Friday, March 6, 2015

Elohim One speaks (Feb 2015)

Hello everyone

Recently this message was downloaded by “Elohim One”. It is a personal message, but He asked
me to publish it for all to read, so it will resonate on a personal level with others as well as myself.
This is what He had to say:

Hello dear one,
We spoke briefly the other evening after your World Healing meditation and I would like to thank
you and your team for your contributions to the world situation. We need you and others to meet as
often as possible to continue with this healing agenda.

I did mention that I had a very long list I could present to you which would show you the areas in
most need. I know you felt overwhelmed by this, but dear one, it was not my intention to do so, it
was said very ‘tongue in cheek’.

We need you to continue to increase Light Quotient in all who find their way to you, then increase
Light Quotient in all areas you may enter and all countries of the world that you visit during your
healing meditations and otherwise. This is your first and foremost primary task to carry out.
You can do this easily by using the God given Violet Flame of Transmutation in all of these areas. It
is more powerful than people realise and even though some have become quite blasé about the
Violet Flame, it is most penetrating and transformative.

It is the seventh Flame which was downloaded into Earth’s frequency for this very reason, to purify
and cleanse, change existing frequencies to higher levels and to increase Light wherever it may be

You don’t always need to know the history behind every situation you may look into, because dear
one, it would just tire your brain if you did so; you would double your workload by going into past
times and delving into past events, which are past, and do not need to be resurrected by thought.
word or deed.

Resurrecting past deeds into the present moment gives those past deeds energy and strength and
brings them back into current resonance and frequency; just do as directed, use the Violet Flame
to change codes, frequencies and grids, all that have been broken, destroyed or tampered with.
You don’t really need to know who or why the tampering was done, just be the repair person to fix
the problem.

Our biggest concern at the moment is the HATE vibration that is gathering momentum across the
globe. This hate vibration is the most important factor that has to be dealt with in the NOW moment
at your level.

It doesn’t matter what is causing it from past times, or why it is still resonating. It needs to be
transmuted and changed into an unconditional love frequency. This is no easy task when such a
large percentage of Earth’s people live in fear and hatred and propagate those same emotions in

It is a little bit like the black death. It just spreads and spreads, and if nothing is done, if there is no
kind of intervention, Divine or otherwise, it brings about annihilation of populations.
We have seen this happen too many times already and are watching it happen again now, but we
are hoping that Light Workers will come to the party here and help us to put out the fires of hatred
that are burning ever more brightly across the globe in more and more countries and cultures.

I would like you to upload this message for others to read and be inspired by, so that we can, as a
team, bring things back into balance, so there will be no need for Divine intervention as has
happened before. Previous civilisations have been lost because of misuse of power and energy
and we are trying to avoid that situation happening again.

This is why there are so many Light Workers on Earth at the present time, even though some are
still sitting on the fence, to quell this hatred scenario by transmutation with the Violet Flame
followed by the Ascension Flame of Golden White, to remedy this current trend which is just a
repetition of past happenings. Continuing to transmute these current situations will helps to clear
past events at the same time.

Because the Light was used so infrequently during past times, darkness overcame quickly and
easily. In the NOW moment, we can put a stop to this for all time, but we need the help of Light
Workers and also those who have ascended.

It is true that some have achieved personal ascension, with others almost there and still more
trailing behind; but it doesn't mean that anyone can rest on their laurels when they reach this point.
We need everyone to continue working toward ascension for all, not just a few.

So I leave you with these thoughts dear one, knowing that you will try your very best to carry out
the wishes of myself and that large group of Ascended Beings who have the same desires for
mankind, who do not wish to see mankind falling by the wayside again. It has happened too often
in the past and it is now time for everyone to move forward.

I am “Elohim One”.
Suzan Anzara “MentaRa”

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sanat Kumara speaks (Jan 2015)

Sanat Kumara speaks (Jan 2015); Channelled by Suzan Anzara

Hello everyone,
I have been rather ambivalent of late toward the channelling process until Sanat Kumara approached me a few weeks ago and asked if would download a message for Him. This is what He had to say:

Many questions are being asked about what is happening on your planet, why things are the way they are, and is the work Light Workers are doing having any effect at all on the desperate situations occurring here at the present time?

One of the reasons is that Light Workers in general have given up hope of every achieving the 5D status that you were all working toward so brilliantly in 2012. Since that time, Light Workers’ input has dropped quite dramatically with people becoming blasé about the whole situation.

You need to know that we have not given up hope nor have we reduced our input to such a low level. We, on this side, have continued to work toward 5D status for Earth regardless of what is happening with Light Workers.

Also some are being influenced by information coming from supposedly higher energies saying that everything is as it should be and it is ok now to rest on your laurels and be ambivalent to what is going on around you.

I do not agree with those sentiments at all. To further advance people of Earth, we need input from every Light Worker on the planet, not just the small handful that have continued to work toward helping higher consciousness to resonate.

We still need clear and honest channels to be intermediaries between the higher realms and Earth. We already have such people but each one is different and carries unique codes and frequencies that need to be partnered with compatible Masters to bring in the multi-varied encodings and geometries that emanate from those Masters and then vibrate through the words of the channellings.

As well as this, not enough Light Workers have evolved to the point which makes them capable of bringing in higher codes and frequencies, higher pulsating grids and sacred geometry, which are necessary to reduce the risk of darkness overtaking this planet.

Black webbing has been installed across many cities in many countries by dark entities, as well as placing around the planet, black pyramidal structures in high frequency locations, so that the fanatical interpretation of Earth’s Holy Books has a strong support base from which, all involved with that fanatical interpretation, continue to grow and be successful in their endeavours.

If we cannot reduce the expansion of this particular energy vibration in this the Age of the Holy Spirit, then dire consequences will come into play; so I am asking all of you to brush yourselves off, make time for groups to come together, choose an area that you are inspired toward and work on that particular area to take codes, energies, frequencies and grids from low vibrating 3D to as close to 5D as possible.

Many areas are vibrating at a low 3D level so they are the areas that need to be updated and you all know where those particular areas are. Because of cosmic and astrological events which will play out in the near future, we need to have a concerted effort to raise the frequencies of as many countries and peoples as possible so there can be a more positive outcome to events that will occur.

As groups, you are capable of making a huge difference, achieving amazing results in certain situations where a specific intention has been set into place, for example, breaking droughts.

In drought areas always look to see if all Earth grid work is in place and, if it is missing, replace those grids and return that particular area back into alignment. This will allow rain to fall, droughts to be broken and people to regain hope. Make sure at these times that you do not ask for flooding rain because this could have a destructive effect.

Always ask permission before you begin a project to make sure that you are not interfering in karma that may exist in any given situation. Nine times out of ten it will be ok to carry on and you will have a high frequency team working in the background to help and support you.

I will continue to advise and help you to lift the Earth out of the position of stress she is currently in and also to raise frequencies of all countries and peoples vibrating at that lower energy level.

Until then, I send love and blessings to all who read my message and all who will be inspired to carry on their good work.

I am Sanat Kumara

Copyright Suzan Anzara (MentaRa) 2015