Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Waking The Sleeping Brain: 5th Transmission from Prophet Elijah

Blessings to you all

I spoke in my last transmission about the necessity of waking up the sleeping brain and will give you some pointers to take you in that direction in case you are wondering how to do so.

The first thing to know is that ongoing photon light at its fullest volume ever, has been pouring into Earth since the end of 2012 and has been infiltrating humans on all levels of their being. It has caused disruption in some people’s lives because of its powerful force, particularly in those who have not been working toward the ascended state, who are still vibrating that lower energy frequency, causing them to behave in ways not normal for them.

What the photon light does when it filters into the human body is to change, at a very deep level, already existing cellular and DNA codes and grids, mutating the DNA, preparing the brain for increased function which then allows the human to evolve further and further toward the higher heavens where The Father is in residence.

At one time, long ago, humans did have a 12 strand DNA and 12 chakra system operating, but because of certain behaviours and events that occurred where mismanagement of energies from higher levels and misapplication of knowledge took place creating problems for Mother Earth and her people, the human DNA was reduced along with the 12 chakra system that had previously existed.

You see, you have been in the space of having an awakened brain, metaphysical abilities and capabilities and highly evolved scientific knowledge, but it has been lost for a long time because of misappropriation of those higher faculties by those in positions of power at that time.

What I am suggesting now, you have experienced before, so the transfer back into that higher functioning level of existence will not be alien to you but rather familiar. It may seem to be too far fetched and many of you may decide you don’t want to return into that higher energy field, but that is mostly because of fear that you carry in your cellular memory of the reasons you lost those capabilities in the first place. For some of you it has been extremely painful and you have no desire to trust again as you did during those times.

When you place your trust in people who ultimately lead you along the wrong path, the repercussions of that creates long standing trust issues and fear of what seems to be unchartered territory. This is now an occasion when you must think for yourself and not allow others to lead you in directions against your instincts or which cause a negative resonance within you.

So with the photon light energy that is updating people on all levels, cells, DNA, brain, heart, some of you have suffered irregular heart rhythms and other unusual experiences from this energy, it is increasing your light quotient and working to increase your brain capacity, waking up that sleeping brain.

You may have started to notice changes in yourself, such as, beginning to be more psychically aware, more intuitive, have higher levels of inner knowing and events of precognition. These are the ways that you will know your sleeping brain is slowly waking up.

The photon light energy is the primary kick-off event to really get things happening more quickly and you can add to that yourself by having regular light quotient update healings, meditating often, using colour rays to suffuse your body, running light rays through whenever you think about it, using colours you feel at that moment you particularly need, then keep increasing your light quotient at least daily adding to the photon energy already accumulating.

Try to stay in 5D resonance and not slip back to 3D as frequently as you do. Find the space that keeps you on an even keel without having the highs and lows associated with emotional flare-ups. Try not to be involved with violence or negative behaviours of any kind whether in TV programming, movies or even sporting events and remain distant from that particular energy resonance.

Also try to eat lighter foods. Reduce animal protein if you can and always check to make sure you are not consuming hidden chemical additions of any kind because they are quite destructive to the developing light body. This also applies to personal usage, such as cosmetics, hair products and all things related.

Pursue activities in life that bring joy and pleasure and brighten your day. Seek out people to commune with that add happiness, camaraderie and joyful sharing. Look always toward the positive and enjoy the positive activities that are there for you to participate in.

These pointers I have given, you may perhaps think are too easy and that their simplicity could not possibly be of any assistance in helping you move forward in such a major way, but I suggested in an earlier transmission that I would make things easy and simple as possible for you to comprehend thoroughly, so there is no reason why you can’t follow these directions and evolve further up the spiritual evolutionary ladder.

Following my directions as well as being visited by the photon light is powerful, more powerful now than at any other time and is really making a difference to the human body on all levels. Some of you may have begun to feel lighter, not in kilograms, but a feeling of lightness within your being.

This tells you that you are on the right track expanding your light body. We need to get the physical body to the point of merging with the light body so the state of being which will take you to the higher heavens closer to The Father can manifest.

I am Prophet Elijah

More will follow

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013

The Sleeping Brain: 4th transmission from Prophet Elijah

My topic today relates to the sleeping brain. What we have been aiming for when speaking about the need to open the brain centres further, has been partly to help people resonate to that higher energy of fun, joy, love, happiness, instead of being preoccupied with worries that keep them in a dim, dark place stagnating as it were, instead of being filled with hope and anticipation of all the good things in life.

The human brain is a marvellous organ which helps people to think, plan, to participate in studies of any and all subjects and nut out problems that come into their sphere of life, but it is much more than that. It does not feel as the heart feels, it perceives. It takes note of all that is happening on the outskirts of its influence and helps the human come to terms with all kinds of activity, both happy and distressing and monitors the way humans react to these occasions.

Scientists and medical people are becoming more aware of the power the brain has over the physical body. The problems with movement, speech or sight that occurs with electrical imbalance or when tumours are present, and are moving ahead in leaps and bounds using new techniques to help patients suffering with any kind of brain defect illness.

At some time earlier in mankind’s history, these health problems were associated in many cases with karma accrued over many lifetimes, where the individual suffering the health problem, caused a similar experience in other people with certain actions taken, such as in times of war with dreadful injuries perpetrated on others as well as anti-social behaviour that resulted in destruction of other people.

This karmic issue does not apply so much now as in past times and people who fall prey to brain deficit illnesses do so because of a genetic glitch in some cases, but also because of the totally inappropriate imbibing of all kinds of poisons from chemicals in food, toxic emissions from exhaust fumes, radiation leakages, the overuse of electricity, the list is formidable, and as well as this, some people simply give up. They want to block out the difficulties of their existence on Earth and so allow a debilitating illness to overtake their physical bodies and give away their power which means that other people have to care for them.

Although this group of people is a minority, you can see that there are different ways and means of destroying the brain function, not allowing it to be active on all levels at its top rate of usage. Up until now, only a small percentage of the brain has been in use while the higher percentage has been asleep with the same limited section of the brain working overtime to make up for that part which is not contributing at all.

It is now time for the sleeping brain to wake up and recognise its duties and capabilities pertaining to how the human race continues to grow and evolve, for without this process of illumination for the sleeping brain, mankind will continue to stagnate for centuries longer.

There are certain people on Earth whose brains are more active and spark in more areas than the normal person. Some metaphysical people fit into that category as well as certain scientists who are working at that higher functioning rate to produce updated data to help cure those diseases created by disturbances to the human brain.

Everyone needs to wake up their sleeping brains and become more active and knowledgeable in the way of enhanced living. You may wonder how to do this, or even if you want to wake up your sleeping brain, but living in future times and participating in extensive growth and awareness with the capability to carry out never before known or believed activities, will be totally amazing.

The subtle aspects of Earth have ascended to a higher level with her physical aspect still lagging behind, just as humanity is lagging behind, but the physical aspect of Earth will reach a point where she will merge with her subtle bodies and be resonating at a much higher frequency, so if humans have not increased their light quotient or metaphysical abilities, they will not then be able to resonate with the ascending Earth because of total incompatibility with her higher energy fields.

It is so important for all of you to increase your light quotient, to wake up your sleeping brain, to participate in establishing goals for yourself to help you evolve further up the spiritual evolutionary ladder even if it is just one slow step at a time. It is necessary to begin that journey, and for those who have begun already, keep on keeping on.

I am The Prophet Elijah

Copyright Suzan Anzara September 2013