Monday, September 9, 2013

Higher Consciousness - Something to think about - August 2013

Hello everyone,

It has been some months since I have felt inspired to share my thoughts on current and future happenings. For me, the past months have been a time of soul searching, of adjusting to changes in my physical body and looking to the future with peaceful acceptance and expectation.

I continue to work toward physical ascension for myself and others and have no doubts about the outcome. I am just not sure of the timing. I am also still working on the spiritual level. For example, just recently I worked with the Lady Warrior Mary and Lady Knight Isolde to assist a group of beings, mainly women and children, who had become left behind in a different dimensional corridor to ours.

An interesting thing happened where the people moving on removed all traces of their DNA so that nothing of them remained. They had the same body shape as ours but were lighter, more transparent than we are. Changes were coming that would make things difficult for them, so they were relocated to another spacial dimension and reunited with the males of their group who had been absent on exploration duty.

In channelling from Archangel Michael earlier this year, He stated that our subtle bodies had achieved 5D status, but our physical bodies were lagging behind and still needed further updating and increased light quotient to make them equal to their subtle bodies, as well as the portals in the heart and brain areas needing to open further.

For some of us, this statement is about as clear as mud, but if you look into what He is saying, the true meaning becomes clear. Our physical bodies are lagging behind because we continue to slip between a 5D higher consciousness and 3D lower consciousness instead of remaining on that higher level. Higher consciousness is not referring to the higher self as some people believe.

This slipping comes about because of our ongoing participation and enjoyment of 3D pursuits such as all forms of violence and corruption in our television programs and movies, where all forms of discrimination are practised; where qualities of Christ Consciousness, such as unconditional love, non-patriachy, acceptance, tolerance etc are ignored and where our behaviours are contra to univeral harmony.

Most of us fit into one or another of these categories, so if we really desire a 5th dimensional experience, we need to look at ourselves and adjust our thoughts, words and deeds to comply with the qualities necessary to merge into that higher level of consciousness particularly those qualities of Christ Consciousness. Our frequencies need to be updated further to make us compatible with 5D energies.

The responsibility for aspiring to and remaining in that higher consciousness is totally our own. If we do not wish to reach 5D status, that choice is allowed because we have free will in all decisions that we make. We are continually being updated by energies and frequencies coming from outside of earth.

This has been happening since 2012 and is ongoing. Many have been affected by these energies with hearts beating out of rythmn, unusual heart pain and discomfort as well as sudden flare ups in different parts of the body. This is all part of the plan to increase our light field and help our physical bodies reach the ascended state.

If, as Archangel Michael said, that our subtle bodies have reached ascended status, then it must be only a matter of time before the physical body follows suit. Lets hope it happens soon.

Stay in the light everyone.

Cosmic Blessings

Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013

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