Friday, February 4, 2011

A Message from Mother Earth

In January this year, I happened to be on the outskirts of Canberra with a friend, taking in the sights, when I sensed that Mother Earth was trying to communicate with me. This was an unusual event for me, and as I was having a “slow” day that particular day, it took a little while to understand what She was trying to tell me.

She eventually showed Herself to me in the shape of a gigantic human. Just remember that we humans and Mother Earth share similarities such as nervous systems, circulatory systems, chakras, auric fields, acupuncture points etc. If it was not this way, then human and animal species would not have been able to survive on Her for such a long period of time.

The focus of what she showed me that day was Her huge belly which rumbled and grumbled as if She had extreme wind pains. I understood this to mean that She was going to soon explode with cataclysmic volcanic eruptions, quaking and other violent weather patterns such as cyclones, twisters, gale force winds and the like.

The day after the Bali volcanic eruption, I was given further insight into what She had shown me that few days previously. Within that huge belly are located the three major lower chakras. I was shown that she was purging Herself of all negative energies relating to those three chakras that had accumulated over thousands of years of human existence and experience upon Her.

Because so many people do not believe they have lived past lives, when in actual fact they have quite possibly lived hundreds, along with many others, they do not realise that all negative and violent energies from those times as well as the present, stay around the Earth.

If no one thinks to transmute them from negative to positive, they just sit there attracting further like energy, and in my humble opinion, this is why history continually repeats itself.

Since we are now heading into a new cycle of life, Mother Earth is trying to disperse these negative and violent energies accumulated over millennia, in the only way she can, with cataclysmic interference.

Another aspect of Mother Earth’s vision also presented itself to me. If Mother Earth is purging Herself worldwide of past energies and memories to do with war, torture, cruelty, religious persecution and torment, sexual and physical abuses etc, with this list being endless, does it mean that She is also playing a part in helping humanity to clear past life trauma from their collective cellular memories at the same time as Herself?

Water is seen to represent the emotional body, so are the copious amounts of water dumped on our Planet at the present moment, related to tears She is shedding on our behalf as well as Her own, for those atrocities perpetrated upon Her and members of Her human, animal, tree and plant inhabitants, by those who seize power and control by any means available to them?

My feelings are that this is so and that She needs us to know the reasons why. It is definitely something to think about.

Cosmic Blessings

P.S After writing about Mother Earth’s message, I began to feel a huge feeling of relief and thanks coming from Her because I had picked up on Her message and made it public.
It is important to Her that we all know and understand the reasons for Her actions which are not meant to be vindictive in any way, but necessary in the long term for our ongoing spiritual evolution.