Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Regarding Portals Update March 2011

Jan 26th New Zealand

It seemed that N.Z. suddenly came to life with rainbow coloured lights appearing across the horizons of both islands. Sacred encoding flowed covering all of the Earth especially where the mining disaster occurred.

A Maori Chieftain met Master Marko who is one of the spiritual scientists associated with our healing and transformational work. They seemed to know each other and spent some time in conversation. A single portal was established above both islands which link up with Carnarvon in W.A. I have no knowledge of Carnarvon but it must be an extremely high energy area for this to occur.

P.S. I realise that earthquakes have occurred since our visit to N.Z. and you may be wondering if we are really achieving anything at all with our meditations, but our ultimate goal is to update frequencies helping to clear past negative energies that have accumulated over long periods of time which then allows 5D portals to be established. Perhaps the small loss of life can be attributed to our efforts and this is a huge thing in itself.

The next locations are:

March 23rd – Haiti

April 6th – Japan

April 20th – Libya

May 4th – Egypt

May 18th – China

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Updated Healing Techniques

Metatronic Platinum Energy
This relates to pure energy coming from Source downstepped once via Archangel Metatron, in the form of ray, liquid, advanced encoding as well as mathematical symbols, which will hugely update existing frequencies allowing the Light body to expand further.

The dosage or volume of Platinum energy given to each person will depend entirely on their own individual receptivity and need, with the Light frequencies already emitting being the deciding factor. For instance, those just beginning to update their frequencies will be given a smaller dosage whilst those already developing will be able to tolerate a higher percentage of this energy.

Platinum energy will also help prevent people from contracting deadly viruses which are on the rise in our world. Omega 3, 6 and 9, FLAXSEED, will assist this process.

Energies from the 7th Dimension
I was recently visited by 7 Star Beings from the 7th Dimension who brought with them further advanced frequencies to use in healing. Each Being represents a specific Cosmic frequency which when used as a healing tool, will awaken certain neural pathways throughout the body.

This will be accomplished by using specific sounds and tones to begin these awakenings. The 7 Star Beings are able to enclose these sounds and tones within a high frequency ball of Light and Laser, not discernible to the human ear, which will set up pulsations and vibrations in still dormant areas within the human body bringing them back to life and resonance.

This form of healing is also related to our emerging Light body and is used in conjunction with the Metatronic energy. It is a gift to us from 7D and is given with great love.

Grid Healing
Grid healing connects us to the Lemurian Grid and Christ Consciousness codes with the heart being the portal or doorway into ancient Lemuria. this is turn links under the pyramids of Giza where some records of ancient Lemuria are held in vibrational form.

With Grid healing comes the awakening of the atrophied chakras which came about because of past genetic experimentation where the human body went from a 12 plus chakra, 12 helix DNA system to a 7 plus chakra, 2 helix DNA system placing great limitation on the human form.*

Specific healing codes have also been given to extend DNA strands back to their original states along with cellular rejuvenation.

*The grid is now, in most cases, platinum rather than gold.

Cosmic blessings
Suzan Anzara

Copyright 2011 Suzan Anzara

Sunday, March 6, 2011

2010 Newsletters: Jan - Apr

The Quality of Love from James
Channelled by Suzan Anzara January 2010

Hello little ones of Earth, I am James. You may recognise me from biblical times when I was know as James the Lesser. I have had other lifetimes since then but they are not important. The function of the channelling program set out for you this year is to bring in knowledge to assist as many as possible.

What I would like to discuss today is the importance of LOVE. Unconditional love. This is a quality of Christ Consciousness that holds the highest vibration of all other qualities and there are several.

The word itself, LOVE no matter in which language it is spoken, reverberates from the heart of the Creator into the heart of every being on the Planet. You may not have thought in this way before. Love is a small word, just four letters, but it holds enormous power, energy, and soul meaning.

The word LOVE represents in the higher realms a keyforce to open doorways that exist throughout the cosmos,, wherein other dimensions and galactic centres reside. Within these other dimensions and galactic centres exist beings with a different form to humans, who also resonate to the energy of the LOVE vibration.

There are some outside of this resonance who do not experience the LOVE vibration, but it has become something these particular beings dearly want to embrace. Many of you have heard about beings outside of Earth who do not know or understand the emotional or feeling body. These beings are now strongly desiring to experience on that level, so we are trying from our side of the veil to help them achieve this, because not only is Earth and her people going to reach Ascension, so also are all other dimensions and galaxies in the Universe. Everyone is stepping up a notch, from the lowest energy grid to the highest and that takes in a huge expanse of different energy systems.

Those who do experience the LOVE vibration are more in number and have taken it upon themselves to try and instil in those who don’t, the ideals of love, compassion, understanding, empathy, vulnerability and tenderness, all of those qualities associated with the LOVE vibration. We of the Ascended Master and Angelic Realms applaud this. We support them 100% and are available at any time to add our knowledge and wisdom to theirs. People of Earth also have something to learn regarding this issue because they have not yet learned detachment or how to balance their emotions to stay on an even keel without the highs and lows that happen on a regular basis.

There is a negative side to the LOVE vibration which is about control, power, manipulation and what you call on Earth, emotional blackmail. These qualities need to be smoothed out to blend in with the positive aspects of the LOVE vibration, because in coming times, in the fifth dimension where you are heading, the LOVE vibration will be the highest energy force within that dimension.

Unconditional love will reign supreme. Some of you will be happy about this, some of you perhaps not, but that is how it will be in the new order of things. This particular aspect of Christ Consciousness unconditional love, will be the reigning factor in the new state of enlightenment which you are about to step into.

You could begin from NOW to become more aware of this quality and try to instil UNCONDITIONAL LOVE further into your way of dealing with life and those around you, family, friends, neighbours, all you come in contact with in your day to day existence. This will stand you in good stead for the time when you enter the 5th dimension. Think of it perhaps as an apprenticeship and put into practice this particular quality, so that when the time comes it will be second nature to think, feel and act under the banner and vibration of unconditional love.

Most people don’t know or understand the value and energy of words, both positive and negative. Negative words, be they swearing, angry or demeaning create a jarring sensation in the hearts and auric fields of people. Take notice the next time you yourself use or are the victim of negative words, to your response to the vibration and energy emanating from those words. In reverse, when someone says to you, I love you, how does that make you feel. Some of you melt when these words are spoken because the energy flowing from them reverberates in your heart and soul. Try to take particular notice from now, to how you feel and what you experience from the energy vibration of both positive and negative words.

You take language for granted without realising what it contains. The variations and fluctuations of energy that run between the letters that form words can be like the most beautiful of melodies or the most jarring of noises which place the whole body in a state of apprehension, that feeling you get when something sharp is scraped down a blackboard.

I was a school teacher in one of my past lives, hence my use of the above example. I still have memories of my times on Earth, some of them pleasant, some of them not, so I am able to relate to you in many ways. I understand about words and language, how they can affect you. Words can instil upliftment and joy, or fear and despair. If someone is feeling sad or lonely, a cheering word can make all the difference. Remember also that some people have healing vibrations in their voices, so the combination of voice and positive words can induce in others feelings of happiness, calmness and contentment.

I would like to take the LOVE vibration one step further and ask you to consider unconditional love for Mother Earth and all species that dwell upon her, be it animal or plant life. There are many aspects of nature that bring you joy and gladden your heart. Beautiful gardens, flowers and plant life. If you sit under a tree or walk beside the ocean, you will feel healing vibrations engendered by these energy forces flowing into your being. Send out a love vibration of your own in appreciation of their beauty, colour, perfume and majesty.

Just imagine how it would be in your world if you did not have any of this beauty to feast your eyes upon. How it would be if you did not have one flower, one plant, one tree, or even one blade of grass in your surroundings. How desolate it would be. Just imagine if there was no grass at all. Without grass which you constantly mow and trim the Earth would be a dust bowl. Grass is the glue that holds the surface of the Earth together. It was a wonderful gift to Earth from the Creator God, but a gift that is totally taken for granted.

I suggest that perhaps you try to look at things with different eyes, use the love vibrations from your own hearts to help others around you, to keep your plants strong and healthy, your trees erect and beautiful, your oceans and waterways clean and sparkling so that the life forms that dwell in these habitats can happily live and relish their surroundings.

One of the reasons we transmit information is because of our love for all of you. We are a team working together from the Creator God to the Angelic Kingdom who work tirelessly and constantly to assist people of Earth, the Buddhic Realms, the Ascended Master Realms and others from Beyond whom you have little knowledge of as yet, to bring you the information your require to help you grow and evolve and prepare you for the 5th dimension and ascension process.

Some people are already frequenting the 5th dimension moving in and out of its frequencies to familiarise themselves with that whole vibrational change. They will be the ones to help those of you who have not quite achieved the necessary level of light. Keep working toward this aim, and activate as much as you can this quality of the heart, unconditional LOVE of the Christ Consciousness, because it is what the current world needs in huge vast amounts and it has to start somewhere in one little corner of the world so that it can spread out and touch other people, Mother Earth, plants, animals, birds, tree people, oceans, rivers, streams, mountains, every aspect of life upon Mother Earth.

I am James. It has been my absolute pleasure to speak to you today. Until next time know that you have our loving support at all times.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

P.S Following is a message from the Creator God. It came last year and fits in with the contents of this particular newsletter so I have decided to publish it at this time.

A Message from the Creator God
The Creator has allowed me to see Him on several occasions. My first awareness of Him was as huge consciousness, or huge cloud. From this consciousness or cloud, he took a tiny segment and fashioned the form of a human male. This form is ethereal and has the vibration of the colour purple pulsing around the auric field.

I am not soothed by His Energy. I am mostly agitated, but I now realise it is because His Energy Field is so powerful that my physical body and auric field tremble in His Presence. Sometimes it feels like I am being buffeted by powerful winds or thrown about by huge waves. Thankfully, these sensations settle down after a short time. This is my own reaction to His Presence. Your response to Him may be quite different, hopefully calm and peaceful.

The last time He manifested His Presence, He showed me His Pulsing Heart which was ruby red within His Ethereal Form. The message for all of us was to project the qualities of the heart to others, much more than we are already doing. He asked me to share this message with as many as possible.

P.S “OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA” – This is a powerful mantra or chant. Roughly translated it means “In the Name of God Consciousness.”

The Concept of Rewiring by the Apostle Phillip
Channelled by Suzan Anzara Feb 2010

I am Phillip. I was on Earth some 2000 odd years ago as an Apostle of Christ. I have now ascended and reside in the Ascended Master Realms.

The message I am bringing you at this time is regarding the health patterns and vibrations of people of Earth. Some of you will have noticed strange or unusual occurrences within your physical body causing you to wonder what might be happening. What is taking place is a REWIRING of the physical form as it is moving into the Light body state.

The Light body is beginning to manifest in people although in different stages. Not everyone has reached the same level of Light or evolvement so therefore, changes happening with rewiring are unique to each person. Rewiring is just beginning in some, whereas in others it is quite advanced. Don’t be afraid of the term rewiring. It only means that as you are increasing your Light quotient, by whichever means you are using, you are becoming more finely tuned losing atoms of density.

For those wishing to embrace their Light body and Ascension process, this is good news. At the current moment there is rewiring being done to the digestive system of the human body where some of you may be feeling discomfort or experiencing chest pain, nausea, bloatedness or other similar symptoms. If you are in any way concerned do see your health practitioner to put your mind at ease.

This particular rewiring will bring about a feeling within you that there is less need for heavy density foods. Rather, you may begin to consume lighter foods, softer foods or even more liquid in your diet. Just follow what your body is telling your and eat foods that don’t antagonise your digestive system.

The Light body brings with it strong feelings of Christ Consciousness energy and you may find yourself behaving in ways not so familiar to you. There are many qualities held within the Christ Consciousness framework and they are all to do with treating those around you in a Christlike manner. Self love is an important part of this Consciousness and many of you need to overcome the lack of self love, low self esteem and self confidence that you have, and see yourself as being totally worthy to live under the banner of Christ. You are totally worthy to exist in this frequency.

You may consider yourself to have many faults and weaknesses and blemishes on your soul, but most of you are your own hardest taskmaster. You expect far too much from yourselves and others when you should try to accept yourselves as you are and if you make mistakes, then learnform them and don’t downyourself to the point of dislike.

You need to boost your own self image and hold yourself in high regard, without ego, because that is how we see you. Very few walk through life without making mistakes and so long as learning processes are realised from these mistakes, they are not considered to be mistakes at all, just little glitches along the way which happen to shed new light into situations that perhaps you weren’t expecting.

I have been given the opportunity to speak to you today and I am honoured to be able to do so. Often the information that we channel into Earth just beggars more questions, but we are listening to those questions and will try to answer them via the newsletters as we move through the year. We know how interested you are in the 2012 phenomena, of what is going to happen, when it is going to happen, how it is going to happen and this knowledge will slowly unfold to give you something concrete to go on with.

Just be sure that the Creator God has everything under control and all of us on the sidelines who are there to help and assist, are in place to do whatever is needed to help humanity take this gigantic step in their evolution.

You have already been told in previous newsletter information that many people will choose to leave Planet Earth and it is happening as you can see from the last mammoth quake that occurred in Haiti. Those who are left will make huge efforts to change their previous way of being and will achieve this with the input and assistance they receive from outside sources. These outside sources will help Haitians back on their feet, to grow and evolve and improve their life. It is all about change, growth and evolvement rather than stagnation. Moving on from here, we would like you to take a look at karma that is involved in situations where people choose to knowingly do nothing to help others in distress.

There is very much testing set into place when people are seeking to evolve to a higher level of consciousness, and one particular kind of testing includes rites of humanitarianism where helping your brother or sister in need by seeing within them the Divine Spark, which makes them your brother or sister, is how these judgements are often made. It doesn’t have to be someone from Haiti. Even if you assist one person in distress from within your own family, or neighbourhood. These are the tests that will be placed in front of you to gauge your reaction.

This is where the karmic issue will come into play, for if you choose to look the otherway it will bring upon you a karmic burden that will need to be worked through at some point in this or a future life. Because the 5th dimension is looming closely on your horizon, the testing will become more radical and frequent to see if you respond with love or indifference. You see, unconditional love reigns supreme in the 5th dimension and this is the quality you must put into practice if you wish to progress further.

Aspects of different types of situations will be presented to you in coming times, so allow your hearts to be open and loving and embrace these situations as they come along.

If my words sound severe or harsh, I apologise. It is not because I mean to be that way, but that I am more familiar with auld English, and language. I do not always have the words to make people feel comfortable. My only wish and desire is to help you keep moving forward into this new consciousness and to understand the rewiring process that will continue. Know it is necessary moving from a dense body to a Light body for this to occur and that it is done along with the love vibration that flows from our realms to yours, where we try to touch people’s hearts which sets up within them a whole new encoding of energy which causes upliftment and adds to the process of enlightenment.

I am Phillip. I am affiliated with the Cosmic Realms and work under the banner and energy code of the Christ. I am one of many spiritual teachers sent with information that you require to
help you evolve further into the Light. Until we meet again, be kind to each other.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

P.S An entry on my BLOG from “Simon” known as the Master
Builder is worth taking a look at.

A reminder from Archangel Jophiel
A message came from Archangel Jophiel sometime last year about the importance of using MUDRAS. I totally forgot about this until recently when MUDRAS were used in a significant
etheric healing.

In November 2009, MUDRAS were used along with a specific harmonic chant, by beings such as Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Monks and others like myself to bring about an etheric healing under Mt. Etna in Italy. Etna had previously been erupting and was in an extremely vulnerable state. I experienced the Earth below Etna to be angry and volatile, but with the combined MUDRA energy and melodic chanting which everyone took part in, I saw the Earth become calm and peaceful. I could actually see the tension flowing out of her.

This also occurred in an area off the coast of Australia, stretching from Nelsons Bay through Terrigal down to Wollongong after the Haiti earthquakes. Again, there were a line of beings stretching right along the coast from north to south, and by the energy and power generated from these beings, a massive wave that was travelling toward our coast was diminished. I was involved on an etheric level in both these events and continue to be amazed at the results.

For those who don’t know what MUDRAS are, I suggest you research this via the internet or other means. I also apologise to Archangel Jophiel for taking so long to activate his message.

Energies and Frequencies from Master Marko

Channelled by Suzan Anzara, March 2010

Since the last time we spoke, many things have changed regarding Earth’s energies and frequencies. The recent earthquakes have shaken everyone to the core and there are more coming with other areas along the fault lines to be hit by high voltage tremors. Try not to go into fear because this has been prophesied both biblically and otherwise by different prophets of God who have foretold these coming events.

These quakes are largely Mother Earth’s way of clearing herself of past trauma and negativity that have plagued her for thousands of years. It is her way of clearing the decks so to speak, to allow new energies and frequencies to flow to assist the transfer into the 5th dimension which has been spoken about frequently over the past few years.

Earthquakes and flooding will continue and those who leave the Planet will do so by their own choice and free will. Those who are left will have the opportunity to raise their energies and frequencies to elevate themselves to a higher level of consciousness which will allow them to transfer at the precise moment into their Light body which is the Ascension process coming into being.

The Light body is already manifesting in many people of all religions, all races, all creeds. The Ascension process does not take into account any religious dogma or belief system. It is totally about the heart, the qualities of the heart, the love vibration and positivity. It will not consider for one moment negativity or darkness.

People really and truly cannot waste anymore time sitting on the fence or being on the sidelines just to observe. There is little time now for the population to behave in this manner. The Earth is ridding herself of unsavoury energies and this is the start of the whole process. This is the beginning of the end of Earth as you know it.

You know this, you all have the resonance within you and that is why you are here at the present time, to take advantage of the opportunity you now have to enter the Ascended state and move on from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Allow yourselves the time please, to spend in contemplation to prepare your heart, soul and spirit for this change. The more prepared you are the easier the changeover will be. Open your hearts and minds to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Allow their energies to flood your being, to
permeate every cell, to support you and enable you to make this change with grace and dignity. As well as this, there are many on the sidelines from our side of the veil waiting to be of assistance and service so that the changeover can happen with a minimum of fuss.

Try not to take the Earth for granted any more. Mother Earth took on the role a long time ago to be the home for humanity, not only humanity, but also all other kingdoms that have evolved and co-habitate with you, but her use-by-date is coming quickly now. She can no longer support and
sustain life as you know it. She has been and is still being raped, plundered and polluted to the limits of her endurance and is unable to continue in the same way any longer.

This is where the saving grace of the Light body, Ascension process and 5th Dimension comes into being. She has waited until this time, until the specific astrological moment for these situations to occur so that those of Earth have a safe harbour to transfer to; but the negativity and violence, wars, control, manipulation, masculine domination that occurs on Earth at
present, cruelty, trafficking of children, trafficking of drugs to destroy the human brain cannot and will not be tolerated in the 5th Dimension. These aspects of darkness will not survive for one second in the new way of being.

Those who are caught up in these practices have a very short time to change their way of thinking and behaving, otherwise there will be no safe harbour for them. This has all gone beyond karma and payback. People now need to take responsibility for themselves, and make the shift from dark to Light and be part of the exodus into the Light way of being.

I am Master Marko of the Intergalactic Station. I am a scientist and often join forces with Master Hilarion whom you have already met. I work at present with raising energies and frequencies which is an ongoing process. I am one of a team of evolved scientists and physicists who have been working to raise the frequencies of Planet Earth. We began when people were like lumps of coal where no light was being engendered into Earth at all. This is going back a long time.

Some of us have incarnated to be part of the Earth team who work with those in spirit to update frequencies. Each millennium we have tried to achieve a significant level finally reaching this point where Earth’s frequencies are the highest they have been in all of her existence. Some of you will feel this accelerated frequency within your physical body, for example, feeling light or light headed or dizzy; losing eye focus, experiencing pressure headaches, feeling beside yourself, that you are out of body and some may begin to see, feel or experience situations outside of the normal range of human perception.

These symptoms are not anything to be concerned about. If you are, check with your health practitioner to make sure all is well. Because frequencies have reached the highest level ever and are still escalating, your physical body is sure to react in one way or another. Be certain that nothing happens without the Creator’s knowledge, for it is HIS wish that as many souls as possible be able to access these higher frequencies and enter the 5th Dimension at the appropriate time. It is HIS final say and decision.

Earlier we advised that we would keep you updated and give you something concrete to go on with and this we will do, but be open to the fact that there are huge changes coming. There is no doubt about that and there is no stopping the process. If you continue with your preparations there is no need to fear. It will be a natural progression for each one to step from the density of the physical body into the Light body state which will lead you into a much more fulfilling and joyful existence than you have previously known.

There will be many to help you make this journey, you will certainly not be alone. Until next time we meet my team and I send great depths of love and blessings to each and every one.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

P.S. The 5th Dimension is already in existence. It pulsates at a higher frequency than current Earth and is accessible to those who are pure of heart and wish to evolve to the next level of consciousness.

Something to think about – A Creator Update

Recently I was shown a chalice with a very long stem, about 2 metres. The cup was wide and deep in proportion to the length of the stem. Within the cup was what looked like a “white cloud’ moving around and spilling over the edges.

This cloud is actually Creator God Energy containing golden seeds of Light that He allows to fall into receptive hearts. Underneath and around the chalice, the energy coming from the golden seeds turns everything into beauty.

P.S. The size of the chalice is to scale so I am more easily able to comprehend what I am seeing. In actual fact, everything about the Creator God is totally unlimited so if you can imagine the chalice at least one million times larger spilling out golden seeds of Light into receptive hearts then you have a more likely scenario. These golden seeds of Light must add hugely to our own processes of enlightenment coming to us from the Mind and Heart of the Creator God Himself.


Channelling from The Prophet Ezekiel
Channelled by Suzan Anzara, April 2010

Hello little ones of Earth, I am the Prophet Ezekiel and am known from Biblical times. It is a long time since I have been part of a channelling team, but I am one of those who have obligated themselves to introduce further updated esoteric and otherwise information, to help Mankind embrace the Ascension process and 5th Dimension with as much knowledge and higher frequency compatibility as it is possible for them to have.

I have currently been working in other zones of life where the inhabitants are also preparing themselves for the change that is coming. Not only is Earth stepping up a notch or two but also other planets, frequencies, galaxies and dimensions in the Universe, and even though people are at different levels of knowledge from kindergarten to tertiary and beyond, everyone is moving
up in their understanding of updated teachings, energy frequencies and vibrations.

At the moment, even though people are at different levels of understanding, they are all aiming and reaching for the same prize which is moving into their Light body and 5th Dimension State. It is available for everyone to achieve and embrace. We on this side of the veil have for a long time been trying to promote the pathway necessary to enter this ascended state of being.

It is finally coming together. There are now many Light beings walking the Earth as well as those who have Light existence in other galaxies, planets and dimensions, that Light is beginning to shine through and above the darkness that has existed for many centuries, which is now beginning to fade.

I am sure you will be pleased about this aspect. Just be aware though that the darkness that still exists is both furious and desperate because it can see itself finally losing control and is making a last ditch effort to try and bring people down, to try and coerce them into taking backward steps instead of moving forward. You must always, always be on your guard. Listen to those who tell you about the importance of protecting yourself at all times because a tiny chink in your armour can very soon be manipulated to become the size of the whole armour.

I am not happy having to speak about dark energies, but someone had to, and it fell to me. There have been recent attempts to stop the Light process from evolving and Suzan has documentation of this which I will leave for her to decide to share with you or not. This Coup, if I can call it that, was overcome by a few Light Beings of Earth who gave of their time, energy and prayer force to bring this Coup down.

The importance of you knowing this is a reminder to be on your guard, just the same as if you are driving your car. You need to take care in case some foolish person tries to run you off the road and injure you in the process. You take precautions to make sure this doesn’t happen. It is a similar thing. You need to protect yourself from any dark influence out there trying to regain the upper hand. This will happen if people remain unconscious of this fact.

You need to be ever vigilant to remain on the Light path, to keep yourself within that banner of Light and this also applies to your family, especially the children. There are forces at work to destroy the innocence of Earth’s children. They are being bombarded by many different kinds of manipulative information dressed up to be fashionable, necessary or informative. This does not take into account sexual exploitation and trafficking which is an abomination. Manipulation comes from media, T.V. programs, games, books, peer pressure etc etc. so your vigilance must also embrace your children and what is coming into their lives.

If you do not have good communication with your children then they have no one to discuss their issues with besides other children who do not have the wisdom to understand and counteract the negativity being thrown at them.

We are watching from our side of the veil. We are ever vigilant and don’t take our eyes off Earth at all because she is in such a volatile state still after centuries. There are still manipulative forces and successful warning factions at work; religious persecution with little peace in people’s lives. We have been watching this for hundreds of years, but time is running out, do you not realise this?

Each person must settle affairs in their own little corner of the world before they can expect world harmony to occur. I ask those of you who are Jesus followers, do you live the qualities of Christ Consciousness, unconditional love, tolerance, non-judgementalism, empathy, understanding, helping others in need, carrying the peace of Christ in your hearts, sharing that peace of Christ with others ? How many of you do this on a regular basis? It should be happening every day of your life.

To those of you who follow teachings of the Koran, I ask the same question. If you read or interpret the Koran correctly, not in a fundamentalist way, you will see how similar it is to the values contained within Christ Consciousness. The qualities of Christ Consciousness have existed for much longer than the span of time that JESUS was on Earth. The qualities of Christ Consciousness were in place and acted upon a long time before Jesus actually took on human form.

This knowledge may upset some people, but Jesus chose to come to Earth to reintroduce qualities of Christ Consciousness which He carried within Him, but which many other evolved Beings also carried. There is so much knowledge that humans do not have, so much that has been manipulated and tainted by particular religious groups to keep people ignorant of the true facts. There is much you still have to learn about the TRUTH of Earth and Cosmic Evolution.

This is the time of the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit of God to touch your heart, soul and mind and instil within you the clarity you need to wend your way through the reams of literature available at the present moment, to enable you to be sure that you are accessing TRUTH. One of His Gifts, inner knowing, is all important, because it helps you realise if information you are accessing is incorrect or distorted in any way. Listen to your intuition and inner knowing because it is the Holy Spirit talking to you, it is your higher self warning you to stop, look, listen.

Not all channelled information coming into Earth is accurate. Some is maliciously manipulated, some is unknowingly manipulated because of misinterpretation. The process of meditation is still the surest way of coming to this inner knowing. If you only take the time to meditate once or twice a month, it is not sufficient, particularly for those who are teachers of New Age philosophies. These people need to be certain that what they are putting out there for others to access is totally accurate. A person such as this cannot expect to channel in sacred information without the possibility of distortion unless they themselves come from a sacred space where the preparation they have gone through using meditation and other tools helps them to achieve this state. Regular ongoing meditation is necessary for everyone if they wish to learn and evolve spiritually.

Earth is an extremely fragile state which will deteriorate further. Everyone needs to be in balance, mind, body, spirit, totally in balance pulsating a spiritual force field. Not religion or dogma, rules or regulations, but spiritual energies and vibrations. One you can easily draw on and from are the qualities of Christ Consciousness which have existed for a very long time but which so few live their lives by.

I am the Prophet Ezekiel. I hope I have not offended too many people with my frankness, but it is time to know how things really are, not to live in an illusory world and be able to merge into your life and consciousness all that will lead you toward the Ascension process and 5th Dimensional state.

This is where the Creator God wishes His children to be. It is a golden opportunity for you now to advance hugely and bypass the cycle of death and rebirth to move into a new way of being which will bring you great joy and contentment. As I have already said, there will be different levels of understanding, but please people, be as a Christ living your life the way He did. Have
compassion, tolerance and understanding for your fellow men and women as He did. Try to see where they are coming from and allow them the right to learn and grow at their own pace just as you have.

Until next time
Be kind to each other.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2010