Friday, May 8, 2009

Chakra System

As a light healer, I have been working towards reactivating the chakras that were atrophied by Atlantean experimentation. This experimentation reduced people from a conscious 12 chakra being with all metaphysical aspects operating to a basic and vastly reduced 7 chakra human.

Here I discuss the new Light body chakra system as I see it. This includes the major chakras only and the 5 new chakras – the many minor chakras are not included at this time.

The “new” chakras are becoming visible in the human body, particularly in those people who are working to increase their light quotient. All of these chakras are visible to me in the people I am working with.

This is my own truth presented with the permission of my guides and teachers.

Earth chakra

Base (red)
Situated at the base of the spine, this chakra connects the body into the earth and governs aspects of security and survival

Sacral (orange)

Situated between the 1st and 3rd chakras, it governs sexuality and creativity

Solar plexus (yellow)
Situated between the solar plexus and the heart, it is the emotional centre of the body

Diaphragm NEW
Situated between the solar plexus and the heart. It looks to be of shades of green moving from the palest to deepest green, all blending together. It governs stress management and rejuvenation of the body

Heart (green)
This chakra allows one to experience higher emotion with a greater capacity to love humans and all creatures

Thymus NEW
This is situated between the heart and throat chakras. It looks to be of shades of pink from palest to deepest, all blending together. This chakra protects the human body from disease and ageing.

Throat (blue)
This chakra governs speech and communications. In the new light body, it links the upper and lower chakras.

Third eye (indigo)
This chakra allows one to see into frequencies and dimensions outside of the physical. It promotes clear thinking and insight.

Crown (violet)
This chakra enables the physical to connect to the higher self.

Causal NEW
Located between the crown and the star chakra.

Star Chakra

Suzan Anzara