Thursday, July 21, 2011

Regarding Portals Update July 2011

June 1st – Australia (All States)
A higher voltage frequency was downloaded into each state separately. It consisted of diamond energy encoding and was silvery white in colour. This does not mean there won’t be any further problems relating to weather patterns, unless of course by miraculous intervention, otherwise Earth cleansings will continue to occur.

There are many different levels of dense energy existing throughout this country relating to past and present trauma and atrocities that have been committed. The rainbow and other rays sent by Light workers continue to raise these particular frequencies.

Other areas in serious need are mining communities both large and small. In the devastating floods in Queensland earlier this year, there were 50 plus mines in operation that were largely affected by those floods. I feel that Mt.Isa is still under threat in some way. I also feel that there will be tornadic winds through some states in the coming months.

This has already happened in N.S.W.

June 15th – North America
The same high voltage geometrical energy was downloaded throughout the whole land mass. Particular healing and clearing was carried out in relation to historical events concerning Native American Indians.

June 29th – South America
At the time of this meditation, there was a wild fire burning out of control in an area of Mexico which was threatening a nuclear facility operational there. All local residents were evacuated. I personally focused entirely on this fire to try and help bring it under control.

The next locations are:
July 13th – Canada + Greenland
July 27th – Congo
Aug 10th – Somalia
Aug 24th – Kenya
Sept 17th – Kathmandu.. Revisit