Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Something to Think About (Dec 2011)

Hello everyone,

I am now working, from a healing perspective, with the final Ascension codes. This particular code is the six pointed star Light code which is the 7th activation code necessary for Light body unfoldment and is the symbol for powerful alchemical change.

It has been necessary to activate the six previous codes over a period of time to enable us to integrate the 7th code without harm being done to our physical bodies. People who have not yet begun to increase their Light quotients will be unable to accept this new frequency and I suggest to these people that they begin now to increase their frequencies and vibrate at a higher level so they can soon integrate this 7th Ascension code, because don’t forget, we cannot enter 5D and beyond unless we have an energy compatible with 5D which means higher than 3 or 4D.

There will be a chain reaction or domino effect for those who are ready to integrate this 7th Ascension code, in the sense that it will flow from them to others who are in the right energy space to receive it, to update their frequencies also.

I personally have only been working with this particular Ascension code for a few weeks, but I see it as the culmination of all Light quotient update healings I have performed over the past years and I am so thankful both for myself and those who have regularly received energy updates, to have reached this stage.

All of those people who have remained faithful to the idea of Ascension have been Lighthouses from whom others have kindled their flames and begun their journey into Light, and so it is, that chain reaction and domino effect that has helped so many on the road to evolvement, ready to participate in Light body emergence and Ascension when the time comes.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

P.S I have offered the service of “absent healing” and may be able to activate the 7th code in this way but that will depend on the individual. It may take more than one healing to start the activation process. Have faith, have trust and look forward to exciting times ahead.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Channelling from Lord Melchizedek (1)

This is the first of three channellings by Lord Melchizedek.

Ascension Update 1 November 2011

Good morning dear ones, I am Melchizedek.

Your are once again approaching the time when Earth celebrates the birth of the Christ Child into your world. It was no easy task for this extremely evolved soul who came from a high frequency place of origin, into a heavy, dense, negative 3D space. It was a mammoth undertaking, much more that any of you will ever realise.

It needed specific alchemical knowledge which embraced sacred geometry, the use of Mudras and other grounding methods that were provided by the women present at His Birth as well as the Magi, because without this specialist knowledge, He would have had great difficulty remaining in body.

Remember that this was a huge evolved soul coming into the physical body of a tiny babe in a dense 3D Earth. It was as undertaking that needed healing facilitators to be in place for the success of the mission, which had been planned for a long time to coincide with a specific astrological event that occurred at the time of His Birth.

Significant astrological events on Earth always herald important undertakings of one kind or another. The planetary transit that occurred on 11/11/11 was herald to the first major inflow of Ascension energy to your planet.

This energy contains extremely high frequency particles of Light which stream from the Creator Source with the sole purpose of raising frequencies of all living creatures upon your planet, to prepare them for the actual Ascension event when it finally happens.

There will be further inflows of high frequency Ascension energy flooding into Earth over the next months which will continue to update energy that each of you will have absorbed into your being. Be prepared for this, dear ones of Earth, because it will be something that you have not experienced before.

I strongly recommend that you all practice your grounding exercises to help you cope with this energy, because it has the power to create imbalance in the nervous systems of the human who is not prepared, causing some to experience periods of mental instability. Those who have been preparing themselves to receive this energy will not be so adversely affected, but grounding methods still apply.

I advise everyone to begin updating their frequencies in any way they can either by means of Light healing, running different colour rays through the inner and outer body, eating lighter foods, having quiet times or meditative moments during the day, using prayer or contemplation of nature, any or all of these methods to help you remain stable when receiving the Ascension energy.

I do not mean to be alarmist, I wish only to bring this matter to your attention so you can deal with it now, not next month, next year or the year after as some of you are thinking. You need to deal with this issue now.

The Ascension process is on your doorstep. It is not going away, it is not going to diminish in any way, it is an energy force that you all came to Earth to experience. That is why there are now 7 billion souls upon the Earth and every one of those souls chose to be here at this time to experience the changeover from dense physical body to ascended state.

There are to be different levels of the ascended state depending on the frequencies and vibrations emitted by each individual for example, kindergarten to tertiary, but each of these levels will house a much lighter form than the current physical body which will bring about great change in future living.

We have made a commitment, myself and other members of the Ascended Master Realms to lead you through this process as it occurs. We will not leave you to navigate on you own without the knowledge you require. I ask that you trust Us, your individual Spirit Guides, and the Angelic Kingdom to advise and show you the way.

There is no need for fear. You have known about this process for a very long time. The time for talking is over. The time for action is now.

I am Melchizedek. More will follow.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Channelling from Lord Melchizedek (2)

Ascension Update 2 November 2011

Greetings dear ones. I am Lord Melchizedek.

To carry on the theme of my preceding transmission, I wish to talk to you about plans put into effect to help humanity when the time of changeover actually eventuates.

In one sense, the changeover has already begun because of the Light that has been flowing into Earth’s resonance over the past years, plus the major Ascension Light that came through on 11/11/11 affecting all people.

Some of you may have been seriously affected by this energy and some not at all, other than to feel especially happy during that time period, or adversely, to feel a little numb or anything in between. This may seem to be going from one extreme to the other, but reaction to Ascension energy is uniquely individual depending on where each person is on their spiritual path and more importantly, the codes they carry.

You all carry genetic codes and symbols within your being. In the majority, these codes are dormant because little has been done to activate them. Those of you who have been working toward increasing your Light quotient carry varying degrees of activated codes depending again on where you are on your journey. At the beginning, middle or almost there, makes a difference to the energetic output and vibrations of these codes.

I will talk today about the Light codes associated with the six pointed star. Some of you carry codes of the six pointed star within your genetic make up. This Light code has a high frequency, high energy output and those who carry this particular code are generally souls who have reincarnated time and time again to help raise the frequencies of Earth to Ascension status. It also applies to others who may only have come to Earth once or twice to take part in the overall program.

Those who carry Light codes of the six pointed star most usually have specific work to do such as channelling high frequency Beings and/or for repairing destroyed grids along with associated updating and healing of Mother Earth. Some of these people are happy to work in the background where others tend to be more in the forefront. Some others contribute in a similar way without the realisation that they are doing so.

The six pointed star is not just the symbol of the Jewish faith. The Light codes and energies contained within the six pointed star have the power of alchemical change. Much can be achieved through the use of this symbol, but if used in a negative way, can be as destructive as beneficial.

As I have already mentioned, this particular symbol resonates in certain people upon the Earth plane at this current time, but unfortunately, because of the many who haven’t awakened yet to the knowledge of their individual capabilities, the full aspect of power of this symbol is not being used.

People who carry this symbol are dotted all around the Earth, but instead of there being an unbroken circle of this symbol’s energy frequency, there are gaps where the energy from the codes is not able to circulate. Some of you reading this may be wondering if you are one of these people helping to create gaps in this energy flow.

To find the answer, you need to look into your heart and soul during your meditations or contemplations, or ask your personal Spirit Guide, Angelic or Significant Other if this situation applies to you. The reaction you experience will either be positive or negative which will give you your answer.

If your answer is positive, you need to take time out and ask for directions about this particular necessity. If your six pointed star Light codes are unawakened or muted, then steps need to be taken to reverse that position and bring them back to their full resonance to accomplish what they are meant to.

This state of carrying high frequency codes is a responsible once, because one these codes come into peak performance, they must remain at that level and not be allowed to drop back into the realms of disuse. In other words, those who activate their six pointed star Light codes must be prepared to always remain aligned with that higher energy force to help complete the task of moving as many people as possible into 5D and beyond.

These codes need to be activated to help people manifest their Light body. An example I would like to use is of the Christ, Jesus. He carried extremely highly developed codes of Light which assisted Him when the time came, to manifest His Light body. These particular codes were within Him from birth, but because He lived a spiritual life and walked a spiritual path from childhood the Light and power from these codes were never ever extinguished. They shone brightly and even more brightly as He reached adulthood.

So for Him to make the change from dense physical to Light body was easily accomplished because of those highly evolved Light codes of the six pointed star which He carried. There are other symbols that people carry, but I have chosen the six pointed star because of its importance in the next evolutionary step that mankind will take into Light body form.

You all know what a six pointed star looks like and have probably seen one many times throughout your life, but familiarity and taking it for granted has blocked your vision of what is truly there.

The six pointed star carries pulsating high voltage energy and at its peak rate of vibration is breathtaking to behold. It also carries the power of gigantic alchemical change whereby people have the capability of changing from dense physicality to Light form. How amazing is that. When you think about that whole process of change, how amazing will it be when it becomes fully manifest.

So we need all of you people who carry Light codes of the six pointed star symbol, to wake up and take your place in helping to bring about this alchemical change. This is the reason you are on Earth at the current time. You chose to be here to participate in this phenomena, but we need all of you awake and playing your part.

I am Lord Melchizedek. More will follow.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Channelling from Lord Melchizedek (3)

Ascension Update 3 November 2011

Greetings dear ones. I am Lord Melchizedek. This is my final message.

I have thus far explained about the importance of the six pointed star Light codes and now I will take you further on that journey to show where those specific Light codes will lead you.

Those who activate their six pointed star Light codes with the intention of providing the alchemical symbol/solution to manifesting their Light body, will find that Light body state taking them into a place of heaven on Earth. We have given you several examples of how this may occur. It relates to a specific astrological event which will signal the immediate beginning of the alchemical transfer.

Light body manifestation is on its way. Mother Earth is reeling under the burden of trauma to her physical body. Her Light body structure which has 7 distinct layers with each of those 7 layers all levels having a multiple of 7, as you can imagine, is quite extensive and forms the “New Earth” where her Light bodied people will enter into a place of peace, harmony and love.

Whether Mother Earth cataclysms or not will depend on many different factors, but nothing will stop the Ascension process from happening. Portals/doorways will open for those who need entry points into the New Earth, along with a mist like substance falling which will allow people to walk through into 5D, but others who have an already developed Light body will find the way themselves through a sense of inner

The biggest concern we have is that people will reject the appearance of doorways into 5D and choose to remain behind because of emotional attachments to home, possessions, jobs, so on and so forth. Making the changeover is totally an individual choice, but you must realise dear ones, if Earth does not cataclysm at that particular moment, she will do so soon after and the Earth that you are familiar with will not exist any longer.

She is unable to carry the burden of humanity any further and needs to rest and rejuvenate and her request has been granted. It will come to pass that Mother Earth will find herself free of the presence of humanity who have largely been like a persistent itch upon her being that at times have almost driven her to distraction. A few will remain in different locations, but for the most part, she has been so tormented, so polluted and abused that she is unable to carry on.

Those of you reading my words need to make a choice as to what you will do when that moment arrives and be prepared to act upon that choice when that moment does arrive. Make your decision now about whether you will take the next evolutionary step for mankind which is Light body and 5th dimensional living, or whether you will remain on 3D Earth and suffer the consequences.
*Remember that the Christ, Jesus set up the blueprint for Ascension when He came to Earth and it is now time for that blueprint to become reality.

The future for 3D Earth is looking very bleak because of shortages of fresh water, food supplies and arable land to grow food. These shortages will create war amongst nations, so even if you feel content and happy at the moment, the Earth that you know is not going to continue. Proceeding to the next evolutionary step will bring you feelings of joy and happiness. There will be no such thing as want in any form, all needs will be catered for.

We have spoken in previous channellings about levels that will exist in 5D depending on the frequency emissions and heart vibrations of people, but no matter which level an individual may enter, the same will apply, in that needs will be met. Level 1 requirements may be different to level 9 for instance, but all of those requirements will be met.

Fifth dimension and beyond is not a space where people will just sit around bored out of their mind. First of all, the new Light Earth will be exactly the same as the physical Earth that you are familiar with except that it is more pristine and beautiful, totally unpolluted, vibrating at a higher level of frequency.

The essence of Divine Love will permeate the whole space and you will all bask in the glow of that Divine Love. It will bring out the absolute best qualities in each person.

You will learn how to use the power of your mind to create beauty in your life and manifest anything you desire that is harmonious to your surroundings and those who live in your surroundings. Harmony will exist on all levels of 5D and you will have closer contact with those you know as Saints/Ascended Masters, Angelics, all evolved Beings including The Christ Jesus, The Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and others, all of those religious icons that have featured in the past thousands of years.

The spiritual theme of 5D is Oneness and Unity with no distinctions. There is One Truth and One Truth only. There will be no offshoots of that Truth. Your spiritual teachers will be Ascended Masters and other highly evolved Beings who have no hidden agendas as occurs in your religions of Earth.

Wealth and possessions are unnecessary in this new world you are going into, because you will learn how to manifest anything you need or desire. There will be no mortgages, no power bills, no taxes. The food you require will be provided for you. Because you have a lighter body form, your dietary needs will be totally different and you won’t need to eat as frequently as you do now to sustain your new body.

You will eat vegetarian foods, fruit and vegetables, which will then adapt to more liquid foods as you yourself adapt to that change, but there will be no more drama about procuring the nourishment you require. Foods will grow by the use of energy, no water will be necessary. There will be no nightfall, you will live in constant light, so there won’t be the necessity of power grids of any kind.

Basic crystalline homes have been set up on each level waiting for the individual touch, so that when people move into the facilities provided, they can change them at their leisure into their own preference, the same idea applying to gardens and outside areas. What has been provided is just the bones of a structure that can be added to depending on your requirements.

There is a work ethic but different to what presently operates on Earth. Education systems have been set up for both children and adults, also different to what is current on Earth. The Arts will play a large part in your new life such as music, theatre, literature and much more which will benefit all, but more importantly, a sense of completeness and contentment in this new life will be experienced by all who choose this new life.

The outline I have given you of life in 5D and beyond is just an outline which gives you an idea of how things will be, but the actual living of that life is a thousand times more perfect and beautiful. It is so far beyond you comprehension because life on Earth at present is difficult for so many. It may seem too good to be true, but is all Truth.

There are some who have been working toward this new life not just for themselves, but for all of Earth’s people. Huge amounts of work have gone into establishing this concept and setting things up in such a way that the transformation can occur easily and without fear. We have done everything we can to make things as easy as possible for the human to embrace this alchemical change from dense physical to Light body.

There has been a select band of humans on Earth plus Ascended Masters, Angelics and Others who have worked tirelessly to bring this to fruition for the benefit of all, not just a few. It has been done with great love and reverence and acknowledgement of the Divine within each soul and it is with permission from Divine Source that all has come to pass.

I am Lord Melchizedek. I look forward with all of my Being to meet and greet you when you walk through the doorways into your new home, new existence, new life. Be ready dear ones of Earth for it is almost upon you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Regarding Portals Update (November 2011)

September 21st – Congo revisit
All energies and healing rays sent by Lightworkers formed into a massive wave which pulsated frequencies from Nth-Sth of that country, clearing the atmosphere above the land where foul and negative energies from below sit and accumulate.

October 19th -Kenya revisit
For the first time, I could actually see the forming of 5D in this area, so no matter what is happening on the physical earth, the higher dimensions are continuing to manifest. How good is that.

November 2nd -Ethiopia
I met up with a group of Ascended Masters including Jeshua who linked hands and walked across this land covering a vast expanse and updating frequencies as we went. Some Lightworkers were also involved with this group while others bombarded the whole area with healing energies. The Ascended Masters then mingled with groups of people, raising their frequencies and giving them hope.

November 16th -Uganda
 A gigantic chalice overflowing with white mist containing sacred geometry appeared above this country. It slowly moved down to ground level where it tipped sideways spilling the total contents into the blood soaked terrain where it helped to transmute the violence and bloodshed that had occurred. Healing energies sent by Lightworkers helped to clear away old and new violent energies and vibrations that persist.
The next locations are: 
  • November 30th – Tanzania
  • December 14th – Vietnam and Cambodia
  • December 28th – Break (no meditation)
  • January 11th -Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
  • January 25th – Micronesia and Melanesia
  • February 8th – Polynesia and Hawaii

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Something to think about (28 October, 11)

Master Marko of the Intergalactic Space Command came to visit on the 25/10 and brought this information with him.

11/11/11 is ushering in the first significant level/wave of Ascension energy. It will be extremely powerful and need to be downstepped or filtered to allow people to integrate the energy safely. Even so, this energy may cause confusion and discomfort in some people.

He does not think that many will be ready to ascend at this time, just a few perhaps, but certainly not the majority. However, further waves/layers of Ascension energy will continue to flow between now and a specific period of time in 2012, helping people to be ready for that shift when it happens.

The Ascension energy will also carry age reversal processes for the physical body. How exciting is that!

It has come to my attention from several sources, that Atlantis was not destroyed from within, but from an outside source, because their scientists were playing around with energies that could destroy the whole Universe.

This is what Jeshua is referring to in His last channelling, where He talks about a destruction that occurred, which brought about the total demise of Atlantis. It is happening again now with some of our scientists repeating those same procedures and steps have to be taken to ensure the safety of not only Planet Earth, but the whole Universe.

The Ascension process is our way of moving forward in safety. Be prepared everyone.

I recently went with Archangel Michael to visit a certain laboratory where these same procedures are in full swing. He was able to destabilise their activities by reducing the frequencies they were using and He will oversee this issue until the Ascension process is completed.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

* It may be an idea to make sure your computers are backed up and you have some cash on hand around the date of 11/11/2011 as it’s possible there may be an electronic glitch affecting computers, atms etc with the incoming ascension energy.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Jeshua/the Christ Jesus speaks (3)

Hello dear ones, I am Jeshua.

MentaRa has mentioned to me, that in her humble opinion, my last two channellings have been far too direct and to the point. She fears that my direct and to the point language may cause some of you to become fearful or even angry. I take her point, however, I do not apologise for my words or the manner in which they have been spoken.

I have tried everything in my power to get the message across concerning peace and harmony between all men, even to the point of giving my life in my last major Earth incarnation, and although that happened a long time ago, it resurfaces every year when your religions glorify my Crucifixion and bring it back into Earth’s resonance time and time again. Following those occasions, many people think about their behavioural patterns and how they can improve themselves, then slowly slip back into the old ways of negativity and inhumanity toward their fellow Earth co-habitators.

The Ascension process which is looming toward you, has been set up by the Spiritual Hierarchy, including our Heavenly Parents, to help humanity if they so desire, move into the next level of consciousness and it is only because of a handful of Light Beings upon the Earth and Mother Earth herself, that this can now fall into place without a similar destruction occurring which brought about the demise of Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis.

The Earth is so close at the present moment for that same destruction to eventuate, which has only been prevented because of a request from Mother Earth herself, asking for a “Staying of the hand” to allow the Ascension process to manifest in this current Age of Aquarius. Knowing this may shock many of you but unfortunately, this is the way things are because of what is being allowed to happen both to and upon Earth with each event becoming more outrageous and destructive that the last.

The progressive mining trend is the last straw. The repercussions of this will back Mother Earth into a corner and push her over the edge leaving nothing able to be done to return her into balance and alignment. Her equilibrium has an extremely fragile point of placement and the ongoing mining and accompanying destruction will be the very thing that causes her to lose that equilibrium and force her to react in extremely violent ways.

Just consider this for a moment. How would you personally feel if someone observed you closely, without your permission, looked you over from every angle, then decided they would like to have some of your DNA to process and investigate, then went on to painfully invade you without your permission to get what they required for their own purposes, leaving you stunned, confused, depleted and extremely vulnerable.

How do you think Mother Earth feels when it is happening to her on such a grand scale. She is not happy dear ones, and neither am I. Fortunately for the human race, the ascension process with access to the 5th dimension and beyond will be the escape route from this ongoing pounding, rape and brutalisation of Earth which will have disasterous consequences for humanity.

Entering a higher consciousness and frequency zone provided for those of you willing to make this change by Mother and Father God, enabling you to continue to grow and evolve in the Light is the escape option available to you. You will leave behind those greedy corrupt, manipulative influences who are doing their utmost to destroy Planet Earth, who also have the audacity to think they will be allowed to travel into and plunder other habitable realms of space. I have to tell you dear ones, this is not going to happen.

I am Jeshua.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara October 2011

Jeshua/ the Christ Jesus speaks (2)

Good morning dear ones, I am Jeshua.

Coming into your sphere of life are certain situations that you will find in many instances, confronting as well as confusing; concerning as well as puzzling; difficult as well as counter productive. The reason for me bringing this to your attention, is to advise you that you need to find the space between where you will be sheltered from the buffeting that will eventuate.

The space between was discussed in a chapter of “Waiting in the Wings” which was channelled in by three Buddhas from the Buddhic Realms. It is information that will help you understand the space between and enable you to assimilate into that place. All issues that will come to pass that cause you to feel concern, confusion etc, are variables that will occur between now and a significant period of time in 2012. Much fear is beginning to be engendered within the human race because of prophecies, both new and ancient, which deem 2012 to be a year of ending.

2012 will be a year of ending, a changeover from one cosmic era to another, but also a time of enormous growth and evolvement for people of Earth who choose those states of being. Realise that this event, this 2012 event, has been on the agenda for thousands of years. The idea is not anything new but was formulated by the Creator God way back when he foresaw the destructive path mankind was beginning to walk and would continue to follow.

The reasons for this destructive path aren’t important at this point, because it is past as well as present time, where we are now more concerned with the future of Mother Earth and all of her human, flora and fauna inhabitants. The conspiracy theories that rage over issues relating to the demise of some of Earth’s population carry truth. There are people in power who would very much like to weed out those whom they consider to be the weak and untenable of the human race. However, this is extreme arrogance on their part for they will not see that the so called weak and untenable are their brothers and sisters in Christ, because we all carry codes of the Creator Source within us which makes us related to all beings on this Earth as well as other planetary systems.

So they who knowingly set out to destroy those seemingly weak and untenable humans and animals with their killer viruses and gases, plus whatever evil else they may consider using, are actually trying to destroy living Creator Source Codes over and over again. Is this not reason for thee Creator Source to feel protective toward those so called weak and untenable human and animal species and furious with the egotistical and arrogant who think they have the power and wealth to actually walk in His Footsteps?

Do you think, those of you reading my words, that the Creator Source will stand still for much longer without finding a fitting way to destabilise this whole situation? He has the power, the strength and might to change the fortunes of these people overnight and I would say to them, be very, very careful about your next move because you may find yourself in serious trouble with the situation totally reversed.

I am Jeshua also known as The Christ, Jesus. More will follow.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Jeshua/The Christ Jesus Speaks (1)

This is the first in a series of 3 messages from Jeshua

Hello dear ones of Earth,
I am carrying out my promise to continue updating knowledge and energy and will do so for as long as it is necessary.

At the time of this transmission, your Earth is facing enormous challenges some of which you have no understanding of because you are looking at the surface only without realising the depth of certain situations that are occurring.

Many people think that all happenings upon the Earth are as it should be, that it is meant and allowed to be. It is one thing to say that the Creator God gave you the right to experience on all levels, but where do you draw the line; how far are you willing to go; when are the lessons learnt and the wisdom gained acted upon; when do the abuses, tortures and murders cease.

The reality of karma is often used as an excuse. It is true that what you perpertrate in one lifetime returns in another, but do you want to continue on, not learning from your experiences, not overcoming the deep negativity some of you are involved in and others of you accept; are you happy to repeat this cycle in each lifetime that you embrace.

Is it not time that humanity realised what is really happening, where certain behavioural patterns are repeated over and over again; isn’t it a better idea to balance the scales to bring everything back into alignment to enable you to approach the Ascension process knowing you will be successful?

There is no time now to play around with dark energies, negativity, the pursuit of the mighty dollar, corruption in all its forms and the ecological destruction that is taking place.

All of this overuse of the shadow side of man has brought you to this state of being where there is great unhappiness, enormous lack for some, with illness and disease confronting many.

For years now we have been transmitting information from the highest realms via the channelling corridors, asking you to consider changing your way of thinking, to look at things in a much more positive way and to achieve in a much more positive way. In many instances, these requests have fallen upon deaf ears and negativity in different forms has been allowed to flourish.

Something that a large number of you do each year is go through your homes with a fine tooth comb and carry out what you call a “spring clean.” Everything is washed, polished, cleaned until all is sparkling with old energies removed allowing new energy to take its place.

Some of you are just too busy to even consider that you may need to spring clean your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well, but I can assure you that it is well worth your while to do so.

You are about to embrace a whole new way of life, of living, and to be compatible with this new energy field means you need to clear out the old to allow in the new. It is not difficult to do it only takes your time, but unfortunately, time is not something that many are prepared to give because they are caught up in living the illusory life of materialism and false values.

Consider this, dear ones of Earth. When you are ill or suffering a serious disease, it becomes imperative that you take time out or spend time in hospital to achieve wellness for your physical body or mind. If you don’t, your physical body just falls in a heap leaving you unable to continue on.

This is what you need to undertake to heal your spiritual and emotional bodies, to replenish those aspects of yourself which at the moment in many of you, are quite depleted.

There are some who follow the spiritual path, who take the time to be still, to meditate, to retreat, to spend in nature, all of these qualities that nurture and heal the
spiritual and emotional bodies, but the majority do not embrace these particular states of being which would bring them further strength and health benefits and enable them to become much more balanced and aligned, with their energy fields vibrating at the highest level possible for them.

Your energy field affects all around you, the people you meet during your day, your families, your pets, so if you are pulsating a depressed, negative energy then this is what others around you will experience because you are keeping them at that level of imbalance.

If you are happy and positive, you will pulsate a higher frequency energy and help others to vibrate at that same level. You are helping them to raise their frequencies from a lower to a higher level creating further balance within themselves and the locations in which they reside.

You need to think about where you stand in the scheme of things, if you are contributing in a positive or negative way with Mother Earth and those around you, and find the ways and means of lifting your game which will not only help yourself, but all within your sphere of life.

I am Jeshua. More will follow.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chapter 17 from 2012 A Gift for Humanity from Lord Melchizedek

This is an excerpt from Suzan's book, 2012: A Gift for Humanity from Lord Melchizedek, Light Body and Ascension, available from her site.

Chapter 17: The Cellular System

In this chapter we will take a further look at energy resonances within the human body. Some of you perhaps do not realise that the human body is a field of consciousness which contains the whole Universe within it. Every cell in the body is a mini universe in itself, so when you consider the total number of cells, it may give you an idea of the magnitude of energy fluctuations that exist. We will look at one cell for example.

If you were to study one cell from a physical point of view, you would see that it contains your DNA, specific markers which show your genealogy and any weakness within your genetic blueprint, amongst other things. If you were to study one cell from a spiritual point of view, you would realise that you have a cellular memory bank which lists all past lives and experiences from those lives both positive and negative. You will realise, some of you, that you have lived on other planets and galaxies before coming to Earth and retain memories from those times in other dimensions. You will also see that you have a marker which represents your link to Mother and Father God.

The spiritual aspects of your cellular patterning are not considered by today’s medical people, but herein lies the solution to many perplexing problems that have surfaced during this lifetime. This is the intelligence of the cells within the body and when all is magnified millions of times over, you can perhaps understand the complexity of each and every individual on the Planet.

Those of you who have ongoing interest in planetary activity outside of Earth, the movement and direction plus the influences of the planets, carry that link within you because you have lived on many of those planets in previous existences, reaching back a long time. Many of you look to the stars with longing wanting to return from whence you came, but you are on Earth at the present moment for specific reasons which you yourself chose before incarnating here. Most of you returned to Earth because you carried implied karma that needed to be resolved until completely cleared.

Cells within the human body contain much information and data from both a physical and spiritual aspect. What you do not realise is that you have profound knowledge from those lifetimes on other planets and galaxies laying dormant within you which 99% of the population do not realise and have never accessed. Not everyone has the same memories of course. People come from different locations at different times. The Universe has existed for billions of years, so the lives you have lived in other galaxies are mostly ancient, not always, and you have ancient memories and information stored within you from those times.

It is important to clear any negative past and present life experiences that may have created blockages within you such as fear or terror, which in turn creates disease. Also, if you, in a past life, passed away from cancer or heart attack or other diseases, at whatever age, certain triggers can cause that memory to resurface at the same age in this lifetime, causing the same problems to occur. Clearing of past issues need to be carried out and may be activated in different ways depending on the individuals themselves, so when the Light body and Ascended state comes into play, you will be able to remember who you really are through all those lifetimes and experiences you have had. A key will turn in your mind to unlock those memories to help you realise you are not only a child of Earth but a child of the whole Universe with many experiences of life in other dimensions at last open to you.

We have mentioned before that Space Beings are your brothers and sisters in future time. They have also been your brothers and sisters in past time. You have forgotten this fact but the memories are there, the links are already in place, so when you meet these Spacial Beings on the 5th dimensional plane as we mentioned in an earlier chapter, you will feel a great sense of home coming because you will share recognition and be delighted to reacquaint with your Spacial family.

I am downloading this information to help you understand, those of you who have serious drug and alcohol addictions that actually destroy cells, that you are also destroying precious, precious memories and information from your own database which means you will only have half or less than half of the whole story if you are not able to overcome those addictions or at least reduce them. When all this comes to pass, if your cellular memory bank has been destroyed because of your addictive personality, you will be so disappointed with yourselves because you have blanked out those times and memories.

I am not preaching at anyone of Earth because again you have free will and choice, I am only trying to point out what you will miss. Medical research has shown how addictions affect the physical body, but from a spiritual point of view it is also catastrophic. If there are people close to you who suffer from drug or alcohol related problems, perhaps you could take it upon yourself to request spiritual help for these people, to give them a choice as to whether they wish to continue further or stop irreparable damage being done with, in some cases, total loss of cellular memories and knowledge.

I have consulted members of the Spiritual Hierarchy about this problem and it was decided that the 23rd Psalm which you have all come across at some point in your lives, be given the encoding required to help those of humanity with addictions when repeated with that intention in mind, as well as clearing cellular memory blockages and allowing for soul retrieval.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness can also be used with the same option of clearing past life blockages and present life addictions. This is a special dispensation that has been granted in an effort to help humanity stabilise more fully in order to enter their Light body and Ascended state.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Letters from John the Baptist - a new e-book

Announcing a new e-book called A Series of Letters from John the Baptist which is available from my site Suzan Anzara. To give you an idea of the contents of the e-book, an extract from the book is given below.

Greetings dear ones, I am John.

It is my wish and desire to help humanity, in any way that I can, to continue evolving further into the Light of Christ Consciousness and Ascension, the 5th dimension and beyond. I have already personally made this journey and reached my longed for destination, and understand fully what the human has before him/her.

My own ascension occurred quite some time ago, many lifetimes past in fact. I was one of the original ancient Lemurians who left their home in the company of the one you now know as The Christ, Jesus, and others who played key support roles when He returned to Earth some 2000 years ago. There were many Ascended Masters within that original group.

We had co-habitated on our planet with many forays into other dimensions and sectors of the Universe to carry out particular tasks requested by our Creator. It was an ongoing process which lasted a very long time.

It was decided by Mother and Father God that Earth would be inhabited by beings from our planet, the planet Mu*, and we willingly travelled via our mother ship until we reached planet Earth which was seen to be the jewel in the crown, where we began our new civilization and introduced knowledge and technology from planet Mu into Earth’s resonance.

We named our new home Lemuria after Lemur, which was significant and beloved to us from whence we had come. It was a simple thing to do because we had the advanced technology to make the change from planet Mu to planet Earth successfully with ease and grace.

We remained in Light body form. We had an extended chakra system in comparison to what you have now, an extended DNA. system and a higher vibrating molecular structure which enabled us to live and reside on planet Earth just as we had on our home planet with all the benefits relating to the operation of life using that extended chakra system, DNA and molecular structure.

Because of our Light bodies and lack of density, we were able to live in the same body for thousands of years. This may seem strange to you as you live at present in a system of three score and ten which is the average life span for people on Earth, give or take a few years.

*This statement does not necessarily mean that Mu was their planet of origin. It only means that they happened to be residing on Mu at that particular time, just as you and I have lived many lifetimes in different locations throughout Earth and the Cosmos which were home to us on those occasions.

*Mu is a small planet within the galaxy of Cassiopeia.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Something to think about – Coming Times (Sept,'11)

I have been sitting on this information for a while now because I did not want to cause fear or alarm, but after speaking to Archangel Michael plus a few friends who said they would rather know than not know, I have decided to make the knowledge public.

This information concerns all levels of Earth and her people who are about to enter a state of 5th dimensional consciousness. It does not necessarily apply to levels of 5D and beyond that already exist either within or parallel to Earth.

First of all, people will be shown in their dream state or through a downloading process, what is about to eventuate. It will be putting people on notice if you like, about impending changes. This is what I have seen in our future.

In conjunction with an astrological event, Earth’s fault lines will react at the same moment causing major quakes and volcanic eruptions simultaneously all over the planet. This will then trigger portals/doorways to open giving people the opportunity to exit the physical Earth if they so desire.

We have already seen the possibility of this in the quake that hit the east coast of the United States late August where tremors were felt in several states over thousands of miles.

At the same time, a huge Light field will trigger a rise in Kundalini energy which will lead to Light Body emergence. We are already experiencing this light field entering Earth’s resonance in small increments, helping people to slowly become familiar with the power and strength of its energy force.

Those who gain entry into 5D will do so by their personal frequency emission and heart vibrations. Some people will not need portal/doorways exits, but will know exactly where to go. Everything has been prepared in 5D for the influx of population and will be supervised by Archangels and their helpers, Ascended Master/Saints and many other highly evolved Beings.

As well as this, a different type of entry point will come into focus at the same time as portal openings. In some places an unmistakable curtain of white mist will fall, as in “Mists of Avalon. Walking through and behind the mists will also lead people into 5D. The same energy code applies with compatible frequencies necessary to enter. A sense of “inner knowing” will help you determine which path to follow.

The Light body of Earth will slowly separate from her physical aspect taking her light bodied people with her. Portals and other access points will remain viable for a specified time then be permanently sealed. All who are to enter 5D will find their way and not be left behind.

There will be small pockets of humanity left to manage and caretake Earth, but only small pockets of humanity across different locations, not vast numbers of population as now exists.

In a recent visit from Jeshua 31/08/11, he stated that further earthquakes may trigger more nuclear radiation leaks causing higher levels of toxicity to affect all on Earth. The seriousness of the radiation problem plus the care less attitude of mining companies, government bodies and others who are polluting food and water supplies causing serious health problems, birth deformities and even death because of the poisons and chemicals being used, is what will begin the Ascension process sooner rather than later.

In the interim, perhaps it would be a good idea to stockpile current food and water supplies that are not yet contaminated, to offset this problem if and when it happens. We can hope this will not come to pass but it does not hurt to be prepared especially as this situation already exists in some parts of the world.

Greed is behind all of this with the destruction of Earth herself and the care of her human, flora and fauna inhabitants being totally disregarded. This behaviour will not be allowed to continue, and in one way or another, massive change will take place.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

P.S.Because we are in a state of flux, I will keep you updated of any changes that may occur.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Regarding Portals Update (September 2011)

Canada and Greenland (July 13)

In Canada, a further continuation of healing of past indigenous tribal affairs. A portal has been established here. In Greenland, I found good energy already existing which was added to with healing sent by Lightworkers. A portal has been established here as well. I feel that these two countries will continue to hold pockets of humanity when the Earth changes come into place.

Congo, Somalia and Kenya

There is huge need in these areas. I personally found it difficult to cope with the energies in these places but still sent healing and updating frequencies along with other Lightworkers. We need to revisit these countries.

Kathmandu revisit (September 7)

I wondered why we needed to revisit until I looked up my notes and realised the connection between Kathmandu and Uluru. The portal set up in Kathmandu links with the portal of Uluru which is the solar plexus chakra of Earth. A week or so before this meditation, I visited Uluru and surrounding areas (physically) to carry out a specific realignment and updating of ley lines which had been fractured by the atomic charge detonated at Maralinga S.A between 1956 and 1963.

A huge amount of repair updating was carried out over the whole area including Alice Springs and the Macdonnel Ranges. Some work had previously been done from the South Australian end but needed to be realigned and updated.

To make it easier for you to understand, I was shown the whole area to be realigned as a complex mosaic with the lines and patterns within the mosaic broken and ruptured. The geometrical codes that my helper and myself both carried plus the team of scientists we were working with from the other side, were able to return those ley lines within the mosaic, back into alignment and balance.

So the healing done in Kathmandu was a major adjustment to realign with the new energy and frequency levels of Uluru.

While I was in the area, I came across a civilization of ancient people living deep within a particular rock formation, who in the last major Earth upheaval, became stuck in a time warp and are imprisoned there. They are in a sense, in no-man’s land, caught between dimensions and time. I did what I could at that moment but they need further assistance. They have knowledge of the upcoming shift into 5D and are hoping to be part of that. Perhaps our prayer support will make that shift a certainty for them.

The next locations are:

  1. Sep 21st – Congo revisit
  2. Oct 5th – Somalia revisit
  3. Oct 19th – Kenya revisit
  4. Nov 2nd – Ethiopia
  5. Nov 16th – Uganda
  6. Nov 30th – Tanzania

Cosmic Blessing
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Healing fractures and misalignments 19/8/2011

This post is in response to those people who have asked for assistance in spotting traits that create fractures and misalignments in the Universal Harmonic mentioned in “A Message from John the Baptist.”

This particular exercise was downloaded to me in May of this year to help determine imbalances in ourselves that create fractures and misalignments in the Universal Harmonic. You will need a knowledge of crystals or a Crystal Bible that lists the qualities each crystal contains.

First of all, ask your Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide or Significant Others to help you be successful in this undertaking. Then enter a quiet or meditative space and visualize coming into your consciousness, a brilliant gold chalice studded with gems of all descriptions such as opal, amethyst, diamond, sapphire, clear quartz, rose quartz, ruby etc.

Focus on your chalice and take particular notice of the gem that is speaking to you or resonating with you. If for example, the gem speaking to you is rose quartz, look at the properties of this stone.

Amongst other things, rose quartz encourages self forgiveness, self acceptance, self trust, self worth and self love. It is telling you that you need to unconditionally love yourself, forgive yourself, trust yourself.

If at the present moment you are doubting your capabilities, experiencing lack of self esteem or worth and are unable to forgive yourself for past misjudgements, then these are the areas you need to heal in order to bring yourself back into alignment and reset your scales, so to speak.

Face with honesty those situations in your life that are keeping you in a state of lack. Transform and transmute each situation as it surfaces with the Violet Ray of Transmutation and Forgiveness as many times as you need to, until you feel a release from the pull of those memories.

This exercise may trigger an emotional reaction within you over a few day period, but realise this is all part of the healing process. The use of Bach Flower remedies will be helpful during this time.

The above exercise applies to any crystal you may resonate with. Determine the
characteristics of your crystal to help you understand the areas in which you need to focus to allow your scales to reset and bring you back into balance and harmony. Wearing or carrying that particular stone, if possible, will also help with the healing process.

I hope you find this exercise easy to follow. I have tried it myself and was successful in sharpening up my own weak points. You will find if you do this on a regular basis that past life emotions which may be infiltrating your present life causing you to take backward steps, will be cleared away also, so there are added benefits to the whole process.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (mentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Message from John the Baptist 01/07/11

John the Baptist recently showed me that Lightworker’s energies link up with one another to form a Universal Harmonic, a huge field of Light and energy that pulsates out into the Cosmos. This also applies to people who are continually negative and/or dark with that particular energy field attracting further like energy.

Working with energy over past years has shown me that humans can be affected by this dark energy field consisting of negative and violent thought forms and actions to the point of, in some cases, behaving in like manner.

If no one ever thinks to clear away energies associated with abuse, violence, crime, etc., those energies linger, attracting further like energies which pulsate and vibrate and in many cases, are acted upon by unwitting humans who do not realise where the force behind their actions actually stem from.

There is a lesson to be learned here for all of us. If at any time your thoughts or actions become harmful to someone else, stop those thoughts or actions in their tracks and use The Violet Flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness to clear your own personal energy field (your aura) as well as your surrounds, such as your home or car and the spatial area in which you reside. In my humble opinion, the phrase “history often repeats itself” takes on relevance in these situations.

He also showed me the symbolism of balanced scales which represents people involved in the Universal Harmonic. If for any reason individuals falter in holding their energy within the Universal Harmonic, the scales become unbalanced and the Harmonic fractures, creating a serious fault line in that energy field which does not come back into alignment until the individual resets the scales, so to speak.

This Universal Harmonic is currently out of balance.

John the Baptist went on to share with me some interesting facts. Apparently there are 144 (12 x 12) people around the Earth, both male and female, who hold the total energies of Earth in balance. He showed me the example of these people standing in a circle holding hands, and if one of them moves out of alignment, it instantly creates a fracture in that energy balance.

I could not see how 144 humans were capable of holding this energy successfully in place until he very patiently explained to me, that I was looking from a human perspective, not realising that these people are huge Cosmic Beings with only one small aspect of themselves human enough to keep them grounded on the Earth.

I was given a glimpse of one of these beings and saw him as a gigantic figure with arm and leg chakras connecting to different planetary systems throughout the universe, totally at home in both Earth and Cosmic locations, pulsating and vibrating huge amounts of energy everywhere he went. If any one of these 144 falters, the balance instantly fractures and becomes torn, broken and uneven, instead of remaining fluid lines of energetic impulse.

In some instances, another of the 144 will step in and pick up the slack to stop the fracture from deepening further, but this position cannot be held for too long. Lightworkers are the support network around these 144 people.

All Lightworkers need to look at themselves to see where they stand within this Universal Harmonic network. If you feel that you are helping to cause fractures, then steps need to be taken to realign yourselves to come back into balance.

All Lightworkers on Earth at the present moment chose to be here at this time to participate in, amongst other things, keeping the Harmonic in balance and to be part of a support system for the 144 group. It is an extremely important undertaking and all involved need to discover if they are in default helping to create ongoing fractures and misalignments.

If this applies to you and you need help in spotting the traits that cause these fractures, please let me know and I will post a simple technique to help overcome any problematic situations.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan (MentaRa)

P.S. There is a reference to the Universal Harmonic in the newsletter that came from Mother God toward the end of last year 2010. It might help if you reacquaint yourself with that information.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Regarding Portals Update July 2011

June 1st – Australia (All States)
A higher voltage frequency was downloaded into each state separately. It consisted of diamond energy encoding and was silvery white in colour. This does not mean there won’t be any further problems relating to weather patterns, unless of course by miraculous intervention, otherwise Earth cleansings will continue to occur.

There are many different levels of dense energy existing throughout this country relating to past and present trauma and atrocities that have been committed. The rainbow and other rays sent by Light workers continue to raise these particular frequencies.

Other areas in serious need are mining communities both large and small. In the devastating floods in Queensland earlier this year, there were 50 plus mines in operation that were largely affected by those floods. I feel that Mt.Isa is still under threat in some way. I also feel that there will be tornadic winds through some states in the coming months.

This has already happened in N.S.W.

June 15th – North America
The same high voltage geometrical energy was downloaded throughout the whole land mass. Particular healing and clearing was carried out in relation to historical events concerning Native American Indians.

June 29th – South America
At the time of this meditation, there was a wild fire burning out of control in an area of Mexico which was threatening a nuclear facility operational there. All local residents were evacuated. I personally focused entirely on this fire to try and help bring it under control.

The next locations are:
July 13th – Canada + Greenland
July 27th – Congo
Aug 10th – Somalia
Aug 24th – Kenya
Sept 17th – Kathmandu.. Revisit

Friday, July 1, 2011

Regarding Portals Update May 2011

April 6th – Japan

During this meditation, I visited the areas devastated by the earthquake and tsunami. It was the saddest place with overwhelming grief permeating the whole location. I felt that more disaster would occur here, and as time has gone by, there have been further quakes with ongoing concerns about radioactive fallout. Soul rescue was also carried out during this visit.

Other parts of the country received updating of energies and frequencies from the Lightworkers involved, with a portal established above a major city that links to Mt Fuji which is one of Earth’s chakra points.

April 20th – Libya

Extreme light and sacred geometry flowed from a central point and assimilated throughout the whole country. A huge grid was downloaded through an overhead vortex and situated on a high energy point where it began to transmit heart frequencies to surrounding areas.

Love and gratitude came from the Archangel of Libya for the healing and caring sent by Lightworkers. You may have felt, as I did, love energy from Him in your heart Chakra.

May 4th – Egypt

For quite a while now, whenever I have looked at a picture of, or thought about the Pyramids of Giza, I have seen golden light flowing from underneath them which led me to believe, that something else was happening there also. I then became aware that some records of Ancient Lemuria are held in vibrational form in that space.

After visiting Egypt last night in meditation, I found myself totally drawn to the pyramids where I came across something astounding. As well as ancient records of Lemuria being stored there, I saw another pyramid, a mirror image of the existing great pyramid under the Earth.

The existing great pyramid with it’s mirror image in total, forms a gigantic diamond shape which holds the frequencies of the Sirius Star System on Planet Earth. There is an already existing portal above the Pyramids that links up with the 6th dimension (Sirius) which is used as an entry/exit point.

I feel that there will be an amazing discovery made by our Earth’s scientists in that location soon. Healing energies sent by Lightworkers has amped up the frequencies of the country enormously. Take note of any upcoming reports by the media on this situation.

The next locations are:

  • May 18th – China

  • June 1st – Australia (all states)

  • June 15th – North America

  • June 29th – South America

  • July 13th – Alaska

P.S I have missed reporting on a few countries, but please realise that all healing energies sent are having an amazing effect on both the people and countries involved in ways that are not always obvious to those of us participating.

Remember that the request for this prayer and healing support came from a Higher Place and that Lord Sananda/Jesus Christ is our Patron. His Presence has been in every country we have visited so far. Archangel Michael and Others also play a significant role.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Something to think about (June)


Today at 10am, a blueprint of frequencies and codes of spiritual channellings and books on Earth at present, were anchored into lower 5th dimensional resonance.All of this knowledge has been placed into special repositories in vibrational form and at a specified time in the future, will materialise into the form of books on shelves in mammoth libraries across 5D. My own books and channellings were included along with thousands of others. Only material of pure intent has been utilised.

I was totally blessed to be part of this transfer and observed it closely from start to finish.I crossed into 5D with Lord Melchizedek and found the energies of peace and harmony to be a tangible presence. Such a lovely place. Such a lovely feeling.

The reason for this transfer is so that humans moving across into 5D resonance, and this will be determined by the frequencies they are emitting, will be able to access the teachings of Angelics, Intergalactics, Ascended Masters and other Intelligencies at a basic level, to help them begin their journey into higher levels of 5D and beyond.

This also helped me understand further that 5D portals/doorways being established around the globe are for the use of people who will choose to evolve without actually having begun that specific spiritual journey.

The doorways are for everyone of course, but those who have no idea at all of what is happening will be able to easily transit into 5D without stress or panic and panic needs to be avoided at all costs.

There are many who are ready to ascend, who will have no need for these doorways, but there are more who are not and they will be given all the assistance they require to get them there, including the use of portals/doorways.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)


P.S. Another vision today of the physical aspect of Earth separating from her light body, with her light body and light bodied people ascending further. A definite feeling of release and relief from Mother Earth that her responsibilities to and concerning humanity are almost over. This may occur sooner than we expect.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Something to think about (May)

My Perspective on the Ascension of Mother Earth and her people

I would like to share my views with you to perhaps set your mind at ease and help you understand what lies ahead. Not everyone will choose Ascension or entry into the 5th dimensional frequency, so this is pertinent only to those who do.

In 2003 I had my first glimpse of the changes that would transpire over the coming years regarding Mother Earth and her inhabitants. At that particular time, I was shown a second Earth either within, behind or etherically connected to our current one.

This second Earth was far more spectacular with colours more vibrant, beautiful plants, trees and flowers some of which I had not seen before and animals gentle and knowing, a place of absolute peace and harmony.I now of course realise at that particular moment, I was looking into the coming 5th dimensional frequency which was already being prepared for our arrival.

Over the next few years my vision never faltered. Today I can still see that beautiful, pristine Earth as clearly as the first time. Then in 2006, I underwent a visit to a Light City of the future.

In this Light City, all the buildings were constructed from some kind of clear quartz crystal. The energy alone emanating from the Crystal City was phenomenal. There was absolute peace, harmony, joy and contentment as people went about their business in light body form.

I was drawn into a holy Temple which happened to be the central building in the city and was greeted there by Lord Kuthumi of the Ascended Master Realms. He explained to me that this was a city of the future and as people fully manifest their light bodies, they would integrate into one or other of these light cities depending on the frequencies they are emitting.

An accelerated frequency will take people to a specific level not accessible to those emanating a lower frequency without it causing them distress. There will be cities on different levels to cater for all frequency emanations.

There is no good, better, best involved here, no elitism. People are at different levels of understanding and evolvement from kindergarten to tertiary with each level needing different requirements. These requirements will be met with love and generosity to assist all involved.

He, Lord Kuthumi will hold a position of authority in these Light Cities of the future along with other Holy Masters and Teachers.

In 2010 two beautiful Unicorns accompanied me into a different aspect of 5D. They had silver stars flowing around their bodies and were glowing, brilliant white. They showed me how beautiful and pristine it is where animals roam wild and free in harmony without fear of any predatory behaviour.

On that particular visit, I actually was able to cuddle baby white lion cubs. What a wonderful, heart warming experience that was.

In December of that year, I revisited parts of 5D which surround the physical aspect of Earth, which I now know to be the Earth’s light body. I could see the light or subtle bodies of Earth separating from the physical Earth with her light bodied inhabitants, leaving the physical Earth to rest and recuperate.

The physical Earth will remain behind to heal and recuperate until such times as she decides to ascend and unite with her subtle/light body.

This then aligns with my very first glimpse in 2003 where I could see the second Earth etherically connected to our current one. This is also where 5D portals will come into their own allowing easy access from 3D to 5D. The portals/doorways have a designated time to remain open then will be permanently sealed.

I hope you find my perspective on Earths imminent changes helpful. It is my own Truth which I haven’t veered from since 2003 and at the time of posting is up to date. I will keep you informed if any changes occur.

Cosmic Blessings

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The True Nativity Story

This story was downloaded to my consciousness in January this year.  It is totally different to what is commonly known, but I believe it to be Truth.

Jeshua came to Earth to reintroduce the Rites of the Sepulchre, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, to enable us to follow in His footsteps and reach the state of ascension as He did.  Our crucifixion was not meant to be as severe as His, but we can all relate to experiences in our lives which have caused us considerable pain and trauma, both physical and emotional, from which we have risen and continued on.

Mary prepared for this task for lifetimes and was chosen from many others who were also eligible.  If it had been known by the powers that be at the time, who Mary really was and that she was carrying the Christ child, it is probable that both She and her Babe would have been murdered.

Joseph and Mary chose anonymity to protect their son from those who would harm Him.  Mary gave birth without fuss or trauma.  Her body nurtured and protected Him.

Baby Jeshua was born in the home of Joseph’s cousin, Elizabeth.  The home was high built with a stable underneath where animals were kept.  This was common practice in some areas.  His grandmother Anna and His cousin Elizabeth delivered Him and tended He and His mother after birth.

The first people He saw after opening His all seeing eyes were His father Joseph, His mother, His grandmother and His cousin, Elizabeth.  The shepherd and animals were not present in the birthing room but were introduced to Him afterward because the shepherd in question was a family member.

The light and energy that flowed from Him could not be contained within His tiny body and it took some time for Him to become grounded in 3D frequency which was far more dense than from whence He had come.

The 3 Wise Men or Kings were the highest ranking members of a caravan of people travelling together who presented Him with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.

It is quite probable that one or all of these gifts was used to help ground him into 3D frequency along with special oils and Mudras known by the women who tended Him.

It was an amazing and unforgettable time for all present who had long awaited His coming.  Mary carried Him close to her heart wrapped in infant swaddling so the Light that shone from Him would not be obvious to anyone who might wish to harm Him.

This is just a brief summary of the true Nativity story.  There is more one could divulge, but the reasons for the downloading was to set the records straight about what did actually happen.

I have now done so and am at peace with all I have disclosed.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

P.S Mudras are hand gestures or movements that activate the body’s energy circuitry.

A request from the Lord Jesus Christ regarding crucifixion

Twice last year, 2010, I saw an ethereal image of Jesus with His crucifixion wounds and associated chakras showing through His white robe.  At first I did not understand what He was trying to tell me, then finally realised when working in a healing capacity with clients.

What I began to see, what He showed me, were the wounds of crucifixion within these people also.  All of the wounds left from the crown of thorns, the nails, the piercing of His side and the trauma in His back and shoulders from carrying the heavy cross was evident in their physical bodies.

I was shocked by this until I realised that these people had been on Earth at the time of and witness to His crucifixion, and I saw how watching His torture reverberated through their bodies still, creating shuddering trauma and grief which has remained in their cellular memories to this day.

He informed me of the need to clear these wounds and memories, to free people from the distress which surfaces at Easter time, year after year.  He does not and never did wish anyone to carry these memories and woundings any longer.

He is ever grateful to these people and has never forgotten them for the love and compassion they showed Him at that time, but does not need them to suffer any more on His behalf.

His crucifixion was the fulfilment of His life plan for Earth, where He set into place, the initiation of the Rites of the Sepulchre, crucifixion, resurrection and ASCENSION to pave the way for humanity to reach that same state of being when the time was appropriate.

He does not wish people to focus anymore on the trauma of crucifixion, but rather to embrace the resurrection and ascension process knowing that ascension is the fulfilment of our life plan also, which is a blessed gift given to us from Him all those years ago.

My question to Him after this communication was to ask HOW.  How do you want me to carry out this clearing of past wounding and memories that have become so deeply entrenched for so many lifetimes.  I felt quite overwhelmed by the whole thing and had begun to panic.

His answer very gently and simply was to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness and leave the rest to Him.

If you feel this situation applies to you, that you have this wounding in our cellular memory and you would like it to be cleared, when you are ready, set up a quiet space and time, ask Jesus to be there to support you, then use your own prayer formation or the one below which I have used in group situations and found to be very effective. Because emotions may be released as well, try to have on hand and use, Bach Flower Rescue Remedy.

Violet Flame Prayer

In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask for the cleansing action of St. Germain’s Violet Flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness, to flow into my auric field, to permeate every cell, every atoms of my four body system, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, for the healing and transmuting of all distortions in my energy fields particularly relating of the wounds of crucifixion that I have endured since the time of His suffering and torment. I also ask for healing with the Violet Flame of my solar plexus chakra and all other chakras affected by this event.

Scan through the wounds of His body, head, arms, feet, side, back and shoulders.  Flood the Violet Ray through your own body paying particular attention to those same areas.

Continue to flood the Violet Ray through seven times or until you feel that with His help the task has been completed.

When you have ended this exercise, try to remain in a quiet space, mentally and emotionally for a few days if possible, to allow the changes to integrate through your four body system.

People who have carried out this clearing so far have all felt huge relief and release after completion.

I wish this also for you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Portals Update (March 2011)

Jan 26th New Zealand

It seemed that N.Z. suddenly came to life with rainbow coloured lights appearing across the horizons of both islands. Sacred encoding flowed covering all of the Earth especially where the mining disaster occurred.

A Maori Chieftain met Master Marko who is one of the spiritual scientists associated with our healing and transformational work. They seemed to know each other and spent some time in conversation. A single portal was established above both islands which link up with Carnarvon in W.A. I have no knowledge of Carnarvon but it must be an extremely high energy area for this to occur.

P.S. I realise that earthquakes have occurred since our visit to N.Z. and you may be wondering if we are really achieving anything at all with our meditations, but our ultimate goal is to update frequencies helping to clear past negative energies that have accumulated over long periods of time which then allows 5D portals to be established. Perhaps the small loss of life can be attributed to our efforts and this is a huge thing in itself.

The next locations are:

  • March 23rd – Haiti
  • April 6th – Japan
  • April 20th – Libya
  • May 4th – Egypt
  • May 18th – China

Saturday, April 9, 2011

2010 Newsletters 9-11

9: A Letter from MOTHER GOD

Blessings my darling children of Earth. I am MOTHER GOD.

My heart is full of love for each of my children and I have come this day with the blessing of the Father to download into Earth and her people through this channelling, higher frequencies of Love and Light radiating from My Point of Being through the Cosmos into Earth.

What this means, is that a huge force field of high frequency energy has begun to flow from the place where He and I reside, through all levels and aspects of the Cosmos between here and Earth.

A huge outpouring of sacred energy has begun to move carrying with it further updated knowledge and information which will settle into open minds and hearts, allowing the information contained within that sacred energy field, to be activated by those receiving the higher frequency data.

The information and knowledge contained within that sacred encoding will manifest itself in the form of music and art. It will allow breakthroughs in the scientific world as well as releasing medical data which has the answers to many puzzling questions.

In other words, cures will be found. Breakthroughs will be made. The new music and art will carry inspirational messages and this will all come about from the high frequency energy flowing from the Highest Realms.

As for myself, Earth’s people mostly do not recognise my existence because your religions are so patriarchal they do not consider there to be such a Being as the Divine Feminine. The records have to be set straight, and now is an opportune moment.

Copious amounts of Light will flood Earth coming into the Age of Aquarius, causing all darkness to surface, to be transmuted and cleared by this Light, with patriarchal societies, religious and otherwise coming to the end of their reign.

Since their time in power, Earth’s people have gone into major decline because of power struggles, manipulation and control that was established over thousands of years to become a stagnant force in the evolvement of Earth and her people.

It has remained this way for such a long time, even with the advent of Jeshua ben Joseph who became known as the Christ, Jesus, coming into Earth’s resonance with the qualities of Christ Consciousness, such as, unconditional love, forgiveness, tolerance, non-judgementalism, empathy and caring as well as the softness of the love vibration.

These qualities that He reanchored back into Earth’s frequencies, to try and change people’s direction, after a period of time were totally forgotten, then redirected and misinterpreted to becoming and remaining a patriarchal way of thinking and behaving which caused untold grief and despair in Earth’s people, because of strict controls that were brought into place by this patriarchy, which did not allow at any time for the feminine aspect of themselves and others to be recognised as a force for good or of God.

I am not implying that matriarchy is the answer to all problems, rather, I would have you consider the aspect of combining forces, of becoming equal and united, of recognising the strengths and weaknesses in each other, then using those strengths and weaknesses to become more balanced and harmonious in the living of your lives.

This knowledge I am about to grant you may disturb many people, but the Father God and I are two separate Beings who work in constant harmony. I am not less that He, He is not less than I. We are co-equal. We are co-creators. We are co-workers sharing in every way. We are as one Being even though we are two separate entities.

It is similar to what you sometimes hear people in your world say about two people who have lived together for many years, that they become so alike, they even begin to look alike.

This is the message I would like you to hear, how He and I work together in harmony. Knowing this must help you realise how it should be, how it can be in your world if you begin to think for yourselves, make your own decisions and not be guided by an outdated, unbalanced matriarchy or patriarchy which sees one as being more and the other less. This is a totally false way of thinking.

The Divine Feminine needs to take her legitimate place beside the Divine Masculine. After thousands of years of male domination, wars, atrocities, hatreds and antagonisms this old, stagnant energy does not need to be continually regenerated. It is time to move on and embrace a new way, a light and loving way, the feminine way.

It does not mean that the male will reduce his masculinity in any way. It means that a key will turn in his mind and heart to unlock the true teachings of The Christ, Jesus, which He brought to Earth at the request of the Father God.

So you see, the Divine Masculine actually instigated the role that Jesus would play in re-introducing the Divine Feminine back into Earth. The One so many of you consider to be the Patriarchal Figure, the Father God, was behind the whole concept of reanchoring the Divine Feminine into Earth’s resonance through the Christ, Jesus.

Patriarchal manipulation changed those original codes of Light brought here by that group of Beings, Jeshua ben Joseph, Mother Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist, as well as Joseph of Arimathea and others who were part of a key support group who played a pivotal role, who undertook the mission to try and place humanity in a much happier, loving space, more in tune with each other, nature, the elements and Mother and Father God.

I have experienced such grief within My own Being at what has happened to the feminine of Earth. The agonies, atrocities and pain that has been inflicted repeatedly in order to stamp out the essence of the Divine Feminine. I have felt this so many times that I cannot remember the number.

Just as some people say that Jesus Christ has been crucified over and over again, so also have I, by the ungodly behaviour or Earth’s patriarchy who seem to think they have this right. They do not have this right.

In your major religions of Earth and lesser ones also, from the highest ranking to the lowest, none of these men have the right to downgrade and subjugate the feminine of the species in any way.

I am not suggesting that all males on Earth follow patriarchal society codes, but the majority are that way inclined and women have become so familiar with this concept that they bow to those patriarchal energies. They are partly responsible because they have allowed this to happen by giving away their power a long time ago without realising the ongoing trauma and trouble it would cause.

Women need to look at themselves, in the sense of how they can improve to better portray the Divine Feminine. It is necessary to take into account for example, the way you live your lives, the way you relate to the masculine, the examples you give to others and the energy field that surrounds you.

There is room for improvement in both sexes but particularly in the masculine way of being which has not improved the status of Earth and her people at all, but rather, has caused massive loss of life through ongoing wars and controlling behaviours, with ethnic clearing which is an abomination, and the trafficking of children for male gratification which is the most vile abomination of all.

This has all come about under patriarchal rule. It has flourished under patriarchal dominance and it is now time for these patriarchal codes to be removed to allow the return of the Divine Feminine energies which will bring balance and harmony to your world.

The harmonic resonance of the Earth plane has been totally shattered and at the present moment is non existent. We need to return this harmonic back into balance and never allow it to be manipulated to the point of extinction as it has been under patriarchal law.

Perhaps my words are confronting, but I hope you hear what I am saying, readjust your own frequencies and Light force to help Planet Earth and her people back to the level of balance required for further evolvement into the Light.

I am Mother God. I am part of your heart. I am part of your breath. You are part of My Heart, part of My breath, all sharing aspects of Divinity which makes us part of each other.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

10: A Teaching from Jeshua ben Joseph, also known as The Christ, Jesus

Hello little ones of Earth, I am Jeshua.

It is time now for me to deliver into Earth further information that all can use and learn from. All, or mostly all, are updating energies, frequencies and knowledge and this is extremely pleasing to me, but there is always more to learn and absorb, more to be gained and experienced by those desiring to move into higher consciousness.

My message today is concerning self observation, by taking a close look at yourself in a mirror to see who is gazing back at you. Look into your eyes which are the windows of your soul and notice what is reflected there. Is it something that makes you feel happy and at peace with yourself or is it troubling to you because you can see much within that needs to be changed.

What you see as you look into your mirror reflects to those around you, so if what you observe causes feelings of unease or uncertainty, make an effort to get to the bottom of those feelings and do all that is necessary to bring you back into balance and instead of reflecting unease and uncertainty, change that vibration to one of peace and love.

I am Jeshua ben Joseph whom you know as The Christ, Jesus. Perhaps my names are confusing because I am also known in the Cosmic Realms as Lord Sananda, but I am one and the same Being. Some find it hard to use the name Jesus Christ because that particular title is used in a blasphemous way by many of Earth’s people, so the name Jeshua seems to be the more non-threatening version of my name which many prefer to use.

The name Jeshua of Yeshua as it is sometimes pronounced, carries within it encoding from the highest realms reaching way back to the Throne of the Ancient of Days. Each letter carries a significant energetic imprint and frequency of Light and Love and when repeated with reverence as in mantra form for instance, can lead one into a state of blessed peace and bliss that provides food for the soul.

The name Jesus Christ resonates at a similar octave and carries a similar energetic imprint different only in the sense that the name Jesus Christ came about when I began my Earth ministry in those few years prior to my death.

When I was put to death on the cross, Mother Earth went into cataclysms of emotion. She shuddered and quaked, the sun fell from the sky and darkness came for a time upon the land.

So this particular title also carries the energetic imprint of suffering and death as well as resurrection and ascension. Contained within the name Jesus Christ or The Christ, Jesus, is a vast expanse of frequencies running the gamut of positive, negative and positive.

It is a powerful energy field and resonates with the full range or spectrum of energies of the Heavens and the Earth. Those who use my name as a prayer or mantra, draw into and upon themselves the positive energies of the Heavens and Earth, as well as Mother and Father God and Myself.

Those who use my name in a blasphemous way, draw down upon themselves the negative energy of the Universe, the Heavens and the Earth, because all of these energies are held within my name. The energetic imprint is such that can either rise up or destroy.

Now you have this knowledge, it is your own choice as to which way you will absorb these frequencies, be it positive or negative. However you decide to use my name, be prepared for either huge outpourings of blessed energy or huge outpourings of negative energy depending on the choice you have made.

The power of my name has never been discussed in such a manner before. Humanity does not realise the power of letters, of words, of names, so please think about the energy field that is flowing from your mouths that can be detrimental and harmful to yourself and others. Take particular care from this time on and think before you speak.

As you are becoming Light and Lighter, every aspect of your thoughts, words and deeds need to be considered to enable you to enter that state of higher consciousness such as the 5th dimensional frequency, bringing with it the responsibility and necessity of dropping all density attached to thought, word and deed to help reduce the imprint of negativity on your blossoming Light body.

If you were to visit the highest dignitaries in your land, such as the Q of E or others of her station, you would make sure that you brushed up very well. You would be clean and shiny and new for that occasion and not have one speck of dust or dirt on your person and be totally regaled with creating the best possible impression upon this dignitary.

So consider for a moment, moving into super consciousness and the 5th dimension where you will meet aspects of Mother and Father God, the Highest Dignitaries of the heavens and extremely highly evolved Beings of Light from other dimensions and galaxies.

Do you not think that meeting these Heavenly Dignitaries would require from you the same effort of brushing yourself up, being bright and shiny and regaling yourself in your very best attire with not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere to be seen. Of course I am not referring to your physical body, but your soul and spirit which needs to be as Light and pure as it is possible for you to make it.

Think about my words. I am Jeshua ben Joseph known as The Christ, Jesus, known as Lord Sananda. I am He who came to earth to give my life for the betterment of all mankind, to allow them the opportunity to progress, to evolve and move into the Ascended State at the appropriate time which will soon be upon you.

Mother and Father God send enormous blessings and love to you and upon you to which I add my own. I am available to all at any time. You only need ask and I am there with you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

11. A Letter from Father God

I am your Father God.

My Blessings and love be upon thy hearts and souls and minds, for there is much to be learned to be experienced and felt in the space of time left to humanity before the Ascension process begins in earnest.

Mother God stated in Her letter that updated information and knowledge had begun to flow from the highest realms, to touch those with open minds and hearts and the capability of utilising that knowledge to help the majority.

Not only will this information and knowledge contain medical advances, scientific breakthroughs and artistic endeavours, but also spiritual teachings and classifications which will help you to open further and progress toward the 5th dimension at a more rapid pace.

There are many who still haven’t begun their journey. This is on My part, a last attempt to enable these people to be illumined by the energies I am sending in order to prepare them for this coming advancement.

After the opening and closing of the 5th dimensional portals, this opportunity will not reoccur for approximately another 25,000 year period of time, so those who do not take advantage of this current window of opportunity will have to wait a long time and undergo further trials and testing before they can hope for continued evolvement.

These Blessings I am sending are to help you absorb those energies and frequencies of updated knowledge and advancement which allows you, if you wish, to respond to those energies and frequencies and uplift your hearts, souls, minds and consciousness to the level necessary to continue on into the 5th dimension and beyond.

There are still souls who are happy to live separated from the Divine Source, it is their choice to do so and they have permission to do so, but I hope the majority will take advantage of My gifts and raise their consciousness further to allow them more direct and open communication with Me.

As you probably realise, I am not known to transmit often into modern Earth’s resonance, but I gave this choice to Mentara some weeks ago, and although she was nervous about the prospect of channelling Myself, she accepted in all humility to receive My words and make them accessible to as many as possible.

I need to remind you once again, that I am not so far away from you that I am totally out of your reach. I am as close to you as you allow Me to be. I try to
communicate with your hearts, souls and minds, but find that many are not listening. The majority carry a sense of lack which makes them in their own eyes, unworthy to converse with their Creator.

This feeling of unworthiness is a lack that you have encircled yourself with and is of your own doing. I see you all as being worthy of My love, My compassion, My understanding, and I sincerely hope on the reading of My words, that you discard this sense of lack and realise you are most worthy in Mine Eyes.

Just as you love your children with all their strengths and weaknesses, so also do I love thee. Do not doubt this, for it is such a strong force within My Being, that the chambers of My Heart fill with this love that I have for each and every one, and causes Me to experience cataclysms of emotion on a grand scale.

Allow your hearts and souls and minds to be open to your Heavenly Parents, Your Mother and Father God, for We are both accessible to you at all times.

This coming 12 months or so will bring enormous change into your lives affecting every aspect of your being. Be aware and ready for this, and if you feel unable to cope with the changes, hold tight to your Mother and Father God.

It is always darkest before the dawn, but the dawn brings Light, the rays of the
sun, and the promise of a new and better day.

Cosmic Blessings

Copyright 2010 Suzan Anzara