Saturday, April 12, 2014

Continued Conversations with an Ancient Being

The sum of all things relating to aspects spiritual leaves much to be desired in the sense that the spiritual aspects often are ignored in lieu of 3D pursuits and expectations, monetary and otherwise, that people give first preference to in their lives.
The spiritual aspects I am referring to relate to the Feminine Principle and Christ Consciousness qualities that are in sad disarray upon your Earth today. There are some who hold the banner high promoting those ideals but there are many others who either ignore or discard those spiritual qualities stagnating themselves in that lower vibration of 3D plus.
Much has been said during the course of time that channellings have come into Earth regarding the 5th dimension and how important it is to raise one’s frequencies to reach that higher level of vibration.
Some have managed to do that but still allow themselves to occasionally slip back into lower 3D plus resonance, which is easily done in your world, but many others have made little effort to increase their energies and vibrations which would lead them ultimately into that higher vibrating energy field.
The Photon Band is doing a marvellous job in increasing at a base or cellular level the light quotient of the human race, but it is also necessary for individuals to try to update their own energies taking particular notice of their behaviours, especially those relating to 3D, keeping themselves always moving closer to that higher vibration.
It is a Light Field which is pulsing high frequency energy codes into Earth and her inhabitants including animals which will continue for some time yet, plugging away, changing frequencies, vibrations and light tolerance to the highest levels that it can, but with the inescapable fact that you all need to work on yourselves to add to the bonus that the Photon Band is giving you to enable you to accelerate and grow.
As I mentioned earlier, I have been overseeing Earth and her creations for a very long time and have witnessed the rise and fall of many civilisations. This rise and fall occurred for the simple reason that they forgot their reason for being here in the first place and forged godless communities where personal acquisitions became the more important focus.
The more property including human property that one acquired, the more wealth one acquired either honestly or dishonestly, the more countries one could plunder, the more corrupt people became because they ignored the universal law which said “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Civilisations were lost because of misuse of power and energy, because of greed and corruption and your current world is running parallel at the present moment to those times.
This has happened more often than I like to contemplate or that you would like to contemplate and the risk is there now of the same scenario repeating itself. It is time to spiritually shape up, to reconsider everything in your life and determine what is really important.
I am sure no one wants to be part of another fall from grace as has happened before and it is up to all to be more aware of the qualities of Christ Consciousness, and the importance of acting upon these ideals and by doing so, raising your individual energies and frequencies to resonate at that higher level, moving you closer to that Light Field of the 5th dimension, because this is the next step for humanity to leave 3D behind and move into that higher echelon of light, love and grace where you will have as your contemporaries, Angels, Saints, Ascended Masters and other highly evolved Christed Beings.
Until next time  
Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Return of the Ancient Being (Something to think about) Feb, 2014

Hello everyone,

The Ancient One returned for a second visit and took me on a journey to help me
understand something I have been pondering for sometime. I hope I can explain it

Some years ago, I began to see two earths, one superimposed over the other, and I still to
this day see those two earths. I realise everything is open to interpretation and people
interpret information differently, but the superimposed earth means only one thing to me,
that we are moving into another dimensional time frame.

The Ancient One took me to a destination above and beyond the earth where I could
oversee her and this is what I observed -
The superimposed earth is still in place but only taking up a mass of about 50-60% of the
physical earth. What I understood this to mean is that the earth’s subtle bodies or auric
field form this superimposed transiton leaving the remaining percentage of earth still
governed by her physical or 3D aspect.

What I also observed, was some people of earth with a superimposed aspect of subtle
body and others with none at all. I relate this to what has been said previously about the
fact that a large percentage of earth’s population were not ready to move into that higher
dimension and so remained in the physical 3D reality while others were between 3D and
5D, waiting and paving the way for others to follow.

If the whole earth had transitioned into a higher realm as was expected, those remaining in
3D physical earth would have had nowhere to go because those lower vibrations cannot
survive in the higher energetic frequencies.

We are still being bombarded by photon light energy, so we can only hope that all of
earth’s people will continue to be uplifted and updated by this energy, moving everyone
further up the ladder toward light body awareness and manifestation.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright 2014

Ancient Being (Something to think about) Feb, 2014.

Hello everyone,
Today I was visited by a powerful Arch Angelic and I thought I should share our
conversation with you. He told me that he sits near The Throne of God and works closely
with Lord Melchizadek, is the twin soul of Lord Melchizadek, but still has angelic form and
has existed for more time than the human mind can comprehend.

He did not wish to give his name because it is not the right time for the energies attached
to his name to begin to reverberate through or around earth’s resonance. He said it was
easier for him to extract the energies and vibrations from the mass of his presence than to
try and extract the sound vibrations from his name if it began to flow through the ethers.
I began to see his ethereal body which had many different colours flashing within and
around it, green on that occasion was the stronger colour, with massive sacred geometry
contained within it. It is like he is made from layers of geometrical shapes that combine to
form his form.

I haven’t seen that before in any Angelics or Masters. I normally see them as light and
ethereal but I haven’t actually seen what is within that light. His face is ancient and carries
the imprint of the world for million of years. It is all there in his face. He is very tall, has light shoulder length hair, grey/white and small beard with eyebrows the same colour. He has very piercing blue eyes but would not look at me with eyes at their fullest capacity of vision, because the strength of their focus could be harmful to me.

He explained that he has been carrying this galaxy for a long, long time and has watched
it’s progression from where it began, to where it is now, to where it is headed. This galaxy
is not in his charge as such but he has been overseeing it as second in command
assisting The One.

He began to speak about the layers and levels attached to everything we see and discuss.
To make it easier, he is using three levels. Basic level relating to 3D, second level such as
5D and upward, third level which is Divine, which means that we look at situations with the
understanding and insights of the level that we occupy, each one being different.
The word Divine itself has three levels. You are all divine but again there are levels to that
divinity. Just know there is a third expression that is not in your consciousness as yet but
will be with further spiritual evolvement.

There are those who would abuse the higher insights and so there needs to be caution
about the information that does filter through, because if the abuse was allowed, we would
be thoroughly remiss in our duties. We are watching and waiting, laying the foundations if
you like, bringing in the sacred energies and knowledge in different ways at different times,
laying the foundations for the higher geometrical force fields waiting to enter earth.
Where you are heading is “heaven on earth”, or 5D and above. We know many of you
were expecting this to manifest in 2012 and you have been told the reasons why it didn’t
happen, that not enough people were ready to embrace that particular style of life, but also
the geometrics have to be accurate before we can deliver this new application to
encompass earth and her people and as I have already mentioned, we are laying those
foundations now.

I asked questions about how I was personally contributing because I am not so sure that I
want to contnue and also about the ageing process. his answer relates to others, not only
myself -
"You are wondering about how you are being of service, but you are part of the team
assisting us to lay the mathematical and geometrical foundation for the new age of
“heaven on earth.” If you decide that you don’t want to participate further, the codes that
you carry which help to make up the full earth geometric complement will be lost, leaving
gaps in that plan, because your codes cannot be carried by anyone else and then we will
not have a complete geometric foundation.
    Who could blame any of you if you made that decision. You have taken on a huge task
and because you are so sensitive living in such an insensitive world, the difficulties for you
are enormous. We have nothing but the highest regard for all of you because you are
being pummelled on all sides from the strength of the negativity that surrounds you. What
courage you have. How courageous you are.
    We cannot do this without you. You may think that one person doesn’t make much
difference, but one person can be the difference between a successful outcome or no
outcome. We can see ahead of you. We can see how it will be when this new age of
“heaven on earth” finally dawns, and when it does it will be worth everything you have had
to endure.
     Try to understand that it needs to have a really good, strong foundation, just the same as
building a house. If the foundations are weak, the house will collapse and it is the same
with what our combined efforts are trying to achieve, to bring in this whole new energy field
of light and love.
     We need to have a strong, mathematical foundation , otherwise it will all collapse. It has
been tried in the past and failed, so this time we are taking more care being more sure of
the foundations.
     There needs to be changes in the patriachal systems. Males should begin to recognise
the fact that they have a feminine aspect and to develop and use their feminine aspect.
I asked a question about timing, how long this new age would take to come into place. He
answered this way - !
     We cannot really judge time the way we may have even 20 years ago, because time has
sped up so much that it registers in a totally different way now. As time passes, you will
become age-less. Think about that.
     Because of incoming photon energies, increasing your light quotient and updating
frequencies frequently, you are changing and becoming ageless and whilst ever you are
doing so, you could live to 200 years in your current time frame. Once again there are
levels here. 3D time, Divine time and the one in the middle where many are now. They
are all different.
     You can already see changes happening by the fact that people are becoming more
interested in foods known to be health or super foods that boost the immune system and
retard the aging process. I am not including those who are slowly killing themselves by
poor choices they have made, but that whole other genre out there who have the opposite
plan in mind for themselves.
     They are more interested in retaining their youthfulness by using foods and excercise that
keep their physical bodies healthier, stronger and to prevent serious illness or disease.
Excercise is important, but is just as important not to overdo anything! Try not to push
your body too hard and follow you own intuition about excercise programs.
Sometimes you may feel out of sorts because you have eaten or imbibed something your
body has to struggle with. It disturbs the equilibrium, the geometric balance, everthing that
makes up the evolving human body. At times like these, you really need to rest your body
until it comes back into harmony and drink plenty of water.
     When you are walking this spiritual path, because of your ongoing energy healings,
updates of codes and frequencies, meditations and geometric balancing, you become
different from those who do none of these things, because you have raised yourself up
beyond them.
     This doesn’t mean that anyone is better or more worthy than anyone else, but when you
continue to work on yourself, you reach a higher plateau and become more sensitive to
and more in sinc with that higher level, that 3rd level I have already mentioned.

Always in my care, in my vision, in my heart.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Copyright 2014