Friday, October 28, 2011

Jeshua/The Christ Jesus Speaks (1)

This is the first in a series of 3 messages from Jeshua

Hello dear ones of Earth,
I am carrying out my promise to continue updating knowledge and energy and will do so for as long as it is necessary.

At the time of this transmission, your Earth is facing enormous challenges some of which you have no understanding of because you are looking at the surface only without realising the depth of certain situations that are occurring.

Many people think that all happenings upon the Earth are as it should be, that it is meant and allowed to be. It is one thing to say that the Creator God gave you the right to experience on all levels, but where do you draw the line; how far are you willing to go; when are the lessons learnt and the wisdom gained acted upon; when do the abuses, tortures and murders cease.

The reality of karma is often used as an excuse. It is true that what you perpertrate in one lifetime returns in another, but do you want to continue on, not learning from your experiences, not overcoming the deep negativity some of you are involved in and others of you accept; are you happy to repeat this cycle in each lifetime that you embrace.

Is it not time that humanity realised what is really happening, where certain behavioural patterns are repeated over and over again; isn’t it a better idea to balance the scales to bring everything back into alignment to enable you to approach the Ascension process knowing you will be successful?

There is no time now to play around with dark energies, negativity, the pursuit of the mighty dollar, corruption in all its forms and the ecological destruction that is taking place.

All of this overuse of the shadow side of man has brought you to this state of being where there is great unhappiness, enormous lack for some, with illness and disease confronting many.

For years now we have been transmitting information from the highest realms via the channelling corridors, asking you to consider changing your way of thinking, to look at things in a much more positive way and to achieve in a much more positive way. In many instances, these requests have fallen upon deaf ears and negativity in different forms has been allowed to flourish.

Something that a large number of you do each year is go through your homes with a fine tooth comb and carry out what you call a “spring clean.” Everything is washed, polished, cleaned until all is sparkling with old energies removed allowing new energy to take its place.

Some of you are just too busy to even consider that you may need to spring clean your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well, but I can assure you that it is well worth your while to do so.

You are about to embrace a whole new way of life, of living, and to be compatible with this new energy field means you need to clear out the old to allow in the new. It is not difficult to do it only takes your time, but unfortunately, time is not something that many are prepared to give because they are caught up in living the illusory life of materialism and false values.

Consider this, dear ones of Earth. When you are ill or suffering a serious disease, it becomes imperative that you take time out or spend time in hospital to achieve wellness for your physical body or mind. If you don’t, your physical body just falls in a heap leaving you unable to continue on.

This is what you need to undertake to heal your spiritual and emotional bodies, to replenish those aspects of yourself which at the moment in many of you, are quite depleted.

There are some who follow the spiritual path, who take the time to be still, to meditate, to retreat, to spend in nature, all of these qualities that nurture and heal the
spiritual and emotional bodies, but the majority do not embrace these particular states of being which would bring them further strength and health benefits and enable them to become much more balanced and aligned, with their energy fields vibrating at the highest level possible for them.

Your energy field affects all around you, the people you meet during your day, your families, your pets, so if you are pulsating a depressed, negative energy then this is what others around you will experience because you are keeping them at that level of imbalance.

If you are happy and positive, you will pulsate a higher frequency energy and help others to vibrate at that same level. You are helping them to raise their frequencies from a lower to a higher level creating further balance within themselves and the locations in which they reside.

You need to think about where you stand in the scheme of things, if you are contributing in a positive or negative way with Mother Earth and those around you, and find the ways and means of lifting your game which will not only help yourself, but all within your sphere of life.

I am Jeshua. More will follow.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2011