Sunday, June 24, 2012

Something to think about (June 2012)


During the month of May, I travelled with a friend to Tasmania to carry out specific activation and clearing programs. This trip had been in the pipeline for a while waiting for certain conditions to present themselves.

It had always been my wish to visit Port Arthur to clear the energies of negativity that persist there, so the first thing done was massive frequency clearing and intense healing in this area.

It was difficult to work through the layers of fear and grief that existed along with huge feelings of sadness that permeated as well. After driving back to Port Arthur at a later time, I found the energies to be much lighter vibrating at a higher frequency. I pray it remains so.

When travelling around Tasmania, we frequently came across pockets of darkness where I could actually see and hear the terror of indigenous men, women and children as they were killed by early white settlers. The energies of those events still remain to this day, so intense clearing and healing to transmute these energies was carried out around the whole island.

An interesting thing then occurred which I had not been expecting at all. I was directed to set up an altar where we happened to be at the time, to begin a special meditation to bring about reconciliation on a spiritual level, between the indigenous people and whites involved in their deaths.

The souls of these white people had been unable to rest and they had requested forgiveness from the Spirit Elders. There were three groups of Spirit Elders involved and to my surprise, they were willing to grant this redemption. I was even more surprised that they allowed me, a white woman, to participate in this reconciliation.

The whole time this was happening, a corroboree was taking place on the spirit level. We could actually hear the chanting and toning and I was witness to the healing ceremony that took place between the whites and indigenous Elders. It was very moving.

I was then asked to hold the energy for this reconciliation and I have set up on a spiritual level, a continuation of forgiveness and reconciliation to hopefully slowly work its way right through all states of our country, to improve understandings between indigenous and white people to allow indigenous people to play a more active role in the development of this country, both personally and culturally.

It is not my intention to offend anyone with this knowledge. I accepted the plan that was presented to me from both sides and acted upon it. Let us now hope that spiritual reconciliation will continue to evolve to bring about peace and harmony into present life situations. It will need the cooperation of both indigenous and white people to be successful.

In my last “Something to think about”, I spoke briefly about the activation of specific crystals around the Earth. In Tasmania there happens to be an ancient crystal resting quietly in an area known as the Great Lake. This crystal needed to be activated to link up with other ancient crystals, both major and minor, as part of the crystalline grid system that exists in inner Earth being slowly activated at the present time.

Three of us took part in an Earth honouring ritual that activated this ancient crystal and in the doing of this, a beautiful cascading water spout was created on the etheric level. A bright flame consisting of the energies of the three of us present, was placed on the top of the cascade to act as a beacon and will remain a permanent feature.

The third one of us, a native of Tasmania, was made caretaker of this crystal feature. It was extremely difficult to move away from the energy field that was created because it was so beautiful. That ancient crystal is now pulsing away in sinc with all others being activated at this time.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

P.S I felt great agitation in areas that we drove through where logging was taking place. The surrounding trees are in a state of turmoil about this devastation that is occurring. Humans have a lot to answer for and at some point will pay dearly for their actions.

Copyright Suzan Anzara June 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Regarding Portals Update (June 2012)

Healing has taken place in all of the countries listed from April to May 30th, but because I have been so busy, I have not had the time to write reports other than on Syria.

It may seem that our healing efforts are having little effect on people in some countries, but what we are doing, is working with, and for, Mother Earth in raising and updating frequencies. These actions will help Her with the Ascension process and also allow for 5D Portals to be situated in each of these countries.

May 2nd – Syria

Healing energies and rays were sent in from Lightworkers, along with a group of Ascended Masters who were also active with energies at that time. Gold gridding was slowly lowered into the Earth to strengthen the original system within the Earth.

The next locations are:
  • June 27th – Syria
  • July 11th – Syria
  • July 25th – Lebanon
  • August 8th – Israel
  • August 22nd – Jordan

Many Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Something to think about (May 2012)

                                                        Inner Earth Healing
                                                        Light Body Chakra
                                                     Crystal Skull Activation

Just recently over the Easter period, myself and two others, Lynn and Russell, travelled to Sedona (in Arizona, USA) at the request of Lord Adama of Telos, who is of the Lemurian 5D city within Mt. Shasta, California.

Lord Adama spoke of two particular reconstructions that needed to be carried out.The first one was to complete a cycle left unfinished at the time of Ancient Lemuria,where some members of the reigning Council of Elders refused to acknowledge updated information and frequencies which would have assisted both personal and planetary ascension.

The second request was for a specific recalibration to be done, where ley lines from the time of ancient Lemuria had been purposely sabotaged being fused together, causing malfunctions and shortages to energy circuits instead of remaining fluid lines of pulsing energy or “song lines.” These ley lines from ancient Lemuria were situated very deep within the Earth and had not been discernible to the psychic eye until this present time.

According to Adama, there were hundreds of ley lines almost totally reversed, running against the natural flow and rythmn that was intended, similar to the effect the swastika had when it was turned anti-clockwise, becoming a symbol of death and destruction, instead of the heart chakra symbol of love and harmony which was its natural function.

This problem started at the time of early Atlantis when patriarchy began to rule. It brought about a cessation of the Feminine Principle and Christ Consciousness qualities and was carried out by those who wished to stamp out the Divine Feminine, creating chaos and confusion that has continued to this day. One only has to look back through history to witness the suffering that the female of the species has had to endure.

So at Adama’s request, ourselves and two others participated in a special meditation where we entered inner Earth via Merkabah, to the area where this problem existed, and added our energies to Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angelic groups, Buddhist Monks and others who were also present along with vibrating Creator energy within the circle that was created.

Everyone who was there contributed a specific energy to heal and correct this problem using mudras, chanting, sacred geometry and other different healing techniques, and in the doing of this, fused lines were separated, broken lines were rejoined, and knotted lines were unlinked, allowing energy to begin to flow unimpeded as it was meant to, helping harmony and balance to fall back into place.

At the completion of the session, Mother God entered, enveloped in beautiful pink Light, and took Her place beside the Creator. This told me that the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine were finally together and in balance. We now have to see how this relates back into our human world.

Looking back on that event, I can still clearly see the huge mess that was created by those who knowingly brought about this devastation causing those ley lines, those living parts of Mother Earth to remain in a state of neglect and malfunction for such a long time. Imagine how Mother Earth felt and suffered during this period. It would be like you or I experiencing constant pain in a part of our body that wouldn’t go away. This meditation took place on Easter Sunday.

After this event, the Creator communicated His wishes to me that were to be carried out over the next few days. We were to travel to the south rim of the Grand Canyon to Hopi Point, and perform a specific ceremony in order to facilitate healing and updating of frequencies in that area.

When we arrived, we set up an altar using four large clear quartz crystals with an amethyst in the centre, then formed a circle around the crystals, and began to pray and chant. There were others from different realms who joined in as well as shamanic groups who entered our space through a doorway. We also had Creator energy with us and what happened was intense.

Huge Light and power poured in through the crystals, totally changing the energies of this section of the Grand Canyon from dense and depressed to uplifted and joyful. At the same time, a new Light Body Chakra was established radiating the colour spectrum of purple/amethyst, plus the twelve Crystal Skulls and the 13th Amethyst Skull were activated.

These Crystal Skulls exist in different locations around the Earth with the 13th skull in the centre location and this links in with other major and minor crystals that are being activated at the present time. A process was begun on that day which will continue to evolve to bring about considered power boosts for Mother Earth which She needs to happen before Her Ascension.

The Creator showed me the place in Sedona where we were to create a sacred space to carry out the healing and reconnection necessary to complete that ancient cycle already mentioned, using crystals and anything indigenous of that region, such as flowers, plants, rocks to perform a specific Earth honouring ritual. This we did accompanied by Angelics and other groups until the reconnection was complete.

All of the time we were in Arizona, constant healing and updating of frequencies occurred including the soul rescue of an entire village of indigenous people wiped out by renegade white men hundreds of years before. During my time in Sedona, I met and spoke with the Creator, the Spirit of the Desert, and a group of indigenous Spirit Elders who welcomed me at Sacramento airport. I also had communication with several Ascended Masters including Serapis Bey.

The last request was for us to travel to Las Vegas to clear a problem that existed there. This problem turned out to be a strong reptilian presence which permeated the whole city. Reptilian beings were coming through a vortex under the city which was to be closed down and sealed. This was done with Archangel Michael sealing the vortex opening with His Excalibur.

All in all, it was an extremely eventful trip. There is quite a lot more to report, but I hope the information I have given, you find interesting and informative and able to experience on a deeper level.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara

P.S. Since returning home, we have had some feedback about our work in Sedona after being contacted by a psychic healer living and working there, who thanked us for our efforts saying that there had been a great “shift” in energies. We also received validation of our work in Las Vegas given by a local resident who said that he and others knew that the problem existed but didn’t know how to fix it. This is what I refer to as “specialist healing”.

                                                Copyright Suzan Anzara 2012