Friday, May 20, 2011

Something to think about (May)

My Perspective on the Ascension of Mother Earth and her people

I would like to share my views with you to perhaps set your mind at ease and help you understand what lies ahead. Not everyone will choose Ascension or entry into the 5th dimensional frequency, so this is pertinent only to those who do.

In 2003 I had my first glimpse of the changes that would transpire over the coming years regarding Mother Earth and her inhabitants. At that particular time, I was shown a second Earth either within, behind or etherically connected to our current one.

This second Earth was far more spectacular with colours more vibrant, beautiful plants, trees and flowers some of which I had not seen before and animals gentle and knowing, a place of absolute peace and harmony.I now of course realise at that particular moment, I was looking into the coming 5th dimensional frequency which was already being prepared for our arrival.

Over the next few years my vision never faltered. Today I can still see that beautiful, pristine Earth as clearly as the first time. Then in 2006, I underwent a visit to a Light City of the future.

In this Light City, all the buildings were constructed from some kind of clear quartz crystal. The energy alone emanating from the Crystal City was phenomenal. There was absolute peace, harmony, joy and contentment as people went about their business in light body form.

I was drawn into a holy Temple which happened to be the central building in the city and was greeted there by Lord Kuthumi of the Ascended Master Realms. He explained to me that this was a city of the future and as people fully manifest their light bodies, they would integrate into one or other of these light cities depending on the frequencies they are emitting.

An accelerated frequency will take people to a specific level not accessible to those emanating a lower frequency without it causing them distress. There will be cities on different levels to cater for all frequency emanations.

There is no good, better, best involved here, no elitism. People are at different levels of understanding and evolvement from kindergarten to tertiary with each level needing different requirements. These requirements will be met with love and generosity to assist all involved.

He, Lord Kuthumi will hold a position of authority in these Light Cities of the future along with other Holy Masters and Teachers.

In 2010 two beautiful Unicorns accompanied me into a different aspect of 5D. They had silver stars flowing around their bodies and were glowing, brilliant white. They showed me how beautiful and pristine it is where animals roam wild and free in harmony without fear of any predatory behaviour.

On that particular visit, I actually was able to cuddle baby white lion cubs. What a wonderful, heart warming experience that was.

In December of that year, I revisited parts of 5D which surround the physical aspect of Earth, which I now know to be the Earth’s light body. I could see the light or subtle bodies of Earth separating from the physical Earth with her light bodied inhabitants, leaving the physical Earth to rest and recuperate.

The physical Earth will remain behind to heal and recuperate until such times as she decides to ascend and unite with her subtle/light body.

This then aligns with my very first glimpse in 2003 where I could see the second Earth etherically connected to our current one. This is also where 5D portals will come into their own allowing easy access from 3D to 5D. The portals/doorways have a designated time to remain open then will be permanently sealed.

I hope you find my perspective on Earths imminent changes helpful. It is my own Truth which I haven’t veered from since 2003 and at the time of posting is up to date. I will keep you informed if any changes occur.

Cosmic Blessings

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The True Nativity Story

This story was downloaded to my consciousness in January this year.  It is totally different to what is commonly known, but I believe it to be Truth.

Jeshua came to Earth to reintroduce the Rites of the Sepulchre, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, to enable us to follow in His footsteps and reach the state of ascension as He did.  Our crucifixion was not meant to be as severe as His, but we can all relate to experiences in our lives which have caused us considerable pain and trauma, both physical and emotional, from which we have risen and continued on.

Mary prepared for this task for lifetimes and was chosen from many others who were also eligible.  If it had been known by the powers that be at the time, who Mary really was and that she was carrying the Christ child, it is probable that both She and her Babe would have been murdered.

Joseph and Mary chose anonymity to protect their son from those who would harm Him.  Mary gave birth without fuss or trauma.  Her body nurtured and protected Him.

Baby Jeshua was born in the home of Joseph’s cousin, Elizabeth.  The home was high built with a stable underneath where animals were kept.  This was common practice in some areas.  His grandmother Anna and His cousin Elizabeth delivered Him and tended He and His mother after birth.

The first people He saw after opening His all seeing eyes were His father Joseph, His mother, His grandmother and His cousin, Elizabeth.  The shepherd and animals were not present in the birthing room but were introduced to Him afterward because the shepherd in question was a family member.

The light and energy that flowed from Him could not be contained within His tiny body and it took some time for Him to become grounded in 3D frequency which was far more dense than from whence He had come.

The 3 Wise Men or Kings were the highest ranking members of a caravan of people travelling together who presented Him with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.

It is quite probable that one or all of these gifts was used to help ground him into 3D frequency along with special oils and Mudras known by the women who tended Him.

It was an amazing and unforgettable time for all present who had long awaited His coming.  Mary carried Him close to her heart wrapped in infant swaddling so the Light that shone from Him would not be obvious to anyone who might wish to harm Him.

This is just a brief summary of the true Nativity story.  There is more one could divulge, but the reasons for the downloading was to set the records straight about what did actually happen.

I have now done so and am at peace with all I have disclosed.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

P.S Mudras are hand gestures or movements that activate the body’s energy circuitry.

A request from the Lord Jesus Christ regarding crucifixion

Twice last year, 2010, I saw an ethereal image of Jesus with His crucifixion wounds and associated chakras showing through His white robe.  At first I did not understand what He was trying to tell me, then finally realised when working in a healing capacity with clients.

What I began to see, what He showed me, were the wounds of crucifixion within these people also.  All of the wounds left from the crown of thorns, the nails, the piercing of His side and the trauma in His back and shoulders from carrying the heavy cross was evident in their physical bodies.

I was shocked by this until I realised that these people had been on Earth at the time of and witness to His crucifixion, and I saw how watching His torture reverberated through their bodies still, creating shuddering trauma and grief which has remained in their cellular memories to this day.

He informed me of the need to clear these wounds and memories, to free people from the distress which surfaces at Easter time, year after year.  He does not and never did wish anyone to carry these memories and woundings any longer.

He is ever grateful to these people and has never forgotten them for the love and compassion they showed Him at that time, but does not need them to suffer any more on His behalf.

His crucifixion was the fulfilment of His life plan for Earth, where He set into place, the initiation of the Rites of the Sepulchre, crucifixion, resurrection and ASCENSION to pave the way for humanity to reach that same state of being when the time was appropriate.

He does not wish people to focus anymore on the trauma of crucifixion, but rather to embrace the resurrection and ascension process knowing that ascension is the fulfilment of our life plan also, which is a blessed gift given to us from Him all those years ago.

My question to Him after this communication was to ask HOW.  How do you want me to carry out this clearing of past wounding and memories that have become so deeply entrenched for so many lifetimes.  I felt quite overwhelmed by the whole thing and had begun to panic.

His answer very gently and simply was to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness and leave the rest to Him.

If you feel this situation applies to you, that you have this wounding in our cellular memory and you would like it to be cleared, when you are ready, set up a quiet space and time, ask Jesus to be there to support you, then use your own prayer formation or the one below which I have used in group situations and found to be very effective. Because emotions may be released as well, try to have on hand and use, Bach Flower Rescue Remedy.

Violet Flame Prayer

In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask for the cleansing action of St. Germain’s Violet Flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness, to flow into my auric field, to permeate every cell, every atoms of my four body system, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, for the healing and transmuting of all distortions in my energy fields particularly relating of the wounds of crucifixion that I have endured since the time of His suffering and torment. I also ask for healing with the Violet Flame of my solar plexus chakra and all other chakras affected by this event.

Scan through the wounds of His body, head, arms, feet, side, back and shoulders.  Flood the Violet Ray through your own body paying particular attention to those same areas.

Continue to flood the Violet Ray through seven times or until you feel that with His help the task has been completed.

When you have ended this exercise, try to remain in a quiet space, mentally and emotionally for a few days if possible, to allow the changes to integrate through your four body system.

People who have carried out this clearing so far have all felt huge relief and release after completion.

I wish this also for you.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

Portals Update (March 2011)

Jan 26th New Zealand

It seemed that N.Z. suddenly came to life with rainbow coloured lights appearing across the horizons of both islands. Sacred encoding flowed covering all of the Earth especially where the mining disaster occurred.

A Maori Chieftain met Master Marko who is one of the spiritual scientists associated with our healing and transformational work. They seemed to know each other and spent some time in conversation. A single portal was established above both islands which link up with Carnarvon in W.A. I have no knowledge of Carnarvon but it must be an extremely high energy area for this to occur.

P.S. I realise that earthquakes have occurred since our visit to N.Z. and you may be wondering if we are really achieving anything at all with our meditations, but our ultimate goal is to update frequencies helping to clear past negative energies that have accumulated over long periods of time which then allows 5D portals to be established. Perhaps the small loss of life can be attributed to our efforts and this is a huge thing in itself.

The next locations are:

  • March 23rd – Haiti
  • April 6th – Japan
  • April 20th – Libya
  • May 4th – Egypt
  • May 18th – China