Ascension Update 2 November 2011
Greetings dear ones. I am Lord Melchizedek.
To carry on the theme of my preceding transmission, I wish to talk to you about plans put into effect to help humanity when the time of changeover actually eventuates.
In one sense, the changeover has already begun because of the Light that has been flowing into Earth’s resonance over the past years, plus the major Ascension Light that came through on 11/11/11 affecting all people.
Some of you may have been seriously affected by this energy and some not at all, other than to feel especially happy during that time period, or adversely, to feel a little numb or anything in between. This may seem to be going from one extreme to the other, but reaction to Ascension energy is uniquely individual depending on where each person is on their spiritual path and more importantly, the codes they carry.
You all carry genetic codes and symbols within your being. In the majority, these codes are dormant because little has been done to activate them. Those of you who have been working toward increasing your Light quotient carry varying degrees of activated codes depending again on where you are on your journey. At the beginning, middle or almost there, makes a difference to the energetic output and vibrations of these codes.
I will talk today about the Light codes associated with the six pointed star. Some of you carry codes of the six pointed star within your genetic make up. This Light code has a high frequency, high energy output and those who carry this particular code are generally souls who have reincarnated time and time again to help raise the frequencies of Earth to Ascension status. It also applies to others who may only have come to Earth once or twice to take part in the overall program.
Those who carry Light codes of the six pointed star most usually have specific work to do such as channelling high frequency Beings and/or for repairing destroyed grids along with associated updating and healing of Mother Earth. Some of these people are happy to work in the background where others tend to be more in the forefront. Some others contribute in a similar way without the realisation that they are doing so.
The six pointed star is not just the symbol of the Jewish faith. The Light codes and energies contained within the six pointed star have the power of alchemical change. Much can be achieved through the use of this symbol, but if used in a negative way, can be as destructive as beneficial.
As I have already mentioned, this particular symbol resonates in certain people upon the Earth plane at this current time, but unfortunately, because of the many who haven’t awakened yet to the knowledge of their individual capabilities, the full aspect of power of this symbol is not being used.
People who carry this symbol are dotted all around the Earth, but instead of there being an unbroken circle of this symbol’s energy frequency, there are gaps where the energy from the codes is not able to circulate. Some of you reading this may be wondering if you are one of these people helping to create gaps in this energy flow.
To find the answer, you need to look into your heart and soul during your meditations or contemplations, or ask your personal Spirit Guide, Angelic or Significant Other if this situation applies to you. The reaction you experience will either be positive or negative which will give you your answer.
If your answer is positive, you need to take time out and ask for directions about this particular necessity. If your six pointed star Light codes are unawakened or muted, then steps need to be taken to reverse that position and bring them back to their full resonance to accomplish what they are meant to.
This state of carrying high frequency codes is a responsible once, because one these codes come into peak performance, they must remain at that level and not be allowed to drop back into the realms of disuse. In other words, those who activate their six pointed star Light codes must be prepared to always remain aligned with that higher energy force to help complete the task of moving as many people as possible into 5D and beyond.
These codes need to be activated to help people manifest their Light body. An example I would like to use is of the Christ, Jesus. He carried extremely highly developed codes of Light which assisted Him when the time came, to manifest His Light body. These particular codes were within Him from birth, but because He lived a spiritual life and walked a spiritual path from childhood the Light and power from these codes were never ever extinguished. They shone brightly and even more brightly as He reached adulthood.
So for Him to make the change from dense physical to Light body was easily accomplished because of those highly evolved Light codes of the six pointed star which He carried. There are other symbols that people carry, but I have chosen the six pointed star because of its importance in the next evolutionary step that mankind will take into Light body form.
You all know what a six pointed star looks like and have probably seen one many times throughout your life, but familiarity and taking it for granted has blocked your vision of what is truly there.
The six pointed star carries pulsating high voltage energy and at its peak rate of vibration is breathtaking to behold. It also carries the power of gigantic alchemical change whereby people have the capability of changing from dense physicality to Light form. How amazing is that. When you think about that whole process of change, how amazing will it be when it becomes fully manifest.
So we need all of you people who carry Light codes of the six pointed star symbol, to wake up and take your place in helping to bring about this alchemical change. This is the reason you are on Earth at the current time. You chose to be here to participate in this phenomena, but we need all of you awake and playing your part.
I am Lord Melchizedek. More will follow.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011