowns.
She is totally in overload with the energies of the inhumanity of Man which dates back thousands of years. Expect more to come, but see this as a positive rather than a negative. It will be a positive act to reverse the negativity that needs to be cleared away or transmuted.
Those of you who are light workers, light keepers or light hearers, continue to shine your light brightly. Continue to live in positivity because the light you are emanating is the one thing that will help to keep the Earth in balance. Even though she needs to clear herself of all existing negative energies, she requires your light and positivity to remain stable. You may need to think about this.
I am a scientist from the other side of the veil and I am looking at Earth from a totally different perspective to those who live upon her. What I see is Mother Earth desperately trying to remain in balance and keep all who live upon her, all species of life not only humans, as safe as possible. This is where light workers need to take a stand, where prayer needs to be heard so that there can be a positive outcome to this dilemma.
It is not my intention to put a down spin on this situation. I am just asking you to look at this in the same way that we need to, and to make an effort to do what you can, so that we know enough people care about the resolution of this ecological quandary.
I would ask you to take particular notice of everything you are using in your homes and vehicles. What is pouring down your drains, what is going into your bodies, what you are putting on your skin. Look at how many shampoos, hair dyes, deodorants, skin care products there are that contain toxins, chemicals and poisons.
Most of you on a regular basis rub these poisons into your skin and your children’s skin. From the time they are babies they have toxic substances going into their little bodies and then so many of you wonder why your children become ill. Why indeed.
Take another look at what you are buying. Check labels and make sure that what is going into your bodies from the foods you eat or cosmetics you use, do not contain lethal substances. It is time to boycott these products manufactured by certain groups of people whose only motivation is greed.
They don’t care if their products are toxic. They are only interested in making money. In Australia there are substances being used that have been banned in other countries. You need to research this and not buy or use these products.
I, Hilarion, and my colleagues from the Ascended Master Realms and Beyond, thank all those beings of Earth who are doing their very best to be positive in every way, in thought, word and deed; who try to walk lightly upon the earth and leave no resounding toxic footprints.
We thank all of you, but we need you to continue to reaffirm the light way, the positive way, the non-pollutant way. We need you to hold your lamp high so that it can be seen by many others, not only from our dimension, but from yours.
I will return to further update when the opportunity arises. My love is with you.
POST SCRIPT -If you are unfamiliar with Master Hilarion of the Ascended Master Realms, you may recognise him as St. Paul on the road to Damascus, which is one of his incarnations and is referred to in the Bible. He is also known as St Hilarion from his last earthly incarnation in early 1800, where he lived as a Monk in Crete with many miraculous healings to his name.
POST SCRIPT -In the coming weeks look for “Timely words from the Lord Jesus Christ” posted on my Blog.
Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara
Something to think about.
This is an unusual “vision” that I saw recently which seems to link in with the “Ecological Update”, so I have decided to share it with you.
I experienced myself in a small space within the human body resembling the womb. I could feel and hear blood circulating through the body. I could feel and see the lungs acting like bellows, inhaling and exhaling air. I could feel and see the rhythm of the heartbeat. I could feel my body in sync with the Earth as she too was breathing and pulsing, both of us as one being.
I then saw what happened when toxic energies were ingested into the body from cigarettes, air pollution, chemicals in food, drugs, alcohol excess etc. The cells in the body went into shock. They clumped together in small groups as if gaining strength from each other to ward off the destruction that was coming form those invaders. I could see and feel them trembling and shaking with the effort it took to overcome those poisons. I could feel and see the Earth reacting in a similar way.
I saw the shape of the Creator God grow to gigantic proportions. I saw His Heart beating in rhythm with the heart of every creature on the Planet. His Breath was like a strong wind gusting through every life form, including Mother Earth.
I saw that we are all one. What one experiences, all experience. We are in sync with Mother Earth, breathing as she breathes, relating to her in every way. In sync with the Creator God. Part of His Hearth, part of His Breath. All connected. All linked.
Suzan Anzara
Copyright Suzan Anzara