Thursday, July 21, 2011

Regarding Portals Update July 2011

June 1st – Australia (All States)
A higher voltage frequency was downloaded into each state separately. It consisted of diamond energy encoding and was silvery white in colour. This does not mean there won’t be any further problems relating to weather patterns, unless of course by miraculous intervention, otherwise Earth cleansings will continue to occur.

There are many different levels of dense energy existing throughout this country relating to past and present trauma and atrocities that have been committed. The rainbow and other rays sent by Light workers continue to raise these particular frequencies.

Other areas in serious need are mining communities both large and small. In the devastating floods in Queensland earlier this year, there were 50 plus mines in operation that were largely affected by those floods. I feel that Mt.Isa is still under threat in some way. I also feel that there will be tornadic winds through some states in the coming months.

This has already happened in N.S.W.

June 15th – North America
The same high voltage geometrical energy was downloaded throughout the whole land mass. Particular healing and clearing was carried out in relation to historical events concerning Native American Indians.

June 29th – South America
At the time of this meditation, there was a wild fire burning out of control in an area of Mexico which was threatening a nuclear facility operational there. All local residents were evacuated. I personally focused entirely on this fire to try and help bring it under control.

The next locations are:
July 13th – Canada + Greenland
July 27th – Congo
Aug 10th – Somalia
Aug 24th – Kenya
Sept 17th – Kathmandu.. Revisit

Friday, July 1, 2011

Regarding Portals Update May 2011

April 6th – Japan

During this meditation, I visited the areas devastated by the earthquake and tsunami. It was the saddest place with overwhelming grief permeating the whole location. I felt that more disaster would occur here, and as time has gone by, there have been further quakes with ongoing concerns about radioactive fallout. Soul rescue was also carried out during this visit.

Other parts of the country received updating of energies and frequencies from the Lightworkers involved, with a portal established above a major city that links to Mt Fuji which is one of Earth’s chakra points.

April 20th – Libya

Extreme light and sacred geometry flowed from a central point and assimilated throughout the whole country. A huge grid was downloaded through an overhead vortex and situated on a high energy point where it began to transmit heart frequencies to surrounding areas.

Love and gratitude came from the Archangel of Libya for the healing and caring sent by Lightworkers. You may have felt, as I did, love energy from Him in your heart Chakra.

May 4th – Egypt

For quite a while now, whenever I have looked at a picture of, or thought about the Pyramids of Giza, I have seen golden light flowing from underneath them which led me to believe, that something else was happening there also. I then became aware that some records of Ancient Lemuria are held in vibrational form in that space.

After visiting Egypt last night in meditation, I found myself totally drawn to the pyramids where I came across something astounding. As well as ancient records of Lemuria being stored there, I saw another pyramid, a mirror image of the existing great pyramid under the Earth.

The existing great pyramid with it’s mirror image in total, forms a gigantic diamond shape which holds the frequencies of the Sirius Star System on Planet Earth. There is an already existing portal above the Pyramids that links up with the 6th dimension (Sirius) which is used as an entry/exit point.

I feel that there will be an amazing discovery made by our Earth’s scientists in that location soon. Healing energies sent by Lightworkers has amped up the frequencies of the country enormously. Take note of any upcoming reports by the media on this situation.

The next locations are:

  • May 18th – China

  • June 1st – Australia (all states)

  • June 15th – North America

  • June 29th – South America

  • July 13th – Alaska

P.S I have missed reporting on a few countries, but please realise that all healing energies sent are having an amazing effect on both the people and countries involved in ways that are not always obvious to those of us participating.

Remember that the request for this prayer and healing support came from a Higher Place and that Lord Sananda/Jesus Christ is our Patron. His Presence has been in every country we have visited so far. Archangel Michael and Others also play a significant role.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Something to think about (June)


Today at 10am, a blueprint of frequencies and codes of spiritual channellings and books on Earth at present, were anchored into lower 5th dimensional resonance.All of this knowledge has been placed into special repositories in vibrational form and at a specified time in the future, will materialise into the form of books on shelves in mammoth libraries across 5D. My own books and channellings were included along with thousands of others. Only material of pure intent has been utilised.

I was totally blessed to be part of this transfer and observed it closely from start to finish.I crossed into 5D with Lord Melchizedek and found the energies of peace and harmony to be a tangible presence. Such a lovely place. Such a lovely feeling.

The reason for this transfer is so that humans moving across into 5D resonance, and this will be determined by the frequencies they are emitting, will be able to access the teachings of Angelics, Intergalactics, Ascended Masters and other Intelligencies at a basic level, to help them begin their journey into higher levels of 5D and beyond.

This also helped me understand further that 5D portals/doorways being established around the globe are for the use of people who will choose to evolve without actually having begun that specific spiritual journey.

The doorways are for everyone of course, but those who have no idea at all of what is happening will be able to easily transit into 5D without stress or panic and panic needs to be avoided at all costs.

There are many who are ready to ascend, who will have no need for these doorways, but there are more who are not and they will be given all the assistance they require to get them there, including the use of portals/doorways.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)


P.S. Another vision today of the physical aspect of Earth separating from her light body, with her light body and light bodied people ascending further. A definite feeling of release and relief from Mother Earth that her responsibilities to and concerning humanity are almost over. This may occur sooner than we expect.