I have been asked by several people to explain more fully about portals/doorways, so I will try to do so as simply as possible.
In Feb 2010, I was approached by members of the spiritual Hierarchy to be the Earth connection for a team of Master Scientists and Technicians to begin establishing 5th dimensional portals throughout NSW. These portals or doorways will allow easy access from 3rd dimensional Earth into a 5th dimensional frequency when the necessity arises.
Some have argued that we already have existing portals and this is so. One well known example of this is the Bermuda Triangle, but the Bermuda Triangle and others similar are not portals into 5th dimensional space.
As well as this, some portals change position and move around. I witnessed such an event some time ago in Wagga when a portal opened about 100m in front of where I happened to be. I do not know the reason why and fortunately, no one else was around to be at risk of being drawn into that energy field.
On another occasion, a portal opened near the front door of my then residence and twin unicorns tumbled through followed more sedately by their parents. In my time living there, I was never aware of a portal in that space.
I have also witnessed other portals opening into our dimension. Mother God entered my space through a circular portal/doorway that she Herself materialised. Angels rang crystal bells to announce Her arrival, Her presence, and Her departure.
At a different time, the Creator God from the next galaxy to the Milky Way entered my space via a circular portal/doorway opened by Him from His own galactic frequency. He was accompanied by bells announcing His arrival, presence and departure.
I have also experienced a circular portal/doorway opening into my space from our own 3rd dimensional reality when I was visited by a lady from another country asking for help on certain issues existing in that country.
I have listed these examples to show you the differences between portals. None of those listed are 5th dimensional portals/doorways.
A lot of work has gone into establishing 5th dimensional portal/doorways. I began as part of the spiritual team which includes Ascended Masters and other evolved Scientists and Technicians in Feb 2010 and so far have only completed about one third of the task. All portals in NSW are to be energetically linked to others we are multidemensionally establishing in other countries e.g. the portal in Griffith links to the portal in Siberia.
I cannot explain this scientifically, but am able to “see” the connections when they are made. So the 5th dimensional portals are there to enable us to move into that space when it is time to do so. Every possibility has been covered to allow humans to embrace the Light body and Ascension process as easily, safely and fearlessly as possible.
Mother Earth herself will play a pivotal role in the necessity of our move into 5th dimensional space, for if she becomes uninhabitable, then 5th dimensional portals are the safeguards set into place by the Creator God for our ongoing survival and evolution.
Many will not agree with what I am saying, but this in my own Truth. It is what I have seen and experienced both physically and psychically and interpreted through the many channellings and teachings given to me from Ascended Master and Archangelic teachers.
Because we are in a state of flux at the present time, I will keep you informed of any changes or updates as they come along.
Cosmic Blessings