Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Conversations with Commander Soltec of the Intergalactic Space Command

Harmony (Feb 2014)

To carry on from where we left off, I will bring to your attention further information relating to the “new age of heaven on earth”. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees and that is how many of you regard the work being done behind the scenes to make this new age possible.

All that most of you see in the ongoing negativity in your world which seems to be claiming more and more space, where it seems that the light is diminishing, but if you really look, those who have the ability to see, the subtle changes that are occurring must become apparent to you.

There needs to be more trust in both us and yourselves that together we will overcome and that evil will soon fade out of your existence. We are not giving up the battle even though some of you have. Some have lost hope and heart because things have not gone as thought; however, we have continued on to not allow all the work that has gone into bringing in this new age to have been in vain.

I have spoken about the need for masculine and feminine to become more aligned and also the lack of self-esteem and self-confidence in so many of earth’s people, particularly females, and males who may be implementing the feminine aspect of themselves and are bullied and persecuted for doing so.

The more harmony you can bring into your lives, both male and female, the better it will be for all concerned because that harmony will spread like ripples in a pond and affect others close to you in the same way. We have decided to list a few traits common to both male and female for you to look at, to help you decide if you have any imbalances which need to be re-aligned. They are:

Compassion, dominance, empathy, emotionalism, non-forgiveness, hate, indulgence, fear, love, morality, neediness, sexuality, sympathy, violence.

Just take one of these traits, for example, “love”. Love is a beautiful word which conjures up all kinds of heart-warming experiences, such as, love of child, of father, of parent. But there is also a negative side to this trait which leads to obsession. Obsessive love is quite destructive with the one obsessing resorting to stalking, dominance, control and violence in some cases, which takes away the free will and human rights of the victim, whether it be male or female.

The word “sympathy” brings to mind a mental image of being a good Samaritan and giving a helping hand to others, but the negative aspect of sympathy is taking that helping hand to the point where over-zealousness takes over.

It is a good think to feel sympathetic toward people in need, but there comes a time to stand back and allow them to regain stability and be responsible for themselves. People need to learn and grow from events in life, to become self-reliant and not to expect others to continually carry their burdens.

The same may be said for the trait of empathy. The empathetic person must at some point allow for self-reliance and not smother others with good intentions.

These traits I have suggested have a strong positive and negative resonance and it would be helpful to go through each one to see where you stand within the boundaries of these traits. We will look at the trait of violence.

In your world today violence abounds. Many of you delight in experiencing violence in TV programs, movies, internet games and interaction between people. It runs through you society at all levels with domestic violence and the list is endless.

If you figure strongly in this trait of violence, you might try to curb that instinct within yourself to not cause harm to others because no-one has the right to inflict violence of thought, word or deed on anyone else who may come into their sphere of life. No-one has the right to overwhelm others in any way at all, so if you find yourself participating in any of these trends, consider them to be areas in need of balance. If you make these changes within yourself, then hopefully others will follow suit and benefit from these changes. It will help them to learn and grow at the same time.

These are just a few examples from a short list I have suggested for you to think about, and it is up to your to go through these traits, plus any others you may be aware of within yourself that need balancing, and change the manner in which these traits play out, how they affect your relationships with others in your life.

Cosmic blessings
Suzan Anzara

Copyright Suzan Anzara

Friday, February 7, 2014

Conversations with Commander Soltec from the Intergalactic Space Command

Balance (January 2014)

Good morning dear ones,
I wish to begin a series of instructions important to the oncoming age referred to as “heaven on earth”. As you are aware, we have continued to work behind the scenes to bring this new age of enlightenment to fruition. I would also like to remind you “that anything is possible under the sun”.

Just think back to advice already given by different evolved beings about the emergence of light body and ways of bringing that emerging light body to the forefront. I will continue on from there and add to the bounty of information at present in Earth’s resonance.

You stated MentaRa in your last “Something to think about” on the six pointed star that the six pointed star relates to the ascension process for each one and also likening it to a “Chariot of fire” by which the Prophet Elijah was taken to heaven in earlier times. I will add to that particular subject matter, the ascension process.

When you look at the way people live their lives in this day and age, you can see in the majority of cases there is something fundamentally missing from those lives that is both subtle and compelling, and it is because people today still do not recognise the spiritual aspect of themselves.

There is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects in equal parts within each being, but the one most neglected is the spiritual aspect. I am not referring to religion because religions of Earth are too patriarchal and out of balance. This balance needs to shift, to come back into alignment to equalise the masculine and feminine qualities within each one. Whenever this imbalance is allowed to play a major role in your lives, the spiritual aspect becomes lost.

Patriarchy has reigned for a very long time, but people are slowly awakening, both male and female, to the fact that this huge imbalance is in place; so we need to focus on that imbalance to create more harmonious, equal conditions amongst all of Earth’s people. You may wonder how a few individuals can shift the balance of this ongoing problematic situation, when it holds sway throughout every country in your world.

I will give you an idea and a way of helping to bring this harmonious balance into place. It is not as difficult as you might think, just that very few have considered it at all; and those who read these words will be charged with carrying out this mission to create a space wherein the new age of “heaven on earth” can manifest.

As many people as possible need to participate. We are unable to interfere or over-rule people of Earth, but can only advise and assist to help the necessary changes to be made, so here we are.

Each of you has both masculine and feminine aspects and each of you will recognise which is the stronger force within yourselves. Some lean far toward the feminine and some toward the masculine, so you need to ascertain your imbalance and adjust that imbalance accordingly.

If you lean toward the feminine, so you need to allow your masculine side to become a force equal to the feminine aspect of yourself. Those of you who are perhaps 80% feminine and 20% masculine or vice versa, need to bring this more into alignment.

We are not even asking for a 50% adjustment. If you can reach a 60/40 balance, that is a percentage we can work with to bring about the new age of “heaven on earth”. Another conditioning that needs to be remedied is the lack of self-esteem and self-confidence that many of you suffer from, with there obviously being many reasons for this.

It began long ago when the female was first considered to be totally unimportant and treated accordingly; this has continued throughout the centuries with the female of the species carrying out that burden up until the present time.

Many now find themselves lacking in self-esteem and self-confidence because that patriarchal trait is still strong in today’s world where patriarchy allows violence and discrimination toward women and children.

Matriarchy is not the answer either because it can be just as destructive in reverse. What we need is balanced masculinity and femininity within each person. Children learn from a young age by observation that this is the way things are and boys will grow up to emulate their male elders and continue that whole line of patriarchal dominance.

Females of the species are then left wondering why they are considered to be less. This of course does not apply in every situation, but is the majority and needs to come into alignment. A harmonious balance is so important to acquire and to participate in the new age of “heaven on earth”, and to respect both the masculine and feminine traits within yourself is part of this unfoldment.

Cosmic Blessings

PS When using the words ‘we’ and ‘us’ Commander Soltec is referring to his band of helpers on the other side who are working with him

Copyright Suzan Anzara