Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Six Pointed Star: Something to think about (Oct 2013)

Hello everyone,

Something interesting has recently happened which I feel I should share with you. I have had some time away from my spiritual work, but when I began healing again in August, I became aware of a new light body matrix being downloaded into some people. Healing associated with me continually increases and updates the light quotient, so to see this now occurring is a cause for celebration.

In December 2011, I began working with the six pointed star light codes necessary for light body unfoldment and the symbol for powerful alchemical change. This particular light code was downloaded into the cells of people presenting for healing at that time and added to at further healings.

What I also became aware of when I began healing again in August this year, was that the symbol of the six pointed star was manifesting around the heads of certain people I was working on. As the six pointed star is, amongst other things, the symbol of perfect balance between the heavens and the earth, it means that these people now have a more evenly balanced masculine/feminine, yin/yang energy field with sufficiently increased light quotient, making them more eligible to receive higher codes and frequencies.

At the same time, astrologically speaking, a six pointed star formed in the heavens when certain planets became aligned. This is a very rare event and carries with it huge potential for ourselves, our planet and probably our whole universe. This formation is given many names one of which is the “vehicle for ascension” another “chariot of fire”. An interesting thing about the term ‘chariot of fire” is that the Prophet Elijah whom I am channelling at the present moment, was taken up to heaven in a “chariot of fire” as told in the old testament of the bible.

Something further that has recently occurred, I have been contacted by Arcturian Light Beings who are beginning to download higher codes and frequencies which also contain sound, into people receiving the new matrix or those with sufficient light quotient.

This is a huge step forward because once this downloading begins in earnest, it will filter into the earths grids and become global so that all who wish to can accept these higher frequencies into their beings. It will create great potential for moving onward and upward, closer to our goal of physical ascension.

Definitely something to think about.

Cosmic Blessings

Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara October 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Waking The Sleeping Brain: 5th Transmission from Prophet Elijah

Blessings to you all

I spoke in my last transmission about the necessity of waking up the sleeping brain and will give you some pointers to take you in that direction in case you are wondering how to do so.

The first thing to know is that ongoing photon light at its fullest volume ever, has been pouring into Earth since the end of 2012 and has been infiltrating humans on all levels of their being. It has caused disruption in some people’s lives because of its powerful force, particularly in those who have not been working toward the ascended state, who are still vibrating that lower energy frequency, causing them to behave in ways not normal for them.

What the photon light does when it filters into the human body is to change, at a very deep level, already existing cellular and DNA codes and grids, mutating the DNA, preparing the brain for increased function which then allows the human to evolve further and further toward the higher heavens where The Father is in residence.

At one time, long ago, humans did have a 12 strand DNA and 12 chakra system operating, but because of certain behaviours and events that occurred where mismanagement of energies from higher levels and misapplication of knowledge took place creating problems for Mother Earth and her people, the human DNA was reduced along with the 12 chakra system that had previously existed.

You see, you have been in the space of having an awakened brain, metaphysical abilities and capabilities and highly evolved scientific knowledge, but it has been lost for a long time because of misappropriation of those higher faculties by those in positions of power at that time.

What I am suggesting now, you have experienced before, so the transfer back into that higher functioning level of existence will not be alien to you but rather familiar. It may seem to be too far fetched and many of you may decide you don’t want to return into that higher energy field, but that is mostly because of fear that you carry in your cellular memory of the reasons you lost those capabilities in the first place. For some of you it has been extremely painful and you have no desire to trust again as you did during those times.

When you place your trust in people who ultimately lead you along the wrong path, the repercussions of that creates long standing trust issues and fear of what seems to be unchartered territory. This is now an occasion when you must think for yourself and not allow others to lead you in directions against your instincts or which cause a negative resonance within you.

So with the photon light energy that is updating people on all levels, cells, DNA, brain, heart, some of you have suffered irregular heart rhythms and other unusual experiences from this energy, it is increasing your light quotient and working to increase your brain capacity, waking up that sleeping brain.

You may have started to notice changes in yourself, such as, beginning to be more psychically aware, more intuitive, have higher levels of inner knowing and events of precognition. These are the ways that you will know your sleeping brain is slowly waking up.

The photon light energy is the primary kick-off event to really get things happening more quickly and you can add to that yourself by having regular light quotient update healings, meditating often, using colour rays to suffuse your body, running light rays through whenever you think about it, using colours you feel at that moment you particularly need, then keep increasing your light quotient at least daily adding to the photon energy already accumulating.

Try to stay in 5D resonance and not slip back to 3D as frequently as you do. Find the space that keeps you on an even keel without having the highs and lows associated with emotional flare-ups. Try not to be involved with violence or negative behaviours of any kind whether in TV programming, movies or even sporting events and remain distant from that particular energy resonance.

Also try to eat lighter foods. Reduce animal protein if you can and always check to make sure you are not consuming hidden chemical additions of any kind because they are quite destructive to the developing light body. This also applies to personal usage, such as cosmetics, hair products and all things related.

Pursue activities in life that bring joy and pleasure and brighten your day. Seek out people to commune with that add happiness, camaraderie and joyful sharing. Look always toward the positive and enjoy the positive activities that are there for you to participate in.

These pointers I have given, you may perhaps think are too easy and that their simplicity could not possibly be of any assistance in helping you move forward in such a major way, but I suggested in an earlier transmission that I would make things easy and simple as possible for you to comprehend thoroughly, so there is no reason why you can’t follow these directions and evolve further up the spiritual evolutionary ladder.

Following my directions as well as being visited by the photon light is powerful, more powerful now than at any other time and is really making a difference to the human body on all levels. Some of you may have begun to feel lighter, not in kilograms, but a feeling of lightness within your being.

This tells you that you are on the right track expanding your light body. We need to get the physical body to the point of merging with the light body so the state of being which will take you to the higher heavens closer to The Father can manifest.

I am Prophet Elijah

More will follow

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013

The Sleeping Brain: 4th transmission from Prophet Elijah

My topic today relates to the sleeping brain. What we have been aiming for when speaking about the need to open the brain centres further, has been partly to help people resonate to that higher energy of fun, joy, love, happiness, instead of being preoccupied with worries that keep them in a dim, dark place stagnating as it were, instead of being filled with hope and anticipation of all the good things in life.

The human brain is a marvellous organ which helps people to think, plan, to participate in studies of any and all subjects and nut out problems that come into their sphere of life, but it is much more than that. It does not feel as the heart feels, it perceives. It takes note of all that is happening on the outskirts of its influence and helps the human come to terms with all kinds of activity, both happy and distressing and monitors the way humans react to these occasions.

Scientists and medical people are becoming more aware of the power the brain has over the physical body. The problems with movement, speech or sight that occurs with electrical imbalance or when tumours are present, and are moving ahead in leaps and bounds using new techniques to help patients suffering with any kind of brain defect illness.

At some time earlier in mankind’s history, these health problems were associated in many cases with karma accrued over many lifetimes, where the individual suffering the health problem, caused a similar experience in other people with certain actions taken, such as in times of war with dreadful injuries perpetrated on others as well as anti-social behaviour that resulted in destruction of other people.

This karmic issue does not apply so much now as in past times and people who fall prey to brain deficit illnesses do so because of a genetic glitch in some cases, but also because of the totally inappropriate imbibing of all kinds of poisons from chemicals in food, toxic emissions from exhaust fumes, radiation leakages, the overuse of electricity, the list is formidable, and as well as this, some people simply give up. They want to block out the difficulties of their existence on Earth and so allow a debilitating illness to overtake their physical bodies and give away their power which means that other people have to care for them.

Although this group of people is a minority, you can see that there are different ways and means of destroying the brain function, not allowing it to be active on all levels at its top rate of usage. Up until now, only a small percentage of the brain has been in use while the higher percentage has been asleep with the same limited section of the brain working overtime to make up for that part which is not contributing at all.

It is now time for the sleeping brain to wake up and recognise its duties and capabilities pertaining to how the human race continues to grow and evolve, for without this process of illumination for the sleeping brain, mankind will continue to stagnate for centuries longer.

There are certain people on Earth whose brains are more active and spark in more areas than the normal person. Some metaphysical people fit into that category as well as certain scientists who are working at that higher functioning rate to produce updated data to help cure those diseases created by disturbances to the human brain.

Everyone needs to wake up their sleeping brains and become more active and knowledgeable in the way of enhanced living. You may wonder how to do this, or even if you want to wake up your sleeping brain, but living in future times and participating in extensive growth and awareness with the capability to carry out never before known or believed activities, will be totally amazing.

The subtle aspects of Earth have ascended to a higher level with her physical aspect still lagging behind, just as humanity is lagging behind, but the physical aspect of Earth will reach a point where she will merge with her subtle bodies and be resonating at a much higher frequency, so if humans have not increased their light quotient or metaphysical abilities, they will not then be able to resonate with the ascending Earth because of total incompatibility with her higher energy fields.

It is so important for all of you to increase your light quotient, to wake up your sleeping brain, to participate in establishing goals for yourself to help you evolve further up the spiritual evolutionary ladder even if it is just one slow step at a time. It is necessary to begin that journey, and for those who have begun already, keep on keeping on.

I am The Prophet Elijah

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

3rd Transmission from Prophet Elijah

My visit today concurs with the happenings in your physical world that is transparently and obviously the work of evil. To witness innocent men, women and children as victims of chemical warfare is an undeniably evil event and those of you who live in the illusion that evil/duality does not now exist on your planet, need to think again.

Duality plays a major role on the physical Earth and evil is still being perpetuated in the obvious ways that you see in your media, but it is also hidden from view in many other behaviours of Earth that have not yet come to the light.

We, from the higher realms, are observing what is happening in your world and can’t really interfere  unless we are asked, because yours is a planet of free will and we cannot impose our will upon you. We cannot change these situations unless there is an outpouring from people of Earth for Divine Intervention.

Many good people of Earth are horrified by what is occurring but are sitting back not becoming involved. This is all well and good, but in the face of blatant evil, to quote a quote of earth, “all it needs for evil to overcome is for good men/women to say and do nothing.” You don’t need to become involved physically, just send up a heartfelt prayer to The Father asking for a solution to this problem before the situation becomes totally out of hand.

The Middle East is a powder keg and it will take very little to ignite that powder keg and create further unspeakable horrors which Mother Earth will again have to cope with. Do not forget the power of prayer, “ask and you shall receive” and also that you are all one and what is experienced by one is experienced by all in some way or another.

We have discussed certain topics so far in these transmissions but now I wish to talk about something a little different and that is the imminent discovery of cures for many of your fatal illnesses and diseases of Earth. A few years ago, Mother and Father God downloaded to Earth updated codes for the treating, healing and management of many of Earth’s problematic health situations.

These codes have been picked up by specific members of the medical profession who were able to tune into these higher energies and move forward with the application of these higher codes into current treatments. This is a gift given for the betterment of the human race with more updated information continuing to flow. It is all leading toward a future for humans free of serious disease with a lighter physical body that can transcend the physical Earth.

The idea is to have very simple treatments for any malady that may affect the future human, which do not rely on seriously side effected drugs of any kind, simple natural, wholistic therapies that can keep the lighter body functioning well at all times.

The new vision for humanity is one of peace and unconditional love with the human body being light, not in kilograms, but in the way of being light filled, which will allow the human greater opportunities to commune with the higher levels of existence, with ascended Masters, Angelics and Archangels, Saints and other evolved people on a face-to-face level.

This is the plan for the new human, but there cannot be any negative or evil influence present, so you need to look at yourselves and clear away any negative behaviours or tendencies so that you can move into this new way of being, close to The Father, Son and Holy Spirit of God.

I am The Prophet Elijah

More to follow.

                                             Copyright Suzan Anzara 2013

Mother Earth (2nd transmission from Prophet Elijah)

You may wonder what I, whose lifetime occurred in ancient times, would have to offer today’s world. My learning has continued over those intervening years and I am now a much wiser and more educated being.

I have studied with Christed Masters, scientific masters, and spiritual masters, and have learned much that I was not so aware of before or that perhaps I put on the back burner until the time was right, until the consciousness had changed enough to bring new information forward. This I hope to do now in as simple a way as possible to make it easy for you to understand.

I first wish to talk about the use of mathematics and sacred geometry in your earth plan or matrix. Earth’s scientists are aware of the mathematical frequencies that exist, and the importance of those frequencies to the earth, but they do not have the whole picture with most of Earth’s people having no concept at all of sacred geometry involved in the balancing and harmonious energies required to keep earth stable.

Basic maths says that 2+2 has to make 4, but when all factors are added, in reference to the stability of Earth, if that addition only comes to 3.7 or 3.9, then there is a major problem in the effect that the omission of that point would make to the Earth’s harmonious balance.

The numerous chemicals, toxins, and radiation leakages that are being perpetrated upon Earth’s surface now, as well as in past times, has brought that rounded number of 4 back to 3.8 degrees creating a disturbance in the mathematical balance that is affecting Earth on all levels. The Earth has many levels. Most of you see only what your 3 corridors of energy that exist which are used by beings from higher dimensional fields, from 5D onward. To counteract this deficit in  Earth’s geometry, we will need to bring in outside futuristic technology to remedy that situation.

We cannot allow the physical aspect of Earth to be damaged any further. Most of this damage has been perpetrated upon the Earth by her inhabitants, some who purposely know what they are doing and others who simply have no idea. They are acting in blindness and do not see the ongoing repercussions of what they are manifesting on their planet.

The earth is beginning to react to these discrepancies with unseasonal weather patterns to clear herself of much that has been done to create the imbalance now within her being. One of the problems associated with her imbalance has to do with the progressive mining trend occurring right across the globe.

The other concerns the use of nuclear power with numerous nuclear power plants already established with the idea of more to follow. These are the major problems 3rd dimensional eyes comprehend, but there are many other but do not take into consideration all other chemical emissions that are producing toxic levels of radiation in the atmosphere as well as in people of Earth.

Can you not see that you are close to suffering radiation illness on a grand scale because of what is happening in your world? The only way we can remedy this is to send in futuristic advanced technology to rectify this discrepancy in the mathematical imbalance to increase Earth’s stability.

So what we will do, at a time to be established, is use a technology which scans the surface as well as beneath the surface of Earth, to locate the weakest points where the geometric factors are out of alignment, and recreate the balance and harmony Earth needs to ascend into 5D and beyond.

At the moment she is crippled and needs the help of her contemporaries from other planes of existence to assist her in this struggle. Many of you have worked to balance ley lines and grids in Earth’s system, but there are many locations that have not been touched at all.

These are ancient areas where ongoing war has been occurring for centuries. The grid work has been unable to be repaired or updated and has continued to malfunction further and further, so in these areas, we will try to correct these faults and return the earth to a balanced state.

Correcting the sacred geometrical and mathematical imbalance may cause major upheaval upon the Earth. Making the change from imbalance to balance will not go unnoticed by anyone and will likely cause disruption in certain places before improvement can register at a level of 100%.

It is similar to when the physical body becomes unwell, for instance, if a person becomes ill with a stomach virus, the body has to purge itself to clear the virus out of its system, creating majorly unpleasant symptoms in the process. This must happen before the body can regain health and so it is with Mother Earth. To make her well and return her to balance and harmony, purging will need to occur before the end result can manifest.

I am the Prophet Elijah

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Developing the Light Body - Something to think about September (3)

Hello everyone,

Recently, a group of Ascended Lady Masters came into my space to make contact and this is what they had to say. Their main speaker is Lady Clara. We have come closer to earth to help with the transfer into higher consciousness. We come from just outside Sirius, we are extremely light and have needed to wear robes for you to be able to discern our presence, because we are too transparent for those of you in this dimension to perceive.

We were originally quite excited to come here when the request was made because we had no idea of the difficulties involved in being feminine upon this planet. We are stunned by what we have seen and experienced, of the attitude toward women that is damning and destructive.  It does not only come form the male population, but other women as well.

This behaviour is not anything we have had to experience on our home base and it does not only happen on the other side of the world. Atrocious behaviour by males towards females is occurring all across the earth both in 1st world right through to 4th and 5th world countries.

My sisters and I come from a place where the feminine rules. You may think this is an unbalanced way of living, but the male energy also reigns with most of the males having totally balanced masculine and feminine energy.

We have been asked to speak to you to discuss certain topics if you would not mind. One of those topics revolves around actively creating the light body. We can see that some of you have been working toward creating your light body over a period of time. Some are much further ahead than others and there is obviously a reason for that, but it is important to focus totally now on further activation of the light body.

This is where your healing can come into play because you actually activate all the cells in the body, you are creating a light field in the person you are working on. It also depends on the person receiving the activation to contine to add to their light field not just leave it to someone else to administer. In the meantime, further light can be added to make the light body even stronger and more penetrating.

There needs to be more light input to take over the dense physical body, to become stronger than the dense physical body so that the physical body can merge with/or into the light body. It is a matter of merging the two together so that the light field becomes the stronger force.

Increasing the light quotient is actually our main perogative, our reason for being here. There are 6 of us and our combined energy is strong. We work as a team to maximise our energy to touch those we come in contact with to increase their light.

So will you allow us to walk with you to download our frequencies?  It will activate in men, women and children and add to what you are already downloading. You and others are currently downloading ascension energy which we will add to, to help people develop their light bodies further.

We are also bringing energies from our home planet into earth. It is feminine energy loyal to the feminine principle with all qualities of Christ Consciousness contained within it, some that you know of and others that you don’t even think about.

The next topic we will discuss briefly is pollutants. The pollutants on earth are creating the ageing process with radiation and all kinds of actively working chemicals the culprits. It is a matter of taking responsibility for yourselves and changing the use of some products you are using. Look closely at the contents of all products including food and reduce those with a high ratio of pollutant or chemical.  Organic is the safest.

I am Lady Clara

Cosmic Blessings

Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara, September 2013

Illusion or truth? - Something to think about September (2)

Hello everyone,

A few months ago I came across some channelled information which said that mankind’s future was pre determined with no changes at all allowed to come into that pre-determination. I was rather confused by this statement and decided to ask for clarification from a higher source. The clarification came from John the Baptist and this is what he said:

In all fairness I would have to say that there is some truth in the issue of mankind's future being pre- determined, leaving one to live in a fantasy world or state of illusion. There are some who live in a totally illusionary world but this relates mostly to lower consciousness where people are going around in circles, not moving forward, with nothing to be done about this until they wake up and realise there is a better way.

It does not apply to those who are awakened and I am referring here to lightworkers, those form the angelic and ascended master realms who have come to earth to help mankind rise above the illusion. A good percentage of people on earth are already evolved and are only here to help the rest of humanity move forward in their spiritual evolvement.  If it wasn’t for these lightworkers, angelic and ascended master aspects, the light here would be non existent and illusion would rule.

We have spoken about the vote that was taken by beings from the higher realms to allow ascension to come to fruition.  Those of us who voted 'yay' to the ascension process and there are many strong, powerful beings involved, will not allow the 'nay' side to win this battle, so always listen to your own intuition regardless of what you may hear or read, because your own intuition is your best gauge in all matters.

Because of the so called ascension non event in December, we have lost quite a few of our reliable light workers and this has caused us grief because we know how much you all had been working toward this end, and we also haven’t coped well with the decision to change the plan.

In love and peace,

I am John the Baptist

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013

Ascension - Something to think about - September (1)

Hello everyone,

Just recently, I was visited by the Prophet Elijah of the old testament, who asked if I would channel in some information for him. As I am not a fan of the old testament in the bible and majorly anti-patriarchy, I was rather taken aback by his request and when I explained my views to him, he replied this way:

“I am not so hard headed and anti-social as I once was. That was then and this is now. Times and consciousness have changed and I along with it. You can liken this to your own personal growth or evolvement from where you began to where you are now, how your thoughts and understandings have opened further to see the broader picture rather than a limited version.”

These are some of the points he made during this transmission:
Unfortunately, a lot of your religions of earth still cling to old biblical ways instead of moving forward and becoming enlightened in the ways of Christ Consciousness. I am like many other evolved beings who have come from direct communion with the Creator God to assist mankind reach that point of evolvement necessary to move into the ascended state. This has been hotly debated in your world where many agree about the possibility of physical ascension and just as many do not.

I, for instance, was taken up to heaven with my physical body in a “chariot of fire”, so you see it is possible when one has reached that particular point of awareness necessary to be in harmony with that higher level, then nothing will stop ascension from occurring. I am proof of that, Jeshua is proof of that and others in between.

Those of you working toward the betterment of yourselves, hoping to move into that higher dimensional frequency are more than halfway there in the sense that your subtle bodies have reached that space just as earth’s subtle bodies have reached that same space. It remains for the human physical body and the physical aspect of earth to achieve that same point of elevation and escalation. The earth will clear herself of all negativity accumulated over thousands of years just as the human body will clear itself from outdated patterning, blockages and karma that still needs to be transmuted.

This is all coming to a head now with energies flowing in from outside earth pushing these old conditionings to the surface to be transmuted. Many of you are feeling the effects of these energies because of what is happening your physical bodies with heart problems and flare ups in other parts of the body.

Try not to give up on your expectations of ascension. It is on its way for those who desire it. Ascension has happened in the past and will certainly happen in the future. Hold on to your faith and belief in your Creator God and Mother Earth that this plan will come to fruition.

I am The Prophet Elijah

P.S. When he first visited, there was the unmistakeable fragrance of the herb “rue” emanating from him.

P.S. The term Christ Consciousness does not only apply to a christian belief system. The title of “Christ” is given to a soul who has acheived spiritual and personal evolution of the highest order. Archangel Michael for instance, is often referred to as the “Christ Michael”, and there are many other Christed Beings who reside in the higher realms.

Cosmic Blessings

Suzana Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013

Higher Consciousness - Something to think about - August 2013

Hello everyone,

It has been some months since I have felt inspired to share my thoughts on current and future happenings. For me, the past months have been a time of soul searching, of adjusting to changes in my physical body and looking to the future with peaceful acceptance and expectation.

I continue to work toward physical ascension for myself and others and have no doubts about the outcome. I am just not sure of the timing. I am also still working on the spiritual level. For example, just recently I worked with the Lady Warrior Mary and Lady Knight Isolde to assist a group of beings, mainly women and children, who had become left behind in a different dimensional corridor to ours.

An interesting thing happened where the people moving on removed all traces of their DNA so that nothing of them remained. They had the same body shape as ours but were lighter, more transparent than we are. Changes were coming that would make things difficult for them, so they were relocated to another spacial dimension and reunited with the males of their group who had been absent on exploration duty.

In channelling from Archangel Michael earlier this year, He stated that our subtle bodies had achieved 5D status, but our physical bodies were lagging behind and still needed further updating and increased light quotient to make them equal to their subtle bodies, as well as the portals in the heart and brain areas needing to open further.

For some of us, this statement is about as clear as mud, but if you look into what He is saying, the true meaning becomes clear. Our physical bodies are lagging behind because we continue to slip between a 5D higher consciousness and 3D lower consciousness instead of remaining on that higher level. Higher consciousness is not referring to the higher self as some people believe.

This slipping comes about because of our ongoing participation and enjoyment of 3D pursuits such as all forms of violence and corruption in our television programs and movies, where all forms of discrimination are practised; where qualities of Christ Consciousness, such as unconditional love, non-patriachy, acceptance, tolerance etc are ignored and where our behaviours are contra to univeral harmony.

Most of us fit into one or another of these categories, so if we really desire a 5th dimensional experience, we need to look at ourselves and adjust our thoughts, words and deeds to comply with the qualities necessary to merge into that higher level of consciousness particularly those qualities of Christ Consciousness. Our frequencies need to be updated further to make us compatible with 5D energies.

The responsibility for aspiring to and remaining in that higher consciousness is totally our own. If we do not wish to reach 5D status, that choice is allowed because we have free will in all decisions that we make. We are continually being updated by energies and frequencies coming from outside of earth.

This has been happening since 2012 and is ongoing. Many have been affected by these energies with hearts beating out of rythmn, unusual heart pain and discomfort as well as sudden flare ups in different parts of the body. This is all part of the plan to increase our light field and help our physical bodies reach the ascended state.

If, as Archangel Michael said, that our subtle bodies have reached ascended status, then it must be only a matter of time before the physical body follows suit. Lets hope it happens soon.

Stay in the light everyone.

Cosmic Blessings

Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Something to think about: Information updates (May 2013)

Hello everyone,
There have been a couple of updates come to my attention that I feel I should share with you.  The first one relates to radiation emissions.  We have reached a level of critical mass in electrical radiation with the possibility of more people beginning to suffer radiation illness.

We all know that electricity pylons emit high levels of radiation, but because of higher usage of electrical appliances in our homes, we are now more at risk in our homes of contamination from those emissions.
I have done research into this problem and found that there are at least 3 crystals that work to provide protection against any negative emissions including those from mobile phones.  They are black tourmaline, turquoise and clear quartz. 

It is a good idea to acquire any of these crystals that you are drawn to and place them around your home in specific areas such as near your computer and televisions etc. and wherever else you feel energy emitting, as well as carrying one on your person if the need be. Miracle II Neutralising Liquid is something else that can be used to dispel any toxic emissions from your auric field and spaces in your home where computers, televisions etc. are in use.

The second topic is a little more complicated and I hope I can explain it sensibly.  Because our planet is one of duality, light and dark, we are affected by both of these energy fields, so whenever light contracts inwards, it allows the dark focus to expand.  You may need to think about this a little. Unless the light focus is strong enough to repel darkness, then darkness will overcome. 

There are probably many examples I could give here, but the one I will use is fear. We have all experienced fear in one way or another, but fear carries negative energy and if we for any reason go into a fearful state, our light contracts inwards allowing the dark forces to take up that space and expand further. 

We need at all times to be in a positive state of mind and not succumb to any negative energies or emotions because if we do, we increase the risk of the dark focus becoming more powerful, accentuating the possibility of further negative events coming into our lives. Like energy attracts like energy, so positive thoughts, words and deeds attract the same energies, just as negative thoughts, words and deeds attract the same negativity in return. 

Just imagine if half the world lived in fear, for whatever reason, how destructive that combined energy force would be.  Our individual and combined light focus would dwindle leaving the dark to dominate. We each have to be responsible for keeping ourselves free from any negativity at all.  We have not yet escaped duality and probably will not until the Ascension process comes fully into place.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (mentaRa)
PS Miracle II can be obtained from www.circleoflife.com.au

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Something to think about & a message from Archangel Michael

Hello everyone,

I know that there are many of you like myself who have been stunned by the Ascension event. Some people are saying that we have moved into a higher consciousness, but the ongoing horrors around the world that are still occurring, tells me that this can’t be so. Neither in all conscience, can I accept what the fence sitters and nay-sayers are saying, “that everything is as it should be.”

In my humble opinion, until patriarchal controls lose their stranglehold over our religions,
our cultures, our way of life, allowing violence and disrespect toward women, humanity as
a whole can never move forward but will continue to go around in circles repeating the same outdated programs over and over again.

December 2012 was the end of a cycle lasting thousands of years, where humanity and the Ascended Masters working with humanity were meant to move on to a higher level. What actually happened, was that many Ascended Masters did move on but we did not, leaving us in a very uncertain space.

I myself have been standing back not wishing to participate further, until Archangel Michael transmitted this message on Valentines Day of all days, and I feel bound to publish it. It is a message that says both a little and a lot but is worth reading. I feel there is more behind the scenes that could be explained, but that is not my decision to make. I hope future transmissions will do so.

I present this message for you to draw your own conclusions.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

P.S A quote from Lord Melchizadek 2012. “Those who do not make it into 5D, will then have to suffer the consequences of an earth going into rest and replenish mode clearing herself of all negative debris.” I think one could safely say we are in the midst of that
turmoil right now.

“Why the Ascension goal posts were moved.”

Transmission from Archangel Michael.

Greetings dear Lightworkers,

We have apologised profusely for the confusion and pain of non physical Ascension, but the time for that is now over. Move on everyone. You are in a state of flux at the present moment or in a null zone, to use a different term, whereby the movement of people of earth into 5D has needed to pause until such time as the physical aspect catches up with it’s light/subtle bodies.

Your physical aspect is the part of you that is trailing behind, so we needed to hit the pause button to allow time for the physical body to evolve further. I had already told MentaRa in a previous message that the subtle bodies had achieved 5th dimensional status, but the physical body still needs further updating, energising and increased light quotient to make it equal to it’s subtle bodies. The portals in the human body, particularly the heart and brain areas need to be opened further also.

The photon light that has continued to stream from Dec 2012, has been infiltrating humans at a gentle rate rather than in a full on 100% hit which would have destroyed the physical and subtle bodies of most people because of it’s powerful force.

We realise that many of you were expecting that to happen, but at the last minute, it was decided that the incoming energy field was far too strong for the bulk of humanity to accommodate safely.

We are still working toward the Ascension process, but we and you both know, that it won’t be for
everyone, because the emanations and vibrations of the majority are nowhere near ready to accept the 5D lifestyle, so it will only be open and manageable to those of you who are almost ready and who really and truly desire to be there, not wishing to remain in the current earth situation any longer.

We have become weary of listening to your complaints. We did not promise that everything would be easy or as smooth as clockwork. What we did say was that we would try to make the Ascension process as simple as possible, but no one knows until the time actually eventuates, how things will be.

There had been a specific movement of deep space planets, as well as a huge asteroid moving toward earth which no-one had taken into consideration, as well as the sun conjuncting with the photon band, so there were events happening outside of earth which could have directly affected the earth and her people.

We know that many of you have stepped back because of seemingly broken trust and perhaps we can’t blame you for that, but try to remain open to the higher frequencies and Ascension process whenever and however it may occur, and try also to overcome the misery some of you have been suffering which in some cases has led to physical illness.

The Ascension process is on its way for those who desire it, in your time, not in thousands of years as some are thinking, but I cannot promise you exactly when that time will be. Just know that it is
still underway and will occur as soon as it is safely possible. You only need to be in the right space emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally to enable you to enter this new state of being.

Try to continue on with your personal meditations and healing updates, do all that you can to
achieve the highest level of vibration and frequency possible so you can easily move into this new
space when the time is right.

This message applies to those of you who are still in turmoil. By being so upset, angry and
frustrated, not only do you allow your physical body to become ill, those energies and vibrations
spread to others, so you need to be very careful about your thoughts and emotions so they do not
contaminate others in the same way.

This is a big ask. We know how much and why you have been so affected because it has
happened before, and some of you carry that soul memory. In previous times, the light failed
and darkness overcame, so it does now feel like a huge betrayal of trust to those of you who
have worked so hard to prevent the same thing from happening again.

We absolutely understand, but please try to pick yourselves up and move on and allow the
Ascension process to manifest itself because if you close the doors of your heart against Light and
Ascension, it cannot manifest for you.

To have the planet and everyone on the planet ascend is a huge undertaking and it was not
possible in Dec to have even a 30% successful outcome. There are still powerful extra-terrestrial
groups and dark cabals working to thwart this process, so we have needed to stand back, just as
some of you have, to observe and work out the best way to handle this situation with all things
considered, and we are trying to do that.

We realise how many of you have been hurt and we are trying to make amends and hope that you
can again look to us with love and respect instead of in some cases, absolute disgust which is a
new feeling for most of us.

We have mentioned before that some information coming through the internet has been
misunderstood and misinterpreted. As an example, ten people of earth may read a passage in
your bible and ten people will have a totally different understanding of that passage.

In some cases there is a mis-communication that happens when people have an expectation of a
particular event or subject which clouds their perceptions, so you need to look at things with a
broader view and not always take things literally. Study the subject matter then see how it
resonates with you before you take it on board.

Regardless of what you may hear, the new pope is not likely to make a huge difference, and any
difference that he does make will take a long time to filter through. It will hardly be a progressive
papacy because of the pressure to remain conservative.

I am Michael of the Archangelic Realms and I speak on behalf of others of my ilk whose charge it
is to resolve the Ascension dilemma.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara. 2013