Thursday, August 30, 2012

Regarding Portals Update (September 2012)

June 13th – Iran
For the first time that I have noticed so far, the energies sent into Iran formed musical notes that resounded throughout the atmosphere. The pre-dominant colour was magenta pink which fell in thick layers along with other colour healing frequencies. I feel that the magenta ray and music frequencies will take into that country, Christ Consciousness and feminine qualities which will ultimately help to balance out the patriarchal order that exists. Lets hope it happens soon.

June 27th – Syria
Two specific events stood out for me. The first one was that pink roses started climbing around the words Syria in capital letters. This showed me that great unconditional love is felt for the people of this country by the Spiritual Hierarchy and that the Syrians need to embrace those same qualities to override their present hatreds. The platinum ray was also flowing in abundance. This related to the presence of Archangel Metatron along with Archangel Michael.

June 25th – Lebanon
In this country along with sacred geometry and healing rays, I saw the Cosmic Sacred Heart high above the land mass enveloping the land  and its people in unconditional love carried down through the beams of Light coming from the Cosmic Heart. Lets hope that the unconditional love vibration allows oneness and unity to emerge.

August 22nd – Jordan
Healing was carried out in this country by Lightworkers along with several groups of Ascended Masters who walked through different locations updating frequencies as they went. They mingled with locals in the market place, residential, town and country areas bringing peace to hearts and minds. Archangel Michael was also present. I also saw a group of mythical dragons come through a vortex into Jordanian territory.  I am not quite sure what that means exactly other than to say, that perhaps they were hoping to impart the energies of mystery and magic into that space.

The next countries are:
  1. September 5th – Azerbaijan
  2. September 19th – Armenia
  3. October 3rd – Georgia
  4. October 17th – Saudi Arabia
  5. October 31st – Yemen
  6. November 14th - Oman

                                                   Copyright 2012 Suzan Anzara

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ancestry Healing (Something to think about, August 2012)

I have been impressed to remind people to think about the necessity of healing their ancestry through their family tree. We are connected to our ancestors through genetics and carry in this lifetime, positive and negative traits and cellular memories from many generations before us.

This takes into account all antagonisms, hatreds, jealousies and feuds that cause disruption in families and war between nations; hereditary illnesses, violent behaviours including any type of cruelty, deception, sexual abuse, murder, suicide with the list being endless.

We carry these traits within our collective cellular memory and are at the mercy of re-enacting any of these behaviours when certain conditions present themselves because of the programming we have inherited. This also relates to our own personal past life memories where at times we can revert back to certain behaviours when faced with a repeating scenario.

Working with past life memories as I have been for a long time, I have seen that many of us repeat some behaviours over and over again in each lifetime that we embrace. It is as if we are marching on the spot without moving forward at all, remaining stagnant in the process. This is fine if people want to stagnate, but if they wish to learn and evolve, these old behaviours need to be left behind.

It is really something to think about and you might wonder how to even begin to clear these blockages, not only from your own personal cellular memory bank, but also from your inherited memory bank.

Because we carry these traits within us, we need to have full realisation that they are part of us and often play a major role in our current lifetime situations. History does repeat itself and we see this happening time and time again.

So if we can honestly take responsibility for our own personal negative, addictive or violent traits as well as our ancestors, we may then ask our Creator to clear from our family tree, all ungodly actions, all illnesses and traumas that have occurred over past centuries so that they are not carried forward into our future.

Past, present and future are existing in the same moment and we are, in this present moment, creating our future reality.

I have been given permission from the Spiritual Hierarchy to share with you a very simple mantra that when said with care and reverence, will begin to clear those old, outdated mindsets and behaviours to allow healing to flow into all past and present life situations, both personal and inherited.

It is basically a plea to our Mother and Father God:

Please hear my request and forgive me, I thank Thee and I love Thee.

Repeat this over and over again concerning any or all traits that you wish to be cleared until you feel that it is done. I have said this prayer many times myself and felt a release or a shift on each occasion. It can also be used on behalf of others outside of family if you so desire.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2012