Sunday, February 7, 2010

Channelling from Lady Angelica Of the Devic Kingdom (May '09)

Hello little ones, I am Lady Angelica.

I bring greetings from the Fairy Kingdom and wish to talk a little about different frequencies as well as current thinking about coming times.

We of the Fairy Kingdom who exist outside of Earth’s frequencies, but parallel, are aware always of the energy fluctuations and changes that Mother Earth experiences.

When Earth is calm and stable, we sense her feeling of well being. When she is in a state of flux with massive upheavals occurring, we are similarly affected, but to a lesser degree.

My reason for explaining this is to help you understand that whatever affects the Earth changing her frequencies, reacts on those around her at the same time.

Even though we are light and etheric, we feel Mother Earth’s upsets and this makes it impossible for us not to acknowledge the human species and be aware of them at all times.

Many of Earth’s people do not believe there is a Fairy Kingdom, but I am here to tell you that we have existed from the very beginning.

Our purpose was to bring into focus the magical aspect of the Creator God. It was His wish that coming humanity be able to enjoy mystery and magic and our task to show you how.

Fairy folk lore has been placed on the back burner of human evolution causing many people, excluding children, to lose the idea of fun and laughter and become totally immersed in worry and negativity instead of experiencing the light energies, creativity, beauty and harmony that the Fairy Kingdom brings.

We are only too willing to give our time to help people achieve these lighter states of being. Unfortunately, because so many reject our existence, our job is made almost impossible, for if people do not believe in magic, in a sense of fun and play, we cannot fulfil our role.

The strange thing is that many on Earth today have lived past lifetimes in the Fairy Kingdom and been part of that magical energy, but have pushed the memory so far away, they cannot now access the frequency.

We do everything we can to prompt you, or remind you, but your minds are so full of Earthly concerns that you are unable to hear our laughter or chatter.

My purpose in speaking today is to help you remember. The current knowledge that you have about crystals, plants, flowers and perfumery has originated from our kingdom.
Every flower or perfume that you come across will have a fairy essence at it’s base; every crystal that you are drawn to hold or wear, will contain devic energies.

This information has been brought into Earth, or in some cases channelled, by people who chose to reincarnate and bring the knowledge with them.

Those of you who believe fairies and associated beings do not exist, I say to you, look again, listen further. Follow that train of thought or that sense of something not quite tangible that hovers around the edges of your consciousness. That is us. We are there trying to attract your attention, to bring you joy, to make you laugh.

Unicorns are part of our frequency but have also been rejected because people have lost their sense of magic and do not realise how powerful that sense is. They are magical evolved beings that radiate white light, with a beam of light in the shape of a horn, shining from their 3rd eye. So we ask you to wake up; allow the light to permeate your soul and let these beautiful gifts from the Creator God into your consciousness.

Fairy lore exists to help you from remaining earth bound, to encourage you to spread your wings and fly, so to speak, and show you that fun and laughter is a necessary part of your existence.

You are not only intellectual, or religious, or scientific, or studious. You can be all of these and more and still have magical moments in your life. There is no need to close down that part of your brain, that part of your mind and heart which allows you to be joyful, magical and light-hearted.

Because a number of you are now developing your light or etheric body, you are coming closer to our frequency, our zone of being. You are welcome to visit our Kingdom during your sleep or meditative state and experience a wealth of knowledge at the same time.

I, Lady Angelica, am a member of the Ascended Master Realms, but at this moment in time have chosen the Fairy Kingdom as my point of reference. I have also lived lifetimes in many other kingdoms and frequencies.

Over those lifetimes, I have acquired amazing insights into space activity, interplanetary communications, and relationships, travel and sciences, but from all this, I chose the Fairy Kingdom because the qualities that exist within this frequency are what mankind is most in need of.

I have been asked by the Spiritual Hierarchy to issue a challenge, for you to uplift our minds and hearts and not be so entrenched in worry and negativity prevalent in your world today. If you stay down in depression and worry choosing only that experience, you will never learn the opposite. Never know love, joy, happiness,
laughter, magic, fulfilment, abundance, etc.

If mass consciousness takes on the negative and remains in that space, then the positive energies cannot surface. Do you understand this?

If you choose to stay in the doldrums, you will never leave that place. You need to make a conscious effort, and if there are ongoing negative influences in your life, including people, then move away from those situations.

Try not to let other people’s burdens drag you down to the point that you cannot anymore see or feel the “SUN”. I send beams of light and magic from my Kingdom to yours and ask you to be quiet and still for a moment to allow this energy to filter into your consciousness, for it is another gift from the Creator God to help you on
your journey.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009