Thursday, August 30, 2012

Regarding Portals Update (September 2012)

June 13th – Iran
For the first time that I have noticed so far, the energies sent into Iran formed musical notes that resounded throughout the atmosphere. The pre-dominant colour was magenta pink which fell in thick layers along with other colour healing frequencies. I feel that the magenta ray and music frequencies will take into that country, Christ Consciousness and feminine qualities which will ultimately help to balance out the patriarchal order that exists. Lets hope it happens soon.

June 27th – Syria
Two specific events stood out for me. The first one was that pink roses started climbing around the words Syria in capital letters. This showed me that great unconditional love is felt for the people of this country by the Spiritual Hierarchy and that the Syrians need to embrace those same qualities to override their present hatreds. The platinum ray was also flowing in abundance. This related to the presence of Archangel Metatron along with Archangel Michael.

June 25th – Lebanon
In this country along with sacred geometry and healing rays, I saw the Cosmic Sacred Heart high above the land mass enveloping the land  and its people in unconditional love carried down through the beams of Light coming from the Cosmic Heart. Lets hope that the unconditional love vibration allows oneness and unity to emerge.

August 22nd – Jordan
Healing was carried out in this country by Lightworkers along with several groups of Ascended Masters who walked through different locations updating frequencies as they went. They mingled with locals in the market place, residential, town and country areas bringing peace to hearts and minds. Archangel Michael was also present. I also saw a group of mythical dragons come through a vortex into Jordanian territory.  I am not quite sure what that means exactly other than to say, that perhaps they were hoping to impart the energies of mystery and magic into that space.

The next countries are:
  1. September 5th – Azerbaijan
  2. September 19th – Armenia
  3. October 3rd – Georgia
  4. October 17th – Saudi Arabia
  5. October 31st – Yemen
  6. November 14th - Oman

                                                   Copyright 2012 Suzan Anzara

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ancestry Healing (Something to think about, August 2012)

I have been impressed to remind people to think about the necessity of healing their ancestry through their family tree. We are connected to our ancestors through genetics and carry in this lifetime, positive and negative traits and cellular memories from many generations before us.

This takes into account all antagonisms, hatreds, jealousies and feuds that cause disruption in families and war between nations; hereditary illnesses, violent behaviours including any type of cruelty, deception, sexual abuse, murder, suicide with the list being endless.

We carry these traits within our collective cellular memory and are at the mercy of re-enacting any of these behaviours when certain conditions present themselves because of the programming we have inherited. This also relates to our own personal past life memories where at times we can revert back to certain behaviours when faced with a repeating scenario.

Working with past life memories as I have been for a long time, I have seen that many of us repeat some behaviours over and over again in each lifetime that we embrace. It is as if we are marching on the spot without moving forward at all, remaining stagnant in the process. This is fine if people want to stagnate, but if they wish to learn and evolve, these old behaviours need to be left behind.

It is really something to think about and you might wonder how to even begin to clear these blockages, not only from your own personal cellular memory bank, but also from your inherited memory bank.

Because we carry these traits within us, we need to have full realisation that they are part of us and often play a major role in our current lifetime situations. History does repeat itself and we see this happening time and time again.

So if we can honestly take responsibility for our own personal negative, addictive or violent traits as well as our ancestors, we may then ask our Creator to clear from our family tree, all ungodly actions, all illnesses and traumas that have occurred over past centuries so that they are not carried forward into our future.

Past, present and future are existing in the same moment and we are, in this present moment, creating our future reality.

I have been given permission from the Spiritual Hierarchy to share with you a very simple mantra that when said with care and reverence, will begin to clear those old, outdated mindsets and behaviours to allow healing to flow into all past and present life situations, both personal and inherited.

It is basically a plea to our Mother and Father God:

Please hear my request and forgive me, I thank Thee and I love Thee.

Repeat this over and over again concerning any or all traits that you wish to be cleared until you feel that it is done. I have said this prayer many times myself and felt a release or a shift on each occasion. It can also be used on behalf of others outside of family if you so desire.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Something to think about (June 2012)


During the month of May, I travelled with a friend to Tasmania to carry out specific activation and clearing programs. This trip had been in the pipeline for a while waiting for certain conditions to present themselves.

It had always been my wish to visit Port Arthur to clear the energies of negativity that persist there, so the first thing done was massive frequency clearing and intense healing in this area.

It was difficult to work through the layers of fear and grief that existed along with huge feelings of sadness that permeated as well. After driving back to Port Arthur at a later time, I found the energies to be much lighter vibrating at a higher frequency. I pray it remains so.

When travelling around Tasmania, we frequently came across pockets of darkness where I could actually see and hear the terror of indigenous men, women and children as they were killed by early white settlers. The energies of those events still remain to this day, so intense clearing and healing to transmute these energies was carried out around the whole island.

An interesting thing then occurred which I had not been expecting at all. I was directed to set up an altar where we happened to be at the time, to begin a special meditation to bring about reconciliation on a spiritual level, between the indigenous people and whites involved in their deaths.

The souls of these white people had been unable to rest and they had requested forgiveness from the Spirit Elders. There were three groups of Spirit Elders involved and to my surprise, they were willing to grant this redemption. I was even more surprised that they allowed me, a white woman, to participate in this reconciliation.

The whole time this was happening, a corroboree was taking place on the spirit level. We could actually hear the chanting and toning and I was witness to the healing ceremony that took place between the whites and indigenous Elders. It was very moving.

I was then asked to hold the energy for this reconciliation and I have set up on a spiritual level, a continuation of forgiveness and reconciliation to hopefully slowly work its way right through all states of our country, to improve understandings between indigenous and white people to allow indigenous people to play a more active role in the development of this country, both personally and culturally.

It is not my intention to offend anyone with this knowledge. I accepted the plan that was presented to me from both sides and acted upon it. Let us now hope that spiritual reconciliation will continue to evolve to bring about peace and harmony into present life situations. It will need the cooperation of both indigenous and white people to be successful.

In my last “Something to think about”, I spoke briefly about the activation of specific crystals around the Earth. In Tasmania there happens to be an ancient crystal resting quietly in an area known as the Great Lake. This crystal needed to be activated to link up with other ancient crystals, both major and minor, as part of the crystalline grid system that exists in inner Earth being slowly activated at the present time.

Three of us took part in an Earth honouring ritual that activated this ancient crystal and in the doing of this, a beautiful cascading water spout was created on the etheric level. A bright flame consisting of the energies of the three of us present, was placed on the top of the cascade to act as a beacon and will remain a permanent feature.

The third one of us, a native of Tasmania, was made caretaker of this crystal feature. It was extremely difficult to move away from the energy field that was created because it was so beautiful. That ancient crystal is now pulsing away in sinc with all others being activated at this time.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara

P.S I felt great agitation in areas that we drove through where logging was taking place. The surrounding trees are in a state of turmoil about this devastation that is occurring. Humans have a lot to answer for and at some point will pay dearly for their actions.

Copyright Suzan Anzara June 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Regarding Portals Update (June 2012)

Healing has taken place in all of the countries listed from April to May 30th, but because I have been so busy, I have not had the time to write reports other than on Syria.

It may seem that our healing efforts are having little effect on people in some countries, but what we are doing, is working with, and for, Mother Earth in raising and updating frequencies. These actions will help Her with the Ascension process and also allow for 5D Portals to be situated in each of these countries.

May 2nd – Syria

Healing energies and rays were sent in from Lightworkers, along with a group of Ascended Masters who were also active with energies at that time. Gold gridding was slowly lowered into the Earth to strengthen the original system within the Earth.

The next locations are:
  • June 27th – Syria
  • July 11th – Syria
  • July 25th – Lebanon
  • August 8th – Israel
  • August 22nd – Jordan

Many Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Something to think about (May 2012)

                                                        Inner Earth Healing
                                                        Light Body Chakra
                                                     Crystal Skull Activation

Just recently over the Easter period, myself and two others, Lynn and Russell, travelled to Sedona (in Arizona, USA) at the request of Lord Adama of Telos, who is of the Lemurian 5D city within Mt. Shasta, California.

Lord Adama spoke of two particular reconstructions that needed to be carried out.The first one was to complete a cycle left unfinished at the time of Ancient Lemuria,where some members of the reigning Council of Elders refused to acknowledge updated information and frequencies which would have assisted both personal and planetary ascension.

The second request was for a specific recalibration to be done, where ley lines from the time of ancient Lemuria had been purposely sabotaged being fused together, causing malfunctions and shortages to energy circuits instead of remaining fluid lines of pulsing energy or “song lines.” These ley lines from ancient Lemuria were situated very deep within the Earth and had not been discernible to the psychic eye until this present time.

According to Adama, there were hundreds of ley lines almost totally reversed, running against the natural flow and rythmn that was intended, similar to the effect the swastika had when it was turned anti-clockwise, becoming a symbol of death and destruction, instead of the heart chakra symbol of love and harmony which was its natural function.

This problem started at the time of early Atlantis when patriarchy began to rule. It brought about a cessation of the Feminine Principle and Christ Consciousness qualities and was carried out by those who wished to stamp out the Divine Feminine, creating chaos and confusion that has continued to this day. One only has to look back through history to witness the suffering that the female of the species has had to endure.

So at Adama’s request, ourselves and two others participated in a special meditation where we entered inner Earth via Merkabah, to the area where this problem existed, and added our energies to Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angelic groups, Buddhist Monks and others who were also present along with vibrating Creator energy within the circle that was created.

Everyone who was there contributed a specific energy to heal and correct this problem using mudras, chanting, sacred geometry and other different healing techniques, and in the doing of this, fused lines were separated, broken lines were rejoined, and knotted lines were unlinked, allowing energy to begin to flow unimpeded as it was meant to, helping harmony and balance to fall back into place.

At the completion of the session, Mother God entered, enveloped in beautiful pink Light, and took Her place beside the Creator. This told me that the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine were finally together and in balance. We now have to see how this relates back into our human world.

Looking back on that event, I can still clearly see the huge mess that was created by those who knowingly brought about this devastation causing those ley lines, those living parts of Mother Earth to remain in a state of neglect and malfunction for such a long time. Imagine how Mother Earth felt and suffered during this period. It would be like you or I experiencing constant pain in a part of our body that wouldn’t go away. This meditation took place on Easter Sunday.

After this event, the Creator communicated His wishes to me that were to be carried out over the next few days. We were to travel to the south rim of the Grand Canyon to Hopi Point, and perform a specific ceremony in order to facilitate healing and updating of frequencies in that area.

When we arrived, we set up an altar using four large clear quartz crystals with an amethyst in the centre, then formed a circle around the crystals, and began to pray and chant. There were others from different realms who joined in as well as shamanic groups who entered our space through a doorway. We also had Creator energy with us and what happened was intense.

Huge Light and power poured in through the crystals, totally changing the energies of this section of the Grand Canyon from dense and depressed to uplifted and joyful. At the same time, a new Light Body Chakra was established radiating the colour spectrum of purple/amethyst, plus the twelve Crystal Skulls and the 13th Amethyst Skull were activated.

These Crystal Skulls exist in different locations around the Earth with the 13th skull in the centre location and this links in with other major and minor crystals that are being activated at the present time. A process was begun on that day which will continue to evolve to bring about considered power boosts for Mother Earth which She needs to happen before Her Ascension.

The Creator showed me the place in Sedona where we were to create a sacred space to carry out the healing and reconnection necessary to complete that ancient cycle already mentioned, using crystals and anything indigenous of that region, such as flowers, plants, rocks to perform a specific Earth honouring ritual. This we did accompanied by Angelics and other groups until the reconnection was complete.

All of the time we were in Arizona, constant healing and updating of frequencies occurred including the soul rescue of an entire village of indigenous people wiped out by renegade white men hundreds of years before. During my time in Sedona, I met and spoke with the Creator, the Spirit of the Desert, and a group of indigenous Spirit Elders who welcomed me at Sacramento airport. I also had communication with several Ascended Masters including Serapis Bey.

The last request was for us to travel to Las Vegas to clear a problem that existed there. This problem turned out to be a strong reptilian presence which permeated the whole city. Reptilian beings were coming through a vortex under the city which was to be closed down and sealed. This was done with Archangel Michael sealing the vortex opening with His Excalibur.

All in all, it was an extremely eventful trip. There is quite a lot more to report, but I hope the information I have given, you find interesting and informative and able to experience on a deeper level.

Cosmic Blessings,
Suzan Anzara

P.S. Since returning home, we have had some feedback about our work in Sedona after being contacted by a psychic healer living and working there, who thanked us for our efforts saying that there had been a great “shift” in energies. We also received validation of our work in Las Vegas given by a local resident who said that he and others knew that the problem existed but didn’t know how to fix it. This is what I refer to as “specialist healing”.

                                                Copyright Suzan Anzara 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Something to think about (May 2012)

Spaces and Time Warps

At different times over the past couple of years, I have come across small groups of people who have somehow become stuck in time warps unable to move forward or back.  From a human perspective this seems totally impossible, and I have tried to fathom out with my human mind how this could possibly happen.  I at first though that it could have occurred at the time of major Earth shifts where some people may have been left behind, but just recently, I came across information from Archangel Michael that I had previously overlooked which sheds some light on this matter.

When the Earth seriously moves such as in quakes, eruptions or tornadic activity, portals, holes, spaces, vortices or vacuums open up which can cause beings from inner and outer Earth, other dimensions and galaxies to become lost, misplaced or disorientated and in many cases, to mistakenly enter a frequency other than their own.

If a space is left empty for a time, it will soon fill with an energy or frequency alien to what was originally there, so if the moving of inner and outer Earth, other galaxies and dimensions causes these holes or spaces to occur, allowing beings to become misplaced as well as undesirables who may create problematic situations to enter, what kind of solution can there be to this dilemma.

It was not a pleasant experience for me to stumble across these poor stuck people, but it was much more unpleasant and frightening for them thinking that they would never be able to move on from where they were.

What Archangel Michael suggested is this.  When serious Earth or planetary movement happens, the most desirable outcome is to send into these areas the Violet Ray of Transmutation which holds within it, frequencies and codes of the Creator which allow only positive outcomes to occur.

These particular codes and frequencies contain the Intelligence necessary for any being caught up in such a situation, to register that Intelligence to enable them to find their way home.  The only problem with this space and vacuum scenario is that people rarely think to send the Violet Ray into Earth moving situations, thus allowing alien frequencies to move into place and others to become stuck in time warp zones.

So perhaps the next time we hear of serious Earth or planetary movement or eruptions, we might think to send in the Violet Ray to reduce the possibility of spaces and time warps occurring, because at some point, this situation may occur closer to home.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

PS: As each of these situations presented themselves to me, I and those who happened to be with me at the time, were able with the help of others from the higher realms, to move these people on from their time warp prisons to continue on with their evolution.  They first of all needed to have healing and medical attention plus counselling before any evolvement could happen, but the relief and joy on their part to have finally been found and rescued was profound.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Something to think about (April 2012)

Tree People

During one of my country visits to establish 5th dimensional portals/doorways, I became aware of a very rare event which happened at the time of the devastating 2011 floods in Queensland. As I was travelling between Forbes and West Wyalong, I began to hear the Trees communicating with each other.

There seemed to be a strong sense of uncertainty and unease circulating between them. Some groupings of older Trees have decided on a mass exodus from Planet Earth, with the younger trees undecided about this move. 

I had recently heard about millions of fish washing ashore as well as vast numbers of birds falling dead from the sky. These events are obviously linked to the decision by some Tree people to exit the Planet.

The rest of the way home, I heard and sensed indecision between the Trees and I must have passed thousands that day. The word has gone out with some definitely leaving and others unsure. I feel that within 12 months from now, we will find many Trees wilting and dying for no apparent reason.

Trees are living libraries and, with their permission, can be read simply by tuning into the energy and knowledge stored within them. What a huge loss for humanity this will be!

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara (MentaRa)

P.S  On a recent program on the ABC  network a presentation was run where scientists have noted that there are thousands upon thousands of trees dying right across the globe including Australia at the present moment. They are of course citing global weather changes but I feel the reason goes far deeper than that.

This gives validation to my story, but it gives me no joy to know that this planet will be bereft of so many trees in the not too distant future.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2012 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Regarding Portals Update, 27 March 2012.

Feb 22nd Greece – I did not see a lot of activity here from other Lightworkers sending healing, perhaps some of them took the night off. What I did see was sacred encoding which presented as silver geometrics flooding into Earth from outside. It was pulsating a higher frequency than usual, maybe because the situation in Greece is so dire.

March 7th Spain – Healing energies were directed into this country to transmute and clear negative and violent vibrations still remaining from the time of the Spanish Inquisition. As well as this, a huge grid slowly formed above the land mass stretching from N-S and E-W. It was unusual in that the forming of the geometrical positioning inside the grid was not uniform in size or shape. I do not know the reason for this, but there obviously is one. This grid seemed to contain the properties of gold and silver and was to be held in that position until the clearing of past negative energies was completed. It was then going to slowly download through Earth’s atmosphere until it came to rest on her land mass. Portals were established above this grid and will slot into place when the grid begins it’s descent.

March 21st France – For the first time ever, I saw a fleet of beautiful Unicorns come through a vortex situated close to the Pyrenees Mountains. There must have been about 20 of these glorious beings. They were totally in sync with one another and formed the shape of a curving arc. They brought with them radiating brilliant light. It just goes to show the interest that is taken in these healing updating meditations by all manner of evolved Beings from many different kingdoms and realms.

In that country I sensed still remaining negative energies from the German occupation during the Second World War. Healing and updating was used to transmute and clear away those old stagnant energies allowing new vibrant energies to take their place. I would like to thank those people who have remained loyal to these clearing and healing meditations and remind you that the original idea was not my own, but came from a much higher source who specifically requested the meditations take place. It is being of service to Mother Earth in a unique and special way.

The next locations are: April 4th – Germany
April 18th – Italy
May 2nd – Syria
May 16th – Turkey
May 30th – Azerbaijan
June 13th – Iran

Many Blessings
Suzan Anzara

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Something to think about, March 2012

On the 24th Feb 2012, I had a visitation from a beautiful glowing, starry white unicorn who impressed upon me the need to accompany him to a destination outside of Earth.  We then travelled across Earth, through a vortex into a higher frequency spacial zone and headed for an oscillating observatory that had been set up in that particular region.

The observatory construct itself was from something that resembled clear quartz crystal and was pulsating an extremely high frequency of pure white Light. I felt that the observatory was not permanently anchored in this position, but was able to transit from one location to another.

We entered the observatory and found huge, powerful, hi-tech telescopes taking up much of that space.  The observatory was manned by other worldly scientists who invited me to look through the main telescope leaving me wonder struck by what I saw.  I could see beyond the known planetary system to a vast expanse outside our solar system where several unknown planets came into view.

The first two of these planets specifically caught my attention.  One was garnet in colour as opposed to the red of Mars, the other was sapphire blue similar to the colour of planet Earth.  I was shown that energies from these two planets which I will name Garnet and Sapphire Blue, were beginning to slowly infiltrate Earth for the purpose of adding a stronger, high frequency energy field to create further stability for Mother Earth.

I was then invited to look through the telescope toward planet Earth.  I am not a scientific person, rather I am intuitive and can only speak from that perspective.  What I saw was Mother Earth in great distress and struggling to survive and for that reason, she had sent an S.O.S to a solar system outside of her own, in order to support her in her time of need.  It was quite emotional for me to witness her distress.  She is like a Grande Olde Dame who has lived a long, long life and is now ready to retire and change focus and direction. 

The Garnet and Sapphire blue planets both responded to her call and immediately began to plan the best way to do so.  At the present moment, there are people living on planet Earth who retain past links to the Garnet planet and carry those particular codes within them, so it was decided, on a trial base at first, to download this higher frequency resonance into four people of Earth who carry these links, to act as transducers of this energy to help create a more stabilising effect for Mother Earth.

If these four people are able o successfully carry this super vibration without going into shock or overload, it will progress to others with those same genetic codes, then slowly be amped up to resonate at a higher level.  This will only be done with the permission of the people in question.  The original four are in no danger at all because the initial downloading has been reduced in power to prevent any serious distress reactions.

The energy radiating from the Sapphire Blue planet is in the form of huge pillars of Sapphire Light.  The first one I became aware of in my own home location.  At first I though it was related to Archangel Michael because it has the same colour spectrum that is associated with him.  It still may be associated with Him, but is actually being downloaded from the Sapphire Blue planet.

These colours and energies contain high frequency encoding that does not exist on planet Earth.  The sapphire pillars of Light have been placed in strategic high voltage locations across our planet and will continue to pulsate this high frequency energy until it is not required any further.  They will act as a support/bracing system that will network right across Earth and link in with other high frequency crystal grids already situated.  

This may seem to be an absolute fairytale to those reading my words, but I can assure you that I do not have the imagination to make up such a story.  It does show us though, that there is so much that we still have to learn.  I felt the sadness and desperation of Mother Earth as she reached out to her allies in outer space and their response to her with love and a willingness to assist her in any way they could.

I have been impressed to write this account to show people the lengths others will go to, to be of service wherever necessary and also to alert you to the fact that you may be stimulated by these increased frequencies at different times and if that does happen, not to be afraid.  It is an entirely different energy field than we have previously been exposed to, but what it will do for you, is raise your own personal frequency even further.

Both planets that I observed through that hi-tech, powerful telescope were part of a kaleidoscope of shimmering, moving, brilliant colours set against a midnight blue night sky dotted with silver stars.  The entire scene was breathtakingly beautiful to behold and left me totally awestruck and overwhelmed by what I had been allowed to see.

Cosmic Blessings
Suzan Anzara
P.S I have been involved in downloading the garnet frequency into one of the four mentioned.  The process is underway and happening.

Copyright Suzan Anzara 2012  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Regarding Portals Update, February 2012

Dec 14th – Vietnam & Cambodia
Huge amounts of sacred geometrical encoding flooded into both of these countries, updating both Earth and atmospheric frequencies, clearing away and transmuting violent and negative energies relating to the Vietnam War.  In Cambodia, bracing was applied to mountain ranges.

Jan 11th – Indonesia & New Guinea

In both these countries, a clearing of energies remaining from the World War II.  In New Guinea, a huge power house of energy was downloaded containing all manner of updated information held within different coloured energy spirals.  Each colour relates to a particular life association area and, with the decoding of each spiral, will come updated information necessary to help the people in time, to make better choices and become more stable.

Coming up:
  • February 22nd – Greece
  • March 7th – Spain
  • March 21st – France
  • April 4th – Germany
  • April 18th – Italy