Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Something to think about & a message from Archangel Michael

Hello everyone,

I know that there are many of you like myself who have been stunned by the Ascension event. Some people are saying that we have moved into a higher consciousness, but the ongoing horrors around the world that are still occurring, tells me that this can’t be so. Neither in all conscience, can I accept what the fence sitters and nay-sayers are saying, “that everything is as it should be.”

In my humble opinion, until patriarchal controls lose their stranglehold over our religions,
our cultures, our way of life, allowing violence and disrespect toward women, humanity as
a whole can never move forward but will continue to go around in circles repeating the same outdated programs over and over again.

December 2012 was the end of a cycle lasting thousands of years, where humanity and the Ascended Masters working with humanity were meant to move on to a higher level. What actually happened, was that many Ascended Masters did move on but we did not, leaving us in a very uncertain space.

I myself have been standing back not wishing to participate further, until Archangel Michael transmitted this message on Valentines Day of all days, and I feel bound to publish it. It is a message that says both a little and a lot but is worth reading. I feel there is more behind the scenes that could be explained, but that is not my decision to make. I hope future transmissions will do so.

I present this message for you to draw your own conclusions.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

P.S A quote from Lord Melchizadek 2012. “Those who do not make it into 5D, will then have to suffer the consequences of an earth going into rest and replenish mode clearing herself of all negative debris.” I think one could safely say we are in the midst of that
turmoil right now.

“Why the Ascension goal posts were moved.”

Transmission from Archangel Michael.

Greetings dear Lightworkers,

We have apologised profusely for the confusion and pain of non physical Ascension, but the time for that is now over. Move on everyone. You are in a state of flux at the present moment or in a null zone, to use a different term, whereby the movement of people of earth into 5D has needed to pause until such time as the physical aspect catches up with it’s light/subtle bodies.

Your physical aspect is the part of you that is trailing behind, so we needed to hit the pause button to allow time for the physical body to evolve further. I had already told MentaRa in a previous message that the subtle bodies had achieved 5th dimensional status, but the physical body still needs further updating, energising and increased light quotient to make it equal to it’s subtle bodies. The portals in the human body, particularly the heart and brain areas need to be opened further also.

The photon light that has continued to stream from Dec 2012, has been infiltrating humans at a gentle rate rather than in a full on 100% hit which would have destroyed the physical and subtle bodies of most people because of it’s powerful force.

We realise that many of you were expecting that to happen, but at the last minute, it was decided that the incoming energy field was far too strong for the bulk of humanity to accommodate safely.

We are still working toward the Ascension process, but we and you both know, that it won’t be for
everyone, because the emanations and vibrations of the majority are nowhere near ready to accept the 5D lifestyle, so it will only be open and manageable to those of you who are almost ready and who really and truly desire to be there, not wishing to remain in the current earth situation any longer.

We have become weary of listening to your complaints. We did not promise that everything would be easy or as smooth as clockwork. What we did say was that we would try to make the Ascension process as simple as possible, but no one knows until the time actually eventuates, how things will be.

There had been a specific movement of deep space planets, as well as a huge asteroid moving toward earth which no-one had taken into consideration, as well as the sun conjuncting with the photon band, so there were events happening outside of earth which could have directly affected the earth and her people.

We know that many of you have stepped back because of seemingly broken trust and perhaps we can’t blame you for that, but try to remain open to the higher frequencies and Ascension process whenever and however it may occur, and try also to overcome the misery some of you have been suffering which in some cases has led to physical illness.

The Ascension process is on its way for those who desire it, in your time, not in thousands of years as some are thinking, but I cannot promise you exactly when that time will be. Just know that it is
still underway and will occur as soon as it is safely possible. You only need to be in the right space emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally to enable you to enter this new state of being.

Try to continue on with your personal meditations and healing updates, do all that you can to
achieve the highest level of vibration and frequency possible so you can easily move into this new
space when the time is right.

This message applies to those of you who are still in turmoil. By being so upset, angry and
frustrated, not only do you allow your physical body to become ill, those energies and vibrations
spread to others, so you need to be very careful about your thoughts and emotions so they do not
contaminate others in the same way.

This is a big ask. We know how much and why you have been so affected because it has
happened before, and some of you carry that soul memory. In previous times, the light failed
and darkness overcame, so it does now feel like a huge betrayal of trust to those of you who
have worked so hard to prevent the same thing from happening again.

We absolutely understand, but please try to pick yourselves up and move on and allow the
Ascension process to manifest itself because if you close the doors of your heart against Light and
Ascension, it cannot manifest for you.

To have the planet and everyone on the planet ascend is a huge undertaking and it was not
possible in Dec to have even a 30% successful outcome. There are still powerful extra-terrestrial
groups and dark cabals working to thwart this process, so we have needed to stand back, just as
some of you have, to observe and work out the best way to handle this situation with all things
considered, and we are trying to do that.

We realise how many of you have been hurt and we are trying to make amends and hope that you
can again look to us with love and respect instead of in some cases, absolute disgust which is a
new feeling for most of us.

We have mentioned before that some information coming through the internet has been
misunderstood and misinterpreted. As an example, ten people of earth may read a passage in
your bible and ten people will have a totally different understanding of that passage.

In some cases there is a mis-communication that happens when people have an expectation of a
particular event or subject which clouds their perceptions, so you need to look at things with a
broader view and not always take things literally. Study the subject matter then see how it
resonates with you before you take it on board.

Regardless of what you may hear, the new pope is not likely to make a huge difference, and any
difference that he does make will take a long time to filter through. It will hardly be a progressive
papacy because of the pressure to remain conservative.

I am Michael of the Archangelic Realms and I speak on behalf of others of my ilk whose charge it
is to resolve the Ascension dilemma.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara. 2013

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