The sum of all things relating to aspects spiritual leaves much to be desired in the sense that the spiritual aspects often are ignored in lieu of 3D pursuits and expectations, monetary and otherwise, that people give first preference to in their lives.
The spiritual aspects I am referring to relate to the Feminine Principle and Christ Consciousness qualities that are in sad disarray upon your Earth today. There are some who hold the banner high promoting those ideals but there are many others who either ignore or discard those spiritual qualities stagnating themselves in that lower vibration of 3D plus.
Much has been said during the course of time that channellings have come into Earth regarding the 5th dimension and how important it is to raise one’s frequencies to reach that higher level of vibration.
Some have managed to do that but still allow themselves to occasionally slip back into lower 3D plus resonance, which is easily done in your world, but many others have made little effort to increase their energies and vibrations which would lead them ultimately into that higher vibrating energy field.
The Photon Band is doing a marvellous job in increasing at a base or cellular level the light quotient of the human race, but it is also necessary for individuals to try to update their own energies taking particular notice of their behaviours, especially those relating to 3D, keeping themselves always moving closer to that higher vibration.
It is a Light Field which is pulsing high frequency energy codes into Earth and her inhabitants including animals which will continue for some time yet, plugging away, changing frequencies, vibrations and light tolerance to the highest levels that it can, but with the inescapable fact that you all need to work on yourselves to add to the bonus that the Photon Band is giving you to enable you to accelerate and grow.
As I mentioned earlier, I have been overseeing Earth and her creations for a very long time and have witnessed the rise and fall of many civilisations. This rise and fall occurred for the simple reason that they forgot their reason for being here in the first place and forged godless communities where personal acquisitions became the more important focus.
The more property including human property that one acquired, the more wealth one acquired either honestly or dishonestly, the more countries one could plunder, the more corrupt people became because they ignored the universal law which said “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Civilisations were lost because of misuse of power and energy, because of greed and corruption and your current world is running parallel at the present moment to those times.
This has happened more often than I like to contemplate or that you would like to contemplate and the risk is there now of the same scenario repeating itself. It is time to spiritually shape up, to reconsider everything in your life and determine what is really important.
I am sure no one wants to be part of another fall from grace as has happened before and it is up to all to be more aware of the qualities of Christ Consciousness, and the importance of acting upon these ideals and by doing so, raising your individual energies and frequencies to resonate at that higher level, moving you closer to that Light Field of the 5th dimension, because this is the next step for humanity to leave 3D behind and move into that higher echelon of light, love and grace where you will have as your contemporaries, Angels, Saints, Ascended Masters and other highly evolved Christed Beings.
Until next time
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2014