Monday, April 4, 2011

A brief channelling from Lady Diana

Hello everyone. I am Lady Diana whom you know as the Queen of Hearts. I feel such joy that you now have the great opportunity to enter your Light Body and Ascended state. It will bring you a sense of completion and fulfillment such as you have not experienced for a long time, some of you never. We are prepared to the final degree for this happening and are ready, willing and waiting to help you make the transition.

Try not to be fearful of this event, just see it as the next step in your evolution and a permanent ending to the death and rebirth cycle. I realise the whole concept of 5th dimensional living is difficult to understand, but life will continue only in a different way.

Functions of being will change a little, but there will still be family group situations with feelings of love and joy permeating your whole existence. I am so excited at the prospect of meeting all of you. Some on Earth at the moment, I have known previously, and spent time and companionship on many occasions in many different areas of living and being. So I am happy about the idea of catching up with all of you again where we can share our past life experiences which will become clear and present to all of us.

As you may know, some of us have incarnated many times into Earth to carry out specific tasks which would help mankind reach this point in their evolution. We have gone into different parts of the globe to shine our Light and update frequencies, but soon we will be able to meet again.

Although some situations of Earth at the present moment are extremely frightening and difficult, try not to add to that energy with worry or fear, but rather, send positive energy to whichever situation is concerning you, by sending Light, love and prayer support unto those situations to boost energies to a higher level.

For reasons that are difficult to explain, we need to end this transmission now, hoping to continue at a later date.

I am Diana

Copyright 2011 Suzan Anzara

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