Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Channelled information - John the Baptist

This information was channelled on April 16, 2007.

I am John the Baptist here to talk about the NEW LIGHT BODY which will come into existence at the time of the PHOTON BAND being fully within the Earth’s Solar System.

This huge energy field of LIGHT will dramatically change the physical shape and structure of the human body, and will bring with it a whole new range of energetic encoding which will completely outdate Earth’s current systems.

All power sources that now exist on Earth will be replaced by the higher LIGHT frequency code, overtaking all other energy productions. This new LIGHT energy will be clean and viable and will replace all systems now in operation.

For example, the existing electrical grid will no longer operate in any way, shape or form within the new LIGHT energy system. Teachers will be sent to Earth to show people how to cross over to LIGHT ENERGY TECHNOLOGY which will operate in harmony with Earth and people of Earth without causing disease, disharmony or pollution in any shape or form.

As well as this, the human body will cease to function in density and become LIGHT in texture and vibration. This means that a process will be undergone whereby the density of the human body, as it now stands, will slowly be reduced in form until the LIGHT BODY begins to manifest its reality.

Within the next seven to fourteen year cycle of time, humans can expect this huge change to overcome Planet Earth and all species that live upon her. Photon LIGHT energy will allow humans to become fully conscious with all psychic capabilities operational and with a new thirteen chakra system.

This change will affect all humans on the planet, WITHOUT THE ASPECT OF DEATH, as you know it. Humans will fully integrate this new LIGHT system into their BODIES making it possible for them to reach their full potential.

This is a massive opportunity for all to embrace this totally new concept of LIFE and LIGHT, for life will continue although in an entirely different manner.

There will be harmony amongst all beings, all creatures and the Earth herself. Coming humanity will be able to integrate with their brothers and sisters on other levels of existence who are already fully conscious. There will be much gained from these Beings of Light who will give their time and love to teach humanity the new way.

There should be no fear associated with this process because it is the next step in human evolution.

Those who do not wish to reach the new heights of LIGHT, who wish to stay in density, will be allowed to do so, and will be transported to another system with the same energy patterns and vibrations as current Earth.

This has been decreed by the Creator God who allows all the use of free will and choice.

I am Master John the Baptist channelling in this information to help people understand the new LIGHT system and its affect on the human body.

The accompanying Age of Aquarius brings great change in the Universe, not only to planet Earth, but to many planets and galaxies, in and out of Earth’s Solar System.

I will further update this information when it is necessary to keep you abreast of any changes that may occur.


Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009