Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Prophet Samuel

An early channelling from the Prophet Samuel (also known as St Germaine). This channelling is part of two I received some time ago. They are biblical in context with a powerful message. After great deliberation, I have decided to share them. They remain current. The second part will be on the blog in August.

I bring thee health and blessings in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The time has come for all peoples to justify their actions to their God. The time has come to let go of all negativity and allow the Light of the Most High God to shine in all aspects of daily life. The time has come to let go of all memories and actions relating to past lives.

Take all lessons learned over many eons and live thy lives according to current knowledge, for thee have reached the time of physical and spiritual ascension. Think about this and adjust thy lives accordingly.

There are far too many beings who “come from the head and not from the heart”. Each one must do the work necessary to reach this “place of the heart”, for each one is responsible for their own actions, for their growth or decline.
Meditation is a key tool necessary to reach these goals. Take the time and reap the many benefits given for that time.

Live in peace and love.

I am the Prophet Samuel who speaks

Friday, July 3, 2009


These passages are taken from an earlier channelling of Archangel Michael which remain current.

Greetings all. I am Archangel Michael. I speak on behalf of the Angelic Kingdom and place you within my vibration and protection.

Be prepared for viruses that are coming. You may succumb in a small way, but realise that sometimes a virus can be a good thing. Keep up your intake of whichever preparations you need to remain well, and if necessary, increase this over the next months. Drinking plenty of water is more important than you realise.

Weather patterns are changing and in some instances will be extreme, so always take care and try not to place yourselves in any situation where you become cold or chilled.

Eat well also. Make everything that you put into your body count; the best quality you can buy. You have perhaps heard all this before. I am just reminding you.

You may become aware of some confused or frightened souls that you call Earth-bounds coming into your vibration. When they do, help them by taking them to the light. We need your input to help these souls relocate and find peace because of the changes that are coming.

The Guardian Angels associated with these Earth-bounds desire their freedom as well. This is an aspect that you mostly haven’t considered which we may discuss further at a later date.

Any rescue work or relocation that you undertake must be done with unconditional love and without judgement. If necessary, I will be there to help.

I am Archangel Michael.