Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chapter 17 from 2012 A Gift for Humanity from Lord Melchizedek

This is an excerpt from Suzan's book, 2012: A Gift for Humanity from Lord Melchizedek, Light Body and Ascension, available from her site.

Chapter 17: The Cellular System

In this chapter we will take a further look at energy resonances within the human body. Some of you perhaps do not realise that the human body is a field of consciousness which contains the whole Universe within it. Every cell in the body is a mini universe in itself, so when you consider the total number of cells, it may give you an idea of the magnitude of energy fluctuations that exist. We will look at one cell for example.

If you were to study one cell from a physical point of view, you would see that it contains your DNA, specific markers which show your genealogy and any weakness within your genetic blueprint, amongst other things. If you were to study one cell from a spiritual point of view, you would realise that you have a cellular memory bank which lists all past lives and experiences from those lives both positive and negative. You will realise, some of you, that you have lived on other planets and galaxies before coming to Earth and retain memories from those times in other dimensions. You will also see that you have a marker which represents your link to Mother and Father God.

The spiritual aspects of your cellular patterning are not considered by today’s medical people, but herein lies the solution to many perplexing problems that have surfaced during this lifetime. This is the intelligence of the cells within the body and when all is magnified millions of times over, you can perhaps understand the complexity of each and every individual on the Planet.

Those of you who have ongoing interest in planetary activity outside of Earth, the movement and direction plus the influences of the planets, carry that link within you because you have lived on many of those planets in previous existences, reaching back a long time. Many of you look to the stars with longing wanting to return from whence you came, but you are on Earth at the present moment for specific reasons which you yourself chose before incarnating here. Most of you returned to Earth because you carried implied karma that needed to be resolved until completely cleared.

Cells within the human body contain much information and data from both a physical and spiritual aspect. What you do not realise is that you have profound knowledge from those lifetimes on other planets and galaxies laying dormant within you which 99% of the population do not realise and have never accessed. Not everyone has the same memories of course. People come from different locations at different times. The Universe has existed for billions of years, so the lives you have lived in other galaxies are mostly ancient, not always, and you have ancient memories and information stored within you from those times.

It is important to clear any negative past and present life experiences that may have created blockages within you such as fear or terror, which in turn creates disease. Also, if you, in a past life, passed away from cancer or heart attack or other diseases, at whatever age, certain triggers can cause that memory to resurface at the same age in this lifetime, causing the same problems to occur. Clearing of past issues need to be carried out and may be activated in different ways depending on the individuals themselves, so when the Light body and Ascended state comes into play, you will be able to remember who you really are through all those lifetimes and experiences you have had. A key will turn in your mind to unlock those memories to help you realise you are not only a child of Earth but a child of the whole Universe with many experiences of life in other dimensions at last open to you.

We have mentioned before that Space Beings are your brothers and sisters in future time. They have also been your brothers and sisters in past time. You have forgotten this fact but the memories are there, the links are already in place, so when you meet these Spacial Beings on the 5th dimensional plane as we mentioned in an earlier chapter, you will feel a great sense of home coming because you will share recognition and be delighted to reacquaint with your Spacial family.

I am downloading this information to help you understand, those of you who have serious drug and alcohol addictions that actually destroy cells, that you are also destroying precious, precious memories and information from your own database which means you will only have half or less than half of the whole story if you are not able to overcome those addictions or at least reduce them. When all this comes to pass, if your cellular memory bank has been destroyed because of your addictive personality, you will be so disappointed with yourselves because you have blanked out those times and memories.

I am not preaching at anyone of Earth because again you have free will and choice, I am only trying to point out what you will miss. Medical research has shown how addictions affect the physical body, but from a spiritual point of view it is also catastrophic. If there are people close to you who suffer from drug or alcohol related problems, perhaps you could take it upon yourself to request spiritual help for these people, to give them a choice as to whether they wish to continue further or stop irreparable damage being done with, in some cases, total loss of cellular memories and knowledge.

I have consulted members of the Spiritual Hierarchy about this problem and it was decided that the 23rd Psalm which you have all come across at some point in your lives, be given the encoding required to help those of humanity with addictions when repeated with that intention in mind, as well as clearing cellular memory blockages and allowing for soul retrieval.

The Violet Flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness can also be used with the same option of clearing past life blockages and present life addictions. This is a special dispensation that has been granted in an effort to help humanity stabilise more fully in order to enter their Light body and Ascended state.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011