9: A Letter from MOTHER GOD
Blessings my darling children of Earth. I am MOTHER GOD.
My heart is full of love for each of my children and I have come this day with the blessing of the Father to download into Earth and her people through this channelling, higher frequencies of Love and Light radiating from My Point of Being through the Cosmos into Earth.
What this means, is that a huge force field of high frequency energy has begun to flow from the place where He and I reside, through all levels and aspects of the Cosmos between here and Earth.
A huge outpouring of sacred energy has begun to move carrying with it further updated knowledge and information which will settle into open minds and hearts, allowing the information contained within that sacred energy field, to be activated by those receiving the higher frequency data.
The information and knowledge contained within that sacred encoding will manifest itself in the form of music and art. It will allow breakthroughs in the scientific world as well as releasing medical data which has the answers to many puzzling questions.
In other words, cures will be found. Breakthroughs will be made. The new music and art will carry inspirational messages and this will all come about from the high frequency energy flowing from the Highest Realms.
As for myself, Earth’s people mostly do not recognise my existence because your religions are so patriarchal they do not consider there to be such a Being as the Divine Feminine. The records have to be set straight, and now is an opportune moment.
Copious amounts of Light will flood Earth coming into the Age of Aquarius, causing all darkness to surface, to be transmuted and cleared by this Light, with patriarchal societies, religious and otherwise coming to the end of their reign.
Since their time in power, Earth’s people have gone into major decline because of power struggles, manipulation and control that was established over thousands of years to become a stagnant force in the evolvement of Earth and her people.
It has remained this way for such a long time, even with the advent of Jeshua ben Joseph who became known as the Christ, Jesus, coming into Earth’s resonance with the qualities of Christ Consciousness, such as, unconditional love, forgiveness, tolerance, non-judgementalism, empathy and caring as well as the softness of the love vibration.
These qualities that He reanchored back into Earth’s frequencies, to try and change people’s direction, after a period of time were totally forgotten, then redirected and misinterpreted to becoming and remaining a patriarchal way of thinking and behaving which caused untold grief and despair in Earth’s people, because of strict controls that were brought into place by this patriarchy, which did not allow at any time for the feminine aspect of themselves and others to be recognised as a force for good or of God.
I am not implying that matriarchy is the answer to all problems, rather, I would have you consider the aspect of combining forces, of becoming equal and united, of recognising the strengths and weaknesses in each other, then using those strengths and weaknesses to become more balanced and harmonious in the living of your lives.
This knowledge I am about to grant you may disturb many people, but the Father God and I are two separate Beings who work in constant harmony. I am not less that He, He is not less than I. We are co-equal. We are co-creators. We are co-workers sharing in every way. We are as one Being even though we are two separate entities.
It is similar to what you sometimes hear people in your world say about two people who have lived together for many years, that they become so alike, they even begin to look alike.
This is the message I would like you to hear, how He and I work together in harmony. Knowing this must help you realise how it should be, how it can be in your world if you begin to think for yourselves, make your own decisions and not be guided by an outdated, unbalanced matriarchy or patriarchy which sees one as being more and the other less. This is a totally false way of thinking.
The Divine Feminine needs to take her legitimate place beside the Divine Masculine. After thousands of years of male domination, wars, atrocities, hatreds and antagonisms this old, stagnant energy does not need to be continually regenerated. It is time to move on and embrace a new way, a light and loving way, the feminine way.
It does not mean that the male will reduce his masculinity in any way. It means that a key will turn in his mind and heart to unlock the true teachings of The Christ, Jesus, which He brought to Earth at the request of the Father God.
So you see, the Divine Masculine actually instigated the role that Jesus would play in re-introducing the Divine Feminine back into Earth. The One so many of you consider to be the Patriarchal Figure, the Father God, was behind the whole concept of reanchoring the Divine Feminine into Earth’s resonance through the Christ, Jesus.
Patriarchal manipulation changed those original codes of Light brought here by that group of Beings, Jeshua ben Joseph, Mother Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist, as well as Joseph of Arimathea and others who were part of a key support group who played a pivotal role, who undertook the mission to try and place humanity in a much happier, loving space, more in tune with each other, nature, the elements and Mother and Father God.
I have experienced such grief within My own Being at what has happened to the feminine of Earth. The agonies, atrocities and pain that has been inflicted repeatedly in order to stamp out the essence of the Divine Feminine. I have felt this so many times that I cannot remember the number.
Just as some people say that Jesus Christ has been crucified over and over again, so also have I, by the ungodly behaviour or Earth’s patriarchy who seem to think they have this right. They do not have this right.
In your major religions of Earth and lesser ones also, from the highest ranking to the lowest, none of these men have the right to downgrade and subjugate the feminine of the species in any way.
I am not suggesting that all males on Earth follow patriarchal society codes, but the majority are that way inclined and women have become so familiar with this concept that they bow to those patriarchal energies. They are partly responsible because they have allowed this to happen by giving away their power a long time ago without realising the ongoing trauma and trouble it would cause.
Women need to look at themselves, in the sense of how they can improve to better portray the Divine Feminine. It is necessary to take into account for example, the way you live your lives, the way you relate to the masculine, the examples you give to others and the energy field that surrounds you.
There is room for improvement in both sexes but particularly in the masculine way of being which has not improved the status of Earth and her people at all, but rather, has caused massive loss of life through ongoing wars and controlling behaviours, with ethnic clearing which is an abomination, and the trafficking of children for male gratification which is the most vile abomination of all.
This has all come about under patriarchal rule. It has flourished under patriarchal dominance and it is now time for these patriarchal codes to be removed to allow the return of the Divine Feminine energies which will bring balance and harmony to your world.
The harmonic resonance of the Earth plane has been totally shattered and at the present moment is non existent. We need to return this harmonic back into balance and never allow it to be manipulated to the point of extinction as it has been under patriarchal law.
Perhaps my words are confronting, but I hope you hear what I am saying, readjust your own frequencies and Light force to help Planet Earth and her people back to the level of balance required for further evolvement into the Light.
I am Mother God. I am part of your heart. I am part of your breath. You are part of My Heart, part of My breath, all sharing aspects of Divinity which makes us part of each other.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
10: A Teaching from Jeshua ben Joseph, also known as The Christ, Jesus
Hello little ones of Earth, I am Jeshua.
It is time now for me to deliver into Earth further information that all can use and learn from. All, or mostly all, are updating energies, frequencies and knowledge and this is extremely pleasing to me, but there is always more to learn and absorb, more to be gained and experienced by those desiring to move into higher consciousness.
My message today is concerning self observation, by taking a close look at yourself in a mirror to see who is gazing back at you. Look into your eyes which are the windows of your soul and notice what is reflected there. Is it something that makes you feel happy and at peace with yourself or is it troubling to you because you can see much within that needs to be changed.
What you see as you look into your mirror reflects to those around you, so if what you observe causes feelings of unease or uncertainty, make an effort to get to the bottom of those feelings and do all that is necessary to bring you back into balance and instead of reflecting unease and uncertainty, change that vibration to one of peace and love.
I am Jeshua ben Joseph whom you know as The Christ, Jesus. Perhaps my names are confusing because I am also known in the Cosmic Realms as Lord Sananda, but I am one and the same Being. Some find it hard to use the name Jesus Christ because that particular title is used in a blasphemous way by many of Earth’s people, so the name Jeshua seems to be the more non-threatening version of my name which many prefer to use.
The name Jeshua of Yeshua as it is sometimes pronounced, carries within it encoding from the highest realms reaching way back to the Throne of the Ancient of Days. Each letter carries a significant energetic imprint and frequency of Light and Love and when repeated with reverence as in mantra form for instance, can lead one into a state of blessed peace and bliss that provides food for the soul.
The name Jesus Christ resonates at a similar octave and carries a similar energetic imprint different only in the sense that the name Jesus Christ came about when I began my Earth ministry in those few years prior to my death.
When I was put to death on the cross, Mother Earth went into cataclysms of emotion. She shuddered and quaked, the sun fell from the sky and darkness came for a time upon the land.
So this particular title also carries the energetic imprint of suffering and death as well as resurrection and ascension. Contained within the name Jesus Christ or The Christ, Jesus, is a vast expanse of frequencies running the gamut of positive, negative and positive.
It is a powerful energy field and resonates with the full range or spectrum of energies of the Heavens and the Earth. Those who use my name as a prayer or mantra, draw into and upon themselves the positive energies of the Heavens and Earth, as well as Mother and Father God and Myself.
Those who use my name in a blasphemous way, draw down upon themselves the negative energy of the Universe, the Heavens and the Earth, because all of these energies are held within my name. The energetic imprint is such that can either rise up or destroy.
Now you have this knowledge, it is your own choice as to which way you will absorb these frequencies, be it positive or negative. However you decide to use my name, be prepared for either huge outpourings of blessed energy or huge outpourings of negative energy depending on the choice you have made.
The power of my name has never been discussed in such a manner before. Humanity does not realise the power of letters, of words, of names, so please think about the energy field that is flowing from your mouths that can be detrimental and harmful to yourself and others. Take particular care from this time on and think before you speak.
As you are becoming Light and Lighter, every aspect of your thoughts, words and deeds need to be considered to enable you to enter that state of higher consciousness such as the 5th dimensional frequency, bringing with it the responsibility and necessity of dropping all density attached to thought, word and deed to help reduce the imprint of negativity on your blossoming Light body.
If you were to visit the highest dignitaries in your land, such as the Q of E or others of her station, you would make sure that you brushed up very well. You would be clean and shiny and new for that occasion and not have one speck of dust or dirt on your person and be totally regaled with creating the best possible impression upon this dignitary.
So consider for a moment, moving into super consciousness and the 5th dimension where you will meet aspects of Mother and Father God, the Highest Dignitaries of the heavens and extremely highly evolved Beings of Light from other dimensions and galaxies.
Do you not think that meeting these Heavenly Dignitaries would require from you the same effort of brushing yourself up, being bright and shiny and regaling yourself in your very best attire with not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere to be seen. Of course I am not referring to your physical body, but your soul and spirit which needs to be as Light and pure as it is possible for you to make it.
Think about my words. I am Jeshua ben Joseph known as The Christ, Jesus, known as Lord Sananda. I am He who came to earth to give my life for the betterment of all mankind, to allow them the opportunity to progress, to evolve and move into the Ascended State at the appropriate time which will soon be upon you.
Mother and Father God send enormous blessings and love to you and upon you to which I add my own. I am available to all at any time. You only need ask and I am there with you.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
11. A Letter from Father God
I am your Father God.
My Blessings and love be upon thy hearts and souls and minds, for there is much to be learned to be experienced and felt in the space of time left to humanity before the Ascension process begins in earnest.
Mother God stated in Her letter that updated information and knowledge had begun to flow from the highest realms, to touch those with open minds and hearts and the capability of utilising that knowledge to help the majority.
Not only will this information and knowledge contain medical advances, scientific breakthroughs and artistic endeavours, but also spiritual teachings and classifications which will help you to open further and progress toward the 5th dimension at a more rapid pace.
There are many who still haven’t begun their journey. This is on My part, a last attempt to enable these people to be illumined by the energies I am sending in order to prepare them for this coming advancement.
After the opening and closing of the 5th dimensional portals, this opportunity will not reoccur for approximately another 25,000 year period of time, so those who do not take advantage of this current window of opportunity will have to wait a long time and undergo further trials and testing before they can hope for continued evolvement.
These Blessings I am sending are to help you absorb those energies and frequencies of updated knowledge and advancement which allows you, if you wish, to respond to those energies and frequencies and uplift your hearts, souls, minds and consciousness to the level necessary to continue on into the 5th dimension and beyond.
There are still souls who are happy to live separated from the Divine Source, it is their choice to do so and they have permission to do so, but I hope the majority will take advantage of My gifts and raise their consciousness further to allow them more direct and open communication with Me.
As you probably realise, I am not known to transmit often into modern Earth’s resonance, but I gave this choice to Mentara some weeks ago, and although she was nervous about the prospect of channelling Myself, she accepted in all humility to receive My words and make them accessible to as many as possible.
I need to remind you once again, that I am not so far away from you that I am totally out of your reach. I am as close to you as you allow Me to be. I try to
communicate with your hearts, souls and minds, but find that many are not listening. The majority carry a sense of lack which makes them in their own eyes, unworthy to converse with their Creator.
This feeling of unworthiness is a lack that you have encircled yourself with and is of your own doing. I see you all as being worthy of My love, My compassion, My understanding, and I sincerely hope on the reading of My words, that you discard this sense of lack and realise you are most worthy in Mine Eyes.
Just as you love your children with all their strengths and weaknesses, so also do I love thee. Do not doubt this, for it is such a strong force within My Being, that the chambers of My Heart fill with this love that I have for each and every one, and causes Me to experience cataclysms of emotion on a grand scale.
Allow your hearts and souls and minds to be open to your Heavenly Parents, Your Mother and Father God, for We are both accessible to you at all times.
This coming 12 months or so will bring enormous change into your lives affecting every aspect of your being. Be aware and ready for this, and if you feel unable to cope with the changes, hold tight to your Mother and Father God.
It is always darkest before the dawn, but the dawn brings Light, the rays of the
sun, and the promise of a new and better day.
Cosmic Blessings
Copyright 2010 Suzan Anzara