Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Channelling from Lord Melchizedek (3)

Ascension Update 3 November 2011

Greetings dear ones. I am Lord Melchizedek. This is my final message.

I have thus far explained about the importance of the six pointed star Light codes and now I will take you further on that journey to show where those specific Light codes will lead you.

Those who activate their six pointed star Light codes with the intention of providing the alchemical symbol/solution to manifesting their Light body, will find that Light body state taking them into a place of heaven on Earth. We have given you several examples of how this may occur. It relates to a specific astrological event which will signal the immediate beginning of the alchemical transfer.

Light body manifestation is on its way. Mother Earth is reeling under the burden of trauma to her physical body. Her Light body structure which has 7 distinct layers with each of those 7 layers all levels having a multiple of 7, as you can imagine, is quite extensive and forms the “New Earth” where her Light bodied people will enter into a place of peace, harmony and love.

Whether Mother Earth cataclysms or not will depend on many different factors, but nothing will stop the Ascension process from happening. Portals/doorways will open for those who need entry points into the New Earth, along with a mist like substance falling which will allow people to walk through into 5D, but others who have an already developed Light body will find the way themselves through a sense of inner

The biggest concern we have is that people will reject the appearance of doorways into 5D and choose to remain behind because of emotional attachments to home, possessions, jobs, so on and so forth. Making the changeover is totally an individual choice, but you must realise dear ones, if Earth does not cataclysm at that particular moment, she will do so soon after and the Earth that you are familiar with will not exist any longer.

She is unable to carry the burden of humanity any further and needs to rest and rejuvenate and her request has been granted. It will come to pass that Mother Earth will find herself free of the presence of humanity who have largely been like a persistent itch upon her being that at times have almost driven her to distraction. A few will remain in different locations, but for the most part, she has been so tormented, so polluted and abused that she is unable to carry on.

Those of you reading my words need to make a choice as to what you will do when that moment arrives and be prepared to act upon that choice when that moment does arrive. Make your decision now about whether you will take the next evolutionary step for mankind which is Light body and 5th dimensional living, or whether you will remain on 3D Earth and suffer the consequences.
*Remember that the Christ, Jesus set up the blueprint for Ascension when He came to Earth and it is now time for that blueprint to become reality.

The future for 3D Earth is looking very bleak because of shortages of fresh water, food supplies and arable land to grow food. These shortages will create war amongst nations, so even if you feel content and happy at the moment, the Earth that you know is not going to continue. Proceeding to the next evolutionary step will bring you feelings of joy and happiness. There will be no such thing as want in any form, all needs will be catered for.

We have spoken in previous channellings about levels that will exist in 5D depending on the frequency emissions and heart vibrations of people, but no matter which level an individual may enter, the same will apply, in that needs will be met. Level 1 requirements may be different to level 9 for instance, but all of those requirements will be met.

Fifth dimension and beyond is not a space where people will just sit around bored out of their mind. First of all, the new Light Earth will be exactly the same as the physical Earth that you are familiar with except that it is more pristine and beautiful, totally unpolluted, vibrating at a higher level of frequency.

The essence of Divine Love will permeate the whole space and you will all bask in the glow of that Divine Love. It will bring out the absolute best qualities in each person.

You will learn how to use the power of your mind to create beauty in your life and manifest anything you desire that is harmonious to your surroundings and those who live in your surroundings. Harmony will exist on all levels of 5D and you will have closer contact with those you know as Saints/Ascended Masters, Angelics, all evolved Beings including The Christ Jesus, The Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and others, all of those religious icons that have featured in the past thousands of years.

The spiritual theme of 5D is Oneness and Unity with no distinctions. There is One Truth and One Truth only. There will be no offshoots of that Truth. Your spiritual teachers will be Ascended Masters and other highly evolved Beings who have no hidden agendas as occurs in your religions of Earth.

Wealth and possessions are unnecessary in this new world you are going into, because you will learn how to manifest anything you need or desire. There will be no mortgages, no power bills, no taxes. The food you require will be provided for you. Because you have a lighter body form, your dietary needs will be totally different and you won’t need to eat as frequently as you do now to sustain your new body.

You will eat vegetarian foods, fruit and vegetables, which will then adapt to more liquid foods as you yourself adapt to that change, but there will be no more drama about procuring the nourishment you require. Foods will grow by the use of energy, no water will be necessary. There will be no nightfall, you will live in constant light, so there won’t be the necessity of power grids of any kind.

Basic crystalline homes have been set up on each level waiting for the individual touch, so that when people move into the facilities provided, they can change them at their leisure into their own preference, the same idea applying to gardens and outside areas. What has been provided is just the bones of a structure that can be added to depending on your requirements.

There is a work ethic but different to what presently operates on Earth. Education systems have been set up for both children and adults, also different to what is current on Earth. The Arts will play a large part in your new life such as music, theatre, literature and much more which will benefit all, but more importantly, a sense of completeness and contentment in this new life will be experienced by all who choose this new life.

The outline I have given you of life in 5D and beyond is just an outline which gives you an idea of how things will be, but the actual living of that life is a thousand times more perfect and beautiful. It is so far beyond you comprehension because life on Earth at present is difficult for so many. It may seem too good to be true, but is all Truth.

There are some who have been working toward this new life not just for themselves, but for all of Earth’s people. Huge amounts of work have gone into establishing this concept and setting things up in such a way that the transformation can occur easily and without fear. We have done everything we can to make things as easy as possible for the human to embrace this alchemical change from dense physical to Light body.

There has been a select band of humans on Earth plus Ascended Masters, Angelics and Others who have worked tirelessly to bring this to fruition for the benefit of all, not just a few. It has been done with great love and reverence and acknowledgement of the Divine within each soul and it is with permission from Divine Source that all has come to pass.

I am Lord Melchizedek. I look forward with all of my Being to meet and greet you when you walk through the doorways into your new home, new existence, new life. Be ready dear ones of Earth for it is almost upon you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011

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