My Perspective on the Ascension of Mother Earth and her people
I would like to share my views with you to perhaps set your mind at ease and help you understand what lies ahead. Not everyone will choose Ascension or entry into the 5th dimensional frequency, so this is pertinent only to those who do.
In 2003 I had my first glimpse of the changes that would transpire over the coming years regarding Mother Earth and her inhabitants. At that particular time, I was shown a second Earth either within, behind or etherically connected to our current one.
This second Earth was far more spectacular with colours more vibrant, beautiful plants, trees and flowers some of which I had not seen before and animals gentle and knowing, a place of absolute peace and harmony.I now of course realise at that particular moment, I was looking into the coming 5th dimensional frequency which was already being prepared for our arrival.
Over the next few years my vision never faltered. Today I can still see that beautiful, pristine Earth as clearly as the first time. Then in 2006, I underwent a visit to a Light City of the future.
In this Light City, all the buildings were constructed from some kind of clear quartz crystal. The energy alone emanating from the Crystal City was phenomenal. There was absolute peace, harmony, joy and contentment as people went about their business in light body form.
I was drawn into a holy Temple which happened to be the central building in the city and was greeted there by Lord Kuthumi of the Ascended Master Realms. He explained to me that this was a city of the future and as people fully manifest their light bodies, they would integrate into one or other of these light cities depending on the frequencies they are emitting.
An accelerated frequency will take people to a specific level not accessible to those emanating a lower frequency without it causing them distress. There will be cities on different levels to cater for all frequency emanations.
There is no good, better, best involved here, no elitism. People are at different levels of understanding and evolvement from kindergarten to tertiary with each level needing different requirements. These requirements will be met with love and generosity to assist all involved.
He, Lord Kuthumi will hold a position of authority in these Light Cities of the future along with other Holy Masters and Teachers.
In 2010 two beautiful Unicorns accompanied me into a different aspect of 5D. They had silver stars flowing around their bodies and were glowing, brilliant white. They showed me how beautiful and pristine it is where animals roam wild and free in harmony without fear of any predatory behaviour.
On that particular visit, I actually was able to cuddle baby white lion cubs. What a wonderful, heart warming experience that was.
In December of that year, I revisited parts of 5D which surround the physical aspect of Earth, which I now know to be the Earth’s light body. I could see the light or subtle bodies of Earth separating from the physical Earth with her light bodied inhabitants, leaving the physical Earth to rest and recuperate.
The physical Earth will remain behind to heal and recuperate until such times as she decides to ascend and unite with her subtle/light body.
This then aligns with my very first glimpse in 2003 where I could see the second Earth etherically connected to our current one. This is also where 5D portals will come into their own allowing easy access from 3D to 5D. The portals/doorways have a designated time to remain open then will be permanently sealed.
I hope you find my perspective on Earths imminent changes helpful. It is my own Truth which I haven’t veered from since 2003 and at the time of posting is up to date. I will keep you informed if any changes occur.
Cosmic Blessings