Friday, September 9, 2011

Regarding Portals Update (September 2011)

Canada and Greenland (July 13)

In Canada, a further continuation of healing of past indigenous tribal affairs. A portal has been established here. In Greenland, I found good energy already existing which was added to with healing sent by Lightworkers. A portal has been established here as well. I feel that these two countries will continue to hold pockets of humanity when the Earth changes come into place.

Congo, Somalia and Kenya

There is huge need in these areas. I personally found it difficult to cope with the energies in these places but still sent healing and updating frequencies along with other Lightworkers. We need to revisit these countries.

Kathmandu revisit (September 7)

I wondered why we needed to revisit until I looked up my notes and realised the connection between Kathmandu and Uluru. The portal set up in Kathmandu links with the portal of Uluru which is the solar plexus chakra of Earth. A week or so before this meditation, I visited Uluru and surrounding areas (physically) to carry out a specific realignment and updating of ley lines which had been fractured by the atomic charge detonated at Maralinga S.A between 1956 and 1963.

A huge amount of repair updating was carried out over the whole area including Alice Springs and the Macdonnel Ranges. Some work had previously been done from the South Australian end but needed to be realigned and updated.

To make it easier for you to understand, I was shown the whole area to be realigned as a complex mosaic with the lines and patterns within the mosaic broken and ruptured. The geometrical codes that my helper and myself both carried plus the team of scientists we were working with from the other side, were able to return those ley lines within the mosaic, back into alignment and balance.

So the healing done in Kathmandu was a major adjustment to realign with the new energy and frequency levels of Uluru.

While I was in the area, I came across a civilization of ancient people living deep within a particular rock formation, who in the last major Earth upheaval, became stuck in a time warp and are imprisoned there. They are in a sense, in no-man’s land, caught between dimensions and time. I did what I could at that moment but they need further assistance. They have knowledge of the upcoming shift into 5D and are hoping to be part of that. Perhaps our prayer support will make that shift a certainty for them.

The next locations are:

  1. Sep 21st – Congo revisit
  2. Oct 5th – Somalia revisit
  3. Oct 19th – Kenya revisit
  4. Nov 2nd – Ethiopia
  5. Nov 16th – Uganda
  6. Nov 30th – Tanzania

Cosmic Blessing
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)