Metatronic Platinum Energy
This relates to pure energy coming from Source downstepped once via Archangel Metatron, in the form of ray, liquid, advanced encoding as well as mathematical symbols, which will hugely update existing frequencies allowing the Light body to expand further.
The dosage or volume of Platinum energy given to each person will depend entirely on their own individual receptivity and need, with the Light frequencies already emitting being the deciding factor. For instance, those just beginning to update their frequencies will be given a smaller dosage whilst those already developing will be able to tolerate a higher percentage of this energy.
Platinum energy will also help prevent people from contracting deadly viruses which are on the rise in our world. Omega 3, 6 and 9, FLAXSEED, will assist this process.
Energies from the 7th Dimension
I was recently visited by 7 Star Beings from the 7th Dimension who brought with them further advanced frequencies to use in healing. Each Being represents a specific Cosmic frequency which when used as a healing tool, will awaken certain neural pathways throughout the body.
This will be accomplished by using specific sounds and tones to begin these awakenings. The 7 Star Beings are able to enclose these sounds and tones within a high frequency ball of Light and Laser, not discernible to the human ear, which will set up pulsations and vibrations in still dormant areas within the human body bringing them back to life and resonance.
This form of healing is also related to our emerging Light body and is used in conjunction with the Metatronic energy. It is a gift to us from 7D and is given with great love.
Grid Healing
Grid healing connects us to the Lemurian Grid and Christ Consciousness codes with the heart being the portal or doorway into ancient Lemuria. this is turn links under the pyramids of Giza where some records of ancient Lemuria are held in vibrational form.
With Grid healing comes the awakening of the atrophied chakras which came about because of past genetic experimentation where the human body went from a 12 plus chakra, 12 helix DNA system to a 7 plus chakra, 2 helix DNA system placing great limitation on the human form.*
Specific healing codes have also been given to extend DNA strands back to their original states along with cellular rejuvenation.
*The grid is now, in most cases, platinum rather than gold.
Cosmic blessings
Suzan Anzara
Copyright 2011 Suzan Anzara