In July 2006, a clear quartz crystal pyramid was downloaded through the vortex in country NSW on the etheric level. It was the beginning of something much larger to come. I was part of the team and needed to rendezvous many times with the Spiritual Hierarchy involved. The original pyramid has now been added to, is completed and fully operational. It has three distinct sections.
In total, it is a huge, circular, gold-domed structure constructed from faceted quartz crystal and is multi-dimensional, that is, it pulsates and vibrates in and out of different dimensions and energy fields. Each section is domed in pure gold with the inside of each dome intricately carved with ancient hieroglyphics added to the design.
The first section is the foyer and is the original structure. Access occurs when the electro-magnetic field of the visitor registers with the opening panel mechanism.
Inside the foyer there is a clear quartz crystal altar inlaid with red chalcedony which emanates a beautiful ray containing sacred geometrical encoding. The altar also has the symbol of YHWY inscribed in gold lettering across the front. The inside walls and floor of this section are also faceted quartz crystal.
At specific times, a group of thirteen monks sit around the altar in lotus position chanting. The sacred geometry emitted from the chanting can be used in Earth healing and updating meditations.
The second section is a covered walkway connecting the first to the third. It is also constructed from clear quartz crystal and is gold-domed. There are crystal benches to rest on if one so desires, along with four large round pillars from ceiling to floor inscribed with ancient hieroglyphics and encoding.
In the far corner on the right side closest to the third section, there is a liquid crystal feature, similar to a water feature, in the shape of a chalice with the symbol of Aquarius as its figure-head. This area then opens into an immense third section where the teachings and instruction are given.
The inner walls have been inlaid with pale amethyst crystal which seems to envelop the whole area including the people who are there. It is infinitely calm, peaceful and loving with an energy that is difficult to move away from.
The original pyramid structure is now housed within and under the domed roof area. It is still an entry foyer with people being greeted by a caretaker Monk. This Temple is administered by Lord Melchizadek and has been blessed and initiated by Him.
Students of higher knowledge are able to travel there during their sleep or meditative state to progress in their spiritual education. Groups can also access the Temple to pray or chant with the Monks for any particular desire associated with the highest good of Earth and Her people.
When I last visited, the Temple was like a university campus bustling with students of all groupings, not only from Earth, but other star systems as well.
Around the outside of the Temple there are beautiful gardens with trees dotted here and there where one can sit and relax. The pathways are all made from moonstone pebbles that shimmer and glow in the light the Temple radiates. When the Sun’s rays strike the Temple, it reflects not only rainbow beams but gold beams from the domes as well. It is simply magnificent.
This Temple is also built over a gold seam in the Earth in a strong energy zone with specific latitude and longitude coordinates. It is not flat on the ground but sits about one metre above the Earth. It has several access points or entry through the foyer, depending on the reason for being there.
This Temple took several months to build with each section downloaded separately then left to settle for a time. The domes completed the construction.
Behind the third section there is a flight path which connects with the vortex above where people from other Star Systems enter. There is a long ‘tiled’ walkway from that entry point down to the Temple.
Above the Temple there is what appears to be a very large ‘spotlight’ in a permanently ON position which lights up the whole area in a soft blue light and acts as a beacon to show people the way.
On the outskirts of the Temple, there is an access point into Ancient Earth. There are also underground corridors or walkways with a junction leading off the main corridor down to the Temple, which link up all around Australia and under the ocean. These corridors light up with radiant white light as one is moving through them. They are much used and frequented by Beings from other dimensions.
To sum up, the Retreat Centre of Lord Melchizadek in the Southern Hemisphere covers a huge area. It is a place for learning and acquiring updated esoteric knowledge regarding the Cosmos and is open for all to visit during their sleep or meditative state if they wish to progress further.
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
Copyright 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A Crystal Update
During a channelling with St Germain, I asked a question about the processes involved in working with crystals, not only in a healing context, but also with updating energies. For example, before channelling, I am often advised to place crystals, mostly clear quartz, in a certain way to raise the energy levels in the room so that I am able to merge my consciousness more easily with the Masters. We all know that crystals have their own unique vibratory rate, and I just needed a further explanation.
He answered me this way:
“The vibrations and auric field of the crystals on the spiritual level are in flux and this is because while you are working with them, you are helping to raise their consciousness. The crystals you work with, the crystals in your home, the crystals in this room where we are channelling are absorbing all the frequencies, including mine, giving them the opportunity to expand further.”
What St Germain is saying is that crystals work more powerfully with a Healer’s input, or in this case, the person channelling. Merging the two energies creates a far stronger vibration with which to heal, channel, clear or cleanse as well as allowing the crystal to update in frequency.
This is not the same as programming the crystal. It is allowing the crystal to raise its consciousness and vibratory rate just as we humans are doing at this point in time – preparing for the Ascension process where all kingdoms existing on Earth, including Mother Earth herself will enter into Light Body existence is they so desire.
Copyright 2009 Suzan Anzara
He answered me this way:
“The vibrations and auric field of the crystals on the spiritual level are in flux and this is because while you are working with them, you are helping to raise their consciousness. The crystals you work with, the crystals in your home, the crystals in this room where we are channelling are absorbing all the frequencies, including mine, giving them the opportunity to expand further.”
What St Germain is saying is that crystals work more powerfully with a Healer’s input, or in this case, the person channelling. Merging the two energies creates a far stronger vibration with which to heal, channel, clear or cleanse as well as allowing the crystal to update in frequency.
This is not the same as programming the crystal. It is allowing the crystal to raise its consciousness and vibratory rate just as we humans are doing at this point in time – preparing for the Ascension process where all kingdoms existing on Earth, including Mother Earth herself will enter into Light Body existence is they so desire.
Copyright 2009 Suzan Anzara
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Suzan produces a monthly newsletter in addition to the information on this blog. The newsletters are sent out by email at a small cost. If you would like to receive the newsletters please complete Contact Us form on the bottom right of the page.
You may also write to Suzan at PO Box 334, Kurrajong NSW 2758.
You may also write to Suzan at PO Box 334, Kurrajong NSW 2758.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A channelling with Commander Ashtar of the Intergalactic Space Command
This is part of a transmission that took place in a group situation on July 30th, 2009.
Greeting little ones of Light. I am Commander Ashtar. I know you are all buzzing with the idea of why we are here, but we wish to be in your space, in your presence, to make your acquaintance and re-acquaintance because we are in your neighbourhood at the present moment.
We are three of a vanguard of spiritual beings who are converging in this area as we speak. Lord Sananda is part of this conference along with Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, John the Baptist, Archangels Raphael, Chamuel, Charity, Michael, and Gabriel. Mother Mary is coming but hasn't arrived yet.
We will stand behind you in a circle. You will be safe within our energy, but our combined energy may be a little disconcerting for you because it is different to yours and strong. Just breathe through it.
Our reason for being here is to build up energies in this part of the world, the Southern Hemisphere, to counteract and balance energies around three point of the Earth in the shape of a very large diamond triangle. Where we are is the apex with other points registering in Africa and Alaska. There are special people in these places in sync with us balancing the triangle also.
The Earth will very soon undertake or experience a major shift in energy. So we are preparing her and her people for this happening. It will not be destructive. It is a positive measure, but it may knock people sideways because of its strength and power. There will be further shifts leading up to 2012.
I now wish to explain about we three Intergalactic beings. For those who do know know us, I am Commander Ashtar along with Commanders Monika and Soltec. We are part of the Intergalactic Space Command and our leader is Lord Sananda whom you know as the Christ Jesus. We are very tall by human standards - into the seven foot range. We are slender with long limbs and wear what you would recognise as a white 'jumpsuit' which covers our entire body except for the face and hands. Our eyes are a little, in your words, alien, but there is nothing alien about us. We are part of God's family just as you are.
Our mothership is gigantic and contains both forests and oceans within her space. Whenever any part of the Universe is in need, we are usually the team sent to repair damage. We are multi-dimensional and can move in and out of any frequency at all, from the lightest to the densest. We are working non-stop at the moment to help Lady Gaia, Mother Earth, achieve her ascension and take her inhabitants with her, or as many who wish to go.
Many people think that I, Ashtar, have moved on. Know that I haven't and am still here assisting Earth and her people.
My love and blessings are with you.
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009
Greeting little ones of Light. I am Commander Ashtar. I know you are all buzzing with the idea of why we are here, but we wish to be in your space, in your presence, to make your acquaintance and re-acquaintance because we are in your neighbourhood at the present moment.
We are three of a vanguard of spiritual beings who are converging in this area as we speak. Lord Sananda is part of this conference along with Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, John the Baptist, Archangels Raphael, Chamuel, Charity, Michael, and Gabriel. Mother Mary is coming but hasn't arrived yet.
We will stand behind you in a circle. You will be safe within our energy, but our combined energy may be a little disconcerting for you because it is different to yours and strong. Just breathe through it.
Our reason for being here is to build up energies in this part of the world, the Southern Hemisphere, to counteract and balance energies around three point of the Earth in the shape of a very large diamond triangle. Where we are is the apex with other points registering in Africa and Alaska. There are special people in these places in sync with us balancing the triangle also.
The Earth will very soon undertake or experience a major shift in energy. So we are preparing her and her people for this happening. It will not be destructive. It is a positive measure, but it may knock people sideways because of its strength and power. There will be further shifts leading up to 2012.
I now wish to explain about we three Intergalactic beings. For those who do know know us, I am Commander Ashtar along with Commanders Monika and Soltec. We are part of the Intergalactic Space Command and our leader is Lord Sananda whom you know as the Christ Jesus. We are very tall by human standards - into the seven foot range. We are slender with long limbs and wear what you would recognise as a white 'jumpsuit' which covers our entire body except for the face and hands. Our eyes are a little, in your words, alien, but there is nothing alien about us. We are part of God's family just as you are.
Our mothership is gigantic and contains both forests and oceans within her space. Whenever any part of the Universe is in need, we are usually the team sent to repair damage. We are multi-dimensional and can move in and out of any frequency at all, from the lightest to the densest. We are working non-stop at the moment to help Lady Gaia, Mother Earth, achieve her ascension and take her inhabitants with her, or as many who wish to go.
Many people think that I, Ashtar, have moved on. Know that I haven't and am still here assisting Earth and her people.
My love and blessings are with you.
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Rose Quartz Temple-Museum
In south western NSW on the etheric level, a huge Temple-Museum constructed from blocks of rose quartz crystal. It is so large that my human mind finds it nearly impossible to take in. When travelling toward this area, I am aware of its pulsing energy 30-40 kms away. The Temple was downloaded through the vortex in sections with each section then left to settle into place.
I have been shown several times to share this information, but only this year have had the means to do so. I hope my words help you experience this surreal happening. You may wonder about the why’s and wherefore’s of the Temple, but this information will resonate differently with each of you, so take from it what you are meant to.
Beginning 2003, I was part of the team that built the Rose Quartz Temple. I needed to rendezvous countless times with the Master Scientists involved who were active in this mission. I saw the Temple at each stage of construction and was simply overwhelmed at the time by its size and magnificence.
The Temple is actually a Museum that souls can access during their sleep or meditation state if they so desire. It houses knowledge relating to all religions known to man, both ancient and modern. It has been built in line with a strong energy grid over a gold seam within the Earth. It is not anchored into the Earth as such but hovers slightly above the surface.
In July of that year, the Temple was completed except for the Dome. The Temple is of a huge pyramid shape, consisting of three levels. The lower two levels each consist of seven floors. The floors are also rose quartz.
On the outside are two sets of steps approaching the Temple from each direction, north, south, east, west. The lower seven steps lead to the second level with another seven steps leading up to the third level. These steps are also built from rose quartz and are uniform in size. There is a walkway at the top of each set of stairs that traverses the whole Temple.
There is a raised square cut rose quartz pillar at the four corners of the top walkway. The science of this is beyond me, but these pillars are some kind of mechanism which rotate and align the Temple with major stellar happenings. These rotations can apply with each section singly, or in total.
The Temple moves in and out of different frequencies. It is only in Earth’s frequency at certain times, while at other times it isn’t. An order of monks act as care-takers and they answer questions and assist people in their quest for knowledge. I have met these monks, and return to assist them from time to time as well as to meditate with them.
A turquoise layer was inlaid into the inside walls where meaningful artefacts of every religion known to man are placed into niches carved into the rose quartz walls. As well as turquoise, a diamond inlay was added and where the sun strikes the Temple, all one can see is a magical rainbow effect. The energy magnitude of this simply blows the mind.
Ascending and descending moving stairways have been set into place inside the Temple from the top peak to the ground floor. They are accessible from both inside and out by sliding panels which open to and from each floor.
A feature of the ground floor is a most beautiful chapel. Its walls and floors are clear quartz crystal and it is traditional only in the sense that it has an altar, and benches for people to sit on. These are also made from clear quartz crystal.
In the centre of the altar, there is a large, single red chalcedony crystal that is so bright it seems to have an electric bulb within it. It radiates a specific energy field and encoding.
Behind the altar, there is, what at first appears to be, stunning stained glass windows, but is, in fact, a moving kaleidoscope of images and symbols relating to different eras of religions, such as Celtic mythology, Mayan, and other indigenous belief systems along with teachings of Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and others.
I do not have the words to describe the technology involved, but the colours and pictures depicted are formed by crystal laser light. It is a crystal laser light show which tells the story of man’s religious journey from ancient to modern times.
One can enter the chapel just to sit and be still or watch the religious history of mankind as it plays out before you. Each floor has an area and an attending monk for discussion about the artefacts displayed.
A huge gold dome with curved undersides was placed over the top of the Temple. This was the last structure to be added along with a diamond, triangular structure placed on the top of the dome with the apex pointing towards the heavens which acts as a beacon and draws energies into the Temple and its surrounds.
The Temple is an intriguing place to visit for those interested in religious history, architecture and design. One wonders why it was positioned in that location rather than elsewhere. It seems that the gold seam was a major factor providing a strong energy focus along with significant latitude and longitude coordinates.
As well as that, it is an exercise for us to help stretch our psychic perceptions to “see”, “sense”, and “experience” on the etheric level. I hope you are able to visit sometime to expand your consciousness and horizons.
Copyright Suzan Anzara
I have been shown several times to share this information, but only this year have had the means to do so. I hope my words help you experience this surreal happening. You may wonder about the why’s and wherefore’s of the Temple, but this information will resonate differently with each of you, so take from it what you are meant to.
Beginning 2003, I was part of the team that built the Rose Quartz Temple. I needed to rendezvous countless times with the Master Scientists involved who were active in this mission. I saw the Temple at each stage of construction and was simply overwhelmed at the time by its size and magnificence.
The Temple is actually a Museum that souls can access during their sleep or meditation state if they so desire. It houses knowledge relating to all religions known to man, both ancient and modern. It has been built in line with a strong energy grid over a gold seam within the Earth. It is not anchored into the Earth as such but hovers slightly above the surface.
In July of that year, the Temple was completed except for the Dome. The Temple is of a huge pyramid shape, consisting of three levels. The lower two levels each consist of seven floors. The floors are also rose quartz.
On the outside are two sets of steps approaching the Temple from each direction, north, south, east, west. The lower seven steps lead to the second level with another seven steps leading up to the third level. These steps are also built from rose quartz and are uniform in size. There is a walkway at the top of each set of stairs that traverses the whole Temple.
There is a raised square cut rose quartz pillar at the four corners of the top walkway. The science of this is beyond me, but these pillars are some kind of mechanism which rotate and align the Temple with major stellar happenings. These rotations can apply with each section singly, or in total.
The Temple moves in and out of different frequencies. It is only in Earth’s frequency at certain times, while at other times it isn’t. An order of monks act as care-takers and they answer questions and assist people in their quest for knowledge. I have met these monks, and return to assist them from time to time as well as to meditate with them.
A turquoise layer was inlaid into the inside walls where meaningful artefacts of every religion known to man are placed into niches carved into the rose quartz walls. As well as turquoise, a diamond inlay was added and where the sun strikes the Temple, all one can see is a magical rainbow effect. The energy magnitude of this simply blows the mind.
Ascending and descending moving stairways have been set into place inside the Temple from the top peak to the ground floor. They are accessible from both inside and out by sliding panels which open to and from each floor.
A feature of the ground floor is a most beautiful chapel. Its walls and floors are clear quartz crystal and it is traditional only in the sense that it has an altar, and benches for people to sit on. These are also made from clear quartz crystal.
In the centre of the altar, there is a large, single red chalcedony crystal that is so bright it seems to have an electric bulb within it. It radiates a specific energy field and encoding.
Behind the altar, there is, what at first appears to be, stunning stained glass windows, but is, in fact, a moving kaleidoscope of images and symbols relating to different eras of religions, such as Celtic mythology, Mayan, and other indigenous belief systems along with teachings of Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and others.
I do not have the words to describe the technology involved, but the colours and pictures depicted are formed by crystal laser light. It is a crystal laser light show which tells the story of man’s religious journey from ancient to modern times.
One can enter the chapel just to sit and be still or watch the religious history of mankind as it plays out before you. Each floor has an area and an attending monk for discussion about the artefacts displayed.
A huge gold dome with curved undersides was placed over the top of the Temple. This was the last structure to be added along with a diamond, triangular structure placed on the top of the dome with the apex pointing towards the heavens which acts as a beacon and draws energies into the Temple and its surrounds.
The Temple is an intriguing place to visit for those interested in religious history, architecture and design. One wonders why it was positioned in that location rather than elsewhere. It seems that the gold seam was a major factor providing a strong energy focus along with significant latitude and longitude coordinates.
As well as that, it is an exercise for us to help stretch our psychic perceptions to “see”, “sense”, and “experience” on the etheric level. I hope you are able to visit sometime to expand your consciousness and horizons.
Copyright Suzan Anzara
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Biblical channelling
This is the second part of a channelling I received some time ago. It is biblical in context with a powerful message. After great deliberation, I have decided to share it.
From the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
From the Godhead Divine comes the Ray of Light which, if allowed to shine, will transform thee into a being of Light which will carry thee forever in the river of holiness.
Always have by thy side the Angel of Peace, for to do so will make thy life easier and happier. Let that peace flow from thee to the one next to thee to ease worry, hurt and pain.
Touch each one who comes into thy life with that hand of peace and let them see and feel the power of the Lord. Most of all, be true to thyself in all ways never allowing doubt or fear to cloud thy judgement.
And so the Lord says:
To all my people I send my love, my peace and my protection. Come to know those whom to trust and those whom to flee from, for all works said to be done in the Name of the Lord are not necessarily so.
On the rostrum there are many who follow the wrong path and so take others along with them; be very careful of this and let the Holy Spirit be thy guide.
From the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
From the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit:
From the Godhead Divine comes the Ray of Light which, if allowed to shine, will transform thee into a being of Light which will carry thee forever in the river of holiness.
Always have by thy side the Angel of Peace, for to do so will make thy life easier and happier. Let that peace flow from thee to the one next to thee to ease worry, hurt and pain.
Touch each one who comes into thy life with that hand of peace and let them see and feel the power of the Lord. Most of all, be true to thyself in all ways never allowing doubt or fear to cloud thy judgement.
And so the Lord says:
To all my people I send my love, my peace and my protection. Come to know those whom to trust and those whom to flee from, for all works said to be done in the Name of the Lord are not necessarily so.
On the rostrum there are many who follow the wrong path and so take others along with them; be very careful of this and let the Holy Spirit be thy guide.
From the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Prophet Samuel
An early channelling from the Prophet Samuel (also known as St Germaine). This channelling is part of two I received some time ago. They are biblical in context with a powerful message. After great deliberation, I have decided to share them. They remain current. The second part will be on the blog in August.
I bring thee health and blessings in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The time has come for all peoples to justify their actions to their God. The time has come to let go of all negativity and allow the Light of the Most High God to shine in all aspects of daily life. The time has come to let go of all memories and actions relating to past lives.
Take all lessons learned over many eons and live thy lives according to current knowledge, for thee have reached the time of physical and spiritual ascension. Think about this and adjust thy lives accordingly.
There are far too many beings who “come from the head and not from the heart”. Each one must do the work necessary to reach this “place of the heart”, for each one is responsible for their own actions, for their growth or decline.
Meditation is a key tool necessary to reach these goals. Take the time and reap the many benefits given for that time.
Live in peace and love.
I am the Prophet Samuel who speaks
I bring thee health and blessings in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The time has come for all peoples to justify their actions to their God. The time has come to let go of all negativity and allow the Light of the Most High God to shine in all aspects of daily life. The time has come to let go of all memories and actions relating to past lives.
Take all lessons learned over many eons and live thy lives according to current knowledge, for thee have reached the time of physical and spiritual ascension. Think about this and adjust thy lives accordingly.
There are far too many beings who “come from the head and not from the heart”. Each one must do the work necessary to reach this “place of the heart”, for each one is responsible for their own actions, for their growth or decline.
Meditation is a key tool necessary to reach these goals. Take the time and reap the many benefits given for that time.
Live in peace and love.
I am the Prophet Samuel who speaks
Friday, July 3, 2009
These passages are taken from an earlier channelling of Archangel Michael which remain current.
Greetings all. I am Archangel Michael. I speak on behalf of the Angelic Kingdom and place you within my vibration and protection.
Be prepared for viruses that are coming. You may succumb in a small way, but realise that sometimes a virus can be a good thing. Keep up your intake of whichever preparations you need to remain well, and if necessary, increase this over the next months. Drinking plenty of water is more important than you realise.
Weather patterns are changing and in some instances will be extreme, so always take care and try not to place yourselves in any situation where you become cold or chilled.
Eat well also. Make everything that you put into your body count; the best quality you can buy. You have perhaps heard all this before. I am just reminding you.
You may become aware of some confused or frightened souls that you call Earth-bounds coming into your vibration. When they do, help them by taking them to the light. We need your input to help these souls relocate and find peace because of the changes that are coming.
The Guardian Angels associated with these Earth-bounds desire their freedom as well. This is an aspect that you mostly haven’t considered which we may discuss further at a later date.
Any rescue work or relocation that you undertake must be done with unconditional love and without judgement. If necessary, I will be there to help.
I am Archangel Michael.
Greetings all. I am Archangel Michael. I speak on behalf of the Angelic Kingdom and place you within my vibration and protection.
Be prepared for viruses that are coming. You may succumb in a small way, but realise that sometimes a virus can be a good thing. Keep up your intake of whichever preparations you need to remain well, and if necessary, increase this over the next months. Drinking plenty of water is more important than you realise.
Weather patterns are changing and in some instances will be extreme, so always take care and try not to place yourselves in any situation where you become cold or chilled.
Eat well also. Make everything that you put into your body count; the best quality you can buy. You have perhaps heard all this before. I am just reminding you.
You may become aware of some confused or frightened souls that you call Earth-bounds coming into your vibration. When they do, help them by taking them to the light. We need your input to help these souls relocate and find peace because of the changes that are coming.
The Guardian Angels associated with these Earth-bounds desire their freedom as well. This is an aspect that you mostly haven’t considered which we may discuss further at a later date.
Any rescue work or relocation that you undertake must be done with unconditional love and without judgement. If necessary, I will be there to help.
I am Archangel Michael.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Timely words from the Lord Jesus Christ
This channelling came about in a group situation on the 30th of December 2008. I have decided to post excerpts because of the information contained within it. These are His words.
Hello my darlings. I come with my mother and grandmother in love to support you and to remind you to face all situations in your life with love rather than negativity. I will speak generally for a moment about current issues concerning the Ascension of Earth and her inhabitants.
Not only is Earth going to achieve her Ascension but also other planets in the Universe. It needs for each one of you to develop your light body to the extent that you are able to sustain the energies that will come with the Ascension process.
Increasing your Light quotient is the most important thing you can do which will help you prepare for these changes when they come. We are trying to have things be as calm as possible.
Those of you who are already developing your light body will be able to move easily into the light state and then help others do the same. This is one of the reasons you are here on Earth at this time. That is, to be of service to others. You have been so in the past. You have held the light. You have given yourself repeatedly into Earth’s resonance to be here at this most significant moment when TIME will actually Stand Still for ONE SECOND.
This will create a whole new process of life. Not an ending, but a new beginning. Every planet, every dimension in the Cosmos, those you know about and those you don’t, will be affected at that moment.
There needs to be no fear regarding this process. You knew about it when you came to Earth and that is why you came – to be of service to others and to also override the cycle of death and rebirth.
From here you will move into another space where you can live long, healthy and fulfilling lives. You will embrace this new way of being, this new way of living. There will be no patriarchal influences which allow the masculine to overrule and cause war, manipulation and control.
It will be a totally new existence for you. One that was in operation a long, long time ago which we have re-anchored back into Earth and will come about from the year 2012.
I bless you and love your. Any petition that you have I will listen to. Feel the Angel’s wings around you, holding you and keeping you safe.
I am the Lord Jesus Christ who speaks.
Note – on the day of receiving this, a few hours afterwards, the unmistakeable faces of Mother Mary and Lord Melchizadek were seen clearly in the clouds about us. They stayed there for what seemed like minutes, but were probably only seconds. Precious, precious moments.
PS. St Anne is the Mother of Lady Mary and grandmother of Jesus.
Suzan Anzara
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009
Hello my darlings. I come with my mother and grandmother in love to support you and to remind you to face all situations in your life with love rather than negativity. I will speak generally for a moment about current issues concerning the Ascension of Earth and her inhabitants.
Not only is Earth going to achieve her Ascension but also other planets in the Universe. It needs for each one of you to develop your light body to the extent that you are able to sustain the energies that will come with the Ascension process.
Increasing your Light quotient is the most important thing you can do which will help you prepare for these changes when they come. We are trying to have things be as calm as possible.
Those of you who are already developing your light body will be able to move easily into the light state and then help others do the same. This is one of the reasons you are here on Earth at this time. That is, to be of service to others. You have been so in the past. You have held the light. You have given yourself repeatedly into Earth’s resonance to be here at this most significant moment when TIME will actually Stand Still for ONE SECOND.
This will create a whole new process of life. Not an ending, but a new beginning. Every planet, every dimension in the Cosmos, those you know about and those you don’t, will be affected at that moment.
There needs to be no fear regarding this process. You knew about it when you came to Earth and that is why you came – to be of service to others and to also override the cycle of death and rebirth.
From here you will move into another space where you can live long, healthy and fulfilling lives. You will embrace this new way of being, this new way of living. There will be no patriarchal influences which allow the masculine to overrule and cause war, manipulation and control.
It will be a totally new existence for you. One that was in operation a long, long time ago which we have re-anchored back into Earth and will come about from the year 2012.
I bless you and love your. Any petition that you have I will listen to. Feel the Angel’s wings around you, holding you and keeping you safe.
I am the Lord Jesus Christ who speaks.
Note – on the day of receiving this, a few hours afterwards, the unmistakeable faces of Mother Mary and Lord Melchizadek were seen clearly in the clouds about us. They stayed there for what seemed like minutes, but were probably only seconds. Precious, precious moments.
PS. St Anne is the Mother of Lady Mary and grandmother of Jesus.
Suzan Anzara
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009
Chakra System
As a light healer, I have been working towards reactivating the chakras that were atrophied by Atlantean experimentation. This experimentation reduced people from a conscious 12 chakra being with all metaphysical aspects operating to a basic and vastly reduced 7 chakra human.
Here I discuss the new Light body chakra system as I see it. This includes the major chakras only and the 5 new chakras – the many minor chakras are not included at this time.
The “new” chakras are becoming visible in the human body, particularly in those people who are working to increase their light quotient. All of these chakras are visible to me in the people I am working with.
This is my own truth presented with the permission of my guides and teachers.
Earth chakra
Base (red)
Situated at the base of the spine, this chakra connects the body into the earth and governs aspects of security and survival
Sacral (orange)
Situated between the 1st and 3rd chakras, it governs sexuality and creativity
Solar plexus (yellow)
Situated between the solar plexus and the heart, it is the emotional centre of the body
Diaphragm NEW
Situated between the solar plexus and the heart. It looks to be of shades of green moving from the palest to deepest green, all blending together. It governs stress management and rejuvenation of the body
Heart (green)
This chakra allows one to experience higher emotion with a greater capacity to love humans and all creatures
Thymus NEW
This is situated between the heart and throat chakras. It looks to be of shades of pink from palest to deepest, all blending together. This chakra protects the human body from disease and ageing.
Throat (blue)
This chakra governs speech and communications. In the new light body, it links the upper and lower chakras.
Third eye (indigo)
This chakra allows one to see into frequencies and dimensions outside of the physical. It promotes clear thinking and insight.
Crown (violet)
This chakra enables the physical to connect to the higher self.
Causal NEW
Located between the crown and the star chakra.
Star Chakra
Suzan Anzara
Here I discuss the new Light body chakra system as I see it. This includes the major chakras only and the 5 new chakras – the many minor chakras are not included at this time.
The “new” chakras are becoming visible in the human body, particularly in those people who are working to increase their light quotient. All of these chakras are visible to me in the people I am working with.
This is my own truth presented with the permission of my guides and teachers.
Earth chakra
Base (red)
Situated at the base of the spine, this chakra connects the body into the earth and governs aspects of security and survival
Sacral (orange)
Situated between the 1st and 3rd chakras, it governs sexuality and creativity
Solar plexus (yellow)
Situated between the solar plexus and the heart, it is the emotional centre of the body
Diaphragm NEW
Situated between the solar plexus and the heart. It looks to be of shades of green moving from the palest to deepest green, all blending together. It governs stress management and rejuvenation of the body
Heart (green)
This chakra allows one to experience higher emotion with a greater capacity to love humans and all creatures
Thymus NEW
This is situated between the heart and throat chakras. It looks to be of shades of pink from palest to deepest, all blending together. This chakra protects the human body from disease and ageing.
Throat (blue)
This chakra governs speech and communications. In the new light body, it links the upper and lower chakras.
Third eye (indigo)
This chakra allows one to see into frequencies and dimensions outside of the physical. It promotes clear thinking and insight.
Crown (violet)
This chakra enables the physical to connect to the higher self.
Causal NEW
Located between the crown and the star chakra.
Star Chakra
Suzan Anzara
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Symptoms created by the LIGHT body transformation process
- Depression
- Mental health problems
- Panic attacks
- Flu-like symptoms
- Irritability
- Dizziness
- Restlessness
- Feeling disoriented
- Tingling or pressure in head
- Disruption of sleep patterns
- Strange dreams
- Loss of focus/eyesight
- Headaches
- Temporary numbness
- Heart palpitations
- Aching joints
- Tinnitus
- Fatigue
- Gastric disturbances
- Sinus problems
- Loss of voice or husky voice
Have RESCUE REMEDY on hand and use when needed to help symptoms.
Suzan Anzara
Channelled information - John the Baptist
This information was channelled on April 16, 2007.
I am John the Baptist here to talk about the NEW LIGHT BODY which will come into existence at the time of the PHOTON BAND being fully within the Earth’s Solar System.
This huge energy field of LIGHT will dramatically change the physical shape and structure of the human body, and will bring with it a whole new range of energetic encoding which will completely outdate Earth’s current systems.
All power sources that now exist on Earth will be replaced by the higher LIGHT frequency code, overtaking all other energy productions. This new LIGHT energy will be clean and viable and will replace all systems now in operation.
For example, the existing electrical grid will no longer operate in any way, shape or form within the new LIGHT energy system. Teachers will be sent to Earth to show people how to cross over to LIGHT ENERGY TECHNOLOGY which will operate in harmony with Earth and people of Earth without causing disease, disharmony or pollution in any shape or form.
As well as this, the human body will cease to function in density and become LIGHT in texture and vibration. This means that a process will be undergone whereby the density of the human body, as it now stands, will slowly be reduced in form until the LIGHT BODY begins to manifest its reality.
Within the next seven to fourteen year cycle of time, humans can expect this huge change to overcome Planet Earth and all species that live upon her. Photon LIGHT energy will allow humans to become fully conscious with all psychic capabilities operational and with a new thirteen chakra system.
This change will affect all humans on the planet, WITHOUT THE ASPECT OF DEATH, as you know it. Humans will fully integrate this new LIGHT system into their BODIES making it possible for them to reach their full potential.
This is a massive opportunity for all to embrace this totally new concept of LIFE and LIGHT, for life will continue although in an entirely different manner.
There will be harmony amongst all beings, all creatures and the Earth herself. Coming humanity will be able to integrate with their brothers and sisters on other levels of existence who are already fully conscious. There will be much gained from these Beings of Light who will give their time and love to teach humanity the new way.
There should be no fear associated with this process because it is the next step in human evolution.
Those who do not wish to reach the new heights of LIGHT, who wish to stay in density, will be allowed to do so, and will be transported to another system with the same energy patterns and vibrations as current Earth.
This has been decreed by the Creator God who allows all the use of free will and choice.
I am Master John the Baptist channelling in this information to help people understand the new LIGHT system and its affect on the human body.
The accompanying Age of Aquarius brings great change in the Universe, not only to planet Earth, but to many planets and galaxies, in and out of Earth’s Solar System.
I will further update this information when it is necessary to keep you abreast of any changes that may occur.
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009
I am John the Baptist here to talk about the NEW LIGHT BODY which will come into existence at the time of the PHOTON BAND being fully within the Earth’s Solar System.
This huge energy field of LIGHT will dramatically change the physical shape and structure of the human body, and will bring with it a whole new range of energetic encoding which will completely outdate Earth’s current systems.
All power sources that now exist on Earth will be replaced by the higher LIGHT frequency code, overtaking all other energy productions. This new LIGHT energy will be clean and viable and will replace all systems now in operation.
For example, the existing electrical grid will no longer operate in any way, shape or form within the new LIGHT energy system. Teachers will be sent to Earth to show people how to cross over to LIGHT ENERGY TECHNOLOGY which will operate in harmony with Earth and people of Earth without causing disease, disharmony or pollution in any shape or form.
As well as this, the human body will cease to function in density and become LIGHT in texture and vibration. This means that a process will be undergone whereby the density of the human body, as it now stands, will slowly be reduced in form until the LIGHT BODY begins to manifest its reality.
Within the next seven to fourteen year cycle of time, humans can expect this huge change to overcome Planet Earth and all species that live upon her. Photon LIGHT energy will allow humans to become fully conscious with all psychic capabilities operational and with a new thirteen chakra system.
This change will affect all humans on the planet, WITHOUT THE ASPECT OF DEATH, as you know it. Humans will fully integrate this new LIGHT system into their BODIES making it possible for them to reach their full potential.
This is a massive opportunity for all to embrace this totally new concept of LIFE and LIGHT, for life will continue although in an entirely different manner.
There will be harmony amongst all beings, all creatures and the Earth herself. Coming humanity will be able to integrate with their brothers and sisters on other levels of existence who are already fully conscious. There will be much gained from these Beings of Light who will give their time and love to teach humanity the new way.
There should be no fear associated with this process because it is the next step in human evolution.
Those who do not wish to reach the new heights of LIGHT, who wish to stay in density, will be allowed to do so, and will be transported to another system with the same energy patterns and vibrations as current Earth.
This has been decreed by the Creator God who allows all the use of free will and choice.
I am Master John the Baptist channelling in this information to help people understand the new LIGHT system and its affect on the human body.
The accompanying Age of Aquarius brings great change in the Universe, not only to planet Earth, but to many planets and galaxies, in and out of Earth’s Solar System.
I will further update this information when it is necessary to keep you abreast of any changes that may occur.
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Waiting in the Wings
Waiting in the Wings was channelled into Earth's frequencies by three Buddhas: Forsythe, Lenlo, and Renard who are from the celestial Buddhic realms. The Buddhas' purpose is to educate mankind about the mysteries of the cosmos.
The granting of knowledge contained within the book has been sanctioned by the Creator God and has his blessing. The text is coded and radiating from these codes is a sacred force field which will bestow healing energy to the areas of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual need, and also will help raise the frequencies of Planet Earth.
The granting of knowledge contained within the book has been sanctioned by the Creator God and has his blessing. The text is coded and radiating from these codes is a sacred force field which will bestow healing energy to the areas of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual need, and also will help raise the frequencies of Planet Earth.
Language of Light
This is a book containing instructions and knowledge which was channelled from the Spiritual Hierarchy to help mankind proceed into the New Age of Aquarius. The Hierarchy includes members of the Angelic and Fairy Kingdoms as well as the Ascended Master realms.
The book centres on language by looking at the positive and negative of key words, and their holistic effects. Further sections are specifically from beings who talk about not only the light language, but about themselves and their daily existence.
The message is for those who wish for more peace and happiness, and suggests changes that will benefit not only people, but the earth itself.
The book is available in hard copy. Please use the contact form to order the book.
The book centres on language by looking at the positive and negative of key words, and their holistic effects. Further sections are specifically from beings who talk about not only the light language, but about themselves and their daily existence.
The message is for those who wish for more peace and happiness, and suggests changes that will benefit not only people, but the earth itself.
The book is available in hard copy. Please use the contact form to order the book.
Friday, February 27, 2009
More About Me
I am an intuitive with interests in many aspects of spiritual metaphysical endeavour. I have been taught this knowledge totally by members of the spiritual hierarchy, mostly from the Ascended master realms with input from many teachers as well as teachers from other dimensions, such as the Angelic kingdoms, Buddhic realms and Intergalatic space command.
This has taken place over the past forty years with the teachings still ongoing.
This has taken place over the past forty years with the teachings still ongoing.
- I have been psychic since childhood - I see, I hear, I feel, I know.
- I'm a spiritual healer specialising in Lemurian light grid healings and increasing the light quotient.
- I'm a teacher and student of metaphysical knowledge.
- I'm involved in multidimensional soul rescue.
- I receive channelled and downloaded information for monthly newsletters.
- I'm able to access past life experience.
My New Site
Welcome to my new site which I've entered into with great trepidation! I'm familiar with all dimensions of the galaxy, but this particular dimension has got me totally bluffed.
My purpose for using this medium is to promote channelled information from the spiritual hierarchy to help people update energies and knowledge pertaining to coming times.
My purpose for using this medium is to promote channelled information from the spiritual hierarchy to help people update energies and knowledge pertaining to coming times.
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