During a channelling with St Germain, I asked a question about the processes involved in working with crystals, not only in a healing context, but also with updating energies. For example, before channelling, I am often advised to place crystals, mostly clear quartz, in a certain way to raise the energy levels in the room so that I am able to merge my consciousness more easily with the Masters. We all know that crystals have their own unique vibratory rate, and I just needed a further explanation.
He answered me this way:
“The vibrations and auric field of the crystals on the spiritual level are in flux and this is because while you are working with them, you are helping to raise their consciousness. The crystals you work with, the crystals in your home, the crystals in this room where we are channelling are absorbing all the frequencies, including mine, giving them the opportunity to expand further.”
What St Germain is saying is that crystals work more powerfully with a Healer’s input, or in this case, the person channelling. Merging the two energies creates a far stronger vibration with which to heal, channel, clear or cleanse as well as allowing the crystal to update in frequency.
This is not the same as programming the crystal. It is allowing the crystal to raise its consciousness and vibratory rate just as we humans are doing at this point in time – preparing for the Ascension process where all kingdoms existing on Earth, including Mother Earth herself will enter into Light Body existence is they so desire.
Copyright 2009 Suzan Anzara
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