Today at 10am, a blueprint of frequencies and codes of spiritual channellings and books on Earth at present, were anchored into lower 5th dimensional resonance.All of this knowledge has been placed into special repositories in vibrational form and at a specified time in the future, will materialise into the form of books on shelves in mammoth libraries across 5D. My own books and channellings were included along with thousands of others. Only material of pure intent has been utilised.
I was totally blessed to be part of this transfer and observed it closely from start to finish.I crossed into 5D with Lord Melchizedek and found the energies of peace and harmony to be a tangible presence. Such a lovely place. Such a lovely feeling.
The reason for this transfer is so that humans moving across into 5D resonance, and this will be determined by the frequencies they are emitting, will be able to access the teachings of Angelics, Intergalactics, Ascended Masters and other Intelligencies at a basic level, to help them begin their journey into higher levels of 5D and beyond.
This also helped me understand further that 5D portals/doorways being established around the globe are for the use of people who will choose to evolve without actually having begun that specific spiritual journey.
The doorways are for everyone of course, but those who have no idea at all of what is happening will be able to easily transit into 5D without stress or panic and panic needs to be avoided at all costs.
There are many who are ready to ascend, who will have no need for these doorways, but there are more who are not and they will be given all the assistance they require to get them there, including the use of portals/doorways.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)
P.S. Another vision today of the physical aspect of Earth separating from her light body, with her light body and light bodied people ascending further. A definite feeling of release and relief from Mother Earth that her responsibilities to and concerning humanity are almost over. This may occur sooner than we expect.