Thursday, May 16, 2013

Something to think about: Information updates (May 2013)

Hello everyone,
There have been a couple of updates come to my attention that I feel I should share with you.  The first one relates to radiation emissions.  We have reached a level of critical mass in electrical radiation with the possibility of more people beginning to suffer radiation illness.

We all know that electricity pylons emit high levels of radiation, but because of higher usage of electrical appliances in our homes, we are now more at risk in our homes of contamination from those emissions.
I have done research into this problem and found that there are at least 3 crystals that work to provide protection against any negative emissions including those from mobile phones.  They are black tourmaline, turquoise and clear quartz. 

It is a good idea to acquire any of these crystals that you are drawn to and place them around your home in specific areas such as near your computer and televisions etc. and wherever else you feel energy emitting, as well as carrying one on your person if the need be. Miracle II Neutralising Liquid is something else that can be used to dispel any toxic emissions from your auric field and spaces in your home where computers, televisions etc. are in use.

The second topic is a little more complicated and I hope I can explain it sensibly.  Because our planet is one of duality, light and dark, we are affected by both of these energy fields, so whenever light contracts inwards, it allows the dark focus to expand.  You may need to think about this a little. Unless the light focus is strong enough to repel darkness, then darkness will overcome. 

There are probably many examples I could give here, but the one I will use is fear. We have all experienced fear in one way or another, but fear carries negative energy and if we for any reason go into a fearful state, our light contracts inwards allowing the dark forces to take up that space and expand further. 

We need at all times to be in a positive state of mind and not succumb to any negative energies or emotions because if we do, we increase the risk of the dark focus becoming more powerful, accentuating the possibility of further negative events coming into our lives. Like energy attracts like energy, so positive thoughts, words and deeds attract the same energies, just as negative thoughts, words and deeds attract the same negativity in return. 

Just imagine if half the world lived in fear, for whatever reason, how destructive that combined energy force would be.  Our individual and combined light focus would dwindle leaving the dark to dominate. We each have to be responsible for keeping ourselves free from any negativity at all.  We have not yet escaped duality and probably will not until the Ascension process comes fully into place.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (mentaRa)
PS Miracle II can be obtained from

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2013